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Heathens, I nearly threw the torso across the room and may have also yelped. :) As for Albannach I have indeed heard of them and even seen them a couple of times at the Edinburgh festival. Great stuff. Another similar band is Clanadonia, one of favourite songs of theirs is 'Ya Bassa' :P I have to admit to being a bit of a traditionalist in that I love the the music of pipes and drums. I can't listen to it for too long though cos it sometimes makes me want to fight/invade England etc etc. :) (that is a joke in case anyone takes that as a declaration of war ;) )I had the honour of taking part in the Edinburgh Miltary Tattoo last year so got to listen to mass pipes and drums up close. Was an experience I won't forget anytime soon. :)


Cool, I got to meet them when they played at the Highland Games last week, great times. Of course, any day I get to run around in my Mackay tartan and get hammered, listening to the pipes and drums all day long, with the Lion Rampant flying high overhead, is a good day, lol. I'll have to check out Clanadonia, thanks for the heads up!

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Happy to help :) And the way you described is the only way to enjoy that kind of music. :)


Ok first off an apology, Ive went and built ANOTHER fething head!! :o This is going to be the final base though save some details being added/gaps filled, i am sick of building heads so this will do lol although I may remove the vent on the sides and stick some weapons in there, possibly a couple of flamers. :HQ: Anywhoo I thought Id show where Im at. Ive also just finished building my Star Phantoms scouts so will work on getting some paint on them in the morning.










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That looks so cool.


I think what I like about it is that when the pieces are all together, they make a cohesive whole. Its only upon closer inspection that you find that its made up of lots of bits. That I think takes real skill to achieve. Well done.

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Most of them have been ripped apart and reused elsewhere either on the next head or somewhere else. :o They pretty much all used the same base. I added the last photo just as a little scale shot :)


Oh and onto the next area (problem)





Just seen your reply Brother Syth, thanks man its comments like that I need to keep me going. :HQ:

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Nighthunters, Im really not sure about the arms. I was originally planning Knight style arms but I think with the way this guy is so lowslung I think the mini warhound arms would look better. I think the knight style arms would work on something a little more upright. Ill have to see what I can come up with.


Andrew J Its been mentioned elsewhere that the single eye isnt really cutting it now. Again Ill have to play around and see what I can come up with. This is the final head save a few tweaks here and there. Ive spent more time on that part than most of the model lol.


Quick question, do you guys think I should look at adding some Anti Infantry weapons to the head or do you think the heavy bolters on the torso will be enough. If yes what kind of weapons? I dont actually play 40K so it doesnt have to be strictly game legal but im just looking for some opinions.

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Well, traditionally, there aren't any weapons at all on the head, just the two big weapons on each arm. That's not to say it wouldn't look good with a couple of underslung reaper ACs. I could envision some kind of fluff saying that these things were going off and the casings appeared as brass drool from some feral monstrosity.


my .o2

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys, minor update mainly cos Im a bit peeved. A friend was round with her kid the other day and he decided he was going to 'play' with the Gorehound while my back was turned. Cue the model being dropped and the head being trampled on ( by me I might add as I went to investigate the noise) Well......frack!


Messed about a little tonight and changed the leg plates to something a little more substantial looking and tried my best with the head. The StormTalon and Dread bits that were on there are usless now as they took the brunt of my size 10's. ;)







Also made a very quick start on a possible weapon. Ill need to order a few more bits but I think it may work. Basically Im gonna mirror what I have already done here with the Landraider engine parts and the Ork gun. Hopefully itll resemble a Flamer/Plasma type weapon :o


Let me know what you think? :tu:

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Bummer dude, that's like my biggest fear when wee ones are around, I actually even had a nightmare about it once! (true story)


This is incredibly impressive by the way! I always feel commenting on this kind of stuff is a little pointless because everyone has already said the obvious: awesome, brilliant, fantastic, and wicked cool!

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Thanks Goose, I couldnt be mad at the wee guy though. I was more annoyed at myself for A not putting it out of reach and B standing on the head lol. Ive decided to put the Titan down for a bit and work on other projects ie finishing my Dread and Termis. Ive just pretty much burnt myself out working on little bits here and there as and when I can. Ill leave it for a while and come back to it with fresh eyes and see what happens.
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Knocked up another Skull Champ for the 2nd Squad of Zerkers (yet to be built) And started a really rough Skull Champ for the Teeth of Khorne (Havocs) I have planned. The havocs will have mostly ML and HB's.






And the 3 Skull Champs still obvioulsy WIP. I need to GS the 1st Squad Champ and add a couple of Deteails, 2nd squads Champ needs a lot of clean up and the Havoc Champ is very very WIP.




Rough Tooth, Needs Khornifying. ;)


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Thanks mate, like I say the Titan is on the back burner while I work on some Troops. I'm also looking for some suggestions. I'm getting a little bored of the basing scheme I've been using on the Zerkers and I'm wondering wether I should change to a more ruined Manufactorum or stick with the ship interior style? Thoughts?
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My vote is for the Manufactorum, reason being that Berzerkers are going to mess up anything they come into contact with, even if it's just the terrain! And ruins just seem more in keeping with Chaos anyway.

Everything you seem to turn your hand to is uniformly excellent anyway (especially Titan recovery jobs!) so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

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Thanks for the kind words mate, appreciate it. Im thinking the ruined Manufactorum is the way to go. I just need to add some rubble here and there to cover most of the chequerplate flooring. Ill probably leave the Dreadnought base as is for now though.
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Thanks buddy, a quick update before I start painting.

Built another rough Havoc these arent finals just basically a proof of concept. ;)

'Shoot over there!!'




Imma Skull Champion, Imma stand on something and look awesome!





Krixus and Khorda


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Krueger the Undying, Paint in progress






Th epics are a little over exposed, its not quite as bright irl

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Heres where I left the painting of Krueger tonight. Thoughts on the claws?






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Niiiiice selection of Skull Champions you bring before Khorne, he will be most pleased I am sure. You have been busy on every front, ancient Krueger looking very well, I like the claws. They look, ummmm, ominus! Maybe add some lightning crackles? But they could detract from such a nice green.


Also bad luck with the Titan, I hope the next place your foot ended was on the kid....no, I am just joking....honestly!

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