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Im thinking I may add some lightning type stuff, ill have a think about it.

Also if my foot had gone near the kid I wouldnt have gotten near the mother :) I had to restrain myself :)


Did a couple of tiny wee bits


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  • 2 weeks later...

WIP on the DP axe.




And unfortunately these guys are still on my painting desk.



Hopefully I'll have them finished soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The most up to date pic of the dread.



Due to a case of insomnia I've switched DoW2 off and started throwing bits together again,


Something wicked this way comes.....






NOW, I'm not exactly sure about this mock up, part of me likes it and part of me thinks it's cheesy as all hells nut sacks. I'm looking for some feedback as usual. Usual apologies apply for making another head mockup :confused:


I should also add that I've placed an order for a certain set of bits from the Ork stompa kit. I'm not too sure of the scale but I thought I may as well see how it looks. As to what 'it' is, I'll leave you to guess among yourselves. :)

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I actually like it quite a bit; my suggestion would be to shave down and greenstuff over the eyes and nose of the maw-mouth. It'd make it look like the mouth actually belonged to the titan itself, and not just a decoration.
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Thanks buddy, someone over on Dakka suggested maybe turning the eyes into 'nostrils' The more I look at the last pic the more I like it. The tusks look especially brutal IMHO. Obvioulsy ive only kinda half assed the decoration everywhere else and I'm now thinking I'll try and replicate the serrated trim of the faceplates elsewhere as well. I don't want him to be spiky as such but the sawlike edging is really appealing to me.
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I actually like it quite a bit; my suggestion would be to shave down and greenstuff over the eyes and nose of the maw-mouth. It'd make it look like the mouth actually belonged to the titan itself, and not just a decoration.


I agree with this idea for sure. This is definitely the best mockup

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I feel like each mockup of the Gorehound's head has been better than the last - I'd say keep this one but I almost want to see what you'd do with the next one. :D Guess I have to second the nostril idea - that or cover the eyes with some sort of armor plate, possibly the flat shoulder plate from a Defiler's CCW arm?
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Thanks for the replies guys, I have to say I think this head has the most personality ou tof al the previous builds, iy looks angry. ;) My good friend Krautscientist did a rough paintover of the maw without the eyes to give a better idea.




But Ive also ordered this bit from Hoard o Bits to try out as well. :)



I cant wait to get the Stompa bits as I can already picture them on the Gorehound. :P

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The arm is gonna need some work.




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Thanks buddy the upper arm will be worked on as soon as I figure out a secure way to mount the arm. Still waiting on my bits order coming from Hoard o Bits but I got my copy of Dark Vengeance and really couldnt leave things alone. A couple of really simple headswaps later and Im contemplating chopping more of the kit up. :tu:





And when I first saw pics of this guy I wasnt too impressed, but having the model in hand and I really like it. :o


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Alas filthy renegade I have to agree. :tu: Its gonna be pain to remove the DA details on the shoulder pad and cape but I think I may take the time and make him a Master of Sanctity.


Meant to add these pics as well :o






One of the original inspirations for my Gorehound



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Did a little painting today. The lighting really isnt doing them any favours, I also need to fix the eyes on the combi bolter Termi and add eyes to one of the zerkers (doh) Only 4 more Zerkers and 6 more Termis to do for full squads. Im still undecided on the colour scheme for my cultists, Im toying with the idea of painting them grey/black for a more undivided feel as Im not too sure WorldEaters would really utilise cultists.









Whats the thoughts on the Dread now? It will have a freehand WE symbol in red on the left shoulder once I find the stones to attempt it.



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*woops double post*


Couple more Terminators.




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