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Hoard o Bits delivery arrived today ^_^


Whatcha think?





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Wait! I thought I primed my head-swapped DA Sarge already?! :huh:


... well, I DID! :(




Nice! ;)

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That bits built Titan is just insane. I can't think of a better way to describe it. I love trying to bash bits together to make cool stuff but that there is a Scrap Daemon winner. I agree with Paladin7221, I think the maw is a great addition but it does seem to be missing that 'je ne sais quoi'


Can't wait to see the next update. Any thoughts on what's going on the right weapon mount?



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Thanks guys. I'm at work at the moment so can't give detailed responses to each of you yet. I agree the maw could do with a little more work. When I look at it I imagine the reactor from Event Horizon for some reason. The right arm will be a large gun of some description. I haven't got that far yet :)
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Circus Nurgling As Paladin says its from the Ork stompa kit. Im going to look at removing the barrel from the top and getting rid of the more Orky gubbinz on it.


Paladin7221 i like the thinking, not to sure how I would implement it though. This is what I think of when I look at it for some reason.



Kastor Krieg, just shows that great minds really do think alike. And fools seldom differ :lol:


Bungicats, there will indeed be another arm added eventually once I figure out how Im finally attaching this one. Im going to look at adding some sprue 'scaffold' inside the torso as I feel it may prove to be a little weak once both arms and head are in place.


Nighthunters, Pig of Sparta, I really appreciate the kind words from you guys as both of you have inspired me at different points in this hobby. The upper arm will indeed be bulked up to bringit line with the rest of the model.


Thanks again for the words of encouragment guys. Ive felt like scrapping this project a couple of times now but the feedback I get on here is invaluable in making the improvements needed. :cuss



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Seriously, Biohazard, the Gorehound's head gets better and better every time. The Kraken/Sarlacc Pit look brings the Helbrute to my mind but, first off, cutting that thing apart would be tantamount to the worst heresy in the eyes of the Gods, plus it would probably be a bit on the smallish/organic side for what you're going for.


The Terminators are looking fantastic! Conversions are subtle as always and the smooth bright red you've got with this army is absolutely brilliant. I do think it's a bit flat in some of the more open areas, mainly the Dreadnought's red shoulder. Highlighting it without ruining the smooth look would be tricky but a very, VERY subtle line on that one edge might do it. Certain models (the combi-bolter termi's open shoulder) might benefit from a little blacklining here and there but I'm hardly one to talk - they look great as they are.

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Thanks for having a look buddy. The thing with red is I agree it is a little flat in areas but it's actually not quite as bright irl. I can't seem to get a decent picture of it. My proper camera isn't working so all I have is my iPhone and it seems to wash out the reds really badly at times. I need to look into building a proper light box. That might help. Of course it would also probably show up the mould lines I've missed etc etc lol


For the maw I like the skulls from the original part but I don't think they would work with the new part, I like the bio/organic ideas of the Saarlac etc but I don't think it would work with the rest of the model unless I went nuts and started to gs muscle and gribbly bits everywhere. I don't know. I'm going to look at adding proper eyes as I don't think the cyclops look is really working anymore, I also have a few other details to add to the head.


Again, many thanks for looking.

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Lol at Kierdale, I did pretty much the same thing when I saw the complete set on eBay. It was the first time I'd seen the whole game and it wasnt going for silly money.


I'm thinking the gaps towards the back of the head will become the eyes. From the side it would look more in line with the Forgeworld one. Quickly knocked together a shoulder plate and upper arm cover.




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The new mouth looks good as a beginning, but could really do with more teeth - concentric rings of them if possible. A la PotC's Kraken:


I approve of this idea. It already has tentacles coming off of its head. Don't tell me they are horns.

Regardless of whatever method you choose to do, I have no doubt it will continue to be awesome :D

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as soon as the kraken pic trom POTC came up i knew dark apostle thirst wouldnt be far behind :( :D


this titan is coming together awesomely now

and scary looking too .still loving it :)

Edited by daemonclaw
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Sweet Lord Jessy Christ! I didnt know you dabbled in the Dark Side man. And dabble you do that's some crazy beast of a titan you have got going on there son!


Really nice Khorne force you have. I like it :)


As for the DV stuff your not going to paint them as Dark Angels are you? That Chaplain would make a great Star Phantom Captain.You could replace his incense burners with hour glass from the flagellant sprue (I have spares I could post you for free!). Give him a power axe and I reckon you got your self a pretty grim scary captain. I see you want to use him as a master of sanctity but imagine him in white power armour with the black tabbard uuummmmmmm.


Great work. I wondered why your SP log had gone quiet but this explains everything, carry on..


Nice one

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Dark Apostle Thirst, those aren't tentacles they're tusks :( And mate you totally remind me of the Lonely Island skit with Michael Bolton. :)


Daemonclaw, thanks man things are starting to fall into place a lot faster now. Still a lot to be done though.


The Yak, those are some brilliant ideas for the Star Phantoms mate. I especially like the hourglass idea. I'll be working on the Star Phantoms soon. I have an objective marker to finish :D

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Woah! Digging the original Space Crusade stuff, very nostalgic. That is what got me and my brother into wargames (well, that and Hero Quest!) :)


Nice to see some paint on your frothing maniacs, they are looking well. I want to see lots of blood! Are you going to weather them at all when you finish them?


As for the big boy, awesome in every way, he really is. Big kudo's dude :lol:

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Thanks buddy, I base coated a couple of the Space Crusade Marines the other night and I'm looking forward to finishing the squad as they are the reason I got into this hobby way back when. Heroquest is going to be my next eBay purchase as soon as I find a decent one :)


At the moment I've no plans to weather these guys for two reasons. One I quite like the look of them as is. Two to be honest I'm pretty sure I'd screw it up and end up having to completely repaint the entire mini lol.


I've been knocking bits together for my Khârn counts as too so should hopefully have something worth showing soon ;)

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