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Whats the thoughts on mounting the chainsaw like this rather than the original way?




Also a couple of random detail shots to show where bits have been reused. The grille at the front of the SR torso is from the centre of the Land Raider powerplant, the pistons on the hips are from the back of defiler legs, the cables at the same point are from teh Lascannons that were used to build the legs. ;)




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Yeah I see what you mean buddy but I think its a little more balanced this way. Not quite sure how Im going to work out the reach issues though.


With so many other projects I should be working on I decided tonight before getting ready for work that while randomly rummaging through my bitsbox that I would start another project! :lol: This was built using only the extra bits I have kicking around from the Gorehound. Obviously its nowhere near finished (nothing of mine ever is :lol:) The legs need beefing up a little but I like it so far.




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Just a minor thing I've picked on, and I say this hesitantly because I could never do anything approaching the level of the Gorehound.

For a Khornate war machine or Titan-sized beastie in general, that chainsword is awfu' weedy....

I have this idea that a blade the size of the Meka-Dred's Killsaw would look more commensurate with the bulk of the body.


Will the smaller walker turn into some kind of 'Mortis' pattern Helbrute or similar?

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Mr Malevolent Thanks for the comment buddy, I do have a slightly erratic approach to modelling but i get there eventually :)


Paladin Never hesitate to say anything if you have a suggestion mate, i spend way to long staring at these bits so i need a little outside help now and again. I admit i agree with you on the size of the saw. If you look back a few pages you can see my attempt at coming up with a saw just like that. I was actually modifying it slightly tonight before I came to work.


I'm not sure what to run the Blood Puppy as. Maybe a Decimator? The weapons can easily be swapped out.


A quick peek at a possible direction. ;)


Edited by Biohazard
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Now this thing looks like it could move pretty fast! I'm really liking the design here, and it seems like it's coming along much more quickly than your scout titan as well. You could give him a really dynamic running pose that I don't think would be as plausible with it's bigger brother, too. I honestly think the legs look great. Looks like it belongs in a fast attack slot. Maybe a small bit of armor, at the shin, but that's all I would throw at it (but maybe your eye sees something mine doesn't).


I like the longer tabard a bit better. Where did you get it from? Also, the lascannon mounts look quite good. What did you use for the mounts? Is the main body valkyrie hull and wing bits, with a land raider assault ramp top?


[edit] I've recently ordered quite a bit of defiler legs, so I may have a go at something like this.

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Thanks buddy Im going to add a couple of small plates. Not much more, I also like fast lithe look it has. To this point the Blood Puppy took me 30mins. :) The longer loincloth was a blodletter banner, I like it but it doesnt have as much movement as I really want.


The Blood Stalker (maybe?) was made with the front hips of the defiler torso, the assualt ramp from the Storm Raven and the LR assault ramp, a LR dor hatch is on top of the hips nd I think the plate on the back is from the LR as well. The shoulders are made from the Storm Raven tail section cut in half. The sides of the torso are also from the SR Tail.




The lascannon mounts are made from LR Sponson mounts attached to the underside of the 'wings' then I have a dreadnought foot as the mount for the Havoc launcher



It need some tidying up some chaosifying and some detail but I like where its headed, need to work out a decent head mount now and the basic structure will be done.

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The longer loincloth was a blodletter banner, I like it but it doesnt have as much movement as I really want.


Two words. Heat gun.


Using a dreadnought foot is pretty clever. My poor, poor dreadnought... I'll have to take a look at the rules before I decide what guns go under there. I like the look of the lascannon, but I may go a cheaper route, points-wise. Butcher cannons perhaps. [edit] It seems lascannon aren't legal anyhow, so maybe [i'll go with] either dual butcher cannons or a storm laser/conversion beamer combo. Electric.


Now, is the lower part of the leg assembly made from the defiler claws?

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Nephren Ka, Which one wold you like a parts list for? The smaller Stalker or the Hound? If its the Gorehound that will be a loooong parts list lol. :lol:


Chapter Master Benji, Thanks buddy thats what Im aiming for. ;)

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Basic structure done.

Got home from work about an hour ago and did a little glueing on the Gorehound and BloodStalker. Not a monumental update as everything pretty much looks as it was except now it doesn't move :tu:




Now I'm gonna get some sleep lol

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I may try the salt dip technique Boomsly. Ive never tried it before so Ill use a piece of sprue or something to experiment.


I magnetised the torso and leg section of the Stalker, I also added some pipes/cables to the head.







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Thanks a lot guys, big praise indeed. Im surprised with how quickly this project has come together over the past couple of days.


Ill work on a parts list/how to type thing on Monday hopefully. It wont be very in depth but hopefully it'll give those who are interested an idea of what to do.


In the meantime here are a couple more closeups of the head.


Its made using a Defiler Battlecannon mount (minus the cannon itself) Two Termi teleport beacons and a head from the WHFB Ogre Kingdoms Stonehorn kit. Ive wanted to use the head for ages, I bought it to use on the Gorehound then realised the scale was all wrong. It never actually occured to me until now just to build a smaller walker lol.






I magnetised the neck section but unfortunatley due to where I mounted the magnet the head sits a lot more upright now, I still think it looks like its stalking across the battlefield though. I just need to sort out some proper weapon options for it and GS the gaps then it sonto paint. :)





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Thanks buddy, I am rather pleased with it. :)


Question time again, I need some suggestions as to what to actually use this as. I was swaying between a Decimator or a Defiler ( I'd add the battle cannon to one of the shoulders probably) any and all suggestions welcomed.

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