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Hm... that's, probably, one of the greatest things I saw in my life.


In my opinion, the little one could be 'count as' Defiler.

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Yeah I think it could work quite well as either. I'm taking it to my local club tomorrow so will see what the general consensus is there. Ive ordered a few banners from the WHFB Chaos range they should be here in a few days and will hopefully look a bit better than the Bloodletter one. I need another weapon mount to finish its right foot. I also orderd a load of magnets so I can magnetise the weapon mounts anyway as Im having great fun with those just now but the ones I have are too big for the dainty weapon mounts. Thanks for taking the time to comment guys. Edited by Biohazard
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Ha great minds! I just edited my last post. :D


*edit* the camera on my phone really blows the red out on my Dred.

A rough idea for the battle cannon.


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Well you can't take both the reaper and the TL lascannons (as the lascannon replaces the reaper in the codex entry), which is why I suggested the battlecannon go underslung on the left or right shoulder. That may change rules-wise, and we're getting some more engines shortly, so it may work with the rules or it may not. Would look more titan-ish like that as well imo.


Does look cool like that though.

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Yeah the Las is just a placeholder weapon, I did think of putting the heavy flamer under there but think it would look a little weedy.


Do you have any gas/oil barrels? Like for the baneblade (or maybe something slightly smaller)? You could convert a different, long-barrel heavy flamer, similar to what's on the warhound titan (only smaller obviously). I'm thinking same gun-chassis as the defiler's TL reaper, cut off the bayonet and stick a wire in it's place (for the ignitor), cut off the ammo belt (obviously) and run a wire from the oil barrel (underslung or to the rear?) to the ammo feed. This way a heavy flamer would be comparably sized to the other weapons. Tac it together, see how it looks. If it works for ya, fill in the holes on the reaper barrel with GS and you've got a Stalker Heavy incinerator!

Edited by Circus Nurgling
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Thanks for the replies guys, Im really enjoying building this and taking a break from the Gorehound. I do need to get on and paint the rest fo my WE though.


Circus Nurgling, I really liked that idea so went and had a play around.






A suggestion from Rawson over on Dakka suggested mounting the cannon in the maw.


On that not I had a quick look in the bits box and found this. I like the similarity to the old Epic Banelord. ;)



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Thanks guys means a lot. :)


Olisredan, it's really starting to remind me of the Epic Banelord. :cuss


Here's a couple of minor Dark Vengeance conversions for a small Black Legion I'm going to working on.







Blade Brothers


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Damn it Biohazard. I decide to revisit my WE warband and crack on with them and you're putting out work like this. #wrists.


You've been busy and as always mate everything looks top shelf. I'm quite envious of the titan. I don't even want to know what it's cost you in bits & kits thus far.





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Hehe thanks FFX, I decided today to have a proper look through my bits boxes today and see what else I can piece together. I managed to build 7 new running Zerkers. I added a couple of bits to one of my existing Skull Champs and now have another 8 man Zerk squad. :) They still need a lot of work ie purity seals removed, khorne icons added and lots of clean up. The helmets will all be swapped for faceswaps soon, Ive also still to order the Khorne shoulder pads for them but I like how they look so far. :)



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Its been a busy ol week so this is a very minor update. Got a base sorted for the Blood Stalker and detailed the back vents. The trophies and skulls on top are just there to try and give me ideas how to decorate this beastie, I also need to make it more Khornate. :P







Forgot to add this, I made a little objective marker. As close to a shrine as the Worldeaters are going to get imho. ;)





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