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Jeesum H. Crackerjack. It looks alive, man.


I pop in to look at this thread every once in a while, and it just keeps getting better every time. Biohazard, the amount of imagination and ingenuity you put into your models is just freakin' unbelievable. Please don't ever stop being amazing. If you do, I will cry.

Edited by Lexington
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Rhetoricus, Thanks buddy. :)


Lexington, I don't know about being amazing mate but I've definitely no intention of stopping converting/kitbashing anytime soon. Work eats into a lot of my time though. :huh: I almost have the Blood Stalker primed now as well as one of my new Helbrute models. Hopefully the next update will be painted pics of them.


Again, thanks for checking this out.

Edited by Biohazard
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Damn man I've missed a lot ... haha .. you are a kitbashing FOOL! .. they are looking awesome. I'm really liking the way the Skull / Head turned out .. are you going to put more on the shoulder areas? maybe like a bunch o big sharp spikey spikes 8) .. either way it's badassery is high .. looking forward to see it finished up..
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Thanks SincaiN long time no see ;) Love your work over on Dakka though :P I think I may add some more spikey bits or maybe a banner or something to the top of the Stalker as it looks a bit bare at the moment. ;)



Got home early from work today and intended on working on a few models to get them ready for my game on sunday.



Instead........................................... I built this. :D


None of this is glued or cut to fit, I literally picked up a Land Raider base and a Defiler torso and started sticking stuff together with blu tack. I seem to suffer from an affliction that prevents me from working on stuff I need to work on and start doing stoopid stuff





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Its a A Wing! a SM A Wing *applauds* I want one. No I want 3. Just needs the squared off nose bit cut flush with the rest of the cockpit imo, and possibly making a little deeper? whaddya think? Either way cracking work bud. Im always complaining that chaos have much more opportunity for conversions than loyalist marines. You've done some sterling work here to redress that balance.


More please

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Heck, nobody said the Heldrake had to look like a mechanical dragon....

I prefer to see it as an aircraft class, rather than a specific vehicle.


P.S: Get rid of the eagles over the wing thrusters, that's just wrong. :P

Edited by Paladin7221
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The Heldrake is the only flyer available to Chaos at the min ( I think?)


I think Ill remove the tail section and look at sorting the front out as well like you say Rhetoricus, Ill probably do away with the pilot as well if im going to make it a Heldrake proxy. Im thinking a skull like the one on my Bloodstalker could look pretty cool in place of the Pilot?

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Knock it up and we'll see eh? I actually think you're on to something there. You can just name the craft - The Helldrake. Clever that ;)


EDIT: I actually don't think there's a problem with the tail section, although if you did remove it you wouldn't need to deepen the cockpit as much. Maybe you could try making a proper A-wing tail, two vertical fin stylee things.


Happy modding bro :P

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I think it actually looks a little more like the Snowspeeder? I only have the actual Bloodstalkers head to see how the skull would look but I think I quite like it. As said before though nothing is actually cut to fit this is all held together by Blu-tac at the moment.

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So cool mate. So so cool.


With the first one you could leave the squarish nose section and use it for weapon mounts either side of the head?

With the second one you prolly wanna cut it flush and possibly (ever so slightly) extend the wings.


As always these are only my opinions, and an attempt to fuel your already quite considerable imagination. Feel free to tell me to get knotted :P


Really looking forward to see where this ends up. Hopefully it's future involves a paintbrush ;)

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Which ones are you meaning buddy?


Another couple of rough ideas, Im going to leave it for the night and go watch Prometheus now. Lemme know what you think ;)




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Paladin You're pretty much spot on, there's a couple o Drop pod find in there as well and it's all built around a defiler main hull on top of the floor plate from a Land Raider. Ill take some pics of it without the wings to let you see a bit better.





Thanks Nighthunter I'm going to be scouring eBay just shortly for bits for this. I'm starting to really like it. I'm so close to finishing the Bloodstalker all I need is another 'claw' for its foot and finish the shoulder decor and it'll be fully primed.

Edited by Biohazard
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Paladin You're pretty much spot on, there's a couple o Drop pod find in there as well and it's all built around a defiler main hull on top of the floor plate from a Land Raider. Ill take some pics of it without the wings to let you see a bit better.

Thanks for that - now, I agree with the others: get the Gorehound finished!

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haha yeah I know man .. real life .. my son was born Sept 29th so we've been having a lot of family time :lol: and I've been working on my house .. If you want to see some of it check the link to my blog .. I added some pictures the other day 8) Thanks man.. I post the non PA on Dakka . .. 8)


really liking the first flyer.. looks so much better then the storm talon or whatever the new mini flyer thing is called.. the GW one looks way out of porortion to me but you got the sizes right!.. looking awesome man. but it makes me sad in a way haha .. I can't working on anything right now and it's killing me hahaha..


Keep kicking butt man! Looking good..

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Thanks guys,

SubtleDiscord, I'm sure anything you put your mind to would blow my work out of the water. I seriously hope you DO start a Titan build one day :D


SincaiN, Congrats on the kid he's a wee cracker. Looks like you have your work cut out for you in the playroom as well. The Hobby room will be easy enough sorted when you're ready and then you can get back to work knowing you and the boy have a 'play'room each :) Seriously though great work on a rather daunting project.


I should be picking up a couple of weapon options for the Gorehound this weekend so watch this space. :)

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