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Kol-Saresk thanks for the kind words buddy. Really like your fluff. Great work.


Midnight Runner, I know man I really can't help myself. Like I say I had a unit to finish for Sunday for my first game but I'd still rather mess about with other junk. Haha. My bits boxes are starting to empty a little now. Ill need to restock soon. ^_^

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As mentioned before I have a game coming up so needed to get my second squad of Zerkers fully built. These guys are all made from bits and some scrappy ebay mini's which have been lying in my bitzbox to salvage Khorne runes and headdresses from. Preferrably Id rather just buy some new bits when I have the cash but time and more importanltly money dictate that these guys do for now. I just need to order more Khorne shoulder pads.

These need a lot of cleanup and gap filling still, also Im not 100% sold on a couple of the poses so there may be tweaks further down the line but they are built and good to game so Im happy for now.


First up is a final build for the 1st squads champ. Ideas for him have been knocking around this thread for a while but my ADD always meant Id moved onto something else before locking down a final design. The Khorne symbol at his waist has obviously moved while the glue was drying so Ill need to fix that and get him cleaned up before paint.


Skull Champion Khorda





Now Squad Krixus




Skull Champion Krixus












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Thanks mate, he is one of my favs as well. Well, clean up is done as best as I can actually be bothered this morning. The guys are all packed in their Dreadclaw and we are off to kick the snot out of Mortarions lepers. :D Hopefully my footsloggers can make it across the board and actually claim a skull or two.
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We are buddy. It was just a 'training' exercise ;)


Just home from my club and I managed a draw. :) Had a great time as well. I learned two things, Berzerkers are great in close combat an Plague Marines are tough as hell. It's safe to say I now have the gaming bug and I'm now planning my list for using against a Dark Eldar force in a couple of weeks. :)

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Thanks buddy, the Zerkers look a lot better now they have been primed. Im thinking once they're painted they will look pretty good.


At the club today I picked up a couple of bits so knocked up a Turbo Laser for the Gorehound. Im quite happy with how its come out so far (apart from the shoulder joint, that needs a lot more work) Looking at it now though Im really not sor sure about the chain blade weapon. I may change that out for another shooty option.



Lemme know what you think. c&c as always welcomed.








And as always a scale pic


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Those are fricken awesome bud!


I know what you mean on the blade, the upper arm looks a little skinny still but not irrecoverable! A big morning star could look great though or a Vulcan mega bolter esque attachment..... Oh choices choices

Edited by NightHunters
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Thanks a lot buddy, I got a Vulcan Mega bolter alongside the Volcano cannons but it was waaay too small to use on this guy, I will probably convert up a proxy for all the weapons eventually, I quite like the idea of the morning star though. Im sure there was an old EPIC model that had that option. I know exactly what you mean about the upper arm being too skinny at some angles it looks fine but from front on it definitely needs work.


Just for fun heres a quick pic with all my Chaos Walker models and a DV Chosen :ph34r: These are all in various stages of completion.



Edited by Biohazard
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MADNESS!!!! pure MADNESS!! everytime I need inspiration you deliver in spades. keep up the good work. now I dont know which I want parts lists for more. guess it would be crazy but I think I'd like to know for both walkers. if that dont make your enemies think twice they must be medicated....
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HellChyld, Thanks man. I will try and sort you out with a parts list for the Blood Stalker A.S.A.P. The Gorehound will take a long time for me to remember everything so that may be a while. :)


Dark Apostle Thirst, Glad you approve buddy, I actually cut the cannon down approx 2" as well. Those things are huge. Any suggestions for fixing the shoulder mount?


Tanith Ghost The Turbo Laser is made from two Volcano Cannons from the Baneblade kit and some bits from the Vulcan Mega Bolter as well

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Like the new weapon. The upper arm portion of the chain-blade looks a bit spindly to me (or perhaps it's the length that makes the weapon look spindly?). Looking at Titan ccw, they should hug closer to the body/shoulder joint, traditionally, so maybe that's what's throwing it off. I dunno, just throwing out ideas.


Hey how does that Stalker compare to a forgefiend? Height-wise? Been thinking of making a variation of yours, slightly shorter, with the two hades AC underslung on either side of the torso...

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I think youre spot on with the arm being too long. I was thinking the exact same thing, ill have a look after work and see how I can maybe remedy that.


The Stalker is fairly tall, next time I'm at the club Ill get a pic of them together to give you an idea. I've thought about the Defiler plates but I've none left lol. I am going to order some more though as I need them for another project ^_^

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