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Some of you may remember my Venerable Dread for the Star Phantoms 'Valerius the Elder'



Well.................I got bored with him and left him on the shelf for a long time so Ive decided to make another WE Dread.


Meet the early work in progress of 'Voorhees the Relentless'




His legs will be reposed into a mirror of 'Krueger' and Ive still to decide on a weapon for him, he will be my Dakka dread. Im thinking of making another heavy bolter arm like I had on the early works of Krueger and maybe a multi melta as well. The symbol on his shoulder is a very quick rough attempt at the WE badge. Im going to have another crack at that when Im less tired.


As always any feedback is appreciated.



Oh I should mention Squad Krixus is paint in progress, nothing much to show yet though.

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Have to say, I prefer the second one. Not too sure why, I just do.


I think its possibly because the head doesn't look as low to the ground. I love him, I really do but I think id love him more if you could extend the legs on him a little. Maybe with sentinel legs ala GuitaRasmus stylee.

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Thanks guys, I think most of the top heaviness comes from the pictures to be honest. I do see what youre saying though. I may actually give him the skull mask as well as I think the visor mask is a little long for the dread torso. I was wanting to keep them similar but have their own identity. Im heading to my pit soon as Im working at stupid o clock again tomorrow but I will try and get some better pics then and maybe do a comparison pic with the heads to see what you like better? Im leaning back to the skull to be honest.


A quick pic in better light with the skull faceplate.


Edited by Biohazard
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Doesn't matter what we like bro, only what you like. :) I offer only my humble opinions and you know what they say about those :)


Don't ever compromise mate. If you like that head, then make it work.


EDIT: Try setting it higher up/further back

Edited by Rhetoricus
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I know that buddy, thats why I built so many heads for the Gorehound :) Im just looking for another set of eyes on this as I wasnt too sure of the visor in the first place like i say I think it throws the proportions of the torso out a bit especially since the 'belly' plate is a little lower than the one on my finished dread. :) Im looking at the two Dreads together and Im really liking the two skull faceplates grinning back at me :P
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Thanks Mr Malevolent. :tu: appreciate your words


Just for you Rhetoricus heres a quick pic of the soon to be 'twins'.



Oh yeah, and this happened a few days ago. The two Helbrutes I have will be used in a small Black Legion force Im planning as I think the newer style models stand out a little too much among my WE and it bugs me. :lol:




And just for a bit fun and a scale shot. :lol:


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Oh yeah, and this happened a few days ago. The two Helbrutes I have will be used in a small Black Legion force Im planning as I think the newer style models stand out a little too much among my WE and it bugs me. :cuss



Now that is what a crzy warped chaos dreadnought is supposed to look. BTW, is the Hellbrute a named dreadnought or is it a sparate unit type? Can't wait to see it painted.


And just for a bit fun and a scale shot. :(


Those two are great as well. The defiler heads look really cool on all three walkers.
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Thanks for the comments guys they really help to keep me motivated as I have the attention span of a puppy in a playground I'm very easily distracted. That's why it took the best part of a year to finish the first dread. Lol.


Helchyld you should def get done dreads, I love them. I'm thinking of magnetising the arms on Krueger as well now for a bit more tactical flexibility.


The Helbrute is one and the same as a Chaos dreadnought. But the way I see it is the Helbrute has given itself over to the warp completely and the Dreadnoughts are just a wee bit insane. :lol: I love the Brute models but my WE are striving to avoid losing themselves fully to chaos so I will have very little mutation in my warband.

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All the walkers I have at the moment, there will be another added real soon though. :P




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Today I painted up the base for the Blood Stalker (Defiler), not a huge or really noteworthy update but Im quite pleased with how it came out. I do still have to take some black around the edge to tidy it.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night I was having a look through my Liber Chaotica and came across the section on Blood Spawn and thought to myself 'Im doing this' :down:

Nothing too impressive but Im happy enough with them pre greenstuff. I also have a PIP of the objective marker I made a couple of weeks ago.







Size comp with a Termi.



The objective marker.


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Lol yeah I couldnt help myself. I only wanted it for the demon face on the front and had no idea what to do with these guys until I read the Liber Khorne, one of the illustrations is very similar to these guys so it just fit. :( I had thought of using them as ogryn berzerkers but I dont think they are dynamic enough.
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Skull Champ Krixus paint in progresss



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