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Thanks guys, ill hopefully have the spawn built fully this week and I'm hoping to have finished painting Squad Krixus by the weekend. I have a couple of guys to paint for Squad Khorda as well that I want to finish soon. I'm itching to get working on the Star Phantoms again as there seems to be an influx of Marines Malevolent players lately and that uprising needs to be crushed. :)
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Thanks buddy, as for the Star Phantoms Im not too sure. They havent really kept my attention over the past few months, everytime I sit down to start painting I always manage to find something else to do. I think to be honest its cos theyre such a pain to paint smoothly ( for my limited skillset anyway) Im going to try and at least paint up a Tac Squad to go with the scouts failing that the scouts will be stripped and repainted in my original idea of Scythes of the Emperor. I have approx 1500pts worth of Imperial marines kicking around so need to do something with them.


*EDIT* I realise this is a complete cotradiction to what I sadi the other day but I really cant find any inspiration for them now. I may keep them on the back burner and work on another Imperial force in the meantime.

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Now I may have taken a complete step backwards here but while I was working on the legs for the Voorhees dread I decided I really didnt like Kruegers static pose. Its been bugging me for a while so I mercilessly ripped him apart tonight and did a very rough mock up of a more charging pose. The idea is to have him charging in with the more actiony Squad Krixus while Voorhees backs up Squad Khorda by relentlessy pounding the enemy with heavy weapon fire. Anyway, have a look and let me know what you think.



I think he looks a little apelike but I actually dont mind that. the feet will be reworked and he will be on a 60mm base once Ive redone his old one to fit the rest of the army.






Bear in mind this mock up took all of 30secs.

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Worked on Krueger's base. Just needing painted now really. Thought id show how Voorhees is coming along as well. Not much done since the last look really and Im still undecided on the mask as I think the visor style one is a little too long. I need to spend a bit of time messing around with that.







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Thanks buddy. I tried the visor head again but changed it a little.


Thoughts? I cut a little out of the top to keep the cool vent detail.



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THanks buddy, heres a look at everything I have to finish and paint.



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A little paint in progress. B)


Kruegers Base,



Voorhees Base



Gore Strider Base,



And finally started to lay some colour on this, I was really unsure how to tackle something this size but it seems to be coming along alright so far.



a little update, this is going to take a while lol





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Thanks buddy, not much more done on him but Im gonna crash now. Ive been working on these bases and the big fella for hours now. :)http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n235/Stovie_2006/99F39236-BFFA-4059-9A17-20FBF1810DAB-977-0000011666629DFE.jpg
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Still a long ways to go, needs another coat of Meph Red and then some highlights on the red. I really need to gs the heavy flamer and shin plates. The eyes need a lot more work as well.







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Bits arrived today for me to knock together a test model for my Raptor squad, nothing more than a simple kitbash but I think when the unit is complete they will look pretty good and fit the aesthetic of the rest of the army.




Also tonight I knocked together another objective marker/shrine.





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Thanks a lot guys, really appreciate it. The shrine is simply the icon from the WHFB Warshrine and a S***load of skulls from my bits box. It's still needs sand etc but I think it looks pretty cool. I didn't add the giant spiky circle with the khorne symbol as even on a 60mm base it looked really top heavy.
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