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Wow, I don't know what to say. Thanks guys,

Kizzdougs, that goes both ways mate Im always blown away by your updates. In fact, everyone of you who have commented on this page have inspired me in some way. Zyxogi is tempting me down a strange black/yellow path but that's a story for another day. :)


I've been a little sidetracked from painting due to Dishonored and now the new Skyrim dlc but I should be back at my table after work tonight. Squad Krixus are almost done just need to do the brass areas and a few touch ups here and there. Hopefully ill have that done by Sunday at the latest.

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Not a paint update, but a spiky one. I ordered some Orc spikes from Bits&Kits on a whim and when they arrived I realised they were the perfect scale for the Gorehound ^_^







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I ordered some Orc spikes from Bits&Kits on a whim and when they arrived I realised they were the perfect scale for the Gorehound :P

So you're the reason they've sold out and I can't get any for my Fellsword? You devil! :P


Looking very good - this lad's been absent for too long, so it's nice to see him back.

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Haha! I am mate, Id initially wanted about 24 of them but there were only 19 in stock so I nicked the lot lol :) I burned myself out with the Gorehound so took a break from it before I started half assing it. I will get back to it soon once I clear a little of the backlog.
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Squad Krixus approx 75% complete.



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The Gorehound just gets exponentially better every time you post it. The spikes are wonderful. I don't think I've commented in here since before you started on the Blood Stalker (I seriously have to snap out of perpetual-lurker-mode) but it's looking quite amazing as well. Also, REALLY digging that shrine marker.
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Thanks a lot Syth/RazXIII. :huh: The two of you are really making me want to add some armour to this force, specifically a Fellblade. :)


Heres the progress on Squad Krixus









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Ill just leave these here. ;)










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Holy cow, you actually do make Berzerkers! Kidding, completely 100% sarcasm. Don't shoot. I'm too pretty to be a skull on Khorne's Throne!


Seriously, everything is still looking good although IIRC, it has been a whole since we've seen focus on the more "mortal" members of the World Eaters. Can't wait to see how Deimos and Voorhees(those names sound familiar; any source for inspiration?) turn out.

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