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Thanks guys, hopefully he'll look decent when finished.


@Brothet Syth I still call them Chaos Dreadnoughts. My theory is the Helbrutes are dreads that have been completely taken over by the warp yet my guys won't tolerate mutation. As for the guys on the base my original intention was Marines Malevolents. :tu: I still need to add the chapter symbol to there foreheads though. :P

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Good luck with your Vow! I'm sure the Dreadnaught will be getting an excellent paint job and look spectacular. The Marine Malevolent will be a great and characterful touch.


Hopefully I'll be joining LPC as soon as I've finished my CoC vow. Not sure what I'll be paint though...

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Thanks guys, I appreciate the support. like I say I only pledged one model as I it takes me a while to get psyched for painting. I'm wanting to get the whole WE force painted by the summer as I may start another project then. :D
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  • 2 weeks later...

Raptors and Gorefiend WIP. :)


Heres the first Sneaky peeky of 2013 :)










Different bit on the Jumpack, I think I prefer this look to the more modern original.


Heres where the Gore Fiend is for the moment, the shoulder plates may have to be modified or removed. I wont know until I get the Lasher tendrils. Obviously needs a lot more cabling around the head etc.




And next to his big brother the Blood Stalker


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Thats exactly what Im doing with the legs buddy, I just use the Berzerker running legs and cut at the hip joint and twist it a little then attach the lower leg. Simple.


The head on the Gorefiend is from the Warsphinx kit from WHFB. I added a couple of eyes using the smoke launchers form teh Chaos vehicle sprue

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Thanks buddy, I have most of the parts to make a second Blood Stalker so I may yet build another. Think ill stick to just one Fiend and magnetise between the two options.


Today I picked up a few Dark Vengeance bikes for comverting into Khornate Bikers and a Chaos Land Raider (which needs some TLC)


I also picked up the Lasher Tendrils and Hades autocannons for the Fiend.


Hopefully have some updates later tonight.



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A very early look at the Lasher



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Thanks guys, I picked up a LandRaider today for much cheapness as well, it was in a pretty poor state when I got ut as the guy who built it used pretty much every singel piece from the spiky bits sprue. Spent about half an hour sorting it out an dmanaged to take all the old spikes and decor off except from the eye of horus on the assault ramp. Nothing is gonna shift that.



Worked on it a little more.




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Thanks buddy, Ive since removed the spikes from the top of the Raider as I really wasnt feeling them, it still needs a lot of clean up but Im happy so far.


Both the tendrils and smaller arms are from the Mauler Fiend kit, I got them and the Hades autocannons from a guy in a trade. I may have another set of the smaller magma cutters coming my way soon so may make the smaller arms into magma pincer deals. :wink:

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Great job on the lasher tentacles, he looks proper bamf!!


Also, great job on the LR, less is definatly more with the spikes. As for the Raptors, some great poses going on, are you going to add bunny ears? I could understand why not, but my brother has just done some with them and they do look the part. Proper mark of Khorne!

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Thanks buddy, Im happy with how its turning out. As for the Raptors Im not planning on adding the bunny ears but Im still not 100% sure on their heads yet, I was thinking of giving them all the same helmet but that feels like a bit of a cop out when almost every other model in my army has a different head. Ive got a couple of other things to work on for now though.
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I will come back to the Raptors soon as right now I need to focus on two particular models. I need to crack on with painting Voorhees for my LPC vow and I need to convert a model for a hero comp over on Dakka, Im planning on building a power armoured Captain who can be used to represent Khârn should I wish to do so. He wont be armed with an axe though but he will have a suitably killy chainsword. ;) I have the idea in my head I just need to start hacking plastic.
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Most of the conversion work is finished on Voorhees now, just need to work on a few final details and then its on to paint. Also here is a very quick and very very rough concept of how my Khârn counts as may look, again this is a very early mockup with very little in the way of conversion so far.




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Mr Vorhees is looking immense! Love the little details (open mouths on the shin skulls, why didn't I think of that?)


Like the pose on Kharne, suitably dynamic, and I know he is early stages but needs something else. Maybe a glaive with a chain blade on either end (think Darth Maul stylee) and a posher I AM A CHAMPION OF THE BLOOD GOD head FW do a nice line hint, hint....

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Thanks buddy, Im thinking of naming him Varrus Kin Slayer Ive changed his legs a bit as I want to portray him as striding forward perfectly lucid but deadly. The chainsword will either be extended or replaced with a better bit to represent Gorechild. I had thought of the Darth Maul style weapon but I couldnt get it to work right. Ive also got a plan for his head to make him a little fancier, all my zerkers have custom head you didnt think Id leave my Captain out did you? ;)


Let me know your thoughts.


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