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Thanks guys, I received an email today in regards to the Land Raider and thanks to some ridiculously brilliant generosity on the part of Tom of Blood and Skulls Industry (http://stores.ebay.com/Blood-and-Skulls-Industry) I have some Oppressor pattern tracks heading my way. Im blown away by this awesome gesture :D Ill have an update as soon as they wing their way across the pond :thanks:
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I recently gave my cultists to a friend of mine (Krautscientist check out his wrk here http://www.eternalhunt.wordpress.com/ ) I just ddnt think they fit the fluff of a World Eater force ie I dont think they would last too long in the presence of a World Eater army, even if they were suposed to be 'allies' I think they would be seen as weak and unworthy and made to fight each other to the death, then those that survived would be hunted down by Flesh hounds.....just cos thats how the 12th roll :D


I do have a unit of Bloodletters that I started painting a while back as well as my Daemon prince and Blood Thirster proxy shown a while ago as well. Im holding off on those though as the new Warriors of Chaos models are starting to leak so Im waiting to see if there is a better altrenative to the Daemon Prince kit. I may revisit Cultists in the future but for now they are out.

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Funny you should mention guardsmen as they will be my next purchase. Simply for casualties :wink:


I thought I might have some hassle removing the loyalist tracks from the land Raider to make way for thr Oppressor ones but after 15 mins in the freezer the Land Raider looked a little like this :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sgt Copel could hear a strange dull rythmic thud, the pools of oil mixed with rain water around his feet rippled in time with it almost as if some giant machines feet was ripping up the concrete of the main plaza.


Putting the bizarre thought to the back of his mind he surveyed the remains of his squad as they lay in the shadows of the Manufactorums adjacent garage block, nervously awaiting the insurgents second wave.

They had barely survived the last attack by the men they once knew as allies former PDF soldiers had turned on the Cadians as soon as they had made planet fall. The fighting had been fierce and bloody and now reports were coming over the Vox that Astartes had also joined the fray in several sectors, yet far from being the saviours Copel had hoped for they were apparently butchering both the Cadians and the traitorous PDF in equal measure. 

Crouching behind the ruined window Copel listened, the night air was deathly still the smell of sweat and fear lingered heavily. There was almost no sound save for that Emperor damned thudding and the ragged breathing of his troop. He turned with a start as one of his men started to weep openly, it was Balf, the FNG. This was his first deployment and the strain was showing. His mewling was silenced by an older brother in arms elbow to the head. Suitably chastised the young guardsman righted himself.

Suddenly they heard a boom as if some mighty cannon had just discharged and then their world exploded. 


Instantly the front of the garage disintegrated taking out three troopers Balf included. Another had a fist sized hole neatly bored through his chest by a blast of white hot light, his face contorted in a silent scream as he tried to escape his fate. Two more troopers were engulfed in flame before the south wall of the building was ripped away, there standing 2 storeys tall in the darkness was some hellish abomination with a massive brass skull and bristling with weaponry.


Copel gave the only order he could think of as the beast started firing its heavy flamer again. Retreat.

Two more troopers fell as they ran, their bodies melting in the heat of Hades, oils and fuel in the garage ignited in the chaos throwing lunatic shadows over the machine. Its servos and gears grinding as it crouched in the hole left in the side of the building. Copel could swear he saw a glint of life in the optic lens and fancied he half heard a low chuckle as it surveyed the carnage it was wreaking.
Copel primed the Melta bomb from his pack and desperately charged at the giant. He saw it notice him and turn its flamer towards him. Then he knew no more.






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Cant believe I forgot to add the pics to that last post! :biggrin.::biggrin.: Fixed now. :wink:


Played a game using my bikes and Raptors today and Wow! What a game! We went 1500 points World Eaters vs Blood Angels and it was very closely fought. The game ended on the 6th turn and all I'd lost was 1 biker, 1 Zerker squad and my 5 Termis (unfortunately my Lord was one of them) I wiped out two Tac squads, a Dev squad and 4 Terminators. We drew on 4 victory points.


My bikers did fantastically counting for 1 Termi, the first Tac squad and the Dev squad. My Defiler lasted the whole game even though it weathered at least 10 Lascannon shots from The Dev squad and a Predator Annihilator.


I also picked up some Terrain pieces as well as a box with pretty much another full building inside. Heres some pics, they need some TLC but Im loving them. Im planning on making the Manufactorum (green one) into a corpse filled haven for the WE, I may leave the others as Imperial ruins for my Star Phantoms when i get around to restarting them.



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Funny you should mention guardsmen as they will be my next purchase. Simply for casualties :wink:


I thought I might have some hassle removing the loyalist tracks from the land Raider to make way for thr Oppressor ones but after 15 mins in the freezer the Land Raider looked a little like this :smile.:



So if you have a model in the freezer the glue becomes easier to seperate? Is it for superglue or plystyrene cement? Just curious as I've never heard of this before.


As for the rest. Models are awesome and disturbing and am a big fan of the terrain. Nice use of an old Rhino there, got a few myself I was wandering what to do with!

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Yeah if you stick it in the freezer for a bit it makes the superglue brittle and easily removed. I haven't tried it with poly cement although by its nature it melts the plastic slightly so IF it does become brittle at low temps the plastic may still be damaged. I wouldn't leave a model in for too long though as it may cause the plastic to go brittle as well.


Ps thanks. ;)

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So the B&C is back up, I was starting to have withdrawals. :)


I finished up the Blood Stalker for a painting/converting contest over on Throne of Skulls and I unbelievably won it! Yesterday was a great day. :) A friend of mine Krautscientist knocked a little photoshop of pic I'd taken in the new terrain and I love it so wanted to show it here.



I also worked a little more on converting the LandRaider after my tracks from Blood and Skull Industries arrived last week. Let me know what you think.




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Congrats on the contest mate! Must say, the 'Stalker looks even more terrifying stalking through some ruins. Landraider looks suitably brutal, but in an understated way, despite having a massive skull on the front and :censored: -off huge murder treads.

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Thanks guys.


The win was hard fought as the quality of the other two entries was ridiculously high. Pleased though, there are a few things I want to finish/touch up on the Stalker.


Thanks for the comments on the Land Raider as well, understated is exactly what I'm going for. I don't see why the Traitor Legions need to have garden fences welded onto every piece of equipment to show their allegiance. It's the same reason I've kept my Zerkers and Raptors rather plain as well. I don't see them wanting to spend time covering their armour in fancy trim when they could be training or killing. :)


Need to clean up a few of the old spots of glue on the Raider then it will be primed. Along with the Raptors and bikes. I'm needing to spend a few weeks just painting so hopefully I can sort that out soon.

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Congrats on winning the Throne of Skulls comp! I imagine your entry would have been pretty hard to compete against.


The bladed tracks on the Landraider are great and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the terrain.

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Thanks buddy and trust me it was some really tough competition. Happy with the win though.


Tonights update is actually someone I completely forgot about, I started him a whie back and then I had a bit of a disaster in the room I keep all my hobby stuff so he was packed away and forgotten about. I did a little work on him tonight, the head is still a placeholder as I have a few ideas to make one a little more like Kharns. Hes still not finished as the legs need a bit of tidying and the sword may be replaced, the lower handle fell off after I took the first pic so it needs pinned anyway :)


 This guy will be run mostly as a power armoured Lord but I like the idea of him occasionally running as Mr Kill, Maim, Burn himself. :biggrin.:


Varrus KinSlayer





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For some reason I've missed such a thread until that fateful day.

It's simply beyond words. Of course, "amazing" would jump from my lips, but the truth is, it's beyond that point. The walkers are awesome and make me happy to play Chaos, because I don't want to face those things in a battle. Can't wait to see more of the Gore Hound, but until then, most impressive, Biohazard, most impressive.

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This made me dig out my unbuilt World Eaters and think bloody thoughts :) They needed sorting anyway but now...might flit between them and my Lions.


Very impressive kitbashing. Derailed me for at least three hours reading through it all and playing "spot the bits".

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