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Everything is looking aces!


For Varrus I'd go with the second head, looks meaner :devil:


As for that Objective marker please tell me you're gonna fill the pool at the bottom with a mix of red ink and water effects, pretty please ;)

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Thanks folks, I do like the 2nd head. I'm gonna see if I have one of the standard Zerker heads with the skull face. I think they have the nicest of the headtrim/bunny ears. Ill try and botch the elements from the 3 heads into something cohesive. As soon as I saw the scout biker with respirator I wanted it for this conversion. Bits sites failed me so I ended up buying a full scout bike. The other bits will be used elsewhere though so it's all good. :)


Raz, that's exactly what I'm planning on doing. I was gonna dry brush the skulls white then fill it with some water effects......as soon as I buy some that is. Lol.

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Deathspectre, I have cut a few helmets in two to make the faceplates. I find it easier to cut off the nub that serves as a neck on the helmets do it will sit flat, then I have a very sharp flat chisel like blade that I slowly work down from the top. My cutting mat has 1cm grid so I use the lines on this to try and keep as straight as possible.


Young wolf, thanks buddy but I think I'm gonna go with the box grill style, I havent decided which ears to use yet though.

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  • 4 months later...

Right, I'm back. Been a hellish few months but starting to settle a bit now. Sat down tonight to work on the Lasher Fiend and started knocking a few ideas around. I thought I'd post them here for a general consensus. It's still needs a LOT of details and the leg/hip joint needs beefing a bit more.










Let me know what you think folks. Feels good to be chopping plastic again. :D

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And once again we play the game of 'hunt the bits' :laugh.:


I see Lord of Battles parts in there, as well as the snake skull head from the Necrosphinx kit - albeit with additions,  mounted via a Marine cupola to an inverted Dreadknight torso on Dreadknight legs with an Ogre gutplate and Maulerfiend tentacales and Cannon. A Defiler battlecannon shield, leg plates and hydraulics, a Talos arm (I'm guessing the cannon-bearing arm is from the same kit) with an Ork Deffdread saw on it.


 Anything I'm missing? :tongue.:


 You either have the bitzbox from Hel or more spare funding than I can even dream of....

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Horrifying.  Nightmare fuel.  Death with teeth and a gun.


So, yeah, I'd say you're off to a solid start :smile.:


I kinda like the gangly look, actually.  I hope adding on some armor plating doesn't cancel it out.


The pose is funny, in a good way.  Sort of like "Oh, I got something stuck in my saw.  Looks tasty!"

Edited by Firepower
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Wow thanks for the response folks.


Paladin I hate to disappoint you buddy but you're off on a few bits. The Dreadknight bits are spot on and there are the Maulerfiend tentacles and magma cutters slightly altered. The armour plates are from the Khorne daemon chariot thingy the saw is from the Deff Dred and the hydraulics are from Defiler legs. It's late and I'm away from the model just now.


As for the pose I'm not so sure about the magma cutters. I can't get them in a position I like yet but I really want something to represent them. Ill have a play around with a few other bits later. I'm gonna magnetise the lower arms so I can have use it as a Mauler or Forge Fiend.


What's people's thoughts on the Defiler shoulder plates? I think I prefer it without.

I moved some of the armour plates around a bit here.



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Wow thanks for the response folks.


Paladin I hate to disappoint you buddy but you're off on a few bits. The Dreadknight bits are spot on and there are the Maulerfiend tentacles and magma cutters slightly altered. The armour plates are from the Khorne daemon chariot thingy the saw is from the Deff Dred and the hydraulics are from Defiler legs. It's late and I'm away from the model just now.


As for the pose I'm not so sure about the magma cutters. I can't get them in a position I like yet but I really want something to represent them. Ill have a play around with a few other bits later. I'm gonna magnetise the lower arms so I can have use it as a Mauler or Forge Fiend.


What's people's thoughts on the Defiler shoulder plates? I think I prefer it without.

I moved some of the armour plates around a bit here.



What in all that's holy is this? Lol this is amazing......reminds me of grimlock ;)

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Thanks folks, I'm gonna keep the Khorne shoulders I think. Need to rethink the leg armour but that's easily fixed.


Last night I also started throwing some paint on the objective marker I built a while back. Let me know what you think.




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The skulls are part of the model, the shrine is from the Warshrine kit. For the skulls all I did was dry brush the skulls white then pour some slightly watered down Tamiya clear red over them. I like the effect it's created.
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A little more work on the shrine.



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