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Captain Semper's Consecrators

Captain Semper

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One thing im wondering about...


How did you do the bases for the termies? Besides the usual stones, i mean the steel stuff, meshes etc


These are bases made by the Microart Studio. It has a huge range of resin scenic bases for you to choose. Have a look here.



Oh, and a bit offtopic: Besides managing the ETL (btw kudos for that), did soccer European Championship distracts you in any way? Well im distracted for sure...not that good for my ETL, yesterdays game made me drink some beers, after that i dont touch my models anymore...but you Greeks made a good game there, nice fighting!


Well I made the mistake to get my hopes up after the equilizer, but there was no contest... :(



Edit: I forgot youre not participating in the event, so you have all the time in the world for anything! :lol:


Well, I've made an out-of-competition pledge to complete a 10-strong Tactical squad and a Deimos Rhino so I can be with my Brothers in spirit! :D



Everything really comes together seeing them done as a squad, phenomenal stuff, you should be dead proud of them.




Now it's your time to have a go with them! I really think the halved pattern will work to their favour... Time to update this fantastic thread of yours! ;)

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Hey man!


Just saw you blog for the first time :) I thought that I should cheer you on as well :) I must say that all-in-all you have some amazing stuff here! Looking forward for more :P

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Thanks guys, just a Tact squad and a Deimos before I can rest! :)



@ Brother Dean: Are you going to hunt me down to the end of the Galaxy to get that fortress done? :) Well I think I will be persuaded eventually... I'm going to name it: Dean's Bastion! :P

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Very nice semper. I wasnt convinced by those therminators but yours have changed my mind. I really like the heavy flamer.
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CPT Semper, I'm still not convinced by that Terminator armor pattern, but you did a great job on them. I also really like the positioning of the heavy flamer, it looks alot better there than underslung vertically like in the plastic version. :(


Looking forward to the Rhino and Tac squad.

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Thank you guys, I know the Tartaros are difficult to like. They are so easy to paint though...


Regardless, I dont think another squad is in the cards... But then again the c/c weapons look sweet. :(

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  • 2 months later...

So now its time to add a second tactical squad (that'll be Squad 3 - or Squad Zariah) and have at last a Codex-legal army with two tactical squads...


This project lasted for a year - September 2011 to September 2012. The main triver was the rule of cool and the 30k feel... Now that it's also a legal army I thought of celebrating by making an extra effort with the pics. A special thanks to bevulf for pointing me to the backgrounds. I still need to improve my skill with the diffused light but here's the result (transports to follow):


Enoch, Master of the 6th Company of the Consecrators Chapter




Chaplain Amadis, Chaplain of the 6th




Command Squad Neria




Company Veteran's Squad Kadmiel






Tactical Squad Baphomael








Tactical Squad Zariah






Second Company (Ravenwing) Squad Oertha










Venerable Brother Rhamiel




Venerable Brother Zadakiel




Cerberos, Master of the 1st Company of the Consecrators Chapter




First Company (Deathwing) Squad Onzo



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I'm in love with this army. The Consecrators are my fave Dark Angel Successor, though, so I'm a little biased.


First Company (Deathwing) Squad Onzo




Oh, God. They're beautiful.

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Pure awesome! Add this as the soundtrack and you are bang on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ0sW7KOFhU


As the lyrics say they shall confess before they die!


Damn right they will! ;)



What a great stuff you got there ! I especially like bikes, command and characters (Enoch in particular) ! I am glad to see somoeone else using the banners on sergeants's backpacks :)


what's next ?


Thx again for pointing me to the backgrounds - now I need to work on my lighting and the images will improve radically! :) Next there's the Squad Zariah Rhino (Deimos pattern) and to work out how to take pics of the vehicles, the Rhino's and the Drop pods require some love...


Wonderful stuff Captain Semper! Has your force taken to the battlefield yet?


Thx mate! The thing is I literally have no time for a game... I will see to that changing soon - 6th edition demands it! :D


Excellent work there Captain! A pleasure to behold. You have captured the heresy vibe perfectly. Your second company looks so cool with all MK VI helmets.


Well done


Glad you like them! Are you a beakie man - like Brother Immmolator? I myself prefer the Mk5 but had the helmets lying around so I put the to good use!


I'm in love with this army. The Consecrators are my fave Dark Angel Successor, though, so I'm a little biased.


I think we see things eye-to-eye. Now where do you stand on classic cars? :lol:


Great new pic Captain S, they really look awesome with the new b-gnd.


Man, I really hated the Contemptor when it came out, now though Ven. Bro. Rhamiel is my pic of your army.


Coolio Bro.





Thanks Stobz! After I do Zariah's Rhino, bye bye 40k - hello 30k! :lol: THINGS WILL HAPPEN!!!! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, the last instalment of the Consecrators, effectively putting this project to an end. The Rhino for squad Zariah - or Tactical Squad 3 of the Consecrators 6th Company.


This project lasted 1 year and 1 month - from September 10th 2011 to October 13 2012. Now it is a legal force under the 4th Edition Codex and totals up to 2,275 points (adding everything together - not necessarily a legal force ;) )


Now on to new endevours as the new DA Codex appears imminent - not to mention FW HH-era Legion! :)















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Great work as usual my Captain ;) really fantastic to see a successful project! Well done all 'round.


How happy are you that FW has just released new 30k mk IV stuff?


What are your plans, you devious man you!


And, what is your technique on the RW plasma gun coils, I'm jealous.



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