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Captain Semper's Consecrators

Captain Semper

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Thx Hex - glad you liked it!


The thing is that the Halo is part of the compulsory wargear. So it has to show somehow. However there is a conflict between what gets on the backpack: Halo or banner? So this is my solution. Let's make a quiz: From what bit is Enoch's Iron Halo? ^_^

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So, Enoch's Command Squad. Every member a (home made) named character:






Starting with Veteran Sergeant Brother Neria. He has the squad's power fist. I modelled him with the Chainsword because they look so damn vicious - a pity that they have so basic rules :D








Next Apothercary Verchiel:










Next Veteran Brother Mador - the squad's Plasma Gunner:








Then the Ancient Molocia - the 6th Company Standard Bearer.










Last but not least, Brother Morgan the 6th Company Champion - or my take on Corswain ;). The name is a nod to my car... :lol:











And another group one - this time with the boss:



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Wow, Captain! These are coming along really nice.


Awesome looking Command Squad. Love the pose on your Champion, very dynamic and looks perfect for the part. Also, I am truly envious of your ability to paint the effects on plasma weapons :P

You don't overdo it, but manage to get that glow looking real nice.


So what's next? You seem to have a nice sized army there, do you plan to add to it?

Either way, looks great as it it, and hope to see more soon. Keep up the good work!

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Thx guys, glad you liked them. I am in a painting spree following the completion of the vow - I just can't stop... :lol:


Seriously though, I'm kind of dissapointed with the quality of the picture for the Apothecary. I used Dheneb as a base, then skull white on the contours and then used very thinned down skull white (milky) on all of it. I did two hands of that. The result looks much more rewarding in real life. I'll try better pics at some point... I also used the "mechanicum" helmet because it has a really scary look about it - doubly so if it is worn by someone that is supposed to save you rather than kill you! hahahaha!


As to what's next, I will either take a breather or do my "surprise" figure that is underoated already. I do have the Master of the 8th in my mind as well. I need to put an order with FW for the MkII assault squad. I also want to do a transport for the Command squad - another drop pod (that I already have bought). Which leaves me with the "necessity" of another tactical squad so that it would be a legal force. And maybe a transport for it as well... Seriously, it never ends! ^_^

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I am jealous.. but hey, Capt, isn't the Apothecary's shoulder pad symbol supposed to go over his right arm? Just curious.


By the way, while I have your attention. You did some DA with black robes a while back, yes? I had the same idea for mine. Now that I've got a Ravenwing battleforce and I'm putting together the 3rd wing of my army I have fallen into a bit of a conundrum. Will those black robes look good on the black armor of the Ravenwing? This thought has me scratching my head and I wanted to ask you how do you think it should be handled? I like both the black armor and robes but I just don't want the two to appear as some big black blob... or worst yet someone mistaking them for Starwars' Sith riding into battle with chainswords.

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I am jealous.. but hey, Capt, isn't the Apothecary's shoulder pad symbol supposed to go over his right arm? Just curious.


You are right - I made a mistake! hahahaha!!! I got mixed up with all the studded left shoulder pads and the Chapter Icon going to the right ones (don't try to find it I haven't applied the decals yet) I sort of lost my bearing! :D Too late now...


By the way, while I have your attention. You did some DA with black robes a while back, yes? I had the same idea for mine. Now that I've got a Ravenwing battleforce and I'm putting together the 3rd wing of my army I have fallen into a bit of a conundrum. Will those black robes look good on the black armor of the Ravenwing? This thought has me scratching my head and I wanted to ask you how do you think it should be handled? I like both the black armor and robes but I just don't want the two to appear as some big black blob... or worst yet someone mistaking them for Starwars' Sith riding into battle with chainswords.


Sith indeed! :)


A legitimate question though. You are facing the porspect of black robes on black armour on a black bike. Hmmmm... My take? Don't do it.


My black robes were on Disciples of Caliban not DAs. That means that if I were to make bikes, the armour (and the bike for that matter) would be green and black. The contrast would still be there. Now if you do want to go with black robes you could 1) do a successor chapter and just say they were appointed to support your force, or 2) do the following: use a contrasting color for the lining of the robe (I used red but green will also do - especially if highlighted with the very vibrant "Scorpion Green"). This will help define the rider from the bike. Then use different highlighting colors for the robe and different for the bike. For example I'd use the bluish highlight for the robe (to give a fabric-like shine) and a grey-based highlight for the bikes - I think "Adeptus Battlegrey" would be a good base... There is a third option if you just want to avoid the white robes: do brown! It works very well and is very easy to do effectively. Calthan brown and Badab black shading and voila! A decent looking brown robe! Besides brown robes look more, how can I put this, rough? business like? I hope you get my meaning - not sure I used the correct words... It just look better on bikes IMHO.


Just my 2c.

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@ Brother Sergeant Bohemond: Glad you like them! I have actually made an alternative mini for the Champion - he wears the beakie helmet of the DA Veterans box. I'll post him later... I'll ask for opinions, which one look best. :devil:


@ Chaplain Lucifer: I thought about it but I chickened out! :D I thought if my hand strays I'll have to correct it with white... Not a pleasent prospect. Plus I had the red skull on the front of the helmet, so the red is there - having a red stripe would be too much.


Naaah, I chickened out! :D

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awesome as always semper.


its not my place to judge the master of recruits but the only criticism i would have, as already mentioned, is the white on the apothecary. if you are scared then a trick i picked up was to drybrush the layers from adeptus battlegrey up to white leaving thusual minimal line between layers. just thought it might help a little

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Thanks Neo! I have vowed to take somewhat better pictures of the Apothecary, I think the ones I took did not do it justice! Having said that, point taken! White is problematic for me - especially if I try to have a conistent quality. I'll practice with your suggestion abd see where it gets me. :)


EDIT: BTW you have yet to officially report the completion of your vow here. All you need to do is make a new post, say you finished your vow and add a link to your WIP thread. See how other brothers have done it and do something similar. That way you'll be "officially" on record and avoid any confusion. ;)

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With the Consecrators being black and all, I keep thinking a thin black wash in the recesses would make the apothecary pop and link him in better than the brown that is hard to see in the photos.


Strictly my opinion though. Your clean painting style exceeds my own abilities.

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With the Consecrators being black and all, I keep thinking a thin black wash in the recesses would make the apothecary pop and link him in better than the brown that is hard to see in the photos.


Strictly my opinion though. Your clean painting style exceeds my own abilities.


I agree the white could use some more depth (could be the photo though). I have no experience with it, but a blue wash might also work. I've seen it done though and you are using fenris gray for highlighting the black (which is really a blue hue). I'd suggest testing it first

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I tried a bit better pics of the apothecary but it's hopeless. Maybe I should be brave and follw your advice guys... :mellow:






Anyway I did some tyding up. Do you remember this guy? I based him properly now:









And I fooled around with an alternative Company Champion (same basic pose)- I might as well show it:







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Looking good Semper. Great bases.


On to your apothecary dilemma. Don't get us wrong, he's nice and clean, like the rest of your army. With that new photo it appears that you lined in with white? It seems to me that between the shoulder pad trim and the pad itself you actually have a brighter white. Same with around the skull on the helmet. In theses cases, as they are more or less recesses, you want the darker color. A wash would be the easiest method but you could also line in with a light gray. I'd still say go with a nice controlled wash, just in the recesses. I know I suggested blue, but I would go with black probably.

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