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Captain Semper's Consecrators

Captain Semper

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Regarding the RW signs I generally prefer the "elegance" of the stensiled markings rather than the embossed style. For some reason the embossed do not look exactly right to me... Is it the implicit scale or the quality of the detail itself? They look a bit "fat" to me.


Yeah, your "fat" is what I mean by "overly embossed". Much of the detail on the Dark Angels Upgrade sprue is ham-fisted, and nowhere near as well sculpted as the newer Space Wolves and Blood Angels kit sprues. We just got the short end of the stick, as what they learned from doing the DA Upgrade sprue details was put into practice to create better SW and BA sprue detail. Heck, the DA didn't even get a single shoulder pad with the sword and wings it. That's just an unbelievable oversight, but we all make due with what we've got. Here's hoping Forgeworld does a Dark Angels Power Armor Upgrade pack.


Carry on with the good works.

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Ok updating this thread with the Attack Bike (as well as the LPC thread):









I've reached the conclusion that I'm going for the elipse 120mm base for the Attack Bike. Maybe not the most sensible thing gaming wise (too large) but it will complement the Attack Bike quite nicely as the 60mm round base is reaaaally in the limit size-wise...



Awesome work so far, looking forward to seeing another shot of the full force together!


So by special request:



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Thx guys!


The assault cannon / heavy bolter hybrid is not uncommon. However I had leftover drum magazines from the Contemptor and I just had to find a way to use them - too cool to leave them lying around! Just by putting the three together (assault cannon, heavy bolter and the magazine) you get someting infinately less boring than the good old multi-melta (which is on standby btw - you never know... :P). It is just for looks but hey, these guys are destined to be looked at rather than played with...

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@ CAM77: Thanks for your kind words! Stay tuned - more to come!


@ Hexagon Sun: For the Consecrators I plan to add another 3 bikes and a Deimos Rhino. Both are part of the LPC vow, so by completing the vow, I will be done with this phase of Consecrator expansion. The big idea here is to have a combined Unforgiven force where the Consecrators will contribute the RW elements, the Disciples of Caliban will provide the DW and the main body of the Greenwing and the GotC will provide the Ironwing. This as you realise is a fairly long-winded plan but it's something to keep me going. Unless of course Forgeworld comes up with pre-Heresy Terminator armour in which case the Consecrators are back on the spot! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that I finished with my LPC 2012 vow I can complete the Consecrators part of my Unforgiven force. What started as a project to cover the RW aspect of said force evolved in a very 30k-ish looking army in its own right.


A special mention should be made: Sometimes, in this hobby, it only takes a small spark to ignite ones inspiration. Often this comes from the professionally painted miniatures we see by GW. Sometimes it's the amazing models they produce (yes FW, I'm looking at you :)). But most of the times it's a fellow gamer's work that really gets the inspiration going! The "real world" paintjobs, conversions and feeling that actual gamers' miniatures convey is what awakens the creativity in others. It certainly applies for me. In fact it was EPK's fantastic Consecrator's thread (link here) that did it for me! A few miniatures just turned on my imagination in such a manner that was enough to see me through with this! So I guess, I owe a big thank you to EPK and wish him to keep producing inspiring stuff! :(


Anyway, here's my Consecrators army:





















So is this the end? Well, not quite! I was planning to return to my Disciples and build like 3 Tacts to atone for my sins but then this happened:






This amazing image is Greyall's take on the Master of the Consecrators 8th Company! You can find this image with his comments and tons of amazing artwork here (the image above is on page 24).


So what is a man to do? I'll tell what! The 8th Master and an assault squad! Just because! :D :D ;)

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Captain Semper, I'm touched by the props. Thank you very much.


I might have helped spark an interest but your work has certainly eclipsed mine. Where I have a measly 10 marines, you seem to be closing on a full army. Now you are the one inspiring me. Keep up the great work.


I love the attack bike and your newest rhino addition is fantastic - I'm a big fan of the earlier edition look and Forge World, and your paint job for that matter, did it justice with that model.


And yes! Bring that sketch to life in a model.

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A small update: The Master of the 6th! I give you Enoch, 6th Master of the Consecrators Chapter.













Command Squad and transport to follow! :lol:

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Looking great Captain. I'm loving the crisp paint job to everything, looks so clean and your line work is amazing. Looking forward to seeing Enoch's Command Squad. Keep up the good work.


BTW: The shield on Enoch's banner top, very nice. Just a little thing that caught my attention that I thought was a particularly nice touch.

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@ Yellow Stripe: Thx mate! The Angel's shield on the top banner was a last minute thought and literally the last thing I did on the model. glad you liked it. ;)


@ Stobz: the shoulder pad... I can still not make up my mind... I went for the safe bet. The number seemed to me to much llike squad number (visually that is). To "little" for the Master of the 6th if you get my meaning. I should have done a more personalised thing but, as I said, went for the safe bet.


@ Isiah: ...and simplicity has its own charms... :P


@ Brother Immolator: Hate away. Greeks hating each other appears to be the fashion as of late... :tu: :lol:


@ Candleshoes: Thx - glad you liked! After looking at the model with the green cordons I thought, wait a minute! It's all Black and green. The rest of the army is black and red! hmmmm... Keep in mind that at the time the purity seals were green too (as they are accross the army). So I decided to leave the cordons green (so as to avoid the too much "in your face" red/black combo) and just add red somehow. Ergo this. :)


@ Deamon Prince Dragor: How long is the warp jump from Signus Prime to Athens? :lol: I suspect 45mins. ;) Anyway, by all means PM me if you're in town. Even if we don't game we can always compare notes! I have a Space Hulk Termie (Zael I think - H.Flamer?) 90% done in Angels Saguine colors. I always say to myself that my next army is BAs. Then I do another DA successor. :lol:

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