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'ard boyz semis

Darkest Angel

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That's very well done indeed. Post your army list and other details (mini batreps if you have them) and I'll put you into the ++Hallowed Hall of Heroes++


Actually -- anyone else too who has come in the top 5th of any 40K competition since Jan 2010 (the date of the last entry).




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My list 2500 points:




Master Belial of the Deathwing

Thunder Hammer + Storm Shield


++ Elites ++



Twin-Linked Las Cannon

Missile Launcher



Twin-Linked Las Cannon

Missile Launcher



Twin-Linked Las Cannon

Missile Launcher


++ Troops ++


Deathwing Squad


Banner Bearer

Cyclone Missile Launcher

5x Thunder hammer + Storm Shield


Deathwing Squad

Cyclone Missile Launcher

4x Thunder hammer Storm Shield

1x Lightning Claws


Deathwing Squad

Cyclone Missile Launcher

4x Thunder hammer Storm Shield

1x Lightning Claws


Deathwing Squad

Cyclone Missile Launcher

4x Thunder hammer Storm Shield

1x Lightning Claws


Deathwing Squad

Cyclone Missile Launcher

4x Thunder hammer Storm Shield

1x Lightning Claws


++ Heavy Support ++



Auto Cannon

Side Sponson Las Cannons

Hunter Killer Missile



Auto Cannon

Side Sponson Las Cannons

Hunter Killer Missile



Auto Cannon

Side Sponson Las Cannons

Hunter Killer Missile


Round 1:


VS Chaos Space Marines, Victory points, Escort the Messenger

His list:


Lash Prince x2


Plauge Marine Squad x4

7 Marines

Plasma gun

Melta gun

Combi melta


Power sword



Noise Marine Squad

9 men

8 sonic Blasters

1 Blast master



Terminator Squad x3

3 Terminators

3 combi meltas


Obliterator squad x 2

2 Oblits



Twin Las Cannon

Lascannon Sponsons


Set up with Pitched Battle, I went first and marched all 6 terminator squads up killed 2 oblits 2 rihnos, my shooting phase was so lackluster i shook all the rhinos and pred.


His turn:

Lashed Belials Squad (witch had my messenger i picked the banner bearer) and the squad on my flank, I lost all but the claws in that squad due to horendous rolling, and i lost 3 termies from another squad as well


Turn 2:


Popped all the rihnos, killed the last 2 oblits and weapon destroyed and shook the pred all while advancing with my termies, the last claw charge 7 plauge marines, killed 2 and surived.


His turn: moved all his squads into rapid fire rage of belial, 3 plauge marine squads and a noise marine squad killed 1 termi from the squad (my luck had returned), he charged both princes into belials squad too, manged to wound belial once, kill the last normal termi, and the apoth, belial slew one single handedly hitting and wounding all his attacks, and his squad manged to bring the other to 1 wounds, he then failed his fearless saves, and I rolled a 6 for my massacre result, the lightning claw termi killed 2 more plauge marines and survied the power weapon with a lucky 5++.


Turn 3: moved termies up, my pred destroyed his pred, dreads moved in to cover the preds as hes terminators failed to show up last turn so i anticpated they would arrive this turn, my rockets picked off a few plauges here and there, Beilal and his remaining two termies multi charged 2 plauge marine squads and slew all of them, the cyclone termi falling to thier rusted blades, the lone claw termi finalling falling after claiming one more, only 2 plauge marines were left from that squad.


His turn: he was on the ropes with only one plauge marine squad and a noise squad left, all three termies showed up this turn, one blew up a dread, one missed all three meltas at my pred, and one shot all three at belial and the last termi, I saved all three. the plauge marine squad rapid fired belial and took a wound from him


Turn 4: Shot one termi squad to death with 2 pred and a dread, Belial split off from the banner bearer to charge the two plauge marines, the banner made it to his deployment for the extra 500 points, belial charged the two plauge marines and the banner charged the noise marines, a full squad of my termies charged his termies, belial slew both plauges, the banner killed 2 noise marines and he failed a fearless save, and my 5 termis beat up his 3.


His turn: He shot Belial to death with his final squad of plauge, and charge his termies into the squad that just killed his others, I killed all threee again and sling shotted to within an inch of the last plauges, the banner slew two more nosie marines.


Turn 5: moved all my units out of my deployment zone for the extra battle point (I won the tourny on 1 battle point so clearly it was a good move) chraged the plauge marine squad and a squad to support the lone banner. Table wipe, I won 3000 VP to 900. Scored the full 24 point Massacre

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Game 2 vs Dark Eldar Capture the Flag.


Im not sure exactly what he had, but roughly




3 raiders

3 Ravagers

6 or 7 venoms with the 2 spliter cannons (bane of my existance)

squad of 9 jetbikes

2 trueborn squads with 4 blasters

5 warrior squads with a blaster

10 wytches with a Haemonculus


Turn 1: He started shooting right away, blew up a dread took a missle launcher off one, and blew both arms off the last one. Took 2 squads of termies down to 3 men killing the cyclone in both, jetbikes turboed over another squad and killed 2.


My turn: Moved up to the objective moved the armless dread and ran him, the one with just lascannons moved up as well,i downed all three ravagers with my preds dread blew a raider up and my remaining missles destoyed a venom and weapon destroyed one. Charged the jetbikes with the 3 remaining termis and slaughtered them causing them to fall back.


Turn 2: (This turn won me the game) He cased about 60 wounds on my termis from shooting, about 1/4 were ap 2, i saved every single one, not a termi fell this turn. Vect and his incubi charged a 3 man termi squad and slaughtered them, The witches charged belial, I failed 2 saves but FNP saved my butt. i killed 6 and the Haemonculus and forced them to flee.


My turn 2: shooting destroyed vect's raider, weapon destroyed the wythes raider, and blew up 2 venoms, belial, a three man squad and my lascannon dread charged vect and his incubi, killed all his gaurd belial took 2 wounds and the tree man squad was cut to shreds, vect made all 9, 2++.


Turn 3: Ran the weapon destroyed raider away to pick up a straned warrior squad, shot a whole butload of termies dead (my dice were out of luck from turn 2,) Vect killed Belial, but died to his squad


My turn 3: finished off the last 2 venoms, charged a warrior squad with the dread and the depleted command squad charged another warrior trueborn squad. Killed both


Turn 4: He loaded the stranded warrior squad into the raider, the fleeing wythes shot and killed both the banner and apoth with thier pistols, (yeah i rolled 2 ones on for dice and failed both FNP,) he shot the 5 man squad to death with blasters and splinter rifles, he charged my 2 man squad and killed one before getting killed.


My turn 4: Having only 3 terminators on the board left i was begining to worry, i clustered them on the objective and the dread shot a warrior with his lascannon, then chraged his 5 buddies and stomped 3 of them forcing them to flee.


Turn 5: he turbo boosted his raider with guys in it to the objective and shot all but one terminator to death.


My turn 5: All three preds blew up his raider killing 3 out of 7 warriors, the dread las cannoned one and somped 2 and the last one took flight Thats when it ended when the dust cleared i had 1 of 31 terminators alive, i won 1 scoring unit to 0, that game was worth 14 battle points.

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Game 3 vs Eldar Random objective.


At this point I was sitting in 4th because of my minor victory

Im not sure exactly what he had, but roughly




Jetbike Council

2 fire dragon squads

1 howling banshee squad

2 dire avenger squads

1 Storm gaurdian squad

2 fire prisims

1 Falcon


All squads were in Wave serpents


Honestly this one went by so fast it was over by turn 3, everything went my way, i won the roll for first turn got a lucky shot on eldrads falcon first turn and blew it up, blew all but two wave serpents up destroyed both prisms, I lost a few termies, and it was a complete masacre for me 24 points to 0, oh we rolled table quarters for objectives, I had all 4.

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What army did you choose?


Dark Angels - he stated as much in the first post (and there wouldn't be much point to posting in this forum otherwise). His army list is on the 5th post from the top.


Edit: Wait a sec, are you asking what army he chose to play for the competition, or something else?

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Do all metal sisters. Or max model count Orks or Bugs.


Also, since they don't assemble it for you if I remember correctly, but just give you the box, I wouldn't bother actually upgrading members of the squads, since you'll get the stuff anyways.

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I didn't do too well...had the right army, but horrible matchups:


Round 1, I drew lance-spam MSU DE, and only managed to force a draw by killing all three ravagers on the top of turn one...I was slaying things left and right after that, but nothing was worth much, so I only came out ~50 VP ahead...for an 11-11 draw.


Round 2, the TOs were exceptionally lazy. First, they matched me up with the same guy. When we brought that to their attention...there were three other players with exactly 11 points...and instead of the SM or tau player with 11 points, they matched me up with the other MSU lance-spam DE list because he was at the next table and that seemed better to them that either moving more than two players or having DE play DE. So screw me, right? Anyway, the second DE player got first turn and blew up one obscured crusader, immobilized (facing sideways to get obscuration) the other, and blew up one of the vennies, to boot. Things rapidly devolved from there...except that the guy hadn't read the scenario...so the game ends on turn five with me having exactly four models left: one termie on the OBJ, one termie 10" away, the immobilized LRC, and the other vennie...immobilized and with the plasma cannon blown off...but with none of his troops within a mile of the OBJ...I got a minor. If the game had continued, it would have been a 0-0 draw, because he still wouldn't have been on the OBJ!


Round 3, I got to face ~250 orks. And we drew the terrain features victory condition....so you know how that turned out. I killed about 150 orks, and it wasn't enough. 0-22 loss! Actually, I could have done a little better, if I'd been half smart. Idiotically, I didn't anticipate two units of lootas torrenting my termies, and in retrospect, the thunderhammer termies with the chaplain in the unit should have pounded ghazkul to scrap...they had the chance to charge him while he was still in a unit I'd been dakka-ing, so it had like 12 boyz left alive in there with him. Had I taken him out while multicharging with my two crusaderloads of termies, I woulda probably killed 200 orks and not been out in the open to get torrented. it did take both units of lootas to kill off the thunderhammers, so I have an AWESOME pic of belial's squad right after they get charged by ~110 orks...of course, my opponent didn't bother moving the models that couldn't crowd in close enough to swing, so the pic could have been even more awesome.


Anyway, facing two sets of DE lance spam MSU and then an ork horde (in terrain features, no less), I didn't have a prayer. I count myself lucky to have squeezed out 26 points in the first two battles.

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If you go shield heavy...you need to compensate with volume of fire elsewhere....which is why I had a pair of crusaders in my list...with a bonus stormbolter, it can pump 19 shots a turn at short range, just the ticket for horde control. I did find that even 250 orks were able to spread out enough that a frag missile template rarely hit more than 2-3 models, so that's really not a horde control option, although it's awesome to fire paired kraks at medium/light vehicles.
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I honestly just drop frags every were, the way most lists are Land Raiders are way to expensive to bring into 12" and melta range, also i played a dark eldar list with like 11 dark lances, i could of kissed land raiders good buy.



11? 11????!!! That's nothing! I faced 17 in one list and 23 in the other, not to mention their short ranged version! Anyway, the main thing is to get first turn (obviously, you can't control that, and DE can steal the initiative on 4+), I blew up all three ravagers on the top of turn one in the first game, cutting out over half of the lance threat before it got a chance to fire...at game's end, I think he had two darklances left? In the other game, I went second, and lost both crusaders on the top of turn one, along with a vennie...I think I killed off maybe 7-8 of the 23 lances that I faced in that game...?


Anyway, facing two lance-spam lists in three games can happen, but if you let that drive your army list construction decisions, you're making a mistake. There's nothing that's "proof against everything." Whatever you'd end up taking in lieu of a land raider (or three) would be vulnerable to something else...

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I'm not saying i based my army comp on the off chance I would see Dark Eldar. I'm talking about meta game (witch alot of people in my area use,) I play tested a 3 raider list, and got stopped by armies with alot of melta/lance. So i play tested the pred's and they preformed better than I thought possible. They made up thier points, sometimes double every game, and frankly I'm not going to leave home without them from now on.


Now I'm not saying that LR spam isn't good, it just has alot of hard counters and all three of my preds are cheaper than 2 LR, giving me more room for Terminators or dreads. It comes down to play style in the end, and I just hate loosing a 250 point tank to a lucky las cannon or melta shot.

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I'm not saying i based my army comp on the off chance I would see Dark Eldar. I'm talking about meta game (witch alot of people in my area use,) I play tested a 3 raider list, and got stopped by armies with alot of melta/lance. So i play tested the pred's and they preformed better than I thought possible. They made up thier points, sometimes double every game, and frankly I'm not going to leave home without them from now on.


Now I'm not saying that LR spam isn't good, it just has alot of hard counters and all three of my preds are cheaper than 2 LR, giving me more room for Terminators or dreads. It comes down to play style in the end, and I just hate loosing a 250 point tank to a lucky las cannon or melta shot.



Excellent points...how do you arm the preds? I might try that out...I hate to give up the transports, since termies are dead slow on foot, but I'm digging the idea of three preds, two typhoons, four bikes, some outflanking scouts with no upgrades, and as many termies as it takes to fill the remaining points...


Actually, I was a lot more successful with my deathwing before I meched them up...my list with nothing but termies, bikes, and vennies went 23-2-2 or something like that before I retired it...but that was 3-4 years ago, I know the metagame has changed since then.

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Mech DW only really works at 1850 or lower. 2k and above and lists just bring way too much stuff that slags av14. I haven't had a chance to playtest any preds seeing as I don't own any but I'm thinking they'll be my next purchase.
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That's very well done indeed. Post your army list and other details (mini batreps if you have them) and I'll put you into the ++Hallowed Hall of Heroes++


Actually -- anyone else too who has come in the top 5th of any 40K competition since Jan 2010 (the date of the last entry).




Not to hijack the thread, but I also placed in 'Ard Boyz Semis. I took second with this list:


{HQ}Belial ....................................185 points

-Standard upgrade

-Apothecary upgrade

{HQ}Ezekiel ………………………..............170 points

{EL}Venerable Dreadnought ...........145 points

-Assault Cannon, Storm Bolter

{EL}Venerable Dreadnought ...........145 points

-Assault Cannon, Storm Bolter

{TR}Deathwing Squad ...................215 points


-TH/SS+ Apothecary

-TH/SS+ Banner

-2x LCs

{TR}Deathwing Squad ...................215 points

-3x TH/SS

-2x LCs

{TR}Deathwing Squad ...................240 points






{TR}Deathwing Squad ...................235 points




-2x TH/SS

{TR}Deathwing Squad ...................235 points




-2x TH/SS

{FS}Land Speeder Typhoon ...........75 Points

{HS}Land Raider Crusader ............265 points

-Extra Armor

{HS}Land Raider Crusader ............250 points

{HS}Vindicator .............................125 points

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