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Elmo's 1st, 2nd, 4th and 10th Companies


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Thanks Brothers smile.png

@Pyro X: I plan to do the step by step tutorial as a part of my magnetisation thread - link in my siggie but it will be a job for over the Xmas holidays so you will have to be patient. ;)

The untidy version of the tutorial is basically in the WIP thread here. You can see which bits I used and how the magnetisation and conversions where done.

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Such an inspirational thread, and a good example of what many of us here probably aspire to achieve!

Here are MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice side by side.


This pic especially though really appeals to me I like the way each LR incorporates the opposite colour into itself so that they match better despite being from different companies. Nice one! thumbsup.gif

(Edited for derpy spelling...)

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  • 1 month later...

You do GREAT brushwork and have an extremely clean and precise talent.  Have you ever tried working on washing and drybrushing techniques to supplement your work?   If you could wash some of your models (the faces cry out, for example, for at least simple washes) as precisely as you do your normal brushwork, it would add a whole new dimension to these already well painted models.  Just a little drybrushing afterwards (especially the vehicles and such) REALLY would complement your work too.  Just take a couple of old, otherwise useless (if you have such in your collection) models from your bitz and try test-driving the techniques.  The Citadel (and the Army Painter) specific-color washes are very easy to use (very easy to overuse, too unfortunately) and you would almost certainly be delighted even with your experimental efforts!  Your miniatures are VERY well done already.  Not to take anything at all away from your obvious talent, but if you could add washing and drybrushing to your existing techniques, your work would take on a finished quality that would really blow the minds of your peers (and us back-seat drivers overlooking your MASSIVE-but-well-done body of work).  The time you have invested already is obvious and these techniques do add a little time to finishing your models, but I think you would find the results justify at least a small application of the new techniques once you have practiced a bit.  Just a suggestion -- or opinion, if you like, and you know what people say about opinions! :-)


Great job (and good luck),



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You do GREAT brushwork and have an extremely clean and precise talent.  Have you ever tried working on washing and drybrushing techniques to supplement your work?   If you could wash some of your models (the faces cry out, for example, for at least simple washes) as precisely as you do your normal brushwork, it would add a whole new dimension to these already well painted models.  Just a little drybrushing afterwards (especially the vehicles and such) REALLY would complement your work too.  Just take a couple of old, otherwise useless (if you have such in your collection) models from your bitz and try test-driving the techniques.  The Citadel (and the Army Painter) specific-color washes are very easy to use (very easy to overuse, too unfortunately) and you would almost certainly be delighted even with your experimental efforts!  Your miniatures are VERY well done already.  Not to take anything at all away from your obvious talent, but if you could add washing and drybrushing to your existing techniques, your work would take on a finished quality that would really blow the minds of your peers (and us back-seat drivers overlooking your MASSIVE-but-well-done body of work).  The time you have invested already is obvious and these techniques do add a little time to finishing your models, but I think you would find the results justify at least a small application of the new techniques once you have practiced a bit.  Just a suggestion -- or opinion, if you like, and you know what people say about opinions! :-)


Great job (and good luck),



I'm going to go ahead an just chime in here that Elmo already does a fantastic job adding depth to his models and does washes very well. Check out some of his other threads, such as his newest vehicle set.


Additionally (and this is not just for Elmo), while dry brushing can be an effective tool, it should not be used as a catch-all across a model like a tank with large, flat surfaces, as it tends to leave them very gritty or chalky looking. It's great for simulating dirt or grit on tanks though, or even scuffs, but for clean tanks, almost any highlighting method, including line highlighting, looks better than dry-brushed edges.

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I hoped I was clear that I thought this was excellent basic painting, and further only was commenting on the Dark Angels work.   Regarding drybrushing on vehicles, I was speaking in generalities -- never would I recommend anyone drybrush an entire model (unless they have the skill to achieve a specific look through so doing).  Personally I prefer both highlighting once or twice (or thrice) AND drybrushing edges on vehicles and such.  I never tried to tell the guy anything he didn't do was wrong and anything he might do was right -- just offered some friendly advice on a given body of work. 

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@Bubba Pearson - Thanks for the advice but I already use inks/washes/drybrushing/edgeing/graphite pencil/sponge as well as recently having moved on to weathering using oil paint. The problem is that my photoskills do not live up to the requirement for fully showing this off. I use a photobox with 3 lights but I just haven't got it perfect yet. Also this thread has been an evolution of my painting and the level of the models at the start is agreeably not as good as it should be but you can see the progress from then to now. At some point I will go back and revisit them but I just have sooo much bare plastic to paint I have not got around to it yet.

I use snot green to highlight the DA green which tends not to show up very well on the photos but looks far better in the flesh.

The advice you offered was in no means anything other than friendly, sound and helpful and I take it as that and I don't believe that Bryan Blaire was doing anything other than letting you know that there are better photos in other places. msn-wink.gif

@ Bryan Blaire - Thank you for leaping to my defense and it is my fault for not updating this thread with my new stuff. In future I plan to continue the wip thread but when a model is complete I will just link it to here rather than putting them everywhere smile.png

If anyone does want to give advice then please do as it is very welcome.

I am always looking at improvement especially painting hooded angels.... teehee.gif

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Moving the Up-armoured Rhino/Razorback here for posterity :)





When the 4th Company deploys in full, the Company Commander rides into battle mounted in his personal Rhino along with his Veteran Squad. As he deploys into the thick of the fighting the Rhino can give fire support with it's roof mounted bolters.
Unique to this vehicle are the forward mounted Frag Assault Lanchers which where modified by the 4th Company Techmarine from those fitted on the Landraider Crusader. This are designed to send out a hail of shrapnel to disable and dis-orientate the enemy prior to assault.
Extra inter-company communication systems have been installed as can be seen with the extra antennas.
The Company commanders personal heraldry can be seen on the front corner of the Rhino, a black shield bisected diagonally with a green line with the sword of the Dark Angels uppermost and his personal motto (believed to be "To Forgive is Weak", although no explanation has been forthcoming as to why) below. Also written on the troop hatch is the motto "Never Forget, Never Forgive".









4th Company Command Razorback, Dark Angels

When the 4th Company deploys in full, the Company Commander rides into battle mounted in his personal Razorback along with his Veteran Squad. As he deploys into the thick of the fighting the Razorback can give fire support with it's roof mounted lascannons or heavy bolters (not shown). 

Unique to this vehicle are the forward mounted Frag Assault Launchers which where modified by the 4th Company Techmarine from those fitted on the Land-raider Crusader. This are designed to send out a hail of shrapnel to disable and dis-orientate the enemy  prior to assault.
The Company commanders personal heraldry can be seen on the front corner of the Razorback, a black shield bisected diagonally with a green line with the sword of the Dark Angels uppermost and his personal motto (believed to be "To Forgive is Weak", although no explanation has been forthcoming as to why) below.
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It was dark, that special dark you get where you can’t see your hand in front of your face. Harrington paced slowly; time seemed to drag. It was always the same on the graveyard shift. That special time of night reserved for the unlucky and the nocturnal animals on this gods forsaken world.


He cursed himself at getting picked for this duty. The Dark Warrior had chosen him due to his earlier failings at weapons drill. The monstrously oversized man could have killed him but something had stayed his wrath and that in itself was unusual enough to give Harrington a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.


The Dark Warrior had turned, his robes drifting apart showing glimpses of coal black armour underneath. His dark eyes burrowed into Harrington’s mind like a worm into a rotten apple making Harrington squirm uncomfortably. It was not his fault the weapon had jammed. It was just bad luck or faulty ammunition. “That was it,” he thought “it was the Dark Priests fault.“ For this Harrington had been banished to a month on the graveyard shift. But still, it was better than the alternative.


Now in the final hours of his punishment, Harrington just wished for it to be over. To be allowed to sleep at night instead of the endless pacing round and round the compound.


A noise disturbed him from his thoughts. A small noise like the serration of grass in the wind but the night was still. He looked around, opening his eyes as wide as they could go, trying to scrape every particle of luminescence he could from the faint starlight. Something caught his eye, a darker patch in the night, close by and moving. It must be the Dark Warrior checking on him. He had done it on previous nights, trying to catch Harrington out or just prowling for his own secretive purposes.


The figure moved, the black armoured form, large and menacing approached. It must be the Dark Warrior; no normal man was of his size. A glint of silver, a warm feeling on Harrington’s neck as he slowly collapsed to the ground. The blades edge was so sharp he did not even realise it had ended his existence till it was too late.


Bending down to wipe the blade on the heretics clothing, Brother Sgt Neria of the Ravenwing motioned for his brothers to come forward. The way ahead was clear and the members of his squad quickly took advantage of the opening. They had left their bikes two days march away; the terrain had been unforgiving for motorised transport with deep gullies, swamps and wide rivers. Also the chance of detection from the many surveillance devices was so high that Neria had decided the only thing to do was to continue the mission on foot. This was not normal procedure for the Ravenwing but had been known to happen previously as situations like this dictated.


His brothers where utilising chest rigs, weighed down with extra ammunition, grenades and other equipment normally secreted on their metal steeds but it had to be done if they had any chance of catching their primary target off guard. The fabled Dark Warrior had arrived on planet six months ago and had already established a small army and a significant base of operations.


Chaplain Ketheriel had told Neria of the importance of his mission. He was to scout ahead for a possible Chaos Marine polluting the planet with his heretic preaching, locate the base and call the Deathwing to do their duty. The Chaplain had stressed that Neria was to take any steps necessary to complete the task and so he found himself far from his bike.


Even now the Deathwing waited aboard the Strike Cruiser, encased in their Terminator armour, expecting his signal to teleport down and strike.


Brother Sgt Neria was humbled to have been chosen to lead this mission and he would ensure that it succeeded no matter what he had to do to accomplish it.





Bigger photo here









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Excellent work as always mate! thumbsup.gif The Black Ops models look great as Ravenwing, particularly like the flamer marine with the slung bolter. I bought a Black Ops Fireteam myself before Christmas and I'm still trying to decide what to use them for, but this squad has given me a few ideas! smile.png

Keep up the good work!

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Thanks Spaced Hulk :)


Even though they are more expensive than a GW tactical Squad they are great quality and a nice change. I would get more but I already have to much to do. :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

As the weather is sunny I decided to get out my models for an airing and photoshoot and then to document them with current points levels assuming WYSIWYG (as much as possible). I plan to keep adding to this as time progresses rather than the haphazard way I am doing things at the moment.

Hopefully this will add to this thread rather than just repeating myself but we will see....

Chapter Command
Total: 340

http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/071/f/a/dark_angels_chapter_command_by_elmo9141-d79vp5m.jpgAzrael 215 pts
Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus 125 pts

1st Company, Deathwing
Total: 2396

Belial 190 pts
Interrogator-Chaplain 140 pts
Librarian in Terminator Armour 101 pts

http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/068/1/a/deathwing_command_squad_by_elmo9141-d79iujq.jpgCommand Squad 275 pts

http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/068/5/6/deathwing_2nd_squad_by_elmo9141-d79iu06.jpgDeathwing Terminator 1st Squad 240 pts

Deathwing Terminator 2nd Squad 250 pts

http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/068/c/1/deathwing_4th_squad_by_elmo9141-d79iuvf.jpgDeathwing Terminator 3rd Squad 255 pts

http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/068/7/e/deathwing_5th_squad_by_elmo9141-d79iuzo.jpgDeathwing Terminator 4th Squad 250 pts

http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/068/2/6/deathwing_6th_squad_by_elmo9141-d79iv3s.jpgDeathwing Terminator 5th Squad 250 pts

Land Raider Crusader 290 pts

Dreadnought 155 pts

The plan is to make the squads into 10 model units using all the DV termis I have acquired.

2nd Company Ravenwing

Total: 2153

http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/068/f/1/ravenwing_characters_as_at_09_03_14_by_elmo9141-d79ilt9.jpgSammael on Corvex 200 pts

Chaplain 110 pts

Librarian 85 pts

Techmarine 95 pts



Command Squad 250 pts



http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/068/7/2/ravenwing_1st_attack_squadron_as_at_09_03_14_by_elmo9141-d79ilzf.jpg1st Attack Squadron 346 pts



http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/068/d/4/ravenwing_2nd_attack_squadron_as_at_09_03_14_by_elmo9141-d79im3p.jpg2nd Attack Squadron 336 pts



http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/068/a/4/ravenwing_3rd_attack_squadron_as_at_09_03_14_by_elmo9141-d79im9w.jpg3rd Attack Squadron 341 pts



http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/068/4/f/ravenwing_4th_attack_squadron_as_at_09_03_14_by_elmo9141-d79imct.jpg4th Attack Squadron 105 pts


I have just enough bikes to make up 8 attack squadrons but I am short attack bikes and speeders at the moment. I hope to have the bikes done this year.

http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/071/4/b/ravenwing_landspeeder_storm_by_elmo9141-d79vp1h.jpgLand Speeder Storm 45 pts

http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/a/e/ravenwing_stormraven_by_elmo9141-d79vp0c.jpgStormraven Gunship 230 pts

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4th Company 

Total: 3176



http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/071/7/9/4th_company_command_by_elmo9141-d79vpnd.jpgCompany Master 105 pts

Chaplain 90 pts

Chaplain 105 pts

Librarian 65 pts



http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/3/f/4th_company_command_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vpoq.jpgCommand Squad 305 pts

Company Veterans Squad 138 pts



http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/d/2/4th_company__1st_tactical_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vpxy.jpg1st Tactical Squad 235 pts




http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/2/f/4th_company__2nd_tactical_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vpzz.jpg2nd Tactical Squad 235 pts



http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/0/3/4th_company__3rd_tactical_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vq1c.jpg3rd Tactical Squad 160 pts



http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/5/d/4th_company__4th_tactical_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vq2g.jpg4th Tactical Squad 160 pts



http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/071/1/a/4th_company__5th_tactical_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vq3x.jpg5th Tactical Squad 165 pts



http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/071/9/9/4th_company__6th_tactical_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vq5c.jpg6th Tactical Squad 190 pts



http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/3/3/4th_company__7th_assault_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vq6j.jpg7th Assault Squad 215 pts



http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/071/5/2/4th_company__8th_assault_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vq82.jpg8th Assault Squad 225 pts



http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/b/b/4th_company__9th_devastator_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vq9c.jpg9th Devastator Squad 315 pts



http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/5/4/4th_company__10th_devastator_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vqb1.jpg10th Devastator Squad 158 pts



http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/071/5/b/4th_company_dreadnoughts_by_elmo9141-d79vplj.jpgDreadnought 100 pts

Dreadnought 100 pts

Dreadnought 110 pts

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6th Company 
Total: 585
Company Master 115 pts





http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/0/7/6th_company_veterans_by_elmo9141-d79vpwe.jpgCompany Veterans Squad 270 pts




http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/071/b/3/6th_company_dreadnoughts_by_elmo9141-d79vpr3.jpgDreadnought 100 pts

Dreadnought 100 pts

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10th Company

Total: 212 



2nd Scout Squad 84 pts





7th Scout Squad 128 pts






Total: 940



http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/e/a/armoury__predator_by_elmo9141-d79vpa9.jpgPredator 145 pts





Vindicator 140 pts

Vindicator 140 pts

Vindicator 135 pts




http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/071/7/7/armoury__whirlwind_by_elmo9141-d79vpct.jpgWhirlwind 65 pts




Land Raider Ares 315 pts




HH Dark Angels

Total: 550


http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/071/7/0/horus_heresy_dark_angels__1st_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vpf3.jpg1st Tactical Squad 175 pts




2nd Tactical Squad 175 pts



http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/071/e/b/horus_heresy_dark_angels_ravenwing__3rd_squad_by_elmo9141-d79vpjh.jpg3rd Tactical Squad 180 pts

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Great photography :tu:. I like the time taken to create the individual heraldic devices on the DW. Always appreciative of that level of creativity and individualism applied.




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Boo!!!  Hiss!!!  


Where's the apothecary's power fist?  Surely you don't buy into GW's tripe on that issue... I would go in the opposite direction and suggest that the reductor doubles as a CHAINfist...  Seriously...how much sense does it make that an apothecary (any type) has no ability to penetrate power armor, let alone TDA?  Worst case, in lieu of their normal complement of attacks, they should have (like a servo harness) a single attack at I1 that wounds on 2+ and is AP2, but has no strength (so it can't hurt a vehicle), but taking the terminator apo's fist is just pure spite!  Since I converted a deathwing apothecary in 5th edition, I'm not ripping his arm off and replacing it.  I'll grudgingly play "counts as a combat knife," but anyone who gives me any guff about WYSIWYG (and there are some in my group who would!) gets dreadsocked...  ~grumble~  ~mutter~

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