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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Another glorious victory to the Ruined King! biggrin.png

Hahaha, seriously. Its an honor to have another character of my beloved Word Bearers drawn by you, Greyall, and it being the actual physical representation of myself in my lore. I didn't actually expect to win, honestly. I'm speechless. Would you happen to be so kind as to check your PMs for me aswell, my friend? It would be greatly appreciated if you could when you get the chance.

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Okay, mates, time's up. And here's a joyous fella' to make sure of it.






Hope you like Delvarus, Contest Results follow shortly.


I see an unhelmeted version like this



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@BCK: If you'd entered your Night Lord or the chainaxe-guy, you'd probably have placed Top 10, man. It was heart-wrenching not to pick you, but your entry wasn't as solid as the other conversions you had to choose from :(


@Vazzy: It better look AS badass, unless I lose my right hand. Next drawing is another gift, though.

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Delvarus looks great.


Honoured to have been chosen and humbled to have been picked in front of a lot of outstanding entries. I don't envy having to choose between the 45 (really 45?!) on offer, there were always going to be a lot of great ones that didn't make it.


Look forward to seeing you work your way through the winners. Especially keen to see Barabbas' battle scene - sounds awesome!

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Wow ! Been away for a few days, and what a gift. Congratulations to all the happy selected and regrets to the other ones. When you see the level of the guys not chosen...

And special congrats to Barabbas Sogalon, I cannot agree more with what Greyall wrote. Pure awesomeness, he would have had my vote (but Kizzdougs and Kraut were close).


Last, I cannot be more honoured to have been chosen by popular vote. Thank you all guys ! I look forward to seeing all these future drawings.

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Thanks again for hosting the competition - it's certainly been a talking point on the board. This has definitely given me some motivation to finish painting Kyphas (both pre and post heresy versions!). Very excited to see what you will do with the winning drawings - what kind of poses you will make, what kind of additional detail you will add.


What happens when we reach 100 pages? Pass go and collect £200 ?

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I weep for my failure, but it was my own to make. 


Still, getting to see these top ten get drawn will be beyond epic. Plus, i finally got enough motivation to get moving on my Iconoclasts. I'll take that as victory enough.


Congrats to the winners. To those about to die, we salute you.

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Well, what can I say? To be named one of the winners has really made my day, and seeing how awesome the competition was, I feel really humbled that dear old Lorimar made the cut -- he's possibly my favourite from among all my World Eaters conversions, though, so seeing him as a drawing will be such a blast! As for the other pieces you chose: Awesome decision! All of these will be a treat once rendered in artwork form! I can hardly wait! ;)


Thanks to anyone who participated -- this has been a stunning display of creativity and kitbashing/converting ingeniousness!


And one other thing: Greyall, I've been following this thread for a long time now, but your Delvarus is easily one of your best drawings: The pose and armour are just perfect like that. I may not have been totally sure how I imagined Delvarus before, but I do know now. The only small nitpick I have is that the shield seems a bit undecided whether it wants to be inspired by classical or medieval sources, but on the other hand, I really like the way the combination of his dreadlocks and helmet -- something that shouldn't have worked but looks so right now. Simply a gorgeous piece!

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Really digging that World Eater. He really looks ready to ruin someone's day, and that Morningstar/mace/whatever-the-correct-name-is looks darn cool.

Congrats to the winners of the contest! happy.png
There's a stupendous amount of talent on display here - I couldn't have picked a top five either!

Heck, I couldn't pick a favourite at all, there's too many good ones.pinch.gif

I'm WAY out of my depth amongst all the quality being shown here, but at least now I can say "well, I tried". laugh.png

Well, I tried. tongue.png

But I've also been given a whole bunch of ideas for a future conversion or two. Might have to get my hands on some greenstuff...laugh.png

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Congrats to all of the winners! Well deserved and I can't wait to see Barabbas Sogalon's battle scene. Also, thanks for the honourable mention, it means a lot :)


In retrospect One-eye's beautiful mini would have got my vote but I was waiting to see what heathens came up with...

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