Iron-Daemon Forge Posted July 5, 2014 Author Share Posted July 5, 2014 Thanks Man that Knight looks awesome. Love the GW picture of that Chaos Titan about step on a truckload of Imp Fists... lol when will those yellow buggers learn? I see this and really hanker to some Chaos painting. (It's a good thing I have no Legion to love. lol) Great looking touches on that Knight. The Bikers too. The way you feel about the Ravenwing speeder is how I feel about bikes in general. I just have no interest in painting them. I do missing the old diorama of the Seige of Terra. As said there, when I saw it back many years ago, there always somthing new you'd notice & just overall look cool. I rememeber seen bottle of milk that the door as well which add to that sense of humour like many of the other diroama on display.The Knight has to be one of the best kit I've enjoy building. Would not mind getting more to be honsty & feild a Chaos type knight theme army. With the Speeder, was just more that I was struggle. Then one day I just sat down & just really focuse on getting the speeder painted other wise just loss that intrest of collecting my Ravenwing as they'd already been dely by a long amount of time. It a nice model & I enjoy building the Land Speeder Vengance? Just more I struggle at first. But now it done & fitting in with my style of painting. cool thanks think im going to have to try the masking tape approch to start of with just to make it easyer. Yes, just in the long run you want to make painting easy & enjoyible, just to reduce any tidy up. Also with the masking tape it just easy to rip/cut to shape. Update I just spent Wed there painting the Knight. While Friday I mange to get some free time to get the Forge World weathering powder added onto the feet area of the Knight model. I just got some cables to finish painting, which might get painted in a few hour time. Just arrive home after a long day out, so pretty tired. Also I enter my new Havoc unit in my local GW store painting comp for units & ended up winning which was really good & really happy with. Speaking of the Iron Havocs. Black Library recent shown some new art work to a future Heresy (short story) novel. One the art work it show a Iron Warrior I'm thinking converting up a model like this for my Iron Havoc unit & I'll also be building up a new Warpsmith around this art work as well. But the Warpsmith will be converted in the near future. The Iron Havoc battle brother will be converted up in the next few days as I'll be place a Forge World order on Monday, it was mainly MkIII armour to go toward my Fallen Angels army & I'll add in a Tech Priest. I've also recently order Be'lakor for my Iron Warriors along with two pack of the Shoulder pads today. Just after reading my friend copy of the Imperial Fist supplament as it talk about the Warsmith of a IW Warband & his champion & army, it also talk a bit about Be'lakor & how his Daemon army help the IW vs IF & Legion of the Damned. Not just that but he has always been a great model. So since his rule where release end of last year for 40k, though I would add him. Also give me another Daemon Prince model on the off chance I get more than one Daemon Prince from my boon roll. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted August 22, 2014 Author Share Posted August 22, 2014 Update It been a while since I last done a update & recent made some post over on the WIP topic of my IW over there. It just down to been really busy, there time when some months seem to be carzy & you don't get a moment to sit down. I've also been painting a Space Marine army for my friend to use that a few local tournament which will be happen so. While hobby time I did have for my own stuff was spent getting my long over due Ravenwing army finish, just they've been waiting over a year to get finish as the army was on hold while I was moving house. But the Ravenwing army all finish & ready for gaming. Right now I'm also getting my Space Wolves ready with the codex release, just need one model so there ready for gaming, then like my IW pretty much go back now & then to add more cool models & units to try out in future games. Also I get pretty unwell during July, I don't re-act well toward heat & hot weather. When it does get to hot, I general start to get ill & can get pretty bad nose bleed & headache, which mean I'm not able to do much for the rest of the day. But during the time, I've been gather parts to convert future Iron Warriors for my army. Also my gaming club tournament should be happen soon :D I was meant to be going to a tournament on the 19th of July, but sadily that got called off that the last moment. So my first 7th ed tournament will be my gaming club. I'll have to wait until next year to go back down to Nottingham for Throne of Skulls in Warhammer World, I am gutted but I am looking forward to see the changies done to the venue. Photos where taken a while back, since then Be'lakor is now fully finish, painting the claw area of the wing for exsample. Be'lakor & the new Battle Brother for the Iron Havoc unit. I bought Be'lakor after seen Zhukov topic on useing him with our Chaos Armies Not just that, but he is a nice model. I still rememeber when Be'lakor was release during the Storm of Chaos world wide campign (sp?). Also my friend give me the Sentianl of Terria supplament to read the background as there was some nice bits on the Iron Warriors & a few of the Champion with in the warband for conversion idea. How Be'lakor help the Son's of Forge on battle the 3rd company of Imperial Fist. While the new Iron Havoc battle brother there was added to act as Champion if I did not need the power fist Champion or just to be extra battle brother. He base on the art work I shown in the last post. As said there I was getting my Ravenwing army finish. With that I had one spare Ravenwing Knight biker & use the model to help add a new Battle Brother to the unit of my Iron Warriors Biker. Also recently a friend has said they've found a few Chaos Space Marine biker which they will be given me as there focuse on getting there Space Wolves up to date with the current codex & focuse on there Guard army right now. So I'll be useing this to bring the unit up to ten strong & use the finial biker (three models in total) to convert up a HQ. I have been useing my Biker in a few more games recently, but they always get wipe out by turn 2. Lot my oppent have said it because there not in tanks & don't have a 2+ save or my jammy 5+ Inv save.But I do enjoy useing the unit in games & I've really enjoy converting & painting them. I've also went back to the Knight last week just to get some detail finish off. From adding brass etching to the shoulder pads, useing the oxide paint to help give the model a bit more of the warp/daemonic taint look & adding a fallen Black Templar helmet to the base. I've started to use my Knight in a few games & really enjoy how he is. As said there I got a tournament very soon with my local wargaming club & I'll be trying somthing little diffrent army list wise. I need to get a unit of Iron Warriors converted to act as bodyguard for Warpsmith Damocles I converted back in October. This will be a second unit theme on the Breacher (sp) making use of there seige sheild. There also MkIII Armour there to use some bit from them as well. My friend who I was painting the Marine army for was down in England during this week & stop off by Warhammer World, so ask if they could pick up this lot while they where down there. Also my order for brass etching arrive, useing the Chaos Icon on the sheilds. I'm hoping to have a week off around the 1st September to the 7th. Part of this is with my birthday happen during that week. But I'm aim on getting a day or two just for my own models & to get the brand new unit all converted up. Just got a few other bitz to get for the conversion & think of a cool sub theme for the unit & sort of background for them. For the Iron Warriors. As always I've always got new models I want to add to my Iron Warriors & I'm also getting my Space Wolves up to date with the current codex (army log kicking about in WIP), I've also got my Ravenwing on the go & also have a Heresy IW's. But right now plans for the Iron Warriors are, after adding the new unit - Predators tanks & making use of the Forge World plate/door set. - Terminators: Want to finial get around to my unbound army - Maulerfiend: I've been useing the first model a bit more in games, I enjoy useing them & I'd always enjoy building & painting the first Maulerfiend model for my IW's since the codex was release in 2012. - Chosen: I'd like to add another unit of chosen to my IW, partly just to have chose there but so I can also use them in Kill team games somthing I planned a while back. - Power Armour Lord & Daemon2027 Heresy log been inspiring me & remind me I need to get this done :D It just so I have the model & chose when it friendly or event games. - Contemptor Dreadnought. Just seen Brother Heinrich 15th Company Night Lords recent update, Eddie Fallen Angels (see Sept update from last year on Throne of Skulls) & one of my friends recently added a Contemptor dreadnought to there Son's of Horus army. So I got a conversion idea in mind & I'd like to tie this model in with my Heresy era hobby challenge on a IW HQ chose I'll have planned for that. Brother Heinrich 15th Company Night Lords Also Forge World just put up the Iron Warriors contemptor dreadnought up for advance order today, which has just been bought for my birthday I'm also looking to finial get around to collecting my Chaos Guard army, there been a lot of armour company shown up here. Just seen those armies on the gaming table look cool when there all painted. Few friends been saying it be great for me & to follow the guide in the Forge World modelmaster class book, there a guide on a Chaos Guard tank. Also I've always like George Dellapina armour company army in WD 293/4 when there was a army list in the WD for armour company? So a big part of this will be done for Call of Chaos. Also have my Heresy era Iron Warriors as part of a hobby challenge I'm part off. I've already done part 1 last year with 2x 10 Tactical Marines & 5 Terminators. But I did not complete part 2 due to how busy it been this year. So when that side of the hobby challenge happen, I'm adding a HQ chose (as said there be a link between that model & my Chaos era Contemptor Dreadnought) & a unit of Iron Havocs. IP Galthan Ironsturm and Kythnos 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted August 23, 2014 Share Posted August 23, 2014 You're a machine man. I love the new additions. If I get a Khorne curled toe-nail close to this with my project I'd be tickled pink. Nice and gritty. Also love the Knight little details make all the difference. I want one pretty bad, but I don't deserve one. Perhaps as a reward down the road. For now I can live vicariously through you. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 7, 2014 Author Share Posted September 7, 2014 You're a machine man. I love the new additions. If I get a Khorne curled toe-nail close to this with my project I'd be tickled pink. Nice and gritty. Also love the Knight little details make all the difference. I want one pretty bad, but I don't deserve one. Perhaps as a reward down the road. For now I can live vicariously through you. Thanks Prot. The Knight is a really great model to build & paint. Also started useing the Knight in a few games with my Iron Warriors, just not use ally all that often. I think next game I got line up will be against Eldar with 3x Writhknights. Quick update I'd taken this week off - Monday 1st to Monday 8th & it been a great. A few of those days where aim to get a new Land Raider I bought back in May built & painted. Then on my birthday I got the Iron Warriors Contempter Dreadnought, which is currently being built. Land Raider - I wanted this to be Lord Narach own transport & have it as a command look tanks The painting stastion had just been tidy after getting a Space Marine army painted/finish for a friend for a few events happen over the next few months. Along with getting the display shelfs tidy as well. New shelf that got built before I'd taken my week holiday The Land Raider as it was a few hour ago - Since then I've added another layer of Froge World weather powder to the tracks. I should have the model finish by the end of today New Iron Warriors who will be part of a new unit act as bodyguards for Warpsmith Damocles They should be fully painted by Wed. While I'll also get the Iron Hands upgread kit order to convert the rest of the unit. I want to try have the unit a bit like the Iron Warriors from the art work from Black Library The Contempter Dreadnought So very WIP - I'm just waiting on a order from Forge World to arrive, just I was unsure what arm's I was going to give the model until Tuesday during the week there. I was orignaly going to go with two of the Combat arm & use the Hammer from the Dreadknight kit, try have the model carry the weapon in both hands. But since getting the Dreadknight weapon oN Thursday there, it look out of scale. So I think I will be useing the Sword weapon & I will have the Contempter Dreadnought arm with a Autocannon. I think theme wise, the autocannon help show that he was once a memeber of the Iron Havocs. So get that order tomorrow from Forge World I've also got Chaos Brass etching arriving with the order. So they will be added to the loin cloth & armour plate (remove the Son's of Horus icon). The left knee pad with the Iron Warrior icon will be undercaoted seprate. Aim to use White undercaot & then mix Russ Grey with Medium to give it shade. So hopeful get the Dreadnought painted on Wed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 15, 2014 Author Share Posted September 15, 2014 Update I just spent Saturday getting the new Contempter Dreadnought painted I've like how the model turn out. As said before I've not been to keen on Contempter Dreadnought look, just found the body to look odd. But the Son's of Horus one seem to fit the look bit more. For the model I've use the Son's of Horus Dread body & shine guard with the spike. While Iron Warriors Contempter I've use the shoulder, one shine pad, both knee pads. The model will be tie in with a HQ chose for my Heresy era Iron Warriors force as said before. Just waiting on the date to be annouce & most important deadline for that hobby challenge. Only thing is I'm going to add some more trophies, just to help with the back part of the model. So going to add a ork trophie, Word bearer trophie & the trophie from the FW Chaos Guards/on the banner of my Emperor Will object marker, so get that sorted out. Also some photos while adding Forge World weather powder to the Dreadnought MIG pigmint fixer to seal each layer before adding another/finish More Forge World - A few of my friends where down that Warhammer World last weekend & had a three day campaign base on the 3rd War of Armageddon. With Sunday battle it out on one of the Warhammer World really cool theme tables in a Apoclypse battle. Just allow them to get those games & for some just to see Warhammer World - Which as said in this log a really great place, I really enjoy going to the Throne of Skulls events, it would be nice to try & arrange a 13th Black Crusade type battle, but that could be somthing for the future. So these will be going toward trophies. The Word Bearer will be base on Matt army I fought that Throne of Skulls Oct 2012. I fought his Thasound Sons in April 2012 & added trophies on that, when he saw this on the new IW models that the time he laught. Since then he'd ask that other Throne of Skulls events when I'd be adding trophies base on his Word Bearer army after our second game. Pretty much I wanted to wait until FW release a heresy set, this way it make them stand out as his army. They'll be getting added to this new Breacher squad I need for Rapid Fire & there Rhino transport. I'll also add one of the Word Bearer to the Contempter Dreadnought.While any left over Night Lord part will be use for my Biker unit to bring them up to 10 models strong + a HQ chose. Finial, any fellow Iron Warriors should check out ++ Iron Within, Iron Without: IV Legion Comunity ++ topic for the Bolter & Chainsword forum: IP Kythnos, Galthan Ironsturm, Kierdale and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kythnos Posted September 15, 2014 Share Posted September 15, 2014 Again, a really stunning model. Your projects never stop to amaze me and are a constant inspiration for my own Iron Warriors warband :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 Again, a really stunning model. Your projects never stop to amaze me and are a constant inspiration for my own Iron Warriors warband Thanks Kythnos Update A while back I commented about trying to start a Guard army to ally with my Iron Warriors & also to be a stand alone force, more so when the plastic Storm Trooper where release, some of the best kits in my view. So I'm now starting to push this army forward after seen a few Guard armour company kicking about here. Just somthing about seen the Armour Company army that cool when it all painted up & also check out WD many years ago with George Dellapina armour company army. I bought the paints today & the new GW colour spray (not sure the name). I just spray the models with the colour spray, cover up area in blu-tak & then use the mix up paint in the GW spray gun. It pretty good to use the spray gun again, just somthing we got to use a bit during my NQ to HND model making course. So these where just spray half a hour ago & waiting on them to dry before remove the blu-tak. Then spend a bit of tomorrow getting them painted. Just trying to use some of the idea from the Forge World modelmaster class book 1 which is brillaint. Then the Iron Warriors I just started painting earily today for the new unit Some new trophies for the Contempter Dreadnought The Word Bearer trophies are base on Matt army from Throne of Skulls Oct 2012, I fought Matt Thasound Son army that Throne of Skulls April that same year with the Iron Warriors, both been great games & really great oppent. He been asking me that Throne of Skulls events after that, when would I be adding trophies base on his Word Bearer army & thanks to Forge World I have some great parts to use now to mark them out. I'm also hope to spend possible next Friday as a day off & to get the new unit of Iron Warriors for my Warpsmith built. On another note - I;ve recently been re-reading some of the Iron Warriors short stories in the Omnibus & Renegades of the Dark Millennium, while I wait for the Talons of Horus novel to be release next week. Just we know Soltarn Vull Bronn "the stonewrought, one of the few thing that make him stand out for me has always been the Trench tool, that is also a unique weapon as well as a tool for trench work. From what I remember in the novel, it say about the tool being use to kill 10 Imperial Fist Captain's & he taken on a Ork Warboss & then countless other people during the Long War. Just trying think what would be a great way to convert the weapon? I'd not mind converting up another unit of Chosen theme around the elite seige worker who get the finial bit of the trench/defence work done that is to danger & important for cultist/Chaos Guards. This would possible be somthing I'd like to try convert for Call of Chaos for the unit of Chosen & they'll also give me a nice unit to use for Kill team mission's There also Dassadra in the same short story as the stonewrought during the battle for Calth who pretty cool. Has all there nervies remove & we see him in the short story in Renegades of the Dark Millennium, so hopeful see more of him in future Honsou novels Just though it would make a great Chosen unit & as always I like adding to my Iron Warriors army. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Demetrios Posted October 14, 2014 Share Posted October 14, 2014 As usual grand stuff IP, and as a fellow IW player I assume your very excited for IA 13 Warmachines of LatD hmm? Some extra renegade-y rules for you're guard allies along with a host of new rules and toys to play around with. There goes my wallet heheh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 15, 2014 Author Share Posted October 15, 2014 (edited) As usual grand stuff IP, and as a fellow IW player I assume your very excited for IA 13 Warmachines of LatD hmm? Some extra renegade-y rules for you're guard allies along with a host of new rules and toys to play around with. There goes my wallet heheh. Thanks Warsmith Demetrios. To be honsty I've never really use any FW rule only models yet. I'll try to do this in the future as there some thing like the Contempter or the Relic? Predators I would not mind trying out. So we'll see. Just right now all my focuse will be on Call of Chaos & getting ready for events. With the Chaos Guards, I'll aim to get them done with the standard codex first & then look into all the diffrent army list, again there some cool units I've seen & would not mind add them So a pretty big udpated ++Call of Chaos VII++ Call of Chaos offical started today & I've put forward the following units to be completed for the 15th Jan 2015 I Insane Psychopath answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete - Chaos Predator tank - Unit of 5 Chosen & Rhino transport - Unit of 5 Chaos Terminators - Chaos Lord in Power Armour - Maulerfiend - 1 Obliterator - Dark Apostle - Warpsmith For my Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company. Before January 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Postulant Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul! So first all. I'll show the updated on the Predators which was just undercaoted yesterday afternoon & I just started painting it today. Photo taken a few monent ago - I'll try get photo taken during the weekend during day time hour As seen there. There still a lot to get painted. I'll need to wait & see as this week is pretty busy. I've got a lot of Iron Warriors to get ready for my wargaming club event next week. If I can get part of the predator painted during this week, then I'm aim on getting the Forge World weather powder added during the weekend, same time as the new Rhino I've been posting in past few udpates. So with Call of Chaos. Pretty much Predator - I want to try get a few more of these in my army. Back in 2005 & 2007 I use to run a list with four of them & really enjoy useing that list. So just give me chose with allies or unbound. I do want to add another one in the future but unsure if I will try the Relic Predators with the FW rules? Chosen - I talk about getting a Kill team done a while back after painting Talons & First claw. I want to get one built for my Iron Warriors after last year Kill team rule being release. While I've not been keen on small games, I do enjoy kill team games. One of the aims is to try attend a Warhammer World Kill team event as well since I'll not be back down until next year due to work happen in Warhammer World. So try attend one to make up for lack of event this year for myself as well as usely Throne of Skulls. One idea I'd like to try is convert a Rhino like this - Photo of George Dellapina Guard army - Dragon Slayer from White Dwarf 313, photo of the army when it was being sold on ebay a few year back General theme for the unit to show them as the mote Elite. Those who are trusted with the most important trench & seige work for those finial attack or vital duty. Thing sort of like ARC Trooper from Star Wars as well. I've also been really inspired by ADB Talons of Horus novel, page 140 show Battle Brothers from the IV Legion. Terminators - This is to help me get my unbound army list done which was Terminators heavy. For this I will convert the Grave Warden? from the Death Guard range. Since the models where release I've always though they where cool. Chaos Lord - I just want to have a Power Armour lord so I got the chose for events. Also this will be base on one my older models back when I started the army, the other Champion who was part of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick bodyguard unit. I think I will use Sevatar model if he release in time. If not then that a conversion for later on & I can look for a stand in as the other chose is to make a Grand Company Champion, a person who up-hold my Warsmith rule as law & general fight for the Honour of my Grand Company. So all down to Sevatar being release during this time or not? Warpsmith - Just add another one. I like the whole idea for the Warpsmiths Dark Apostle - After seen the art work preview that Warhammer Fest of a Word Bearer Dark Apostle........ I want to add another one to my IW, going to see what wargear they can have so he arm diffrent from the three I've already got in my army. Again give me chose. Obliterator - Just to help bring up the number & so I got chose. Also it been a while since I've last converted up a Obliterator. Want to possible try useing the MkIII helmet toward this conversion or try get a bit more bionic & use some part from the FW Iron Hands range. Maulerfiend - I just like the model & got a conversion idea in mind. Also enjoy painting the model. My planned work time Nov I want to try get the Chosen & there Rhino all converted up. Some time there are kill team event ran during the holidays. Even then I think be a great time to get a few games on the go. I'll also try get a HQ here & there converted. Possible the Mauler Fiend as well? Dec Terminators will be Christmas day. I'll ether get the Warpsmith or Dark Apostle converted for the 24th Dec, a time where I usely go to my local store pick up a few things & spend a bit of time painting a model before going home....... hopeful avoid the house tidy up. Pretty much Christmas holidays are the best time for me with two & a bit weeks. None Call of Chaos models. I've got a event next week by my Wargaming club - Stirling Wargamer: Rapid Fire. 1850pts event over two days. I'm looking forward to this as it will be my first 7th ed event & just general catch up with a lot of friends. With this, I'm going to try a diffrent list & just general it a weekend of gaming for me. I don't get as much games as I use to do, events allow me the change just get a day or weekend of gaming done. Then two week after that, the gaming club DWARF are holding there Charity tournament, all money going to a good cause. Champion who will led the new squad & act as bodyguard for my Warpsmith Also two Battle Brother from the unit, photos taken back when the Champion was being built I've just got 3 Iron Warriors to build, two for this unit & a new Autocannon arm Iron Warrior. Then the crew memeber for there Rhino transport Trophies where added to help tie in with my Iron Warriors. But to also just add a bit. Really happy how they all turn out on the Contempter Dreadnought. Like the Iron Havocs, he been make his own history in recent games. Also mange to unbox a few more IW, even a year after move there still boxies here to sort out. It just Narach back when he was a Champion arm with Power Fist, along with another Champion w/Power Sword (forgotten his name sadily). Along with Warsmith Abhorred Riddick from 2001 & Sorcerer Krull. I notice that the Chaos Lord with Power Axe is still on sale over on the Games Workshop web site, I still rememeber when the model was release, with the eavy metal team holding a painting comp in the White Dwarf when he was release along with Battlefleet Gothic & is one of my favrout chaos models. Just been thinking about pick the model up & painting a current version of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick in mortal forum just for display more than anything else & I have the same arm from the Necromunda model - bought the model a while back to use bionic leg on one of my Cultist. Lord Narach during the years Left to Right - 2006 era who was use during Medusa V. Current era built in 2012 who led my force to this day in 1500pts to 1850pts games. 2001-2002 version when I started my Iron Warriors & he was a Champion for unit of chosen bodyguard for Warsmith Abhorred Riddick. There has been another two version. I think I still got the power armour version of him arm with Kai Gun & there was another Terminators version in 2005 that I use in Conflict Scotland with Kai Gun. Sorcerer Krull from 2002 (Left) which I shown before, he was bought the day before Conflict Scotland 2002 my first event just because I like that Sorcerer model more than anything else. Then the current version of Krull as part of Call of Chaos 2012, since then added glow effect to the eyes of the skull 28th Sept mark 18 year in the hobby for me, when I started in 1996. In a few week time, I pick up White Dwarf 202 my first copy with the art work by John Blanche & conversion by studio memebers with the release of 2nd ed Chaos Marine codex, that led to me collecting Black Legion & Chaos in general. As said when it come to a army, I want to go with the once that offer me conversion. I can careless what top in internet army list is, they come & go, while armies I enjoy converting are the once that will last longer Also forget to add the Abaddon vs Loken duel I got last year from Rapid Fire. There still bits to be added & one reason for the photos allow me to pick up. Just I've been taken my time to paint the duel, it a really great model & I've really enjoy painting Abaddon & Loken. I wanted Abaddon conversted with the Talons of Horus & daemonic sword so I could use him in my Warhammer 40,000 games, but also be on the display with Loken. In a way it to show the past & future. Right after finish reading Talon of Horus, I'm re-reading the novel for a second time. It really good & as said given me a lot idea toward conversion, with IV Legion on page 140 which will give me idea toward my unit of Chosen I want to add to my Call of Chaos as said above. I've mange to gather a few parts toward a conversion I want to get done for Lheorvine Ukris the World Eater just as a one off model for display. Just need to get the FW heavy bolter & he will be ready to go hopeful by Halloween. Edited October 15, 2014 by Insane Psychopath Dark Disciple and Augustus b'Raass 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 20, 2014 Author Share Posted October 20, 2014 (edited) Update +Call of Chaos+I just spent a bit of time (7pm-8pm) painting the Predators tank for my Iron Warriors. I just need to add gloss varnish to the light & glass area of the model. Just after the above photos where taken, I forgot to add battle damage to the Predator My next Call of Chaos - Maulerfiend. I've got a few idea I want to do conversion wise. As always to give the model a sub theme, it own history.I've been talking to B&C memeber Vl Edited October 20, 2014 by Insane Psychopath Kythnos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kythnos Posted October 20, 2014 Share Posted October 20, 2014 Wow, stunning models again! I'll also be adding some more heavy machinery to my army during the CoC in the form of two Helbrutes and one Rhino. Also congrats on the banner for your sig - I'm really jealous! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 21, 2014 Author Share Posted October 21, 2014 Wow, stunning models again! I'll also be adding some more heavy machinery to my army during the CoC in the form of two Helbrutes and one Rhino. Also congrats on the banner for your sig - I'm really jealous! Thanks Kythnos I just saw your post over on Call of Chaos & it look really cool. I like the Helbrute conversion, be great to see how the army look by the 15th Jan next year :D Also forgot to add. When apply the pigment fixer, dap it onto the weather powder. Just you don't want to disturbed the powder & look all in patchies. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galthan Ironsturm Posted October 21, 2014 Share Posted October 21, 2014 Really beautifull Company ! And your Fallen are just amazing !!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kythnos Posted October 21, 2014 Share Posted October 21, 2014 Wow, stunning models again! I'll also be adding some more heavy machinery to my army during the CoC in the form of two Helbrutes and one Rhino. Also congrats on the banner for your sig - I'm really jealous! Thanks Kythnos I just saw your post over on Call of Chaos & it look really cool. I like the Helbrute conversion, be great to see how the army look by the 15th Jan next year Thanks! I think the end of the Call of Chaos should also be a good time to post a picture of the whole army. Should look pretty cool. Maybe we could make that a project for all of our Iron Warriors members and have a grand showing of the might of the IVth legion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 21, 2014 Author Share Posted October 21, 2014 Wow, stunning models again! I'll also be adding some more heavy machinery to my army during the CoC in the form of two Helbrutes and one Rhino. Also congrats on the banner for your sig - I'm really jealous! Thanks Kythnos I just saw your post over on Call of Chaos & it look really cool. I like the Helbrute conversion, be great to see how the army look by the 15th Jan next year Thanks! I think the end of the Call of Chaos should also be a good time to post a picture of the whole army. Should look pretty cool. Maybe we could make that a project for all of our Iron Warriors members and have a grand showing of the might of the IVth legion. We've got the Iron Warriors community topic & would be great for member to post photos of there armies on there. I think what would be great, when our Call of Chaos oath are complete is to post a group photo of the models that people enter for the call, as well. Just been told a few moment ago that one my friends mange to pick me up the Iron Warriors t-shirt from Warhammer Fest which was really great of them to do that. I should be pick this up on Thursday along with a few other things they pick up for me & a few other during the Warhammer Fest event. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted October 21, 2014 Share Posted October 21, 2014 Great looking Predator bro! The weathering info looks really useful as well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dammeron Posted October 21, 2014 Share Posted October 21, 2014 Stunning; the epitome of an Iron Warrior Grand Company. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 26, 2014 Author Share Posted October 26, 2014 Thanks for the comments :D Update This weekend saw my Iron Warriors take to the field of battle for my wargaming club event - Stirling Wargamer Rapid Fire. Dispite my dice rolling, it was a really great weekend on a lot of levels. Events for me just about getting games in, as I don't get the 15 games a week like I use to do years ago & general catch up with friends & add even more glory & history to my Iron Warriors force. There lot of good & a lot bad moment. One low moment was my Knight never making it past turn 2 for five games out of 6..... I don't see why everyone was trying to take him out of the game.... But great weekend. Fought one of my most recent hard fought games, those once where you really focuse on the game, any thing that goes wrong will have a big impack, it pretty much on the wire game - If anything this was the only game my Knight surivie & done well Though I did keep it in reserve as it was getting soul destroying Before the storm (event) I've just post photos of this model - As said a lot of the games I fought have help shape & add history to my force, into the army they are today. Just this Iron Warrior who I made a while back was in a game on Wed against my friend & there Nids which ended up winning best army, with myself & a Space Marines force being other two armies battle it out for the best army award. Just on Wed, he was the lone surivie of my unit 1, my Veterans & one my trusted units. Just he was in close combat vs 30 Gaunts from turn 2 to turn 6, over 50 armour save made & won combat, slay all 30 Gaunts in the end. So I'm going to possible look that adding a Nid trophies to his backpack, a skull on a spike useing the Nid skull from Abaddon. Also pick up my Iron Warriors t-shirt which was worn today the second day of the event. A friend had pick the t-shirt up from Warhammer Fest for me, to go along with my IW mug (see few pagies back) & my IW's army Friday painting - the day before the event. Always the same as seen ever single time I've attended a event. The unit & models shown here where meant to be done sooner, but there been a lot in personal life going on & it did not help a lot my order start of Oct where delyed, mean I miss a free day I had. Then IW with the shield is a little nod toward the preview of the Heresy Breacher shown in the White Dwarf - Feb/March last year? When they shown a WIP photo of the model The squad Also updated Terminator who was shown a while back. Just remove the loin cloth to give him a armour plate version & adding a few new trophies Few games & photos from this weekend Champion making his first kill Kythnos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 26, 2014 Author Share Posted October 26, 2014 Photos by my wargaming club Khârn - Just image the Chaos gods put him onto planet, shown up - bit like Audio with the Dark Angels Chapter master during Paradox? Just useing Khârn as a object marker. My trusted Verteran unit who been here since day one of started Mk6 Iron Warriors I've just return home from the event. But tomorrow I will start work on my Maulerfiend for Call of Chaos as one my friends give me spare Dark Eldar bits during today which was cool. Also during Rapid Fire, one my oppent was talking about useing a Sorcerer with Lord Narach & his unit of Terminators. Be honsty I've never really use psychic, only my Wolves use a Rune Priest. But that was 5th ed. Psyhicpower have change & to be honsty I do find it hard to keep track & it may not help I don't pay attesion most time because part it maybe autism side with my semantic pragmatic disorder or because I'm just ready to start gaming. But just they point out a really cool idea & then talk about some cool conversion I could do. So this is somthing I'm going to try do in the future, need to keep a eye out for Forge World Erebus to use the head toward the conversion. Also check out bitz box to see what bits I can find & start come up with idea. Again all down to give me chose & it always nice to add cool models. Heresy models I did show some Heresy model a while back but unsure if I shown unit photos? Just this was part of a hobby challenge I had last year. I miss out on part two during March to May due to that a really busy time in my life. So was really gutted.But part 3 was annouce recently with a deadline for the 31st Jan next year. So I've offer to paint a unit of Iron Havocs & a Seige Breaker as a HQ chose.It just more because I like the Heresy era models. Doubt I'll get a all out army like my Chaos era Iron Warriors. It just more a few units just because they look cool.The seige breaker will be theme & tie in with the Chaos era Comptemter (sp) Dreandought I got for my birthday because he was put into the Dreadnought armour. IP Kythnos and Dark Disciple 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Ambroz Posted October 26, 2014 Share Posted October 26, 2014 The history you create with your IW is just awe inspiring. Each unit of yours has backstory not just through fluff but through hard fought battles. The trophies and carcasses of your enemies tell their own stories. That's something I've always tried to incorporate into my warband thanks to you. Your blog is pretty much the main reason I miss the gaming aspect of the hobby. Keep it up and thanks for sharing IP! Vesper and Iron-Daemon Forge 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 28, 2014 Author Share Posted October 28, 2014 Thanks Tanith Ghost. Just like my armies to have that history from the Iron Warriors, Space Wolves, Ravenwing. So there not a faceless army & it why I'll have a lot more attachment? toward those armies when gaming or those I collect in the future. As said it help when model units as well. Call of Chaos updated I was going to do the update yesterday night, but just felt really tired during the day & my head was starting to feel like someone had hit me with a thunder hammer. Not sure if it was just being tired after great weekend that Rapid Fire or because a random person who came to the event to see a friend chose to pick up my Knight right above my army - the arm's, shoulder pads & top hull are removible to make it easyer for me to carry, can also be a bit frigle on the base as he was super glue on, painting them seprate that the time make it easyer get to my local store to paint the model.Just a lot of damage could have been done & it not a good thing. I hate it when people I don't know pick up my models with out permission. Anyway. When I did have a hour I was looking to be ok at 7pm, got the Maulerfiend quickly built so he would he ready to undercaot today & be painted tomorrow.I've use bits from the Dark Eldar Talos. Just in the background the way it talk about the Maulerfiend looking for any weakness & also though be a cool way to show - it will not die. Just I can see it pulling metal H beam, bit from building & fort, eating the metal to recover. Also talking to B&C memeber Vlâdvar The Destroyer over on facebook.If I can get a few more those parts, I'd like to add them to the hull. Just I forgot to ask one my friends during Rapid Fire if they mange to bring the parts as it was a busy weekend None Call of Chaos As said I've enjoyed reading Talons of Horus & currently re-reading the novel. Lheor Ukris the one who stood out for me & of course IV Legion shown in the novel :D So this is my version. I've not went for the Imperial skull with wings. I went for the FW Khorne body because it look cool & I might possible start a Khorne element to my Iron Warriors, got into a bit more depth & have them as a IW Warband that maybe near wipe out, old ally of my Grand Company? Or maybe have them as World Eater as I did like painting that test model, again as a warband near wipe out & join allies of the Great Crusade & during the Heresy? The FW Khorne bodies are most like the main part that going to be use in the army. Lheor Ukris I've just got to add green stuff & another skull. Then when time permit, I'll need to add a chainsword. Just wanted to convert the model & paint him because - all about cool models :D IP Large and Moving Torb, Kythnos and Dark Disciple 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted October 28, 2014 Share Posted October 28, 2014 Your new Mauler looks excellent but I have to say the WE with HB looks more dangerous than the usual Berzerkers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted October 28, 2014 Author Share Posted October 28, 2014 Your new Mauler looks excellent but I have to say the WE with HB looks more dangerous than the usual Berzerkers. Thanks Forte. Lheor Ukris from Talons of Horus novel is a really cool person & 15th Fang company. Just wanted to get a conversion done because I though he would be cool to build & paint, like I done with Talos & first claw last year, also build First claw take part in Kill team games. As said Talons of Horus is a good novel in my view & looking forward to the rest of the serise :D I still need to try get a chain axe & add that to his backpack. Forté 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Disciple Posted October 28, 2014 Share Posted October 28, 2014 Your Lheor looks amazing, can't wait to see him painted. Sorry to ask but did you use the DV Champion legs for him? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted October 28, 2014 Share Posted October 28, 2014 I know I've just commented on your other thread, but felt compelled to post here again after reading through the last few pages. I really like this army. Makes me consider a Throne of Skulls trip myself, actually. (Never been) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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