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hey vilify us for our methods, yet nobody questions the results. We are the chosen Scions of Sanguinius, tempered weapon of the Emperor Himself. Our enemies quake with fear even before we strike first blood. They will soon know it is a fear well founded! Let them fear the Angels’s of Death, let them fear what is left of their short future; let them pray for death. Brothers, we will answer those prayers…..
Commander Isiah, Chapter Master of the Flesh Eaters

Greetings Brothers,
Let me introduce to my first project log in the WIP forum, my take on the infamous 3rd founding Chapter, the Flesh Eaters. Now I’ve always been a Blood Angel, ever since I was a fresh faced 14 year old when Angel’s of Death came out. After dropping out of the hobby for a good while I returned to it a couple of years ago and picked up my beloved BA during the pdf.codex. I have currently got around 1500-1700 fully painted army with other stuff built. At this point it was either carry on building/painting more BA or have a change of direction with something different and a more hard core successor while it is still possible. It’s something that was always niggling at the back of my mind during the build of my Angels, and I finally took the plunge towards the end of the year. I looked at the more common bad-ass poster boys the Flesh Tearers, the hardcore Knights of Blood who have appeared in the new codex, and the equally hardcore Flesh Eaters; the latter described in the codex as being “fatally undone by their geenseed” a theme I think I could definitely work with. “How could GW destroy one of their original Rogue Trader Chapters in one sentence?” I here you cry! Tut-tut http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/dry.png .

Also helping with the decision were a few other more practical reasons; including a uniform colour scheme that I can easily apply to my existing marines (I dislike all the different coloured heads and the rise of Assault Squads over Tacs has meant my BA look like a yellow headed successor nowadays!), anybody who knows of my work will know I like a heavy vampire theme, to the point of more so than the standard BA. I also like to cover my dudes in blood, guts for a gritty look instead of bling-bling showroom fresh shine http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/devil.gif meaning the time has come for the change, so here I am repainting my BA army lol. Check out my Flesh Eater test marine HERE, it shouldn’t be too difficult to convert my BA to FE. I want them to look border line Loyalist/Traitor – a sort of are they or aren’t they, so expect a hard core look with lots of trophies, and I’ll be using the old RT era colour scheme with the current Chapter symbol of a monstrous fanged maw.

Once I start making new models, I plan to use a lot of Corvus armour (esp for the Veterans) as this is ideal with the 3rd founding history. Anyways, enough boring stuff, pictures are much more fun, yes? All only my old stuff repackaged and re-badged so you must bare with me if you are familiar with my BA army for the time being.

Enter the Flesh Eaters…….

Tactical Squad Gabriel



Sgt Gabriel himself:-



Some of my fave Battle Brothers:-



Assault Squad Orlok



Sgt Orlok:-


Magnetized back pack/jump pack:-

And right arm:-


^Flesh Eaters have a habit of taking heads and flaying them for trophy's http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/devil.gif ^

In fact they are all magnetized:-




This guy has shaved down Berzerker legs:-


Group shot awaiting pie plate:-
http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh190/MidnightRunner81/DSC00936.jpg Edited by Midnightmare
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Sanguinary Priest Lorcan

Being a Blood Angel successor, we need Sanguinary Priests, so here is my repainted version, Brother Lorcan. He also sports a magnetized jump/back pack so he can also count as Corbulo, as well as a Priest/Noviate on foot or DoA style. And of course, he now sports fangs:-





There will be more Flesh Eater specific conversions as I get further along with the army, case example being Sgt Decan from my other Assault Squad; my entry for Maverick Prime?s Conversion Challenge #7:-

Here was his short story for the challenge. I found it ideal to set a tone for my army, not expecting to win or that it?s going to get published by the BL anytime soon, but here it is enjoy if you missed it:-

The red haze lifted, and Decan surveyed the scene of carnage that the command room of the bunker had become. The pieces of fully 70 militia men lay strewn across the area; entrails here, limbs there and a severed head caught his attention for the look of sheer terror it bore. Quite a massacre; this world had paid dearly for turning its face from the Emperor?s devine light. With a hiss, he removed his helm. The smell of freshly spilt blood filled his nostrels and Decan smiled to himself as he licked his fangs. Yes, at the hands of the Flesh Eaters strike force "Angel's Deliverance", this world has paid a high price indeed.

As his irisless eyes adjusted to the darkness not to dissimilar to his homeworld, and Decan felt the cold air on his face and his freshly shaven head. An unseen wind fluttered gently at his purity seals. He could see brother Gorlak stooped over the broken form of the Renegade Militia Captain. Nowhere to be seen, even still, were the traitoress Black Legionnaires. ?Hardly a trophy worth keeping Brother? he scoffed at Gorlack. Gorlack looked up from his prey with a wry, blood soaked smile accross his own helmetless face, and carried on flaying the skin from the so called ?Captain?s? skull. Decan was a large Astartes and this was made even more apparent as he stood over Gorlack.
?We must take what little we can from this Emperor forsaken planet? came the Gorlacks reply.
?Not much sport? said Decan ?but our duty never the less?

A noise in the centre of the room broke off the conversation. In a split second Sgt Decan was across, pinning the loyalist soldier against the opposite wall with his powerfist, a good two feet from the floor. ?My lord?please?? The boy, no older than 20 summers, could not look him in the eyes. Decan moved his face right up to the boys. ?Tell me soldier? Decan?s voice was a low growl ?Why should I let you live?? The boy soiled himself as he tried to reply. Finally he managed to look the Astartes in his cold eyes. His answer could hardly be heard over the thrumming of the sergeant?s power armour; ?Traitor?..?

The red thirst rose up through Decan again as he ripped the soldiers throat out with his fangs. He threw his head back as arterial blood sprayed high. For a moment Decan felt nothing but rage as the crimson rained down on him. And then he was back again. A beep on his internal vox that he couldn?t hear due to the removal of his helm. As Decan looked back to the rest of the squad he heard an audible snap as he applied greater pressure with his oversized gauntleted fist to the boys prone frame and let him drop.?Sergeant Decan? The Sanguinary Priest accompanying the squad, Brother Lorcan, inclined his head to the Sergeant. ?The Emperor be damned Traitor Legion have been spotted escaping into the catacombs below this bunker? ?Very well Brother? Decan replied as locked his helm back in place ?then let us bring His retribution on the Arch Traitors minions?.

?For the Emperor!? his squad replied in unison, gunning their chainswords.

As the squad stomped out of the command room Sergeant Decan glanced back at the scene. Collateral damage; renegade and loyalist militia as one massacre. No survivors. The Chapters?, not least his own, excesses apparent again. He shook his head. Now to the task in hand, time to go hunting. Hunting for ?real? prey.


Sgt Decan with his squad, magnetized again :P :-

Combat Squad A assembled

Combat Squad B complete

Finally, there be vampires about??.


Lots of photo?s I know and across a few posts, also apologies if you are familiar with my previous BA efforts as they may not seem too different, but armies have got to start somewhere! C & C most welcome on anything you see.
Cheers :) Edited by Midnight Runner
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THIS IS AWESOME :) I'M so contemplating doing a FE army after I saw Chaplain Desmodus'. My itch to start just got intensified with these lovely looking models, and the blood thirst of the new Vampire counts out from GW adds to the multitude of "vampire-like' oportunities ahead.
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Thanks very much for the kind words guys :)


  Lord Tharand said:
I really love your skin color. It really makes the models very striking. How did you achieve that color?

Cheers man, I tried a few different pale and pasty complections but this one seemd to work best with the red armour. Full low down is this:-

Base is Space Wolf Grey

Asurman Blue wash

Highlight with Space Wolf Grey

Further highlight with Skull White added to the grey.

Pure Skull White highlight.

Asurman Blue glaze just to tie them all together

Once dry apply Baal Red around the eye sockets

Paint the eye itself Golden Yellow (not I did not paint a black dot for the iris ;) )

Kudo's goes to Pig of Sparta really, as it is his recipe 'borrowed' from the painting/modelling tutorials.

EDIT Here is the LINK


  DeathKnight2000 said:
THIS IS AWESOME :) I'M so contemplating doing a FE army after I saw Chaplain Desmodus'. My itch to start just got intensified with these lovely looking models, and the blood thirst of the new Vampire counts out from GW adds to the multitude of "vampire-like' oportunities ahead.

You know you want to....Desmodus' stuff is indeed the primary inspiration, ever since I saw his original FE. Although I have tried to add my own spin without ripping too much of his stuff off, it is hard not too as it is so awesome! I have to shout out Chaplain Hiltraud's FE as well, as they also tipped my decision to swap allegences from BA to FE :)


Once again cheers guys :tu:

Edited by Midnight Runner
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Amazing as expected. Your work has been paramount in me switching from Templars to a BA successor, so thanks! :tu:


One question though, just curious. How do you gave em fangs? Or are those Vampire counts heads? Is it GS? I cant tell if the fangs on the bald unpainted guy are green or not :)

Edited by OhKillerRabbit
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Amazing work can't wait to start my flesh eaters now, might have to use/steal :lol: some of your awesome conversions to use in mine!


Really love the blue skin adds to the whole gothic/vampire theme


Consider me subbed


And thanks again for the tips on how to paint the chapter symbol, going to use the scheme off flesheaters.net so shoulder pads will be black & shoulder be a bit easier to paint

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Wow - thanks for all the positive comments guys, very much appreciated especially form some of you whose work I so much admire myself :) Also I'm glad my own work has inspired people to join the ranks of the Angel's of Death, as it is what this B & C does and it helps to kick my own stuff on. Most of the things I do are in some way stolen from here :) :tu:


OhKillerRabbit - yup the fangs are all green stuffed. It takes practice as they are fiddly little things but I'm getting better at doing them. My first attempt was on my librarian and the results were 'interesting'.


RE the blue skin, it does seem to polarize opinion but I thought if I was going down the vampire theme I may as well go down it properly ;) I think it looks well against the red armour and GW Sallies have red eyes meaning my FE are about as human; just at the other end of the spectrum. Besides, the Inquisition are worried about more than just the appearance of the FE me thinks.....words like 'unnatural cruelty'; 'rituals of crusifictions'; 'collateral damage' and 'vampirism' seem to follow the Flesh Eaters around when a strikeforce lands on a world.....all just rumours of course......


mikhail - the red armour is a recipe I have been using for a while and is pretty easy although a bit time consuming:-

Chaos Black undercoat

Scorched Brown

Mechrite Red (leaving the brown showing in the recesses)

Highlights are blended up to Blood Red

Blazing Orange as a final highlight on the edges where necessary

Then weather to suit :)


Once again, cheers guys.

Edited by Midnight Runner
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RE the blue skin, it does seem to polarize opinion but I thought if I was going down the vampire theme I may as well go down it properly I think it looks well against the red armour and GW Sallies have red eyes meaning my FE are about as human; just at the other end of the spectrum. Besides, the Inquisition are worried about more than just the appearance of the FE me thinks.....words like 'unnatural cruelty'; 'rituals of crusifictions'; 'collateral damage' and 'vampirism' seem to follow the Flesh Eaters around when a strikeforce lands on a world.....all just rumours of course......

I perfectly understand what you mean, but as i said, it's only a matter of personnal taste, not a criticism on your painting skills.


It's just that in my mind, vampires are closely tied to the look defined by the french comic "Requiem, vampire knight" (by Mills and Ledroit, a commic very, very politically incorrect, must I say ! ^^)


Just take a look at this :




But even with blue skin, please keep us showing more of your wonderful stuff !

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Thats quite a striking image there Sir Tancrede! It's funny that my Blood Angels Librarian has a similar skin tone tone and sports grey hair, although blue eyes(he was one of my original vampires). BTW I think am going to have to pick a copy up of that comic especially after reading this.....

  Sir Tancrede said:
very, very politically incorrect



Cheers for the comment again man, as not everybody is supposed to like every detail of a persons army; the diversity of peoples take on the 40k universe is what make our hobby so fun. Don't worry there will be more. I have just ordered an Sanguinor model as every Chapter needs a Chapter Master..... :D In the meantime I will carry on the redux.



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  Midnight Runner said:
  Sir Tancrede said:
very, very politically incorrect




As the heroe is a former SS, drawned in hell when he died against the Red Army and now a vampire knight serving an arch-deamon in the wars raging in hell, and that there are no "good people" (even angels...).

The comic has a very SM tone too.

So in many aspect, it's very politically incorrect (and really not for children, both for drawings, situations and sayings)


But I don't know if you can find it in english...

Edited by Sir Tancrede
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