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Camdoran Crusade

Marshal Reinhard

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Well, here he is with his armor plates on. This stage went a lot quicker than last time, mostly because I avoided some time sinks. Very rough and rather plain, but hope to change this by the next post

I haven't quite decided on his final pose yet, though I'm leaning towards one where the sword is raised a bit ahead of him (not pictured)



Overall I've done a fair bit of progress today, but there's quite a lot left, not least of all his base. That will probably have to wait until the weekend

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Well, I believe I've finished the Paladin, much sooner than I'd anticipated, was mostly done late last night actually. Seeing as the sun is actually up for once when I decide to take my photos I tried to make use of the natural lighting.

Seeing as I hadn't take any angle shots of the first knight either, I'll include those here as well below:


The Knight are barring your way (didn't notice until after I took the photos...)


The still as of yet unnamed Paladin, unit 3 of Camdorea crusade supporting knight battallion


Those smudges on the sword are clearly intentional.... clearly...


Not to sure if this base is little too flat compared to the other


Cannon hasn't seen much use... yet.


The previous knight, also unnamed and unit 2 of the Camdorea Crusade supporting Knight Battallion


Was thinking of naming him Lance of Light or something on account of the ginormous melta weapon. Just need a good personal name for the nobleman piloting and it'll be all set.


The Reaper's of fairly recent make.


Been wondering if could/should convert a cultist or something that's cowering behind the wall, extremely happy that the knight seems to have failed to notice him.


On sundays we coach little league...

Well that's that. Rather pleased with how they both turned out. Doubltless I'm gonna continue to go over the paladin for misses many many times as I have with the first knight, but for all intents and purposes my first vow for ETL3 is thus completed. There's eventually going to be a knight number 3... (or number 01 as it were) but not until new variants of knight kits have started popping out...


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  • 4 weeks later...

Not even sure if this is worth an update

I've been not very active since I did the Paladin. Two reasons for this being: one that the only models I really have left to paint on hand are my honour guard, which cannot be pledged for the ETL, and two, I still feel a bit unconvinced on how they're coming along, which essentially means that they're coming along very slowly.

Nevertheless here's a shot of them as a work in progress


They look rather messy right now because their paintjob is still just quick and sloppy, but even so they're just not quite doing what I'd hoped. Unsure wether it's because the concept just didn't work so well, or if it is indeed the unfinished painting.

Unsure whether going with white shoulder pads is a good idea, sort of draws too much attention to them and quite a few of the left ones are unfortunately malformed after me taking off the former EC related icon. Perhaps I could hide it by employing some of those shoulder shields. Other option is to replace their pauldrons entirely with normal tartaros ones, but I'll only do that I find the situation is unsalvageable.

On another note, I have taken steps to aquiring both what will be my second and third vow for the ETL, which should hopefully be here next week. People with long memories might even have a good guess as what those will be, as they're things I've said I would get at some point, in the past. But more on this later...


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I think they look fantastic! They're hulking, mean, obviously badass Templars, which is exactly what they should look like! Your concept is without doubt excellent; I suspect you are being a bit perfectionist in your criticism. They look great from here, but we all know that if its your personally painted model, you notice things that no-one else would see. It's really hard to be objective and imagine what an impartial observer sees instead. But that's why we're all here - to give honest criticism and encouragement, whichever is appropriate. In this case, I have nothing to criticise ;)
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Wow, these guys are truly impressive. The colours you have chosen will defenatly make these guys stand out as honour guards. I find the white and gold marks them as different from either sword brethren or regular terminators.

Just an idea for the areas on the pauldrons you were talking about. Would the small etched brass templar cross' fit on the areas that you filed off?


Edit: on a side note, are we still able to take terminators as honour guard or is it only available in PA?

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I saw your second vow and I will be following with more than just a keen interest. I love that bird. I won't pester you during the process, but will certainly have questions for you after you are finished.


Regarding the Honor guard: I think part of what you are experiencing has to do with their "difference" compared to the other termies you've done. The ornate nature of their armor really presents a different visual. This is not bad. I think what I see that may be bothering you is the starkness of the contrast between the white/gold/black. Again, I'm not convinced that it's bad, just different.


Now, having said that, I think there are some things that you could consider, that might lessen that impact you are experiencing.


1. Deepen and darken the gold. This will bring it closer to the black, but still keep it evident. If you still have some of the old GW Flesh Wash, that will give the gold an orange tint. Then follow up with the Devlin Mud/Whatever it's called now. Lastly, to ensure that the detail isn't lost, come back with a light dry brushed highlight of the original gold on just a few of the sharp edges and bold points that are exposed to your light source. Usually that means upper left or upper right sourcing.


2. Soften the white just a tad. Not a wash per se, though that is also a possibility, but perhaps add a touch of something like Baneblade Brown to your white and then do some of the recesses on those shoulder pads, leaving the central area your original white. Also, a thinned Devlin Mud/Whatever in the recesses next to the gold will add a little shadow and soften the over all impact of the white because there will be a sort of transition from the gold to the brightest white.


3. Sleight of hand: Add a design or pattern to the back of the cape to draw the eye in that direction. Don't make it super strong, but something like the difference between Khorne Red and Mephiston Red. It could be Templar crosses in a band along the bottom, checkered, all sorts of possibilities. The important thing is to make it present and evident, but not so bold as to steal the impact of the figure overall.


I do think that you are really close. You're being a little hard on yourself, which is Ok because that's  how we get better, but these are in no way as off as it seems you are thinking.


You can do it. Bring these guys home.

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Thanks for all the comments guys, and especially you Brother Honda. That was both inspirational and educational.


Since the last photo I've worked a bit more and they're starting to come a bit more into their own. I hope by applying all of your advice that I can bring them a little along still before I show them again.


But they will have to take a bit of back seat again for now, as I've required some more things that can be pledged for ETL III.


Unfortunately, there's been a slight hitch with the Glorious Bolter Bird, turns out the order was missing a piece. Not sure how many days will be lost in the process of getting a replacement for the missing piece, but I suspect up to a week, what with weekend coming up and all.


As it turns out though, I had gotten something else from Forgeworld, which i planned to make my third vow. I've messaged Captain Semper to see if i can rearrange my vows so that I can start the third vow as my second vow, and postpone the second to be my third. I'll report as soon as the good Captain gets back to me...

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I very much enjoyed reading this thread, Brother you are one dedicated Black Templar, I love what you did with your Tech Marines and those knights are astounding.

I do love a big censored.gif collection of Terminators, I'm going to be cheeky and ask for a pic of all your Terminators striding to battle in front of all your Contemptors, that would be one wicked pic. biggrin.png

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My request to Captain Semper was approved, thus I will now move on to working on two Sicaran Battle Tanks, while I wait for the missing piece of the Fire Raptor to arrive. The Fire Raptor will then be my third vow, Saving the best for last as they say.

That said I actually got a fair bit along the way assembling the Fire Raptor before I noticed my plight, so I'll include some shots of it, that I hadn't taken last night. This one's for you, Honda.


Here's a mockup how close to complete I can get it to look. Got the plastic and resin components to line up reasonably well, but there's some cracks i need to fill in. Obviously the the cockpit is just put in to place at the moment as I do intend to leave the plastic canopy clear and see through, and so will paint the seat and pilot. Also: note the paint pots i use to lift the wings up.


Compared to the top side, there's a fair bit of ugly to fix on the underside in my case, but nothing a little liquid green stuff can't handle. The main body is made up of primarily 5 parts, 1 plastic and 4 resin. If you can get the large resin sides to line up right top and bottom to line up nicely after you've straightened them all up you're pretty much past the biggest hurdle in assembling this kit (as far as I can tell at this point anyway)


The central fuselage, which is probably what people who say this kit is pain in the ass to assemble have the most trouble with. It took me a fair bit of time to but I think I got most of it to fit right, at the front anyway. The turrets' construction are pretty clever and the two can rotate up and down and sideways reasonably well. I was tempted to leave one of the hatches open so that the marine gunner would be visible, but decided to just glue the hatches on shut. I want my Fire Raptor look like it's mid flight, so no unnessery open hatches or doors, and I will propably make it so the landing gear aren't extended (which presumably hampers it ability to stay level on a flat surface without the flight base, so I'm still not 100% on that either)

Anyway, what's this missing piece then?


The cultprit is the mirror piece to this, the Left Wing Support as they call it. This is the Right Wing Support.


The piece is meant to fit on here, then the wing assembles fit on to it and the back of the of the body.



The wing assemblies consists three major parts: The plastic wing assemblies, the smaller resin top wings, and the resin and plastic engine nacelles. These three pieces all fit really snuggly together but did leave some minor gaps. Don't think they are too detracting and/or hard to fill if neccessary.


The most notable part should be at the front, just behind the plastic jet intake part. Overall I don't think it's anytihng major to worry about.

I'm going to give the Fire Raptor another go with some hot water treatment get everything to fit snuggly together, particluarly at the rear end with the wings, when I get the missing piece. As such I don't really want to start the painting process before that's done with.

If you have any questions on the kit, feel free to ask them and I'll try to answer as best I can.

Scott Francis: I will endeavour to take such a picture when the opportunity presents itself. The difficulty the a shot presents at the present is that they actually take up a fair bit of space laid out like in such a manner, so the tiny desk I use for painted pictures doesn't really suffice.

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Scott Francis: I will endeavour to take such a picture when the opportunity presents itself. The difficulty the a shot presents at the present is that they actually take up a fair bit of space laid out like in such a manner, so the tiny desk I use for painted pictures doesn't really suffice.

Thank you Brother Reinhard, I can imagine they would make a massive presence on 6 x 4 battlefield, let alone a painting desk. tongue.png

So I can wait for the pic Brother. As and when you get the chance. biggrin.png

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Thank you Brother Reinhard, that was very helpful. I've been able to ascertain from others who built the Storm Eagle, that the wings/body fit was particularly problematical, but that FW addressed that issue with the Fire Raptor.


Is it your opinion, based on what you know now, that the wings and engine nacelles "marry up" reasonably well? Also, any WIP shots of the construction of the Sicarians would be greatly appreciated as well. They are a brilliant looking vehicle as well. FW really knocked it out of the park with these to alone. Their super heavy models just make it even more painful from a wallet perspective.

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Yes I would say so, Honda. Have another look at my previous post, as I made some additons.

Compared to all other FW vehicle kits I've tried assembling now (Spartan, Glaive, Fire Raptor, even contemptors) the Sicaran is an extremly simple kit to assemble: I've already got everything but the engines and the sponsons on the first one:



One thing that surprised me was how much meatier the Accelerator Auto Cannon is compared to regular ones. Here's a comparions between them and the auto cannons you could fit on the ball turrets of the Fire Raptor (Which it should be said, are noticeably shorter than the ones on say my rifleman contemptor, but still...):


Another thing of note is that the tracks are already a part of the side hulls so there's no need fit them on manually. The tracks were by far the most time consuming aspect for both the Spartan and Fellglaive, so not having to do them with the Sicaran cut down assembly time immensly. The side hulls do have quite large resin entry gates, like the Spartans though, so they're taking the most time as I've not got a good tool to cut a resin piece that thick quickly without risking damaging it.

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Defenatly agree with you, the sicaran was the simplest fw kit that I have assembled yet, was defenatly a joy to make. Sorry to hear about the missing piece from your fire raptor, that is a awesome looking plane.
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... aaaaand both Sicaran's have been completely assembled. Now all that's left is to personalize them a little with that special Templar Pizzazz (as well as the tiniest of hot water bath detours as I want to make sure the AAC's are as perfectly straight as possible) and then it's off to prime these lovelies.


HLVW: Aye, it cannot be overstated how easy this kit is to produce. Even the side sponsons take only a minute after all the fiddliness from the quad lascannon version is gone when stripping it down to a single lascannon.

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