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Camdoran Crusade

Marshal Reinhard

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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for a big update of many small things. As I've done a lot of small alterations and improvements to my whole crusade for a while now I figured thatinstead of flooding the thread with junk updates, it'd be better to do one big update for (most of) them.

First up is the Land Raider Achilles, as I think i skipped out on showing it off once it was done:




Next is a new Marshall/Castellan (Space marine captain) conversion based on the bloodsucker captain in the shield of Baal box


Next, Navarre received some further love, and I figure the model deserves some additional angles





Next is Ludoldus, reborn after a horrible accident, glorious battle where his chassis took a lot of damage


The spartans have recieved new pintle mounted heavy bolters. A lot easier to pack this way. And I got to use those neat HB leftover bits from my sicarans...



The honour guard has gotten some more work on them. But i'll be damned if it shows on this photo...


New sergeant after the last one fell in the same battle as Ludoldus


New bases. Sort of hard to see though...


Assault squad also has new bases, and a long overdue 10th member from space hulk...


New heads and bases




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I can't for the life of me identify the honour guard models, is that some forgeworld minis ?


Also neat job on the crusaders, even though I now it's only 3 different tabards they all look and feel different.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well during the down time I finished my third ETL vow, which was a vanguard squad where everyone got a shiny blue power weapon. After that I figured I'd update more weapons in the army that ought to have been blue and shiny, so this here is like the power weapon update





Kind of amusing how extremely similiar the poses of the models in the front row right are...

Thanks for looking!

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So, I finally got around to taking an army shot of my crusade. Click the image or else the aspect ratio is all kinds of wonky.


I estimate it to be just over 9000 (yes, I know) worth of points. Headcounts are: 100 initiates, 30 Swordbrethren Terminators, 20 Swordbrethren, 20 Neophytes, 6 Dreadnoughts, 2 Spartan Assault Tanks, 1 Achilles Land Raider, 2 Sicaran Battle Tanks, 1 Glaive Super heavy Tank (counts as Fellblade) and 1 Fire Raptor gunship. The crusade is led by Marshal Reinhard, 2 castellans, 2 Reclusiarchs and the Emperors Champion. The Crusade is supported by 2 Imperial Knights of House Terryn.

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