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Camdoran Crusade

Marshal Reinhard

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 The one with the mask, particularly.




Pretty sure it's from the old metal landspeeder pictured here, spoilered so as to not offend the eye with its choice of dark angels colors on this most pious of black templar boards.

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Another small update. Sort of scraping at the bottom of the barrel here for things I can paint until i get some new stuff next month.

First up is my refurbished Terminator Castellan who's had a few alterations done to him.


Shield still needs works, as does the cape, but you get the idea. I think he looks very much like a Space marine captain now and I guess I'll field him as such.If rumors are to be believed we can actually field 'generic' chapter masters in place of Helbrecht so I might field Reinhard as that.

Next up is one of Forgeworld's "Preator" models, because i just had to.


Not sure if I can ever use him as anything, but the model is gorgeous and was fun to paint.


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I git the models but sadly though they're going to be bronze statue decorations for my newest LRC, the Chapel of Champions


How in the world are they going to smite the enemies of the Emperor from there?

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I git the models but sadly though they're going to be bronze statue decorations for my newest LRC, the Chapel of Champions


How in the world are they going to smite the enemies of the Emperor from there?


Well, the Armour used for the Praetors are supposedly extremely rare... rarer than the bog standard Terminator Armour... so I thought, why not make a Venerable Land Raider, by having a Chapel built for past Marshals of my Crusade? So the best course of action is the Scibor Land Raider Armour, paired with FW Templar Doors, and 2 statues of mighty heroes from the Horus Heresy...

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Oh my. Oh my. I had been thinking I should get on with a new conversion projects since it had been a while. I was thinking that now that we have some, I would go and attempt make a very nice blingy Honor guard. Problem arises again in that I have been modeling all my artificer armors using Forgeworld's tartaros terminator line. Only there aren't really any widely available ornate tartaros terminators besides Moloc which I used for my Emperor's Champion.


The minute I am thinking this, Forgeworld decides to drop these. Normally i'd think more than twice about ordering a 5 model squad for £45, especially since my plan is to put the knife to them. But dang. I have to see i can make something out of this.


Not very much point to this post really, though perhaps I want to know if any of you guys have any ideas for bits that could be used on to templarify these guys? What about those weapons for instance? While very ornate, perhaps they're a bit too girly to be templar relic blades?

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Really? They don't strike me as very Templary, especially with all the EC iconography (not sure how much you can remove), The helmets are fitting, but aside from that, I don't see it.

Nothing special comes to mind when it comes to Templarizing them, aside from scraping off the III's, removing the wings, and adding the usual swords, lanterns, chains and crosses. But if I think of anything special I'll be sure to let you know smile.png

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Yes, they don't look templary at all. Not one bitl. Thus they need work. And the helmets most likely have to go, they're too Emperors Children.

But I Think i did reasonably well with Moloc, (admittedly, i nearly didn't do anything with him) so my aim is to do the same here.


But anyway, i've gotten pretty confident in cutting away gorgeous little details with my scalpel. Just need to remove the really questionable stuff and add manly templar bits in their stead. I'm mostly concerned with finding new weapons for them.

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  • 1 month later...

Not so much of a real update as much of a sneak peak of what I'll be doing next.

I got a big bawks in the mail today containing, amongst other things, these bad boys:


While it's a bit hard to see (I obviously had massive problems just fitting it all on my desk) there are actually two monstrosities there. One is a Glaive Super heavy Tank, and to the right is a second Spartan Assault Tank.

Have to admit going with the Glaive over a Fellblade was a rather odd decision from a gaming legality perspective, as the unit isn't even available in regular apocalypse, only HH if I understand correctly. However, I just like its look over that of the Fellblade so much that that made the decision for me. I suppose I could just play it as a "counts as Fellblade" if it ever became an issue. That said, it's an impressive beast to be (new) center piece of my army.

Since I have a sizeable terminator horde (40 of the buggers) I suppose it was inevitable that I'd get another Spartan to ferry them around in. I expect I'll be able to field it (along with my other one) much more frequently.

Given the size of these things, I expect i'll be kept busy with just them for the rest of the year, if not longer.


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good lord, those are some big vehicles.  I would almost suggest you hold off painting them until our inevitable rematch with the dark angels sub forum via currus belli; but a)I want to see these bad boys in all their splendour sooner than waiting for a supplement that may not come anytime soon and b) I don't think the da are worthy of being crushed under such beautiful treads as these.

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<long exhale............>


It's about time you came back. Do you realize how long I've been holding my breath?


Regarding the Fellblade vs. Glaive, I think you made the right decision. They are both interesting designs, but I like how the Glaive looks, and as you pointed out, "counts as" is an army builder's best friend. :)


I have high expectations on these. Let loose your hobby hounds.



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Both tanks are now mostly assembled and ready to be primed after some LGS work with some cracks between bits.


Overall enjoyed assembling them, though at times the Glaive's tracks felt nightmarish to get right. Also it doesn't feel quite as sturdy as the Spartan tracks particularly on the underside. Think I will go over it later to make sure to strenghten with glue anywhere I can. The Spartan's tracks this time were a piece of cake to put together no doubt due to my experiences with my previous one.

That said I managed to fudge up the quad lascannons on both veichles, they won't rotate. The Spartan also suffers from a gaping jaw problem, i can't get the lower hatch to stay closed no matter what I do. Sort of tempted to just glue it shut, but that would be a shame.

Blingwise, I again find that you run out of usable space really quick with both veichles. Thinking of adding a transfer on the rounded turret of the Glaive though. If anyone has any ideas of where to squeeze in another cross, im all ears.

Currently out of LGS, so it'll be a while before I get to priming these. Also, as with the last Spartan, I intend build a pintlemounted heavy bolter to add to its anti personnel power, so it'll be a while yet before i get to work on it.

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Although I would use masking tape and spray, it does seem like you ought to be able to fit a cross on each side of the turret of the Glaive. Until you put it up next to the Spartan, I did not realize what a beast it is. Very wicked looking.


Regarding the assault ramp on the Spartan, I think you have two choices. 1. Glue and be done, 2. Fiddle with it until you're happy


I've never made any of the doors on my vehicles operable. That's just me. I save time on painting the interior and I just don't take that many "Hollywood" shots where I take advantage of my guys coming out of the door. Different strokes.


Side note: Where are the rules for the Spartan?


I really like what you are doing. Please do proceed.

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Great looking tanks! Superheavies make me turn the color of a salamander, or is it dark angel? Any ways...


Could you sneak two small magnets on the side of the door of the Spartan? Then add some metal (like two straight bits from paperclips) to the door and the attraction should be enough to hold the otherwise light door. It would probably involve making holes in the bits and then covering it up with (L)GS, but could work. Gluing it shut would be a shame.

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Honda: It's quite imposing, even more so when you start putting other models next to it. The length of the cannon alone is as long as a contemptor is tall, the turret is essentially as large as a 90mm base if those were round, the width of the tracks is like a standard miniature base etc.


Anyway, the rules for the Spartan is still available from Forgeworld to download: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/s/Spartan.pdf It's also printed in their lastest apocalypse book, but I don't think much changed.


Arthanor: Magnets might be the only option if i can't solve it any other way, but i'll try just submerging it in hot water and pressing it alltogether to see if i can get it right, that's how i remember getting the first one's hatch to work.

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Thinking of adding a transfer on the rounded turret of the Glaive though. If anyone has any ideas of where to squeeze in another cross, im all ears.


X marks the spot(s)!  Now what do I win?




Those tanks are looking really sweet!

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