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Camdoran Crusade

Marshal Reinhard

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Again, I don't quite recognise that arrow as being Slaanesh's symbol. It's a symmetrical upwards pointing arrow. It's actually rather reminisicent of the fleur de lis, ⚜ , that SoB use. While Slaanesh's symbol for that matter looks like this:




Maybe it's because of my poor camera shots, but the model actually has this arrow on quite a few places, including in front of his left shin, which nobody commented on. That said i'll probably remove the the one on the shoulder anyway to make the shoulders symmetrical.

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Yup, that's what I see when I look (intently) at the back shoulder on the right arm:


I would assume that the back of the left arm is the same. There are other areas on the model where it is even less obvious, or potentially the sculptor wanted "proto-marks or Slaanesh". The shin guard lacks the round at the bottom, instead just coming from the trim. The front of the right shoulder guard also lacks the circle, but it is replaced by the gem.

It's being picky, sure, but when considering heretic material, we are Black Templars, we have No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear! msn-wink.gif

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Oooh. That's actually really clever of the model designers. So very subtle. The arrow by itself does not actually create the symbol, hence why I didn't react seeing it elsewhere.

But put on the shoulders, not only is it tilted just enough, but it's also combined with the lower gem casing to produce just the right hint of the symbol.


Well, now that it's been properly identified, there's only one proper response and that is to PURGE the ever-living daylights out of the shoulder pads


EDIT: 10 minuters later they've all been put to the knife.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I've a had pretty busy existance just up to before christmas (Which comes with it's own business) but I found that could squeeze in a little more paint time. That said I haven't finished up anything I've been working on, rather I've been starting a lot of thing simultaneously. So I figured I'd give a little WIP update to show what I've got on the table (though never all at once)

First off Spartan number two together with the old Spartan number one


I think it's coming along rather nicely. What will keep this from being completely done is the pintle-mounted heavy bolter I am putting on it. Ordered the necessary bits from it in november but they just never seem to arrive... Anyway, it's at the points where the rest of it is getting close to being done, some obvious exceptions aside, but in addition that I havent done any of the weathering you see on Spartan one. Looking at them like this I wonder if I was a bit excessive on the first one?

Next up is a WIP of Glaive


As you can see it's a very, very early WIP compared to the Spartan. Mostly just done the tracks and some other select metal bits, and that was actually fairly time consuming. I feel I can see where it's going though. This bad boy definately won't be ready until some time next year because i need to get some more paints to finish him.

Next up is two shots of my next Contemptor. It's been like over a year since I made one I think, so I was gonna buckle eventually



Uses bits from the Minotaurs special character contemptor as well as some from another source. Basicly swapped a couple of bits with a friend whom I will be making a TSons contemptor for. Anyway, he's missing an arm, because I wasn't really sure what to get, I'm leaning towards putting a Kheres assault cannon on there because this is clearly a very shooty 'temptor.

And lastly, some minor work done on the Honour guard.


Not an awful lot to say here, but they should should all be free from obvious heresy. Realized i need to make another one though to be the champion since he can't actually wield a relic blade. I figure he's either going to be armed with a thunder hammer or a pair of melee weapons, but unsure of which.

Probably the last update i'll squeeze in this year


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Thank you for the update, I'm always curious about the things you are working on. I think all of these projects will make amazing additions to your crusade.



Anyway, it's at the points where the rest of it is getting close to being done, some obvious exceptions aside, but in addition that I havent
done any of the weathering you see on Spartan one. Looking at them like this I wonder if I was a bit excessive on the first one?


Weathering seems to come down to personal preference. For myself, I like chipping, dust, oil, and general "wear and tear" types of effects, because that just seems to be what happens when you take large mechanical entities out in the real world and use them.


I also like rust effects.


However, for myself, I sort of made the decision that I would never put rust on my Space Marine vehicles because rust, per se, was an indication of neglect. Now I'm all over that for Imperial vehicles for some reason, but I never wanted to see it on my Templar tanks. That's just me.


Having said that, I think yours looks good. I don't think you overdid it on the first Spartan, though do keep in mind that no two vehicles look exactly the same so if you wanted to change things up a bit, I think you could without the difference being a distraction. I think there's a "range" to the effects and as long as you stay in that range, Bob's your uncle, i.e. don't put a heavily weathered vehicle next to a pristine version. Yes, you could explain it away (e.g. "it just got here"), but you want your force to look like they are together without having to explain things.



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I dont think you went overboard with the weathering on the first spartan at all; then again I subscribe to the fact that battle tanks should be modelled and painted like they've seen battle- and not just been rolled off the assembly line.


If this is your last update for '13, then I'm pretty excited for the new year! 

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Those honor guard look very impressive Reinhard.  The flowiness of the capes looks great and these guys have some nice intimidating poses.  I look forward to seeing the squad completed and what you decide to do with the champion of the unit.  Until next year!

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Well, I was kinda kidding myself when I thought i wouldn't update any more this year. But just because I probably won't be done this year, didn't mean I wouldn't squeeze in more work time. So here are some progression shots of the Glaive.



Not sure if it could use more decorations (mostly in the form more scribbles, perhaps?) or if I should call it about here.

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I'm sorry to say the Glaive is not legal for any 40k army whatsoever. It's strictly Horus Heresy only. So you need permission from your opponent to use a legiones astartes list to use it, or just take it with your normal list, which strictly speaking isn't a legal option.


What you can do though, for any 40k game that has escalation or apocalypse, is to get a Fellblade. The Fellblade is in Imperial armour volume 2 - second edition, and is LoW unit availble to us or any other marine chapter, so 100% legal.


I chose this bad boy because i prefer the look of it over the fellblade, so I need to either have special permission to play with this guy, or use him as counts Fellblade. The only real trouble with the counts as option is that you don't see the demolisher cannon in the front that the fellblade has.

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The Glaive has been completed!

While I may still chose to tinker with it, like adding 'texture' to the dirt on the tracks and working on the heat markings on the cannon barrel, on the whole, this beast is now completed. I'm also trying to figure out the plausability of adding a "place-over-demolisher cannon" over the drivers entrance at the front, as well as finding/making a fellblade turret for it, essentially transforming it to a fellblade to give me both options when fielding it. But that's something for the distant future.

All in all I must say it was a blast to paint and put together, and the beast makes for quite an imposing centerpiece. Without further ado: here are some completion shots from various angles:






Oh and before I forget, also completed this guy:


Decided to just go with what I had on hand for his second arm. Looks cool enough.

That basicly just leaves the second Spartan and HG left, but those are still lacking required bits so I suspect will be a while yet.


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Nothing short of breathtaking Reinhard, although I must admit I think if you took the time to do the barrel discoloration on the turret, you should maybe do it on the side sponsons too?  The idea of a demolisher cannon place over and alternate turret seems like a good idea to me, I say go for it.


That contemptor looks rad- I was gonna ask how you did the filigree...and then I realized it was the minotaur special contemptor body.  


Keep up the good work! 

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Glaive...oh my drool.gif

What a wicked looking tank and I love the heat stain on the metal of the barrel. Considering how well the big barrel turned out, I think you should consider doing the side sponsons as T_C proposed.

Contemptor....that's a nasty bit of kit on a beautiful model.


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Thanks for your comments guys


I've actually accumalated a small list of things I will address with the tank, far from least of all is the lascannons. Unsure if i wanted to redo them all slightly, or if just adding soot on the ends is fine. I think I might scrap the kill markings on the side of the turret. While a cool idea, it doesn't feel like it worked out, and they stick out a lot as being transfers.

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 I think I might scrap the kill markings on the side of the turret. While a cool idea, it doesn't feel like it worked out, and they stick out a lot as being transfers.


Yeah, maybe. Now that you mention it, it does seem a little odd that the templars would bother to put kill markings on a tank.  Ultrasmurfs maybe, their zeal is lacking and it would give them something to brag about.  A templar tank though?  Racking up the kills would pretty much be seen as par for the course wouldnt it?

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Aye, the ammount of glory accumulated by a templar vehicle might manifest itself as long epics of death and destruction to the Emperor's foes, as well lengthy litanies of hate and fury towards the same and vows and pledges to destroy these very forces by the tanks crew. Ie the white scribbles you typically see on Templar vehicles.


Mind I like the idea of a kill count, it just seems a bit out there.

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Reinhard, are the Phoenix Guard terminator heads of comparable size to a standard Mk II or III head?


Yes, I would say so. They're noticeably smaller than power armor heads, but not by much. I don't think it would look strange to use one on a PA torso. I've misplaced my bag of torsos, otherwise i'd make a quick comparison but it shouldn't look out of place


EDIT: found it. Yeah, I would say those heads look just fine on PA

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  • 2 months later...

Fairly long time no see. I'm currently waiting for my current project to dry before continuing on it, so i figured I'd take a snap shot while I wait..

.. and I noticed I've been a bit neglective in posting for a while

I finished my second Spartan months ago, but have yet to post it, so here goes


Even though I say finished, I've pretty much decided i will be overhauling both its and the other tanks lascannon sponsons rather extensively. And good lord has this thing managed to gather dust.

Now then, on to the reason I was originally posting:


Say hello to Mr Knight. He's currenly drying from getting a rather lavish nuln oil bath, and I figured I might as well show him off so far.

I haven't quite deicided what house he's going to be yet, but I'm leaning towards the very vanilla House Terryn. A Freeblade is also an option, and I must admit I've had my heart stolen by Malekor's excellent excellent knight scheme here

Oh, and just for anyone still curious just how massive Mr Knight is. Here's a contemptor for comparison



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