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This glossary is intended to provide members with a useful reference for the special abbreviations, acronyms, and terms frequently used here at the Bolter & Chainsword. These definitions cover abbreviations, acronyms, and terms used in the game universe (background), rules, technical jargon used at the Bolter & Chainsword, and in common use on the Internet.

Note that abbreviations, acronyms, and terms that include profanity will not be included. Also note that many common "texting" shortcuts (such as "u" for "you" and "plz" for "please" are not listed here as this style of writing is not allowed for use at the Bolter & Chainsword per our forum rules).

This listing and the definitions form a living document, so feel free to suggest changes, additions, etc. by posting a reply within this discussion. Once suggestions are either incorporated or disapproved, replies will be deleted in order to keep the discussion tidy.

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# = abbreviations/acronyms/terms starting with numbers
$ = abbreviations/acronyms/terms starting with special characters

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gallery_26_6416_24119.pngrmour is no protection against the blessed tools of the righteous.

AA - 1. Adeptus Arbites; 2. Adeptubs Astartes; 3. anti-air(craft)

AC - 1. autocannon 2. assault cannon

AdMech - Adeptus Mechanicus (see AM)

AI - Aeronautica Imperialis (the organization and the game)

AL - Alpha Legion, 20th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Alpharius and his secret twin, Omegon. Turned traitor during the Horus Heresy and fled the Imperium after Horus was killed.

AM - 1. Adeptus Mechanicus 2. Astra Militarum

AoA - Age of Apostasy, the largest period of civil strife within the Imperium following the Horus Heresy. The Ecclessiarch Goge Vandire declared himself High Lord of the Administratum and plunged the Imperium into the Reign of Blood, which was finally ended when Goge Vandire was executed by his bodyguard Brides of the Emperor (who later became the Adepta Sororitas).

AoBR - Assault on Black Reach, an event pitting the Ultramarines versus Orks; also the name of the 5th edition starter set featuring miniatures from the Space Marines and Orks armies.

AoD - 1 Angels of Death (supplement); 2. Age of Darkness (Horus Heresy setting); 3. arena of death; irregular competitions held at the Bolter & Chainsword for one-on-one duels; see the + ARENA OF DEATH + forum for details

AoF - act(s) of faith; special rules representing the manner in which the Adepta Sororitas faith manifests in game terms

AoR - army/armies of renown

Apocalypse - expansion for Warhammer 40,000 featuring large armies; see the official site for more information.

Arco - arco-flagellant; a human being punished by the Ecclessiarchy by being turned into a living weapon

AS - Adepta Sororitas

AsC - assault cannon

AssC - assault cannon

Astartes Praeses - According to the Mythos Angelica Mortis, the 20 Chapters of the Astartes Praeses were founded with the express purpose of guarding the regions surrounding the Eye of Terror. These Chapters were created in multiple foundings and include: Brothers Penitent, Crimson Scythes, Excoriators, Fire Claws (latterly known as the Relictors), Iron Talons, Knights Unyielding, Marines Exemplar, Night Watch, and White Consuls. The other Chapters of the Astartes Praeses have not been named.

AT - 1. Adeptus Titanicus (both the organization and the game system), 2. anti-tank

ATF - Armoured Task Force (detachment)

ATSKNF - "And they shall know no fear" - portion of a quote attributed to the Emperor and a special rule for Space Marine armies



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gallery_26_6416_21373.pngurn thyself in the flame of purity.

B&C - Bolter & Chainsword (this website)

BA - Blood Angels, the 9th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Sanguinius. Also the Chapter of the same name created in the Second Founding when the remaining legions were reorganized (commonly referred to as one of the "First Founding Chapters").

BatRep - battle report, a report of a game played by two or more players. Often includes army lists, turn by turn descriptions of game play, summary, etc.

BBB - big black (or blue) book, the main Warhammer 40,000 rulebook (called so because of the black/blue spine and borders on the front cover, depending upon the edition of the game)

BC - 1. black crusade, a Chaos incursion led by a champion of Chaos into realspace. Black Crusade is also the name of a roleplaying game in which players roleplay servants of Chaos (more information at the official site). 2. blood claws, the youngest and least experienced members of the Space Wolves Chapter. Equivalent to the Scouts of other Chapters.

BFG - Battlefleet Gothic, Games Workshop's tabletop miniatures game of spaceship battles (more information at the official site).

BFM - Battle for Macragge, defense of Macragge by the Ultramarines Chapter, the Ultramare PDF, several other allied forces, and the Imperial Navy against Hive Fleet Behemoth in 745.M41. Also the starter set for the 4th edition of Warhammer 40,000, featuring Space Marine and Tyranid models.

BGV - bladeguard veteran(s)

BL - 1. Black Legion, the name given to the remaining members of the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus united under Abaddon the Despoiler subsequent to the death of Horus. The Luna Wolves (also Lunar Wolves) were the 16th Legion of the First Founding of the Adeptus Astartes, originally led by the primarch Horus. 2. Black Library, the secret library of the Eldar, hidden within the Eldar Webway, as well as the publishing arm of Games Workshop (more information at the official site).

BoK - blessing of Khorne, Chaos Daemons wargear

BoR - blades of reason, tools of torture used by the interrogator-chaplains of the Unforgiven Chapters

BP - bolt pistol

BP/CCW - bolt pistol & close combat weapon

BRB - big rulebook, the main Warhammer 40,000 rulebook (called so because of the red design on the front cover

BSS - battle sister squad

BT - Black Templars, a Second Founding Successor Chapter of the Imperial Fists Legion, originally led by Sigismund

BTW - by the way

bug(s) - 1. Tyranids; 2. a technical problem or malfunction with the Bolter & Chainsword site or with equipment in the game

BW - Badab War, an event in which the Astral Claws Chapter led several other Chapters in rebellion against the Imperium, facing a host of loyal Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. The Astral Claws and their allies eventually lost and the surviving Astral Claws fled into the Maelstrom, becoming the Red Corsairs. The other rebel Chapters were subjected to penitent crusades. Originally appearing in an Index Astartes article during the 1st edition of the game, the event has been updated in each subsequent edition and was finalized by Forge World in two Imperial Armour books, Volumes Nine and Ten.



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gallery_26_6416_17232.pngleanse the Emperor’s enemies with righteousness and zeal.

C:~ - codex, one of the supplements for the Warhammer 40,000 game providing rules, background, army list, and painting guide for the various armies used in the game. This fragment is usually followed by the abbreviation of the army in question (e.g., C:AS for Codex: Adepta Sororitas or C:AC for Codex: Adeptus Custodes).

CA - Chapter approved, a series of articles and books that provided additional rules for the game. Also describes a practice, marking, etc. that is officially approved by a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes.

CAD - combined arms detachment

CC - close combat, the Assault/Fight phase of the game

CCW - close combat weapon

CF - 1. Crimson Fists, a Second Founding Successor Chapter of the Imperial Fists Legion, originally led by Alexis Polux; 2. chainfist

CML - cyclone missile launcher

CoD - Cities of Death, an expansion for Warhammer 40,000 featuring close quarters battles in the ruined cities of the future. Successor to Codex: Cityfight which was released during the 3rd edition of the game.

CP - Command Point(s)

'crons - Necrons

CSM - Chaos Space Marine(s)

C:SM - Codex: Space Marines

CT - Chapter Tactic(s)



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gallery_26_6416_2206.pngo not fear to use the biggest gun.

D6 - 6-sided die

DA - Dark Angels, the 1st Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Lion El'Jonson. Also the Chapter of the same name created in the Second Founding when the remaining loyalist legions were reorganized (commonly referred to as one of the "First Founding Chapters").

DCCW - dreadnought close combat weapon

DCD - Death Company dreadnought

DDA - Doomsday Ark (Necron vehicle)

Devs - 1. Space Marine devastators; 2. game developers

DG - Death Guard, the 14th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Mortarion. Originally known as the Dusk Raiders (prior to being reunited with Mortarion). Turned traitor during the Horus Heresy and fled into the Eye of Terror after Horus was killed.

DH - Dark Heresy, a roleplaying game in which players roleplay members of an Inquisitorial retinue

DIY - do it yourself, usually refers to a homemade army, Chapter, Chaos warband, Adepta Sororitas Order, etc.

DK - dreadknight

DLC - downloadable content (digital add-ons for an already released computer game)

DoW or DOW - Dawn of War, the Warhammer 40,000 computer game and its sequels

DP - 1. daemon prince; 2. drop pod

Dread - dreadnought

DT - dedicated transport

DW - 1. Deathwatch, the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos (alien hunters) of the Inquisition and is a unique Chapter of Space Marines in that its members are seconded to the Deathwatch from their parent Chapters. Deathwatch is also the name of a roleplaying game in which players roleplay members of the Deathwatch; 2. Deathwing, the 1st (Veteran) Company of the Dark Angels Chapter.

DWK - Deathwing knights

DWKT - Deathwatch kill-team, squad-sized unit that is the typical level of organization for the Deathwatch



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gallery_26_6416_9421.pngxist for the Emperor.

EA - 1. Epic Armageddon, Games Workshop's tabletop miniatures game of mass combat; 2. extra armour

EC - 1. Emperor's Children, the 3rd Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Fulgrim. Turned traitor during the Horus Heresy and fled into the Eye of Terror after Horus was killed; 2. Emperor's Champion, a special office most often used by the Successors of the Imperial Fists Legion, especially the Black Templars Chapter

EoT - Eye of Terror, the great region of Warp-realspace overlap created when the Eldar fell and the Chaos power Slaanesh was born. Also the name of the worldwide campaign featuring the 13th Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler.

ETL - E Tenebrae Lux (B&C painting event)



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gallery_26_6416_3976.pngaith is your shield.

FB - frost blade, specially crafted weapons of the Space Wolves Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes

FG - frag grenade(s)

Fl - flamer

fluff - the background or game lore, distinct from the game rules.

FNP or FnP - Feel No Pain

FoC - force organisation chart

FoM - Fist of Medusa (detachment)

FP - faith point, game mechanic by which the Adepta Sororitas are able to use their acts of faith

frag - frag grenade(s)

Frater - Frater Domus, the title given to the members of the Bolter & Chainsword meaning "Brother of the House" and indicating that all members are equals.

FTFY - "fixed that for you" (a member has quoted another member and then edited the quote for an alternative meaning)



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gallery_26_6416_15064.pnguns and warriors are useful, but it is our indomitable will that promises the ultimate victory.

GA - Ghost Ark (Necron vehicle)

GC - Great Crusade, the centuries long crusade in which the Emperor and the Legiones Astartes expanded the Imperium of Man, exterminating xenos races and either bringing human-occupied planets into compliance or destroying them if they resisted.

GEq - [imperial] Guard equivalent. Refers to a non-IG army with T3 and a 5+ save.

GH - grey hunter(s), rank and file members of the Space Wolves Chapter. Equivalent to the battle-brothers of other Chapters.

GK - Grey Knights, a special Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes secretly created during the time of the Horus Heresy. The Grey Knights are the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus (daemon hunters) and of the Inquisition, and the Inquisition at large. All members of the Chapter are psykers and the Chapter is charged with combating the daemonic threat to the Imperium.

GoI - Gate of Infinity, a psychic power used by librarians

GS - 1. green stuff, two-part modelling putty sold by Games Workshop; 2. Nemesis force greatsword

GSC - Genestealer cults

GUO - Great Unclean One, a greater daemon of Nurgle

GW - Games Workshop (official site)



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gallery_26_6416_23699.pngope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

HB - heavy bolter

HF - heavy flamer

HH - Horus Heresy, both the event, the game setting/rules from Forge World, and the series of books available from Black Library.

HI - 1. heavy incinerator, 2. Heroic Intervention (rule)

HKM - hunter-killer missile, an item of wargear from the Adeptus Astartes vehicle armoury

HOGC - heavy onslaught Gatling cannon

HoH - Hall of Honour, the sub-forum of the Painting, Converting & Artwork forum in which members post pictures of their completed models.

HP - hull points

HtH - hand-to-hand, the Assault phase



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gallery_26_6416_2008.pngnto the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!

IA - 1. Imperial Armour, a series of books from Forge World that provide rules, background information, and painting guides for the various armies and vehicles found in the game universe, as well as campaigns that players can re-enact in game play; 2. Index Astartes, the great tome compiling information on the Adeptus Astartes, and also a series of articles on the Space Marines. This term also refers to the format of article used by many members to present their DIY Space Marine Chapter.

IC - independent character

IF - Imperial Fists, the 7th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Rogal Dorn. Also the Chapter of the same name created in the Second Founding when the remaining loyalist legions were reorganized.

IFE - Imperial Fists Expansion (B&C painting event)

IG - Imperial Guard (older name for the faction now known as the Astra Militarum)

IH - Iron Hands, the 10th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Ferrus Manus. Also the Chapter of the same name created in the Second Founding when the remaining loyalist legions were reorganized (commonly referred to as one of the "First Founding Chapters").

IIRC - if I recall correctly

IMHO - in my humble opinion

IMNSHO - in my not so humble opinion

IMO - in my opinion

Impetro Respondi - an Inquisitor Lord associated with the Legio; his image often accompanies official thread closures.

Interrogation Chamber 42 - an inside joke of the Dark Angels forum in which members who have somehow transgressed against the code of the Unforgiven are asked to report to Interrogation Chamber 42 (where they will be punished and/or tortured to death).

IoCG - icon of Chaos Glory

IST - Inquisitorial Storm Troopers, an elite force available to the forces of the Inquisition under the Daemonhunters and Witch Hunters codices.

IW - Iron Warriors, the 4th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Perturabo. Turned traitor during the Horus Heresy and fled into the Eye of Terror after Horus was killed.

IWND - It Will Not Die, refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for details on this special rule



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gallery_26_6416_3358.pngnowledge is power, hide it well.

KoS - Keeper of Secrets, a greater daemon of Slaanesh

Krak - krak grenade(s)

KT - 1. kill team - a squad-sized force sent on a special mission, also the unit name for Deathwatch squads; 2. - squad-level skirmish game



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gallery_26_6416_13921.pngook to your battle gear and it will protect you.

LatD - [The] lost and the damned, those that serve Chaos. During the 3rd edition of the game, this was an army list for a diverse Chaos army released in Codex: Eye of Terror.

LC - 1. lascannon; 2. lightning claw

LOL - laugh(ing) out loud

LoS - 1. line of sight; 2. the "Look Out, Sir" rule

LotD - Legion of the Damned, a mysterious force of Space Marines that arrives uncalled for to aid the forces of the Imperium

LR - 1. Land raider; 2. Leman Russ (the Primarch or the Astra Militarum tank)

LRA - Land raider Achilles

LRC - Land raider crusader

LRH - Land raider Helios

LRP - Land raider Prometheus

LRR - Land raider redeemer

LS - Land speeder

LSS - Land speeder storm

LST or LS:T - Land speeder typhoon

LVO - Las Vegas Open (tournament)



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gallery_26_6416_17833.pngy sword is at the Emperor’s command.

Maelstrom Warders - a group of Chapters charged with protecting the area of space around the Maelstrom from the pirates, renegades, and xenos that inhabit the Maelstrom; known members included the Astral Claws (who acted as the senior members), Charnel Guard, Lamenters, and Mantis Warriors. The Lamenters and Mantis Warriors sided with the Astral Claws in the Badab War.

MB - meltabombs

MC - master crafted

MEQ - [space] Marine equivalent, a non-Space Marine army with a T4 and a 3+ save

MG - meltagun

ML - missile launcher

MM - 1. multi-melta; 2. Marines Malevolent, a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes

MoCU - mark of Chaos Undivided, available under the 3.5 version of Codex: Chaos Space Marines for those Chaos Space Marines that served all four Chaos powers equally.

MofK or MoK - mark of Khorne, the mark given to those that have dedicated themselves solely to Khorne

MofN or MoN - mark of Nurgle, the mark given to those that have dedicated themselves solely to Nurgle

MofS - mark of Slaanesh, the mark given to those that have dedicated themselves solely to Slaanesh

MofT or MoT - mark of Tzeentch, the mark given to those that have dedicated themselves solely to Tzeentch

MoS - 1. Master of Sanctity; 2 mark of Slaanesh, the mark given to those that have dedicated themselves solely to Slaanesh

MotF - Master of the Forge, the senior techmarine in a Space Marine Chapter

MotW - mark of the Wulfen, a sign that a Space Wolf is succumbing to the curse of the Wulfen

MSU - 1. many small units; 2. minimum-sized units



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gallery_26_6416_1509.pngever permit thine enemy to find you unprepared for the battle.

NDH - Nemesis daemon hammer

Neo - neophyte, the youngest and least experienced members of the Black Templars Chapter. Equivalent to the Scouts of other Chapters.

nerf(ed) - whereby a unit becomes less effective under a rule revision

NFF - Nemesis force falchions

NFH - Nemesis force halberd

NFS - Nemesis force sword

NFW - Nemesis force weapon

'Nid - Tyranid

NL - Night Lords, the 8th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Conrad Kurze (the Night Haunter). Turned traitor during the Horus Heresy and fled into the Eye of Terror after Horus was killed.

NWS - Nemesis warding staff



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gallery_26_6416_21352.pngnly in death does duty end.

oblits - obliterators

ObSec - Objective Secured universal special rule

OGC - onslaught Gatling cannon

OOP - out of production/print/publication

OP - 1. original post(er); 2. over-powered

OT - "off topic" indicating that a discussion is either not related to the standard discussion material of the Bolter & Chainsword or a reply is not related to the larger discussion in which it is posted.



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gallery_26_6416_26121.pngain is an illusion of the senses, despair is an illusion of the mind.

PA - power armour

PB - psybolt ammunition

PC - 1. plasma cannon; 2. psycannon

PCA - Painting, Converting & Artwork forum

PE - penitent engine

PF - power fist

PG - plasmagun

PL - power level

Planetstrike - expansion for the Warhammer 40,000 rules featuring planetary invasions

PLOG - project log

PP - plasma pistol

PrA or PredA - predator annihilator

Praeses - see Astartes Praeses

Pred - predator

Primogenitors - the Second Founding Chapters created from the Ultramarines Legion

PS - see Planetstrike

psyfleman - dreadnought with two twin-linked autocannons and psybolt ammunition, available to Grey Knights armies

PT - personal teleporter

PW - power weapon



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gallery_26_6416_28563.pngepent! For tomorrow you die!

RAI - rules as intended

RAS - 1. Ravenwing Attack Squadron, a unit available to Dark Angels armies; 2. regular assault squad, from the Blood Angels codex that appeared in a series of White Dwarf articles, differentiating between regular and veteran versions of assault squads available to Blood Angels armies.

RAW - rules as written

RB - razorback

RG - 1. Raven Guard, the 19th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Corax. Also the Chapter of the same name created in the Second Founding when the remaining legions were reorganized (commonly referred to as one of the "First Founding Chapters"). 2. Roboute Guilliman, primarch of the Ultramarines Legion and author of the Codex Astartes.

ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing

ROFLMAO - rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

RP - rune priest, the Space Wolf equivalent of a librarian

RT - rogue trader, referring to the 1st edition of the game when the rulebook was titled Rogue Trader: Warhammer 40,000; often used with "era" as "RT era." A rogue trader is an explorer in the service of the Imperium, whose mission is to explore space. Rogue Trader is also the name of a roleplaying game in which players roleplay members of a rogue trader's crew.



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gallery_26_6416_21081.pngerve the Emperor today for tomorrow you may be dead.

SAFH - shooty army from hell

SAL - Salamanders, the 18th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Vulkan. The Salamanders Legion became the Salamanders Chapter when the Second Founding reorganized the remaining legions, but didn't split into other Successors due to the depleted strength of the Legion after the Istvaan Dropsite Massacre (commonly referred to as one of the "First Founding Chapters").

SB - storm bolter

SFTS - strike from the shadows, Raven Guard deployment strategem

SG - Sanguinary Guard

SH - 1. Space Hulk, Games Workshop's game featuring Terminators versus Genestealers aboard a space hulk. Often denoted as "#e" for the edition, the most recent being the limited run 4th edition (SH4e, variantly referred to as edition 3.5 since it was only a slight expansion to the previous edition); 2. Spearhead, an expansion for the Warhammer 40,000 game focusing on armoured battles; first appeared in White Dwarf magazine.

SIA - special issue ammunition, an item of wargear/special rule from Codex: Deathwatch

Sig - signature, referring to the material members include in the space at the bottom of their posts, edited through the member's control panel and subject to restrictions in the forum rules.

SM - Space Marine(s), the common (Low Gothic) term for the Adeptus Astartes

SoB - Sister(s) of Battle, the common (Low Gothic) term for the Adepta Sororitas

SoS - 1. Sisters of Silence; 2. Sword of Secrets (Dark Angels Supreme Grand Master's sword)

SoT - scarab occult terminator

SoV - Storm of Vengeance, a campaign featuring the Dark Angels versus Orks released during 2nd edition and updated for 3rd edition on the web.

SS - storm shield

ST - storm talon

STC - standard template construct, an evolved computer designed to provide construction details for colonists during the Dark Age of Technology and mankind's expansion into space. STCs provided plans for shelters, generators, transports, and other technological items necessary to allow colonists to survive on new worlds without the colonists having any prior in-depth technological knowledge. The equipment could be constructed using almost any locally available materials. For example, the user simply asked how to build a house or a tractor and the computer supplied all the necessary plans. Each group of colonists carried such a system. The search for STCs remains one of the missions of the Adeptus Mechanicus and most current technology is based on designs from rediscovered STCs.

SV - 1. [Armour] Save (attribute); 2. sternguard veteran(s)

SW - Space Wolves, the 6th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Leman Russ. Also the Chapter of the same name created in the Second Founding when the remaining legions were reorganized (commonly referred to as one of the "First Founding Chapters").



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gallery_26_6416_21309.pngolerance is a sign of weakness.

TDA - tactical dreadnought armour, commonly referred to as "terminator" armour

termy or termies - (Chaos) Space Marines wearing tactical dreadnought armour

TfC - thunderfire cannon

TH - 1. terminator honours; 2. thunder hammer; 3. thunderhawk

THSS or TH/SS - thunder hammer and storm shield

T'Hawk - thunderhawk

TL - twin-linked

tl;dr - (also tldr, TL;DR, and tl;dr) too long, didn't read; shorthand notation indicating that a member didn't read a wall of text post by another member

ToT - Teeth of Terra, a relic chainsword of the Adeptus Astartes

TPD - tech-priest dominus

TPE - tech-priest enginseer

TS - 1. Thousand Sons, the 15th Legion of the Legione Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Magnus the Red. Turned traitor during the Horus Heresy and fled into the Eye of Terror after Horus was killed; 2. true-scale(ing), modelling method used to make (Chaos) Space Marine models larger in order to match descriptions of them in the game lore (when compared to other models in the game).

TWC - thunderwolf cavalry



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gallery_26_6416_8381.pngphold the honour of the Emperor.

UBM - Ultramar Battle Muster (B&C painting event)

UM - Ultramarines, the 13th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Roboute Guilliman. Also the Chapter of the same name created in the Second Founding when the remaining legions were reorganized (commonly referred to as one of the "First Founding Chapters").

Unforgiven - the Chapters descended from the Dark Angels Legion

USR - universal special rule (obsolete in the current edition of the game)



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gallery_26_6416_3830.pngictory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.

vanilla - a standard army from Codex: Space Marines (i.e., with no special rules, Chapter Tactics, etc.)

ven dread - venerable dreadnought

vindi - vindicator

VV - vanguard veterans



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gallery_26_6416_32226.pnghat is a lifetime of servitude next to an eternity of damnation?

WAAC - win at all costs, literally meaning someone willing to do anything to win, but often erroneously used to (negatively) describe those that play competitively

WB - Word Bearers, the 17th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Lorgar. Turned traitor during the Horus Heresy and fled into the Eye of Terror after Horus was killed.

WD - White Dwarf, Games Workshop's monthly hobby magazine

WE - World Eaters, the 12th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Angron. Originally known as the War Hounds (prior to being reunited with Angron). Turned traitor during the Horus Heresy and fled into the Eye of Terror after Horus was killed.

WG - wolf guard, the hand-picked Space Wolves that fight alongside the wolf lords of each great company. Equivalent to the veterans of other Chapters.

WGBL - wolf guard battle leader, an experienced wolf guard entrusted with command of a Space Wolves strike force.

WHC - Warhammer Community (website)

WL - wolf lord, a leader of one of the great companies of the Space Wolves Chapter. Equivalent to the captains of other Chapters.

WP - wolf priest, leaders of the Space Wolves Chapter warrior cult and trained in medicine and chirurgy. Combines the roles of the apothecaries and chaplains of other Chapters.

WS - White Scars, the 5th Legion of the Legiones Astartes created in the First Founding, led by the primarch Jaghatai Khan. Also the Chapter of the same name created in the Second Founding when the remaining loyalist legions were reorganized (commonly referred to as one of the "First Founding Chapters").

WTN - wolf tooth necklace, a piece of wargear available to Space Wolves

WW - whirlwind

WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get, meaning that a model accurately represents the model type, weapons, and wargear it has been assigned.



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