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Blackadders Warlord WIP

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After taking a week off to refresh myself I woke yesterday morning with a solution to a problem that has vexed me since I started this project. Namely the door and the ladder to nowhere. I have always thought the door was a personnel portal when the titan was docked in the hangar for maintenance and maybe it served a secondary function as an escape hatch in battle but the ladder always looked ridiculous and wasn't needed. Scratch one ladder.


The other big problem was the placement of the door on the epic and DS model which seems too high for convenient exit. I felt that the logical place to have it was for the command deck people. The waist block has a hatch at the bottom and engineering exits through the catwalks under the carapace. That leaves the command deck and the reactor/void generator decks to vacate. Naturally descending on a ladder is too slow so in the vestibular immediate proximity of the door will be descent bungees for rapid evacuation.


One can assume when the titan is docked the door provides egress for the crew much as the gantry catwalk for the lamented Space Shuttle missions.


I did an major revamping of the command deck to accommodate this door and passage and there was sufficient room under the carapace for the vestibule.








Problem solved and in a logical (TMM) manner; Whew!




Regarding the cooling modules on the stern panel they are just tacked in place so I can get a feel for how they will look. They're not permanently mounted.


Naturally there will be a lot of piping and mysterious components galore to 'tech up' the exterior.

  • 2 weeks later...

Whoa I'm so far off the first page I had to do a thread search...................


Temporarily indisposed for the past week or so but managed to pull an all-nighter yesterday and brought this baby into a new level of detail. I had some trouble reconciling the trim strips on the edge of the seam between the upper and lower panels of the carapace but the solution appears satisfactory at least in the images.


Its strange that what is seen with the naked (Ha, he said naked.) eye is different than what is displayed in a camera image. I have a tendency to elongate images top to bottom when viewing a picture and when I see them in an photograph the perspective/proportion changes. I don't have that problem with TV images and broadcasts on plasma screens bother me greatly when presented in the wrong aspect ratio. Go figure!


Anywho here is the latest run of images complete with inroads into the shoulder carapace magazines starting to be encased. I figure since the Warlord employs both energy and projectile weapons that the area directly above the arms (sic) is devoted to storing the projectile rounds. No point in displaying that as yet but it does logically indicate future reworking.














Purists may note that I changed a lot in the detail of the rear projection to suit my aesthetic sensibilities but since these vehicles are subjective to the FW, 'many worlds/many interpretations' I feel that Lucius Warlord Titans in a class have variations in that class depending on the 'Forge World' planet of origin. Plus I'm not going to buy a bunch of bitz just to copy the DS original.

There is almost assuredly an easier way to manufacture these components but my natural propensity for doing things the hardest way imaginable forced me to utilize the following method.


The goal is to have trunnion mounted capable of elevation rather than traverse turrets to mount the turbo lasers.


First I made the barrel shaped mounts using the method described below. I started with 1/2 inch PVC tubing which for some reason actually has a bore of about 3/4 inch. Now I need a veneer of styrene so I can glue detail to the surface and I need an axle made of styrene to permanently glue the end caps and detail to the axles and I need styrene trunnion receptacles to permanently glue to the upper carapace housing.


All these items must be the same size within a minor fraction of a millimeter i.e. about a hundredths of an inch or the discrepancy will be noticeable.


First I wrapped thins strips of styrene 0.250 inch wide around the center axles wrapping and gluing until the layers made a snug fit in the PVC gun mounts. Making sure the axles were 0.250 inches longer than the mount.


Then I wrapped 0.125 inch strips around the protruding ends of the axles installed in the PVC mounts so when completed there was two styrene discs on either end or the PVC tubes with a 0.5 inch tube running thru the center.


Next I wrapped 0.10 sheet styrene around the PVC to obtain a styrene cover to glue on subsequent detail.






This image left to right demonstrate the steps to make the trunnion mounts for attaching the elevation turrets to the carapace and they are build up in much the same manner as the above discription





Here are the trunnion mounts afixed to the carapace and the inboard reinforcement is glued in place to provide strength when the laser mounts are moved.





This side show the rough laser mount in the carapace recess ready to be reinforced.

Turbo laser update and now its Moskva time.





Note, drilling the holes for the laser barrel mounts is critical if you want both lasers to point in the same direction. Especially if you don't have a drill press.






These seem pretty straight.

In a headlong career of activity ( For me that is. ) I added significantly to the basic structure and the finer detail this week and I thought before I got too far I should post an update. I'm very glad to relate that the void generator housing have a goodly start and the carapace magazine covers (BTW they are removable to access to main weapon armatures) are fitted with Leman Russ hatches and a bit of detail as well.





The center cover and inner walls of the generator housings are removable to view the interior detail of the reactor compartment.





The back view reveals the complete detailing of the left and right upper carapace.




First a question.


In the first attached image can anyone identified the outlined bitz?





I have had a chance to work on this model more than usual being laid up with a virus for the past three days.


As the poet said, It's an ill wind..........................













Right you are the left are EMD diesel top vents, the center is also HO vent engine vents Thanks for all the replies on this question.


Okay here's the deal sure I could scratch the entire Warlord (witness the first attached image) but even the legendary Dave Smith employed shortcuts; I mean if I have the bitz why not use them. Granted I'm not going to plunk down $50 bucks just to get a fan but since my son already had a CoD kit why not use the segments for something more than architecture.


Below are two of the four void generators (I'm only building two as the rest are hidden...........











Note all the detail is attached but they did consume a fair portion of my allotted construction time.


I mean the goal is to finish this Titan in your lifetime more important in my lifetime your pardon if I can come across quite egocentric.

First of all it's a tribute to Dave Smith that the amount of detail he incorporated in his titan is astounding. Only one who has studied his images Ad nauseam can appreciate the scope of this monumental project


and I am only copying. Blazing the original trail would have been quite daunting.


According tho the images below my titan will stand 27 inches 68.6 cm with the knees locked or about 26 inches 66.0 cm when in stride which approximates Mr Smith's work so there is not much discrepancy there.





My titans overall appearance as it is right now appears a tad on the thin side but the armour has yet to be bulked out and the arms armament hasn't been properly installed so when fully fleshed out I think there is probably cause for twinitization.





From a low angle the figure is quite imposing..................





I had some brass etched mesh left over from Lucie and it proved just enough for the void generator housing cooling apparatuses.





And the surface clutter is progressing nicely.


More to follow

Started in on making the hood yesterday with mixed results. I couldn't decide whether the hood should tilt down or project straight out so I compromised and tilted it down about 2° down which seems okay.


I took a few images with all the hull pieces temporarily in place to get an overall perspective on where I stand and all appears okay so I shall continue with the hood armour and glyphs.













These little doors were very labor intensive but they do have functioning hinges and complete the front of the Void Generator housings







I have a backlog of 2 warhounds, a battle raider and a fellblade. Whenever I peek in on this thread I'm mostly inspired. Sometimes discouraged because I dont have the time to go into as much detail as I see here. I learn new ways of doing things and get better ideas, but at the same time I realize my efforts pale in comparison. Good stuff. About to use my drill press to make the holes for the twin fellblade cannons and using the tips I learned here so they both point in the same direction. ;)
OK I just copied out the work you have done and I have 250 pages (no editing/resizing done yet). The issue I find is that the lack of templates or step-by-step how you made each chunk makes it hard to have someone build one from the info. =O
OK I just copied out the work you have done and I have 250 pages (no editing/resizing done yet). The issue I find is that the lack of templates or step-by-step how you made each chunk makes it hard to have someone build one from the info. =O


I dont think someone could make a titan to the same specifications and design as he did with Templates and a written step system anyways. Its about talent and patience. You cant Prefab this kind of stuff. It has to come from the heart.


Well I don't know if it comes from the heart or just a bad case of manic obsessive behavior but you are right writing a step by step log. I have no plan when I start a component and any errors are usually hidden between layers of subsequent plastic.


My main concern is weight so I use the thinest sheets I can get away with and reinforce were needed with scrap plastic; for example on the shield generator housing walls I used 0.040" sheet styrene for the side panels and 0.156"X 0.060" strips for the end pieces for spacers. This gives me ≃ 0.250", 6.0 millimeters which is the nominal thickness I have decided on for any of the model's walls. I then finish the ends and top edge with scrap 0.010" sheet styrene to hide the spacer seams and sand off the excess to obtain a crisp sharp edge.


The rest of the detail is just following the pictures available at the beginning of this thread. I keep the current DS image on my desktop to study for the section I am working on for study. I find multi tasking while on the computer a great boon to productivity and have moved my construction locale to the computer desk.


The rest is just practice. Having the stages of construction available should be a boon to replication, something I didn't have for as stated before all I have are the completed model images found on the 'net. Mr Smith was quite remiss in offering construction details.


There are no templates I would trust available (that I know of) and I hesitate to give dimensions to avoid hassles from GW/FW.


A few words to speed up construction; you can save a lot of time by not making movable joints and by skipping the interior detail.

Yeah I know theres a lot of images of virtually the same thing; tedious I know but the thing had to be done. Okay well deserved Martini in hand the final installation of this small and labor intense area is at last relatively complete except for the magnets that close the gaps and a bit of eye candy to dress out the detail.


This project will be judged by what meets the immediate eye and that is by the optimum point of view the top of the model at a 30° to 45° angle ergo the top so a lot of attention has to be paid to this area:





So here hopefully is the last dedicated posted to this area.


Next the hood.


The head being the Grand Finale I personally cannot wait.....

Aha! You've let your secret slip Blackadder! No wonder I haven't produced any world-class scratchbuilds - I don't got no gin!


*delusional cackling*


*realisation that martinis must be accompanied by hard work and professional eye for detail*




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