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Silver Phoenix's Deathwatch Challenge

Brother Argent

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Okay so I've chosen a winner. It took one HELLUVA decision as of all the tnries I basically wanted to include them all... But that obviously wasn't going to work so I had to make a decision.


And so, for the position of Watch Captain I ended up going with:


- Brother Validus Flamma of the Iron Flames



All the entries were too damned good. Each and every entry was too good to go into details on each one but really, I want to see these entries again in later challenges.


Now, when I declared this challenge I had a sneaky little secret. From the challengers I was going to select another entry. This individual would take the place of the 2IC or sergeant of the squad. For that position I ended up choosing:


- Brother Liborius Sedullon of the Ghost Dragons



Thanks to all who entered. For the next position it will be two spots being opened.


The first is that of a long term veteran whom has served with the Inquisitor for a long time. The other will be a Blackshield. So I want to see some entries from traitor chapters. I will post up the proper details and info on the challenge soon but thats there for you guys to get thinking...

  Silver Phoenix said:
No not at all.... :unsure:


Do I sense a new batch of Stormeagles incoming for a certain someone? :) :D


I'd better throw my hat into the ring for this, would be rude not to. :sweat:



Oh yeah, sorry about that...


Inquisitor Saeros Gannan is served by a close retinue. A hand picked team that owe him their allegiance as well as their life. Known to those outside his trust as a hard man those whom come to know hi closely see a very different man. A man whom is often troubled by the weight of his duties and the severety of actions required. It is said that Saeros remembers the name of every planet he has been unable to save and the face of every innocent he has condemned to death.


Saeros' closest follower and indeed his protegee is the young Ilara Holt. Born of the nobles houses of the Fortress world of Tyrant's Gate Ilara was recruited by Saeros during the Ocosta Insurrection when he was saved by her father during a traitor ambush. Saeros swore to the dying noble that he would care for his daughter and so far he has kept his oath. As Saeros' acolyte Ilara has changed from the innocent and naive youth to a firm and devout follower of the Inquisitor. Just as he has sworn o protect her, she has sworn to protect him with her life. Her time with Saeros' is nearly over however. Soon she will no longer be his acolyte but will have reached the status of Inquisitor herself and will have to go her own way. Even after that day, however, the bond she shares with her foster father will no doubt remain strong.


Tall, grim, forboding and recluse. These terms and more can be used to describe another of Saeros'followers. Although his history is shrouded in secrecy some details of the man known only as Torun come to light under careful scrutiny. What little is known is that, following the collapse the Black Swords Astartes Chapter at the hands of the Xeno's known as the Eldar Inquisitor Saeros was on the Black Swords homeworld when the Chapter collapsed. Indeed some whisper that he was as much to blame as the Xenos he hunted. Regardless when Saeros finally left the planet it was not in the ship he arrived in. Instead it was in a black as night painted Thunderhawk piloted by Saeros' latest follower Torun. Having a remarkably astute knowledge of space marines and having the physique to match it is rumoured the Torun is a failed aspirant or worse, a deserter of the Black Swords. Whatever the case Torun remains steely quiet about his past. Whatever the case in Torun Saeros has a capable and frighteningly loyal follower.


Hmmm, that should do for flavour text this time.


As previously stated this time I am up for two spots on the team. To make things easier on my brain I want each person to clearly state at the start of their entry whether it is for: BLACKSHIELD or VETERAN. Note that anyone may enter a person for both positions if they want, in fact I encourage people too. The idea of these two together is I feel these characters will be the polar opposites in the story. The long serving Loyalist and then the Blackshield whose Chapter has fled the Imperium and whose loyalty, although possibly flawless, i under scrutiny the whole time.


So for the position of: VETERAN I require:



Chapter: (with a link to the IA)

What sort of Wargear he prefers: eg, bolter, flamer, plasma gun...

A bit of his History: (About 100-200 words)

A Description: (100-200 words)

Anything else you think I should know:


And for the special requirement for this challenge: This marine is a veteran of countless campaigns in both the Deathwatch and along side Inquisitor Saeros. What are his thoughts on the Inquisitor and his followers and why? (100 or more words)


And for the position of BLACKSHIELD:



Chapter: (with a link to the IA)

What sort of Wargear he prefers:

A bit of his History: (About 100-200 words)

A Description: (100-200 words)

Anything else you think I should know:


And for the special requirement for this challenge: This marines Chapter is either destroyed or gone Traitor (preferably). How has this effected this marine and how does he view others and the Imperium as a whole (100 or more words)


I am leaving this one open will the twelfth of April, unless I get totally awesome entries before then. And as ususal, hit me up with any questions.

Going to put description in front of history, hope you don't mind :unsure:


Application for Veteran position


Name - Marenth Tarion


Chapter - Angels of Adamantium


What sort of wargear he prefers - His meltagun, Hera


A description - Marienth, on the surface, appears to be perfect for the Angels of Adamantium style of tactics – quiet, unquestioning, effective and very adaptive. What he lacks, however, is any sense of people's intentions or meanings, and along with it the ability to work amongst his brothers. His focus is only on his own task and how to complete it, and will leave the others in his squad to ensure his objective is achieved. The Angels simply expected him to die by time he became a veteran, and remove the anomaly while giving him the odd jobs that would be hindered by excessive manpower. Marienth refused to die, however – doing so would render him unable to complete his given task. Thus, he was given to Deathwatch, oblivious to the Angels's relief.


A bit of his history - The Angels of Adamantium have treated Marienth as though he was a problem needed fixing, a broken cog in the machine that was the chapter. Only their belief in honor has kept them from sending him on a suicide mission that would not help the Imperium – one must die for a worthy cause. Missions that would be beneficial all provide a route for Marienth to live, and thus he takes it, using any advantage he can glean to do so. An example of this was when the Angels Third Company had launched a boarding action against a Chaos vessel. The rest of the Third was assigned in actions to sweep the vessel clean of Chaos Marines. Marienth was assigned to take the bridge alone, and he would hopefully kill a few of the enemy before being slaughtered by the guards protecting the bridge. When they found him, however, he had killed two of the Chaos elites before being caught in a web of self-defense by the three remaining guards. The Angels took advantage of the distraction and completed the mission, and Marienth was brought back into the Third.


Anything else I think you should know - It is said the only time he has expressed his emotions is gratitude to the Angels of Adamantium for making him an astarte. Otherwise, he fights and kills and completely ignores any preconceptions that most forces apply to war.


Special requirement - The Inquisition simply is a tool, just as he is. He doesn't care about its methods, or any collateral damage caused. Saeros's regrets are lost on him, though he of course hears the rumours of the Inquisitor's visions of those he failed to save simply because the others in the retinue have long since ceased to treat Marienth as a person. To them, he is simply a tool.

Application for the position of VETERAN


Maxillius Procella


Name: Veteran Brother Maxillius Procella


Chapter: The White Hand Chapter


Preferred Wargear: Power Fist and Bolt Pistol (w/small Chainsword bayonet attachment)


History: Like most on Zel Primus, the Procella family was drawn there in the hopes of making a living as miners. Their dreams were cut short only a few months after they arrived, as his family died in a terrible mining accident, leaving young Maxillius alone. Having no family left, the Monks of the Order took in the boy and taught him their way. In time, Maxillius began the process to become a Space Marine.


For long years he fought in battle after battle, hoping to find the peace offered by the god-Emperor. He survived year after year rising to join the Chapter's Vanguard Veteran Squad, serving there until called up to be a part of the DeathWatch.


Description: Hard and scarred. Most of the time you'd find Maxillius a quite man, at least until talk of the Emperor or the beliefs of the Order come up … then he will speak until there is none left to listen to him. All should know the glory of the god-Emperor, and he'll do his best to make sure they do.


In battle, Maxillius throws himself into combat. For his Chapter, the release of death is a gift ... a gift of acceptance by the god-Emperor. Surviving only means you're not yet ready to join with him. That is not to mean they fight looking for death, they fight to win .. to destroy the enemies of the Imperium.


Anything else you think I should know: As with all the marines from the White Hand, Maxillius sees death in battle as the path to acceptance of the god-Emperor. He will never retreat … unless ordered.


Unknown to Maxillius or anyone outside of the High Lords and a few within the Adeptus Mechanicus, the White Hand Chapter was created using the Word Bearer's Geneseed. Because of this, an Inquisitor from the Ordo Malleus is always assigned to the Chapter. Thus Maxillius has been around Inquisitors his entire life as a Space Marine. Perhaps he's even worked with your Inquisitor … up to you. He sees them as a normal part of Chapter life and a valued asset to the Imperium.


Maxillius is seen by himself and his Chapter as having the unfortunate knack of always surviving. To most that would seem like a boon, but to the Marines of the White Hand Chapter where death in battle is seen as acceptance by the god-Emperor it is more of a curse. Maxillius was sent to the Deathwatch in hopes he would finally find his great reward. His 'curse' however has followed him there as well.


EDIT: Just a small note, you must admit he looks d...n good as a Blackwatch Marine :(

  Silver Phoenix said:
I am guessing he is for the Veteran position. Please can people note at the start of their entry that they are putting in someone for the veteran or blackshield position.

Woops, my bad :( And yes, he is intended for the veteran position

  Dark Apostle Thirst said:
  Silver Phoenix said:
I am guessing he is for the Veteran position. Please can people note at the start of their entry that they are putting in someone for the veteran or blackshield position.

Woops, my bad :( And yes, he is intended for the veteran position



I really hate that I have to be against you in this one. :P

  Ecritter said:
  Dark Apostle Thirst said:
  Silver Phoenix said:
I am guessing he is for the Veteran position. Please can people note at the start of their entry that they are putting in someone for the veteran or blackshield position.

Woops, my bad :) And yes, he is intended for the veteran position



I really hate that I have to be against you in this one. :P

Really? Because I was worried about having you as competition myself ;)


I suppose I could write up an entry for the Burning Scythes to make a blackshield, the only problem is I haven't really made an IA for them... :(

Well he could take both of us Vets :P


Only thing I have in the way of Traitor is the Golden Dragons, but I've dropped them mostly ... not nearly finished.


EDIT: You know, seeing as how Maxillius has Word Bearer Geneseed .. he could fill either roll I guess. :)

  Ecritter said:
Well he could take both of us Vets :(


Only thing I have in the way of Traitor is the Golden Dragons, but I've dropped them mostly ... not nearly finished.


EDIT: You know, seeing as how Maxillius has Word Bearer Geneseed .. he could fill either roll I guess. :P

Flexibility is amazing, I just wish I had thought of that when putting forward my Lords of Shadow captain ;)


Wait, does that mean there are two chapters with traitor geneseed running around...? Who would've thought :)

  Silver Phoenix said:
So... any other takers... or anyone for the blackshield spot...?


I have an idea for one, it's a little bit different from what you outlined above if that's okay. I'll PM you the idea if you want to check Silver Phoenix. :P




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