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Silver Phoenix's Deathwatch Challenge

Brother Argent

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Oh, I forgot to ask - what is the current time in the WH40K timeline ( I mena, at what year does this story takes place).


Usefull to know, as a chapter can change and writing the character also changes.

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Very iiiinteresting.... that puts the action after my chapter made a secret alliance with a eldar craftworld. Which means any marine would have a somewhat different view on eldar.



Hurrr...wheels in my head are turning.

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Name: Soronarr Luxor


Chapter: Phoenix Knights





Power armor, frag and krak grenades, bolter and sterngaurd ammo choices (standard for PK tacticals), combat knife.




Soronarr is of average build and average height for a space marine, with mild facial features and shot, brown hair.

He is sociable when he wants to be, but keeps a calm and distanced demeanor most of the time. He wears a normal power armor with painted fire marking on his forearms.

Having been one of the marines assigend to the moon of Vixis, he has had more contact with the "allied" Eldar than most from his chapter. This has shaped his vew and he is much more prone to talking with all eldar, even tough he is well aware not all craftworlds are the same. Following Arturians teachings, he sees any strategic alliance as a benefit to mankind in the long run, especially given the threat of Necrons and Tyranids.

Naturally, being sent to the Deatwach causes him some concern - both regarding facing eldar in battle and the risk of the non-agression treaty being exposed - but he is determined to serve the IoM to the fullest.





He was singled out for recruitement during a smaller uprising on Van Secundus. Soronarr was a bright, if impetious youth, having no noticalbe delinquent tendencies, but still ended up fighting against the guard. During a riot near the central manufactorum, for reasons yet unkwnon, the IG present opend fire and chaos ensued, with many innocents dying to stray gunfire. Among them were some of Soronarrs firends and family. Enraged, he joined the masses as they assaulted the guard.

The riots turned to a proper uprising and the nearby squad of Phoenix Knights responded. While most protesters fled at the sight of the Astartes, Soronarr looked for something he could use to fight the giants. He found a upturned heavy bolter and using all of his strength, managed to point it towards the marines and open fire, scoring several glancing hits and wounding one in the arm. The kickback broke several of his ribs. When the marines discovered who fired at them, they were amused and took him (forcibly) with them.

He took the training well and proved to be highly flexible, perceptive and an able tactician, quickly analyzing any situation and finding optimal solutions.




PK marines operate in squads of 6, so a 10 man-squad is bigger than he is accustomed to.

As befits a PK tactical marine, Soronarr posseses higher then average medical and technical knowledge.

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Name – Tanian Ronier


Chapter – Lords of Shadow


What sort of wargear he prefers – a combi-melta


A description – Most chapters, the Lords of Shadow included, teach patience and a well thought out battle plan. Those who first see in Tanian fight often wonder how he reached the First Company at all. This Lord of Shadow never pauses to consider his next course of action or backs off in the face of overwhelming threats. Many label him as fatalistic, and more disregard him as a fool for his defiance of the obvious path of logic. Those who have served with him for years, however, know him differently. Tanian views any threat as having an immediate solution, however unorthodox or difficult. His thinking is considered outside of the box for good reason – even with his century of quick thinking on the battlefield, many of his ‘immediate solutions’ are by necessity suicidal. How he has survived this long is a mystery, and he simply attributes it to his astarte gifts.


A bit of his history – Tanian has earned many battle honors for his insane bravery and great skill. Three marksman bullets are awarded to him, all of them due to on the spot shots that seem impossible – one for shooting through a Chaos Lord’s fractured plate into his heart, one for a round through the roof of a bursting Mawloc’s mouth, and one for stopping an Eldar warlock from casting some sorcery by removing its hand. The Lord of Shadow is also responsible for wrecking many enemy tanks and other armor when he wielded a meltagun as a Tactical marine and continues to do so with his combi-melta. Even with the respect these achievements have earned him, he has climbed the ranks mostly as a pariah, adhering to neither cult that dominates the Lords of Shadow’s beliefs.

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Name: Veteran-Brother James Ignis


Chapter: Eagles Eternal


Preferred Wargear: Bolter, always has extra ammo


History: Before the arrival of the Eagles Eternal, James homeworld of Fidelis had been enslaved by the forces of chaos. As a child, James saw the Emperors Angles descend upon the daemons and their worshipers. Like many of his people, James took up arms against his oppressors, and his actions earned him a place as one of the chapter’s first recruits.

James quickly progressed in the chapter. As the years went on and the battle honors piled up, in a chapter full of expert marksmen, James stood out amongst his peers. His uter hatred of his enemies forcing him to pulverize their disgraceful faces with explosive rounds from his bolter. It was no surprise to his battle brothers when he became the first of his chapter to be requested to join the ranks of the Deathwatch.


Description: Ignis is a often quiet, letting his bolter sing the hymns of the battle in the Emperors name. Living for the soul purpose of his battle brothers survival, his mastery of reloading has often led many to mistake him for a heavy bolter. Ignis is selfless in his devotion of his brothers, his chest a mangel torment of scars he sustained from covering a mortar for his battle brothers, an event he almost did not survive. During battle, Ignis is courageous and just, always the first to charge the enemy, expertly reloading his bolter while maintaining a constant stream of fire, each round finding its home in an individual skull.


Special Requirement: You'll have to forgive me on this, I used all the information I was going to put here to replace things that had partains to him being a veteran. Ignis is in afraid of death, as he is a master of it. What he is afraid of however is the deaths of his battle brothers. No stranger to loss, Ignis sees each marine he fights beside as family on a higher level than that of normal astarties. Each loss pains him and he would rather it be himself to go. He volunteers for the dangerous missions, and places himself in front of harms way. The streams of fire he expertly executes is just one way of protecting loved ones. Ignis volunteered for death watch duty that he might ensure his brothers return to see fidelis again, however he has once again found a faimily to which he would sacrifice himself.

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Well here is my entry for the normal Trooper position, Falkos Torran:


Name: Falkos Torran


Chapter: Shield Bearers


What sort of Wargear he prefers: Relic Bolter with a chain-bayonet attached, a combat shield which he keeps strapped to his backpack until it is needed in an assault, the shield being in the colours of the symbol of his chapter and finally a serrated combat blade.


A bit of his History: Recruited at the turn of 921.M41 by the Shield Bearers upon their home world of Arbea, having known only war since his birth, his tribes people being forced out to endure the harsh terrain’s storms and predators after being forced out of their safe haven. At a young age, enduring everything Arbea could throw at him and his family, Torran grew into an able fighter and eventually led his tribe into conquering the very tribe who forced them out of the safe haven his people once resided in out of the storms and away form the predators. He was subsequently recruited by the Shield Bearers as a result of the victory he led and his battle prowess at so young an age. During his time as a Scout, Torran displayed his skill with firearms, and proved his fine close combat skills he’d developed as a child on the plains of Arbea. His ability to stay calm and defend himself from attacks for a long period of time before landing a single killing blow was noted by his trainers. As he ascended ranks throughout the company, his combat capabilities improved more and more, but the Chapter began to notice the pride and satisfaction Torran took when he’d land a killing blow by bolter or by blade upon his enemies, especially against Xenos. His emotions of victory over an enemy were seen as a potential weakness for heresy and the whisperings of Chaos by his brothers. His actions and skill upon the battlefield however provided him with as much respect as the caution his fellow Shield Bearers held for him. At the end of the year 978.M41, the commanders of the Chapter declared that Brother Torran, who had achieved the rank of Sergeant of 4th Squad, 3rd company, was to be seconded to the Deathwatch, after the loss of Veteran Serrus. Torran was ideal for the placement, with his battle and tactical prowess being a fine example of the Chapters’ abilities. It was also a perfect way of removing his conflicting emotions from the Chapter to avoid him causing a rift between the Astartes of the Shield Bearers. Being under the eyes of the Inquisition would also ensure that Torran would not stray the path of the Emperor and stay loyal to his Imperium.

Since becoming part of the Deathwatch, Torran has developed further into a warrior of great skill both in range and in close combat, a Relic Bolter with a chain-bayonet attached becoming his favourite weapon of choice after numerous campaigns. A combat shield, gifted by his chapter to symbolise his origins is used by Torran for when he needs to lead an assault within a confined space.



A Description: Of an average Astartes build, Torran could easily blend into a group of Astartes, his dark brown hair and steel blue eyes paired with an unmarked pale, patrician face adding to his relatively “normal” appearance in Astartes terms. What adds to his character is his voice and upbeat temperament, the freedom of being able to express his emotions more openly than when he was within his Chapter providing him with opportunity to be jovial, even in the most intense of firefights the squad is involved in. The only true blemish to his form, barring a number of blade scars across his chest and back, is that Torran bears a pair of steel grey and bronze bionic hands, after his original hands were irreparably damaged from an overloading plasma gun during his time as a Tactical Marine. This has given Torran a mistrust of the use and ability of plasma weaponry, which he is wary of whenever his Battle Brothers choose to wield them into combat. His bionic hands have also had Torran confused for being a descendant of Ferrus Manus. Torran wears a suit of blessed Mk. VI “Corvus” pattern armour, the only exception to this being the lack of the studded shoulderpad, the symbol of the Deathwatch taking its place. As is typical of his technologically gifted chapter, Falkos Torran’s armour and weaponry is fine tuned and upgraded with extra sensors for combat and he bears a larger amount of technological knowledge than the average Astartes would usually have.


Anything else you think I should know: The combat shield Torran possesses was gifted to him by his Chapter when he ascended to the Deathwatch. The shield is shaped and coloured as the symbol of his Chapter and upon it, the name of every battle Torran has fought in as a Shield Bearer is embossed upon it in black gothic lettering.


Before any battle, Brother Torran that the golden blade upon his combat shield is pristine and polished, to ensure that it reflects the light of the Emperor wherever he and his squad tread.






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So I am calling this one closed. Will hopefully have made up me mind about this challenge and the heavy weapon slot. I am going to leave it a little while before I start the next challenge. I want to actually get a little written on the short story I think.


Hopefully we will see results and the next challenge son.

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Honestly I think its going to be nigh impossible to write a story that gives al the charecters the credit they deserve. My plan it to write a series of stories, methinks. The first will focus on several characters, with later stories focussing on the others. Thats the plan at least anyway...
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Honestly I think its going to be nigh impossible to write a story that gives al the charecters the credit they deserve. My plan it to write a series of stories, methinks. The first will focus on several characters, with later stories focussing on the others. Thats the plan at least anyway...


That sounds like a good way of doing it SP! And methinks you'll do fine Brother, the amount of detail in the winning entries have given you a fine base to build up from. ;)



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Okay after much deliberation I have decided on the Heavy Weapon guy. As much as I really liked the other entries once I read this one he was just stuck there as the guy for that role. That is to say the Heavy Weapon Specialist for the squad shall be:


Brother Galth Rennington of the Red Lords


And yes, he will most likely wield a missile launcher. I dont know why but the idea of this fella just stuck. I couldn't get him out of my head as this guy. Its not my fault, I am sure Ace brainwashed me or something...


As for the Normal marine position, I am just waiting to hear back from a PM before I decide.


EDIT: Heard back, so I do declare that:


Brother James-Ignis of the Eagles Eternal


Shall fill the last spot on the team. Congrats War Angel.


For the next challenge I am going to change things up a bit. I am going to re-write, edit and fluff up the first ten marines profiles. I am then going to re-post them here for easy reference. I then want people to give me two things. There will be tensions on the team as various Brothers from different Chapters are forced to get along. So the first thing will be I want you guys to suggest some grudges between various members and give me reasons why. Secondly, I want you guys to suggest what marine should die in the first story. At the end of the challenge we will have a secret vote via PM to me so I can determine who it shall be... Once thats done we will move to the final challenge, the Specialist whom comes into the story arc in the second short story.


So stay tight for the re-written bio's of the marines.

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Okay after much deliberation I have decided on the Heavy Weapon guy. As much as I really liked the other entries once I read this one he was just stuck there as the guy for that role. That is to say the Heavy Weapon Specialist for the squad shall be:


Brother Galth Rennington of the Red Lords


And yes, he will most likely wield a missile launcher. I dont know why but the idea of this fella just stuck. I couldn't get him out of my head as this guy. Its not my fault, I am sure Ace brainwashed me or something...


Brainwashing? What am I, a psyker as well as a techmarine? :P


Not gonna lie, I didn't think I'd get that one, and I'm as pleased as punch that I did. :D


I'll try and work out who Rennington would like/dislike after you've come up with the altered bios for everyone. :ph34r:

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Congrats both to War Angel and Ace for their winning entries!


Hmm grudges you say? Well I think it'd be fair to say quite a few of the Deathwatch'll have some form of contempt for Skaron. Especially the ones who despise Chaos. Methinks only in the crucible of war will they truly know of Skaron's unwavering loyalty.



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Dont worry, I was very close to going with your guy. There still is another spot to fill, that of specialist. And as I mentioned at least one person is gonna die in the first story so maybe there will be another spot to fill after that. :P

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