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Silver Phoenix's Deathwatch Challenge

Brother Argent

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  Silver Phoenix said:
Well I am now declaring this part of the Challenge over. As per ususal PM me your thoughts on the entries. Next up for filling is... I'm not sure. Debating between Close Quarter Specialist or Stealth Specialist.... thougths?


It's a close close call between the veteran positions, I can't choose! :) Maybe for the next filling the Heavy Wepaons specialist or as mentioned the master of stealth and scouting?


  Silver Phoenix said:
Oh and for those interested Brother Cambrius' Ruval Skaron of the War Axes takes the position of Blackshield. Not just because he was the only one who entered for that position but because his is a damned good entry. Congrats Cambrius.


Yay! :D Thanks for the compliment on it being a good entry too. It's a pity there weren't any other entries to challenge mine, but it was a very tricky one to do as there are so little full traitor/renegade Liber articles around. Looking forwards to how you'll protray him alongside his fellow Astartes, it'll be interesting to see what'll happen if his Brothers do discover his origins. :ph34r:


Best of luck to the 4 entries for the Veteran position! Looking forwards to the next challenge too. :D



Okay so I know I haven't announced who has taken the Veteran position yet. There is a reason for that. I still cant decide who to take out of the three. Its getting to the point where I am thinking of having a coin toss over who takes the spot. So while I decide who takes the spot I am going to throw open the next Challenge.


But first, flavour text on two more of Saeros' followers.


To most in the Imperium the vast seething mass that is known as the Administratum is beyond both comprehension and belief. A vast ever hungry beast that simply swallows up information in a vast tide of buerochracy and forms only to vomit up some useful tid bit of information when it is least expected and long past its usefulness. Not to to Arex Quinn. Arex is a natural born buerocrat and administrator. Known for his encylopedic mind when it comes to every and any bit of information, from planetary tithes, to Rogue Trader Dynasties and even Astartes Chapters Arex is a veritable gold mine of information. This has come at a steep cost, however. Whilst he has an uncanny cache of information in his mind accesssing it can be at some times difficult and at others inpossible. Sometime during his employment at the massive Administratum Maxima of Siris IV some piece of knowledge that Arex came across unhinged his mind. Know for long bouts of melanchololy or even complete insanity Arex was due for surgery to become a servitor when Saeros requested his permanent secondment to his retinue. Since gthen Arex has hungrily fed him mind with any information the Inquisitor can provide him and, most recently, has become facinated with the Deathwatch Marines under Saeros' service.


One of Saeros' last engagements before the incident on Feronn was the Galduran Crusade. Operating alongside a large crusade of Imperial Forces including several Imperial Guard Regiments as well as a force of the Astral Fists Astartes Saeros' forces were engadged in halting WAAAAAGH!!!! Eadkrumpa. It was during the Siege of Galduran's Hive Primus that Saeros saved the life of a young Imperial Guardsmen of the Paradise 31st Infantry Regiment of the Guard. The Guardsman swore that he would return the favour and it wasn't until the final moments of the siege he was able to. Saeros was engadged in combat with the orkish Warboss Blagrit Eadkrumpa when the WArboss gained the upper hand. He ws about to crush the life out of the Inquisitor when the young Guardsman took the moment to attack the warbosses back. Blagrit mortally wounded the Guardsman for his actions but the distraction was enough for Saeros to drive his powersword through the ork's chest. Badly wounded Blagrit escaped. Saeros had the guardsman trated by his personnal chirgeon and, with the aid of bionics, the guardsman survived. Saeros thought nothing of it until just before he departed for FEronn when a scarred Guardsman entered his Chambers. He told Saeros he was Guardsman Johan Robertson and that, although he had repayed Saeros saving his life, the Inquisitor had done it again because of his treatment. As such he swore himself to Saeros'service to act as a body guard, until the day he can repay his debt in full.


** Please excuse the spelling, I've just finished a nine hour shift and I cant be bothered fixing it just yet... **


Anyhow, the position we are going for this time around is... well its another double header. I couldn't decide between Stealth Specialist or Close Quarter Specialist so I am going with both.


So for this challenge we need:




Chapter: (with a link to the IA)

What sort of Wargear he prefers (bearing in mind his specialist role)

A bit of his History: (100 words or more)

A Description: (100 words or more)

Anything else you think I should know:


And for this challenge the extra requirement of:


If he is a specialist, how. Give me a bit of a run down on why he fits the specialist role. (100 words or more)


EDIT: And can people please let me know what they think on the veteran position options. I am aving a REALLY hard time choosing here.

Alright, second time's the charm (I hope).


Close Quarter Battle Specialist

Name: Li Jon Okipiet

Chapter: Astral Reavers


Preferred Wargear: Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Storm Bolter

Right Hand: Power Fist (Crimson color) and Storm Bolter (Think Dorn's Arrow)

Left Hand: Lighting Claw (Silver color) Think this, not this.


Brief History: Since his recruitment from the Uft'ni street gangs, Li Jon has quickly climbed through the Chapter's ranks, reaching the First Company in little under a century, and serving with distinction for nearly two hundred years. His list of achievements stretch on, both inside and outside of combat. Li Jon's previous campaign tours have primarily been against Orks and Chaos, although he has had a numbered few encounters against Eldar. Li Jon has been crowned victor in the Nausicaa cages, an intra-Chapter fighting tournament held aboard their flagship, no less than six times, and is recognized as one of the best brawlers in the Chapter.


Currently, as a member of the First Company, Li Jon's greatest fear is being seconded to the Chapter's Tenth Company. While Li Jon loves his Chapter and cares for its future, he does not believe that it is in anyone's best interest to remove him from the front lines. When offered, Li Jon jumped at the opportunity to return to the service of the Inquisition, and now hopes to gain enough prestige to stay in black and silver as a permanent operative. Prior to his departure, Li Jon was the Combat Squad leader in the First Company's Third Sternguard Squad.


Description: Li Jon is a runt of a marine, standing just under seven feet (about 2.1 meters) outside of power armor, and little taller in it. Even as a neophyte, he was small in comparison to his brothers. While this trait initially earned him teasing, both good natured and otherwise, he has since proven that he is not to be underestimated. Still, Li Jon is a handsome man with olive skin, dark eyes, short, curly, dark hair, a lean, clean face and sharp features.


His captains have described Li Jon as an honest man, and younger members of the Chapter adore him, and crowd around him to hear his adventures and victories. Similarly, Li Jon is extremely talkative, and enjoys striking up conversation with anyone about anything at almost any time. In an empty room, Li Jon would talk to walls. In due time, Li Jon's silver tongue developed into a weapon in its own right, giving him a bark just as bad, if not worse, than his monstrous bite. Kind hearted in nature, Li Jon's greatest character fault is his impatience, and he is equally quick to jump, anger and fight.


Anything Else: Li Jon's artificer suit is a well earned prize. Closest in appearance to Mk. 8 and Aegis armor, it is as much an artistic marvel as it is a technological one. Hand crafted in part by the Reaver's own Master of the Forge, the suit's most distinguishing feature, its diamond shaped gorget, is molded based on the Reaver's heraldic krake. As a member of the Astral Reavers' First Company, Li Jon holds the title of one of the Chapter's Black Spots. As such, he wears the black spot of his namesake as an additional mark on his heraldry, in between the mandibles of the krake, and on the forehead of his second face.


Li Jon's second face, a white painted mask on his helmet, incorporates elements of slain Orks, Eldar, and Daemons. His human skull (original face) is elongated (mocking Eldar) with a pair of horns (mocking a daemon prince) extending from the temples and stretching around the helmet and tusks (mocking an Ork Warboss battle helmet) which mirror the horns. While many similar and lesser foes have contributed to its growth, each morphing has a story that Li Jon is all too eager to share, given the opportunity. It is traditional for Astral Reavers to only share their face with brothers within the chapter and individuals who have proven themselves as powerful warriors. Li Jon believes that entrance into the Deathwatch and Inquisition is reason enough for marines to be considered as the latter, and has no hesitation removing his helmet in the company of his teammates.


Li Jon's chain of soulstones is the only trophy he chose to bring with him on this tour. Worn, in part, to serve as proof of his abilities and a prop for his stories, with a dozen jewels strung together, its primary, and private, purpose is to honor an Eldar Howling Banshee Exarch, one of the only foes Li Jon has ever deemed worthy of his recognition.


This will be Li Jon's second tour with the Deathwatch. Almost sixty years ago, he was in a kill team commissioned by a monodominant puritan against an Eldar plot. Since then, Li Jon has had a great deal of respect for the Ordos Inquisition, and has worn the silver arm and pad with pride.


Why is He a Specialist: To call Li Jon's fighting unorthodox would be a disservice to him, and an insult to the word. By all rights, a brawler, Li Jon has beaten, slashed, stabbed, and torn his enemies apart from his earliest days as a ganger to his most recent combat missions. In the Astral Reavers First Company, Li Jon is the very tip of the spearhead strike.


Absolutely ferocious in battle, Li Jon's attacks are a whirlwind of strikes, including everything from the typical jabs of his fist and claw, to full forced body slams, knees, kicks, and headbutts. Armed with a deadly flair all his own, Li Jon is accustom to being at the front of every engagement, and supported by the might of his brother space marines.


(If you don't mind, SP, I'd like to keep these here as examples of sorts.)


Looming Waaagh: An Ork held world on the brink of uniting under a single Warboss was target for a preemptive strike by Imperial forces. Tasked as one of several teams to kill major ork leaders and their subordinates, Li Jon's team was given the responsibility of killing the primary warboss presumed by Imperial intelligence to lead the waaagh were it ever to come to fruition. While his brothers were slowed by the Warboss' retinue, Li Jon was able to leap above the combat onto the warboss, and strike a killing blow, piercing the ork's battle helm with the talons of his lightning claw. Returning with the Ork's head, Li Jon told his tale, and earned his tusks.


Bloody Prince: An archenemy invasion force under the leadership of a Khornate Daemon Prince threatened Reaver territory. When the enemy fleet was intercepted by a Reaver fleet, Li Jon and his brothers embraced their chapter tradition and boarded the flagship. Tearing through countless cultists and traitors, Li Jon and a numbered few of his battle brothers reached the bridge. With the augmented might of his power fist and lightning claw, Li Jon faced the daemon prince in single combat, and, grasping the beast by the horns, tore the monster's head in half. After fighting through the vessel, and claiming it as the Chapter's own, Li Jon was given the opportunity to present his victory to his brothers, and was given his brothers' blessing to place horns on his second face.

After this there will be, in no particular order:


- Heavy Weapon Specialist

- Normal Run of the mill marine(possibly)

- Specialist (Choice of techmarine, librarian, apothecary etc.)



And thats it.... For now.


There will be, however, four more challenges...

Application for the position of STEALTH/CLOSE QUARTER SPECIALIST



Rievus Doum

Name: Brother Rievus Doum


Chapter: Sons of Pyron


Preferred Wargear: Twin Short Power Swords


History: Born of the Sons' Eugenics Program, Rievus' entire life has been among the Brothers and Sisters of the Chapter. His early life was much like any other child born to the Chapter, as he learned duty, courage, honor and pain. But even at an early age, his sly nature was evident.


While serving as a Scout for the Sons, Rievus' devious nature served him well and his cat-like grace both got him into and out of many a tough situations. Because of this uncanny ability, as he progressed throughout the ranks, he was often chosen for missions that required a quick, yet quiet strike to accomplish the mission.


Eventually, he returned to the scouts only this time it was to train the newest Chapter members in stealth tactics. It was a difficult assignment for Rievus, as he found it nearly impossible to teach others what came to him so naturally. But he did his duty as it was assigned. It was from this assignment that he was called to join the Deathwatch.


Description: If a man can be described by a single word, for Rievus it would be quiet. Not in speech mind you, for his personality is very outgoing and jovial, but his uncanny ability to 'just appear' behind his friends and enemies alike has always set him apart from his brothers.


His one good eye is always moving, and never misses anything. He lost his other at a very young age, it has since been replaced with a cyber implant. Oddly it never seems to have affected his nature.


Additional Information: Because of the Sons' unique history and recruiting practices, Rievus shares several quirks that are not standard to most Space Marines.


Family: Every member of the Sons is a blood relative and descendent of Pyron. This has given him a more family oriented nature when dealing with other Space Marines in general. Yet he is always watching for signs of weakness in his fellows as well.


The Impure: Like all the Sons, Rievus hates Orks above all other lifeforms. His will never pass up a chance to slay as many as possible, even if it means delaying his primary mission. Rievus will also watch all his companions closely for signs of impurity. A suspicious nature is part of being a Son of Pyron, and impurity is not to be allowed to survive.


Fire: The Cleansing Flame is the only proper means to deal with the Impure. "Burn them all" is taught from a very young age to those within the Chapter.


Specialist Requirement: Rievus' very nature makes him perfect to fit the role of Stealth Specialist, and his training and weapons only add to that role. His uncanny ability to move unseen and get where others cannot has served him well for many years and will serve the Deathwatch if his is chosen for the role. He has the innate stealthy nature, that combined with his personal choice of close combat weaponry allow him to deliver the killing blow and be gone before he's discovered. A feat he has not only used many times, but has mastered over the years.

Nice work KHK and Ecritter! :blink: I don't htink I have a Close Quarters or Stealthy bunch of chapters to choose form in my creations, but I might have a rare stroke of genius to come up with one. :D



Position going for: STEALTH SPECIALIST


Name: Brother Titus


Chapter: Stormbringers


What sort of Wargear he prefers: Huntsman-pattern Bolter (personally modified with silencer and scope) with special issue ammo in box clip; bolt pistol with silencer; powered hunting knife (set to a lower power level, just enough to help slit armoured throats but without being detected!).


A bit of his History: Brother Titus has fought for the Stormbringers Chapter for almost two hundred years, with nearly half of that time within the 1st Company. Early in this period, Titus applied for and completed the arduous program of training to join the elite ‘Hunter’ corps and has since served out three tours of duty in this vital role, acting as a scout for the 6th, 9th and 3rd Strike Companies respectively.


It is typical for Hunters to rotate in and out of their duties as guides, normally fighting among the 1st Company’s Sternguard units when not assigned. This allows them to maintain their ability to work as part of a battlefield unit. Brother Titus happened to be serving among the Sternguard when the Chapter was given the opportunity to provide a volunteer for the Deathwatch and he immediately put his name forward. Since that time, Titus has been privileged to serve with the Ordo Xenos twice when not acting in the role of Hunter, with the assignment to Inquisitor Saeros being his third.



A Description: Like all of the Stormbringers, Titus is very pale skinned, with dark, cold eyes and hair that is an almost white blonde. He is tall yet cadaverously thin, with gaunt, grim features. Titus rarely shows any emotion, even in the heat of battle, and tends to speak in clipped, quiet tones. Titus' armour is a mix of MKVI and VII coloured in the typical black and silver of the Deathwatch, with his right shoulder pad quartered in black and blue and marked with the white lightning bolt of the Stormbringers. While Titus is extremely proud of his place in both his Chapter and within the ranks of the Ordo, he feels no compunction over using mud, soot or tar to blacken the brighter elements of his battle plate so that they will not give away his position to the enemy.



Anything else you think I should know: Titus could be summed up in two words. Precision brutality. He is cold, calculating and always utterly efficient. However, his frequently callous actions are not motivated out of any sense of personal cruelty or viciousness. Like any of the brethren of his Chapter, Titus is simply focussed on the bigger picture and therefore will do whatever is necessary to ensure that his team’s mission objectives are achieved. While this has made him an ideal soldier for several less than altruistic Inquisitors, it could cause a certain amount of friction with Marines from more ‘humanitarian’ Chapters.


Titus is also very ambitious. He volunteered for both Hunter and Deathwatch training for the same reason; to better prepare him for a leadership role within the Stormbringers. This is not for seeking personal power or glory, but rather that Titus genuinely feels himself to be suited for the task. He therefore seeks to use every opportunity to increase in his abilities, learning whatever he can from his fellow Astartes. Titus also knows that the many contacts gained by serving with the Inquisition can only be a help to one appointed to the rank of Strike Captain.



And for this challenge the extra requirement of:

If he is a specialist, how. Give me a bit of a run down on why he fits the specialist role.


Titus is a Hunter, a highly experienced Astartes veteran given additional training in operating behind enemy lines. As such he is a master of infiltration, reconnaissance and guerrilla warfare; as well as of other, less savoury, skills such as interrogation, torture and assassination. Titus is also an expert marksman, equally able at range with his Huntsman-pattern bolter or up close with his silenced bolt pistol.


These abilities make him perfect as a kill-team scout, and it has also been rumoured that during his second tour of duty with the Ordo that he was used as an auxiliary replacement when a Vindicare assassin could not be spared to eliminate several elements of the command structure of an encroaching Tau battle group.

  Brother Cambrius said:
Nice work KHK and Ecritter! ;) I don't htink I have a Close Quarters or Stealthy bunch of chapters to choose form in my creations, but I might have a rare stroke of genius to come up with one. ;)




Thanks, not sure if I have a chance or not but I had to try to get my Sons in somewhere. As to the stealthiness of the Chapter ... they're not, but someone in the Chapter has to be. You should have that individual in any of your chapters too ... give it a try. ;)

Liking all of these characters. I was actually going to create this entry earlier but the power died and with it my hopes and dreams. Sort of. Not quite, but I\'m sure you see what I mean.

I do love the way everyone is raising the bar, and I\'m just entering because I can really.

Entry for the Stealth position.


Name: Aadil

Chapter: Corsairs Serpentis (There is an IA for these guys, just lost somewhere in the Liber\'s archives).

Equipment: Personal Jambiya proving blade.

History: Aadil was one of the corsairs last inductees from their now destroyed homeworld of Alamin. Aadil had been one of the lowest performers in his group when Alamin was destroyed. The sight of the tectonic plates grinding and ripping apart changed something in Aadil. Every contest revealed Aadil to be the most vicious and efficient of all, pushing himself harder than any other recruit.

He found his calling when he graduated to the scouts, finding the shadows to suit him perfectly, quiet violence becoming his watchword, even being selected from his peers for challenging operations. Even after his elevation to the ranks of the initiated he retained his status as a shadow amongst his brothers.

A hundred years since his homeworld burned before his eyes, Aadil joined the Deathwatch.

Description: Aadil is a quiet, self effacing marine in the finest traditions of his tribe and company, all marines of the corsairs are the similar in this regard. Allowing their actions to speak more than their tongues. Various tattoos run down his cheeks, words and scripture of his tribe.

He does not converse with the other marines of his squad in the same way as many of the other more outgoing marines do, but he does not secret himself away either, enjoying the company and banter of his brothers but does not feel the need to add to or engage with them himself, lest someone addresses him directly in which case he endeavors to be as succinct as possible.

He is a man of few words, but many proverbs, his favourite perhaps being “Every sun has to set.” Of course this has at times riled the Blazing Son in the group, though Aadil pays him no heed.

I just thought I had better make a note here that all the entries will most likely get a mention in the short stories. There will inevitably be casualties on the squad and thus need replacements as well as possibly a big operation later on involving multiple Deathwatch Squads. With the amount of good entries I am getting I may even start writing two story branches and make a squad out of the other good entries. There are just too many good ones to choose from.

Here we go again! :D

I almost certainly won't get this one, but at least I can say it's not for lack of trying. :P



-=-= Close Quarters Specialist =-=-


Name: Lios Nasir


Original Chapter: Infinity Knights (link in the list in my signature)


Prefered Wargear: Mayneson-pattern Chainsword (Kind of like a chain-falchion - a two-handed, curved chainsword)


History: An eighty-year veteran of the Infinity Knights' Wandering Companies, Nasir has always proven willing to take the hits for his team-mates in the fray. Over the course of his service Nasir has lost his right arm from the shoulder and his left arm from the elbow. These were replaced by the salvaged arms of his dead squad-brothers, earning him the nickname 'Lios Three-handed'. He was selected above almost a hundred other eager candidates to represent his Chapter proudly in the Deathwatch, and takes the same pride in protecting his squad-brothers in the Deathwatch as he did in the Infinity Knights. Nasir has developed a reputation amongst his Deatwtch bretheren as an unflappable mediator, able to swiftly defuse confrontations between squad-brothers with differing natures or beliefs. This ability, combined with his exceptional competence with his chainsword and his shrewd understanding of tactics and strategy have made him a valuable asset to Deathwatch squads both on and off of the battlefield.


A Description: Like most Infinity Knights, Lios Nasir hails from the desert world of Ashar, and he has the dark skin and solemn personality common to the Asharan people. Nasir is taller and broader than many of his brothers both in the Infinity Knights and the Deathwatch, combining with his shaved head, hooked nose and many scars to give him a savage, brutish appearance quite at odds with his patient nature. Personality-wise, Nasir is humble to the point of selflessness (a much-praised virtue both on his homeworld and in his home-chapter) and always calm even under the most unimaginable pressure. The story amongst his squadmates runs that the only time Lios ever raises his voice in anger is to a squad-brother whose actions put the squad in danger, and that no other obstacle is worthy of his anger.


Nasir is a close-quarters fighter first and foremost. Whilst he doesn't shy from firefights, it is in the midst of savage melee combat that Nasir has earned his greatest victories. All manner of foes, from pirates to genestealers to traitor Astartes have met their ultimate destiny at the end of Nasir's blade. Over years of practice Lios has elevated the simple, functional Chainsword disciplines he was taught long ago as a recruit to almost an art form, able to shift from defence to offence and back so suddenly that all but the most skilled of opponents will falter in their step as they seek an opening. It's not unheard of for enemies to simply stand almost rooted to the spot, staring as this giant of a man moves to the rhythm of combat like a dancer and slaughters his opposition like a butcher.


In perhaps any other military force Lios would be hailed as a Swordmaster, but he doesn't consider himself worthy of the title. He feels he is yet to face and best an opponent of equal skill on the field of war - the truest test of any Swordmaster's mettle.


Nasir's custom-made curved Chainsword is an ancient relic almost unique to his home Chapter, and he is intensely scrupulous about it's maintenance, carefully cleaning it and making any required repairs himself in the hours before and after every battle. His armour is carved with the name 'Varan' on the upper-left arm plate and 'Hasil' on the upper-right, the names of the Astartes whose arms are now attached to Nasir. Before battles he prays that any honour he earns in the coming warfare will be attributed not to himself, but to both Varan and Hasil in the afterlife.




  Grey Hunter Ydalir said:
Well I'll have to give an entry for all of the positions. I'll have to dig out my Bloodsworn chapter too now, though I don't really have any entries for a Heavy Weapons position, hmm, time to put my thinking cap on.


Yes, yes you will!

Don't think I've forgotten about them.


Now, stop wasting valuable digging time and get to work on the Bloodsworn! :D




I'm incapable of typing anything sensible on the first try anymore, it seems.


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