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This index is intended to provide members with a useful reference for all of the various legions, chapters, and warbands of the Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines. This includes both official and homegrown legions/chapters/warbands.

Each entry will include the legion/chapter/warband name, the name of the author, and a link to the article, blog, discussion, or external site with information on the organization. The intent is for official (Chaos) Space Marine organizations to link to datafiles in the B&C Librarium and for DIYs to link to blogs here at the B&C, though the initial links may be different until we reach that point.

Some entries will also include notes. These notes are intended to provide brief important information without giving too much detail. Note on (Chaos) Space Marine organizations will typically include important information such as "Excommunicatus Traitoris" or "Renegade" for those Chapters/Legions that have turned traitor, etc. These notes are not all-inclusive, merely providing the most important key information. Players wishing to see more information on the (Chaos) Space Marine organizations listed herein should follow the "File" links.

In some instances, a name will be used multiple times. One reason for this is a player developing a Space Marine Chapter for which Games Workshop has provided limited information. Another reason might be multiple players choosing the same name for their DIY Chapters. It should be noted that no player may "call dibs" on any name, so all instances of the same name are as legitimate as any other. DIY versions of official Chapters are marked with an asterisk (*).

Players desiring to submit their Space Marine legion/chapter/warband for inclusion in this index should follow the instructions provided in the Submitting a DIY post.



Crimson Fists Space Marine

Karl Kopinski

© Games Workshop 2003



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Alpha Legion | Blood Angels | Dark Angels | Death Guard | Emperor's Children | Imperial Fists | Iron Hands
Iron Warriors | Luna[r] Wolves/Sons of Horus | Night Lords | Raven Guard | Salamanders | Space Wolves
Thousand Sons | Ultramarines | White Scars | Word Bearers | World Eaters | Lost Legions



1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | 13th (Dark) | 14th | 15th
16th | 17th | 18th | 19th | 20th | 21st (Cursed) | 22nd | 23rd (Sentinel) | 24th | 25th | 26th | 27th (Ultima)



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Entries are listed alphabetically. The listing assumes that the formal name of all Chapters follows a basic pattern of "The ~ Chapter" so the article "the" and the word "Chapter" are usually omitted, including for those Chapters that often include one or both when officially mentioned (e.g., Games Workshop usually refers to the "Genesis Chapter" and the "Aurora Chapter," but these are included herein as "Genesis" and "Aurora").

(Chaos) Space Marine organizations known by multiple names (e.g., the Luna/Lunar Wolves were re-named the Sons of Horus and later the Black Legion) will be listed under all of the names.

While no official (Chaos) Space Marine organizations are known to have names starting with numbers or special characters, the list includes for both possibilities as a hedge against the future. This also allows for player-made DIYs to use such names without having to be shoehorned in to the listing somewhere.


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Absolvers - GW | File

Accipiters - Michael Perry | File

Accusers - @Ioldanach | File | 2nd Fdg. (?) Ultramarines Scsr. (?) (all records expunged)

Adamant Angels - @Grand Master Belial | File | 10th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Adjudicators - @Brother-Sergeant Valorum | File | 14th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr. [Angels of Absolution]

Adulators - GW | File

Alpha Hounds - @Messor | File | 26th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. [shadow Wolves]

Alpha Legion - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Altar Brethren - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Iconoclasts, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Amber Dragons - @Aqui | File | 12th Fdg. Salamanders Scsr.

Androctonus Astra - GW | File | 25th Fdg. (one of the Adeptus Vaelarii Chapters; destroyed; commonly known as the "Star Scorpions")

Angel Guard - Tapio Miettinen | File

Angels Corvidae - @Resarys | No File Found | 12th Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Angels Encarmine - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

Angels Eradicant - GW | File (Astartes Praeses)

Angels Erythrean - GW | File | 3rd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

Angels Excelsis - GW | File | M36 Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr. (extinct, destroyed in battle with Hive Fleet Leviathan)

Angels Glorious - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. (extinct, destroyed in battle with Hive Fleet Leviathan)

Angels Numinous - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. (also known as the Blood Eagles)

Angels of Absolution - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of Absolution* - B&C collaboration | No File Found | 2nd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of Caliban - @Brother-Sergeant Bohemond | File | 2nd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of Contrition - @Harlan Skorus | File | 23rd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of Damnation - GW | File

Angels of Defiance - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of Ecstasy - GW | File (former Sons of Ulthunas, renegade)

Angels of Fire - GW | File

Angels of Flame - GW | File (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Angels of Fury - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr.

Angels of Iron - GW | File

Angels of Light - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Angels of Penance - GW | File

Angels of Perdition - @Nine_Breaker | No File Found | 14th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [Novamarines]

Angels of Purgatory - GW | File

Angels of Redemption - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of Redemption* - @Grand Master Belial | No File Found | 2nd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of Repentance - GW | File

Angels of Retribution - GW | File

Angels of Salvation - Todd Payne | No File Found

Angels of Shadow - @Cpt_Reaper | File | 11th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of the Lion - @Brother Bahram | File | 10th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of Veneration - @Brother Tyler | File | M.34 Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr. (More commonly known as the Venerators of Korumani, or simply the Venerators*, Lost in the Tide of Blood)

Angels of Vengeance - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of Vigilance - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. (?) Dark Angels Scsr. (?)

Angels of Vigilance* - @Brother Tyler | File | 2nd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Angels of Wrath - GW | File | Dark Angels Scsr. (destroyed)

Angels Penitent - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. (formerly the Angels Resplendent)

Angels Penumbral - @Conn Eremon | File | 11th Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

Angels Porphyr - GW | File

Angels Puissant - GW | File

Angels Redeemed - GW | File

Angels Repentant - GW | File

Angels Resplendant - GW | File | 9th Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr. (re-named Angels Penitent - lore may have been ret-conned so that they are two separate Chapters)

Angels Revenant - GW | File | 8th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Angels Sanguine - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

Angels Sanguine* - @OwlandMoonGuy | No File Found | 2nd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

Angels Vermillion - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

Angels Vindicant - GW | File

Annihilators - GW | File (fell to Chaos 836.M36, currently known as the Beasts of Annihilation)

Apocalypse Company - GW | File (renegades)

Apostles of Contagion - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Apostles of MinthRas - GW | File (renegades)

Aquila Regalis - | No File Found

Arctic Lions - @Ferrus Manus | File | M.37 Ultramarines Scsr. [Eagle Warriors]

Argent Hammers - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Talons of Anathrax, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Ashen Claw - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr. (Renegades from the Raven Guard Legion 18th Chapter)

Astral Bears - GW | File | 27th Fdg. White Scars Scsr.

Astral Blades - GW | File (Fell to Chaos, destroyed by Grey Knights Chapter 121.M37)

Astral Claws - GW | File | 10th Fdg. (?) (formerly of the Maelstrom Warders, Excommunicate Traitoris, became the Red Corsairs)

Astral Drakes - GW | File (extinct)

Astral Fists - GW | File

Astral Hawks - @Wolfbiter | No File Found | 25th Fdg. (this DIY Chapter has been accepted into official lore by GW, at least in appearance/name)

Astral Knights - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr. (destroyed 926.M41)

Atlantian Spears - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Auric Patricians - GW | File

Aurora - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Aurora Talons - GW | File

Avengers - GW | File

Avenging Lions - @Ioldanach | File | 22nd Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. [black Templars]

Avenging Sons - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr.

Azure Blades - @Espada Azul | File | Ultramarines Scsr. [Novamarines]




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Bahltimyr Reavers - @Aqui | File | 21st Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr. (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Barret's Privateers - @Barret | File (renegade warband)

Basilisks - @Messor | File | 21st Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr.

Beasts of Annihilation - GW | File (formerly the Annihilators Chapter, fell to Chaos 836.M36)

Benedictors - GW | File

Berserkers of Kharadon - GW | File (Excommunicate Traitoris, re-named "Skulltakers")

Berserkers of Skallathrax - GW | File (renegade warband of World Eaters Legion)

Betrayers of Pain - GW | File (renegade warband)

Black Brethren of Eyreas - GW | File (renegade warband of Black Legion)

Black Consuls - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. (rumored destroyed)

Black Dragons - GW | File | 21st Fdg. Salamanders Scsr. (?)

Black Guard - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Black Guard* - @Ferrata | No File Found | 2nd Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Black Inculpators - GW | File

Black Legion - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (formerly Luna[r] Wolves and Sons of Horus)

The Black Psalm - GW | File (originally known as the Illustrians Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Black Ronin - @Minigiant | File | 6th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [iron Snakes]

Black Storm - @Wolvar | File | 14th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [ultramarines]

Black Talons - GW | File

Black Talons* - | No File Found | 26th Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr. (?) (Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Black Templars - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Black Vipers - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Salamanders Scsr.

Black Vultures - Martin Morrin | File | 27th Fdg.

Black Wings - GW | File

Blades of Alaric - | File | 3rd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Blades of Duty - @Grand Master Tyrak | No File Found | 16th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Blades Eternal - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], fate unknown)

Blades of Magnus - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Blades of Vengeance - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Blazoned Legion - GW | File

Bleak Brotherhood - GW | File (renegade warband, possibly faction of Warp Ghosts)

The Blighted Claw - GW | File (originally known as the Sanctors of Terra Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Blood Angels - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion/2nd Fdg. Chapter

Blood Disciples - GW | File (renegade warband, formerly 8th Company of the Emperor's Wolves Chapter)

Blood Dragons- GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Blood Dragons* - @fivepointedstar | File | 4th Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

Blood Drinkers - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

Blood Gorgons - GW | File | 21st Fdg. (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Blood Knights - GW | File

Blood Legion - GW | File

Blood Ravens - GW | File

Blood Reavers - GW | File

Blood Scythes- GW | File | 27th Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

Blood Swords - GW | File

Blood Wings - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. (extinct, destroyed in battle with Hive Fleet Leviathan)

Blood Wolves - GW | File | Space Wolves Scsr. (Renegade Great Company of Svane Vulfbad, turned to Khorne)

Bloodborn - GW | File (renegades)

Bloodlords - GW | File (originally known as the Spears of Olympus Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Bloodmoon Hunters - @TechCaptain | File | 13th Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr. (claimed)

Brazen Beasts - GW | File | (Heretic Astartes warband, followers of Khorne)

Brazen Claws - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr.

Brazen Claws* - @SCC | No File Found | 2nd Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr.

Brazen Consuls - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr.

Brazen Drakes - GW | File | (Hereticus Diabolus Extremis)

Brazen Minotaurs - GW | File

Brazen Skulls - GW | File | 27th Fdg. | (original Chapter destroyed in Sabbat Crusade)

Bringers of Decay - GW | File | Black Legion warband (devotees of Nurgle within the Black Legion; led by Skyrak Slaughterborn)

Bringers of JudgementGW | File | Dark Angels Scsr.

The Broken - GW | File (originally known as the Viridian Consuls Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Bronze Gorgons - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Crystal Wyverns, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Bronze Prophets - @Octavulg | File | 21st Fdg.

Brotherhood of a Thousand - GW | File

Brotherhood of Blood - GW | File (renegades)

Brotherhood of Darkness - GW | File (renegades)

Brotherhood of Lethe - GW | File (originally known as the Crusaders of Dorn Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Brotherhood of the Lion - @Olis | File | 22nd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Brothers of Darkness - GW | File (renegades)

Brothers of Jarad - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. (extinct, destroyed in battle with Hive Fleet Leviathan)

Brothers of the Anvil - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Deathmongers, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Brothers of the Red - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Brothers Penitent - GW | File (Astartes Praeses)

Burning Blood - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. (extinct, destroyed in battle with Hive Fleet Leviathan)



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Carcharodons [Astra] - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr. (?) (also known as the "Space Sharks," one of the Chapters that formed the Pentarchy of Blood)

Carmine Blades - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. (originally named the "Swords of Haldroth")

Carrion Hounds - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Castellans of the Rift - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Castigators - @Commissar Molotov | File | 14th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [black Consuls]

Celebrants - GW | File

Celestial Guard - GW | File

Celestial Lions - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr. (one of the Adeptus Vaelarii Chapters)

Celestial Swords - GW | File (two identical Chapters with same name and heraldry, both wiped out in the 9th Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler)

Celestial Tigers - @Armond | File | 221.M40 Fdg. White Scars Scsr.

Cerberus Chapter - @Messor | File | 25th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. [sons of Unity]

Champions of Thanatos - GW | File

Charnel Guard - GW | File | 3rd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr. (likely) (formerly of the Maelstrom Warders, one of the Chapters that formed the Pentarchy of Blood)

Children of Eternity - @XKhalilX | File | 4th Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr. [brazen Claws]

Children of Purgatos - GW | File (renegade warband)

Children of Torment - GW | File | Black Legion warband (devotees of Slaanesh within the Black Legion)

Chorus of Eltain - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Martyr Extremis)

Claws of Lorek - GW | File (renegade warband, possibly splinter group of Astral Claws/Red Corsairs)

The Cleaved - GW | File (renegade warband)

Clerics of Steel - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Invocators, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Company of Misery - GW | File (originally known as the Desolate Brotherhood, renegade warband, cross-ref: Brethren of Misery)

Company of the Shadow - GW | File (Excommunicate Traitoris, formerly the Death Falcons Chapter)

Consecrators - GW | File | Dark Angels Scsr.

Contenders - GW | File

Corpsemakers - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Corpus Brethren - GW | File (originally known as the Sentinels Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Covenant of Fire - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Salamanders Scsr.

Cowled WardensGW | File | Dark Angels Scsr.

Crimson Axes - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr. [Executioners] (reported lost circa 092.M39)

Crimson Castellans - GW | File (Chapter split into loyalists and renegades)

Crimson Consuls - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr. (destroyed)

Crimson Fists - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Crimson Guard - GW | File

Crimson Legion - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. (extinct)

Crimson Paladins - GW | File

Crimson Sabres - GW | File | (declared excommunicate traitoris M41, became Crimson Slaughter)

Crimson Scions - GW | File

Crimson Scythes - GW | File (Astartes Praeses)

Crimson Shades - GW | File

Crimson Slaughter - GW | File (excommunicate traitoris, formerly Crimson Sabres Chapter)

Crimson Sons - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Crimson Spectres - @Conn Eremon | File | 26th Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Crimson Swords - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Crimson Talons - GW | File

Crimson Templars - GW | File

Cruor Blades - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Crusaders - GW | File

Crusaders of Dorn - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Brotherhood of Lethe, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Crystal Harbingers - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Crystal Wyverns - GW | File (originally known as the Bronze Gorgons Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)


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The Damned Company of Lord Caustos - GW | File (renegade warband)

Dark Angels - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion/2nd Fdg. Chapter

Dark Brotherhood - GW | File

Dark Crusaders - GW | File

Dark Eagles - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr. (?)

Dark Hands - GW | File

Dark Hunters - GW | File | White Scars Scsr.

Dark Knights - @Kelborn | File | 2nd Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Dark Krakens - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Salamanders Scsr.

Dark Paladins - GW | File | 3rd Fdg. (destroyed by necrons M41)

Dark Sons - GW | File

Dark Sons* - B&C collaboration | No File Found | 4th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [Mortifactors] (Astartes Praeses)

Dark Templars - GW | File

Dark Tusks - GW | File (renegade warband)

Dawn Skulls - Garrett Steele | No File Found

Death Eagles - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr. (?) (One of the Chapters that formed the Pentarchy of Blood)

Death Falcons - GW | File (destroyed, now Company of the Shadow renegade warband)

Death Forge - @paulJam | File | 640 M35 Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr.

Death Guard - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (formerly named "Dusk Raiders," Excommunicate Traitoris)

Death Heads - @Donkey Kong | No File Found | 9th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [silver Skulls]

Death Knights - GW | File

Death Mongers - GW | File | (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Death Shadows - GW | File (originally known as the Lionguard Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Death Spectres - GW | File | 13th Fdg. (speculated) Raven Guard Scsr.

Death Strike - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Death Wardens - GW | File | 3rd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

Deathmongers - GW | File (originally known as the Brothers of the Anvil Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

The Death's Redeemers - @Kydoimos | File | 22nd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Deathwatch - GW | File (Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos)

Decimators - @Brother Cambrius | File | 17th Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr. [brazen Claws]

Delphic Order - @Prtyjedi | No File Found | 23rd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Desert Lions - GW | File

Desolate Brotherhood - GW | File | [in existence in M32] (currently known as the Company of Misery, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Destroyers - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. White Scars Scsr.

Devourers - | File | 21st Fdg. (suspected)

Dictators - GW | File

Disciples of Blood - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Disciples of Caliban - GW | File | M.37 Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Disciples of Destruction - GW | File (renegade warband)

Doom Breakers - @Agitated Owl | File | 23rd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [silver Skulls]

Doom Eagles - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Doom Fists - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Doom Knights - @Allerka | No File Found | 26th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. (re-named the "Shadow Acolytes", Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Doom Legion - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr. (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Vectors of Pox, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Doom Warriors - GW | File

Dragon Lords - GW | File

Dragon Warriors - GW | File (renegade warband)

Dragonspears - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Salamanders Scsr.

Dusk Raiders - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (re-named "Death Guard," Excommunicate Traitoris)


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Eagle Claws - @Gree | File | Ultramarines Scsr.

Eagle Warriors - GW | File | 2nd Fdg.Ultramarines Scsr.

Ebon Knights - GW | File

Emerald Tigers - @Conn Eremon | File | 7th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [War Consuls]

Emperor's Blade - @Lysimachus | File | 11th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Emperor's Blades - GW | File

Emperor's Children - GW | File | 1st Fdg. (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Emperor's Claws - GW | File

Emperor's Hands - GW | File

Emperor's Havoc - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Emperor's Hawks - GW | File

Emperor's Scythes - GW | File

Emperor's Shadows - GW (Victoria Lamb) | File | Iron Hands Scsr.

Emperor's Shields - GW | File

Emperor's Spears - GW | File | 25th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. (one of the Adeptus Vaelarii Chapters)

Emperor's Storm - GW | File

Emperor's Swords (Bellicas) - GW | File | (8th Company became the Blood Disciples Chaos Space Marine warband)

Emperor's Swords (Ghorstangrad) - GW | File

Emperor's Warbringers - GW | File

Emperor's Wolves - GW | File

Espandors - GW | File

Eternal Fists - @Castellan Snaeper | No File Found | 7th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Excoriators - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. (Astartes Praeses)

Excubants - GW | File

Execrators - GW | File

Executioners - GW | File | 3rd Fdg. (?) Imperial Fists Scsr.

Exemplars - GW | File

Exorcists - GW | File | 13th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Exsanguinators - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. ("fatally undone by their gene-seed")

Exsanguinators* - @fivepointedstar | File | 3rd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr. ("fatally undone by their gene-seed")

Extinction Angels - GW | File (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Eyes of Tivan - @Conn Eremon | File | World Eaters Legion Warband



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[The] Fallen - GW | File | Dark Angels Scsr. (collective term for renegades of the Dark Angels Legion that followed Luther and which were scattered across space and time)

Favoured Sons - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Fecund Ones - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Fire Angels - GW | File | 25th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Fire Claws - GW | File | M.36 Fdg. Dark Angels/Ultramarines Scsr. (?) (commonly called "Relictors", Astartes Praeses, Excommunicate Traitoris (?) )

Fire Hawks - GW | File | 21st Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. (?) (Lost, survivors became Legion of the Damned)

Fire Lords - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Fire Reavers - GW | File (renegade warband)

Fists Exemplar - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. (Inactive, survivors replaced Imperial Fists Chapter or were distributed among remaining Imperial Fists Legion Successors after the War of the Beast)

Fists of Olchis - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Perditas)

Fists of the Damned - Christian Cavonios | No File Found

Fists of Wrath - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Flame Eagles - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr. (?)

Flame Falcons - GW | File (Excommunicate Traitoris)

The Flawless Host - GW | File (Originally known as the Shining Blades, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Flesh Eaters - GW | File | 3rd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr. ("fatally undone by their gene-seed," one of the Chapters that formed the Pentarchy of Blood)

Flesh Tearers - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.

The Flowing Blades - @Grand Master Belial | File | 7th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

The Flylords - GW | File | (originally known as the Vengeance Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Forge Fathers - @Cryptix | File | 13th Fdg. Salamanders Scsr. [salamanders]

Forge Lords - @Perth | File | 23rd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Forgotten Sons - @гR.I.B. | File | 21st Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr. [Consecrators]

The Fractured - GW | File (originally known as the Justicars Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Fulminators - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.



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Galactic Knights - Peter Koehler | No File Found

Genesis - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Ghost Dragons - @Reyner | File | 26th Fdg. Salamanders Scsr.

Glooming Lords - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Golden Angels - GW | File

Golden Halos - GW | File

Golden Gryphons - GW | File

Gorgons - GW | File

Graven Fists - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Twisted Blades, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Graven Spectres - GW | File (renegade)

The Grey Death - GW | File (originally known as the Iron Drakes Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Grey Knights - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. (Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus/Inquisition)

Grey Slayers - GW | File

Grey Talons - @Sete | File | 13th Fdg. White Scars Scsr. (suspected)

Grief Bringers - GW | File

Grief Bringers* - @Rogue Trader | No File Found | 24th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Griffon Lords - GW | File | claim to be Ultramarines Scsr., but records indicate White Scars Scsr.

Guardians of Celeres - GW | File

Guardians of Midas - @Conn Eremon | File | White Scars Scsr.

Guardians of Paralios - @Lysimachus | No File Found | Ultramarines Scsr. (Excommunicate Traitoris, ref: Knights of the Black Rose)

Guardians of the Covenant - GW | File | Dark Angels Scsr.


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Hakanor's Reavers - GW | File ( renegade warband)

Halo Brethren - GW | File | 4th Fdg.

Halo Dragons - GW | File

Hammers of Dorn - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Hammers of Retribution - GW | File

Harbingers - GW | File

Harbingers* - James Mackay | No File Found

Harbingers* - @tomambrosio | No File Found | 26th Fdg. White Scars Scsr. (Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Harbingers of Fire - @Chinchillapimp | No File Found | M.37 Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Hawk Lords - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr./Ultramarines Scsr. (lore conflict)

Hedonistarii - GW | File (Heretic Astartes warband, followers of Slaanesh)

Helion Legion - Steve Cuminskey | File | Ultramarines Scsr.

Helios Guard - @Brother-Sergeant Valorum | File | 13th Fdg. (possible)

Heralds of Despair - GW | File | Death Guard warband

The Heralds of Devastation - @Grotsmasha | File | 23rd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr. [Angels of Absolution]

Heralds of Judgement - @The_Bloody | File | 23rd Fdg.

Heralds of Light - @Codex Grey | File | 3rd Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. (Astartes Praeses)

Heralds of Ultramar - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr.

Heralds of Vengeance - GW | File

Hermetic Blades - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Honoured Sons - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr. (claimed)

Hospitallers - GW | File | 24th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Hounds of Abaddon - GW | File | Black Legion warband (devotees of Khorne within the Black Legion; led by Urkanthos)

Hounds of Demos - GW | File

Hounds of the Hunt - @Madwolf Shadowmane | File | 21st Fdg. Salamanders Scsr. (presumed)

Howling Griffons - GW | File | M.33 Ultramarines Scsr.




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Ice Fangs - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Space Wolves Scsr.

Ice Lords - @Octavulg | File | 26th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr. [Angels of Absolution]

Iconoclasts - GW | File (originally known as the Altar Brethren Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Illustrians - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Black Psalm, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Imperial Castellans - GW | File

Imperial Castellans* - B&C collaboration | No File Found | 5th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Imperial Dragons - @Conn Eremon | File | 5th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Imperial Fists - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion/2nd Fdg. Chapter

Imperial Harbingers - GW | File

Imperial Hawks - GW | File

Imperial Heralds - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (re-named "Word Bearers," Excommunicate Traitoris)

Imperial Paladins - GW | File

Imperial Stars - GW | File

Imperial Talons - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr. (?)

Imperius Reavers - GW | File | 4th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Inceptors - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Inculcators - GW | File

Inferno Wardens - @Ioldanach | File | 8th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. (suspected) (lost)

Interceptors - GW | File

Invaders - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Invictors - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Unhallowed, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Inviolators - GW | File

Invocators - GW | File (originally known as the Clerics of Steel Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Iron Champions - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr. [Executioners]

Iron Crusaders - GW | File

Iron Drakes - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Grey Death, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Iron Drakes - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Salamanders Scsr. (relationship to original Iron Drakes Chapter unknown)

Iron Fists - GW | File | Iron Hands Scsr.

Iron Gods - @Lysimachus | File (Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Iron Gorgons - @TDF | File | 12th Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr. (renegade)

Iron Hands - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion/2nd Fdg. Chapter

Iron Hawks - Stu Black/GW | File 1/File 2 | Ultramarines Scsr.

Iron Hearts - GW | File

Iron Hounds - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr.

Iron Hounds* - @Warsmith Aznable | File | Iron Warriors (49th Grand Company of the Iron Warriors, formed 7th Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler)

Iron Knights - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Iron Lords - GW | File | Iron Hands Scsr.

Iron Ravens - Paul Norton | File | 27th Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr. | (article)

Iron Scepters - Paul Carrick | No File Found

Iron Shield [Chapter] - GW | File

Iron Snakes - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Iron Sons - @zend0g | File | Iron Hands Scsr. [iron Fists?]

Iron Talons - GW | File | White Scars Scsr. (Astartes Praeses)

Iron Warriors - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Iron Wolves - Geoff Garrett | No File Found


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Jade Tigers - Mark Donelson | No File Found

Judicators - @The Lord Marshal | File | 3rd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Justicars - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Fractured, Excommunicate Traitoris)


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Killmongers - GW | File (renegade warband)

Knight Wardens - @The Lord Marshal | File | 5th Fdg. Salamanders Scsr. (possibly a descendant of Legio II)

Knights Cerulean - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.


Knights of Abhorrence - GW | File


Knights of Blood (Chapter) - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. (declared renegade)


Knights of the Chalice - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr.


Knights of the Crimson Order - GW | File | Dark Angels Scsr.

Knights Excelsior - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Magma Hounds, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Knights Exemplar - @Sete | File | 3rd Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. [Black Templars]

Knights Sanguine - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr. ("consumed by war")

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Lamenters - GW | File | 21st Fdg. Blood Angels Scsr. (Maelstrom Warders)

Lances of Pteros - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Lords of Decay, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Lectors of Ixis - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Oracles of Change, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Legio [bolter & Chainsword] - B&C | No File Found (Bolter & Chainsword mascot Chapter)

Legion of Night - GW | File

Legion of the Damned - GW | File

Libators - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Liberators - GW | File

Lion Warriors - GW | File

Lionguard - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Death Shadows, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Lions Defiant - GW | File (home world lost to anarchy caused by secret cults in the Night of a Thousand Rebellions 992999.M41)

Lions Sable - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr. (Destroyed in the Forgotten Wars on Cocytus I (580.M31-632.M32) and intentionally omitted from the Apocrypha of Davio)

Lords of Decay - GW | File | (originally known as the Lances of Pteros Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Lords of Oblivion - @Allerka | No File Found | Iron Hands Scsr.

Lords of Wrath - GW | File

Lost Sons - Adam Roe | No File Found

Luna[r] Wolves - GW |File | 1st Fdg. Legion (re-named "Sons of Horus" then "Black Legion," Excommunicatus Traitoris)


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Magma Hounds - GW | File (originally known as the Knights Excelsior Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Malefactors - GW | File (originally known as the Sigilites Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Mantis Warriors - GW | File | 8th Fdg. (?) White Scars Scsr. [Marauders (?)] (Maelstrom Warders)

Marauders - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. White Scars Scsr.

Marines Adamant - @Lysimachus | File | 4th Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr.

Marines August - GW | File

Marines Errant - GW | File | 23rd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [Eagle Warriors]

Marines Errantor - GW | File

Marines Exemplar - GW | File (Astartes Praeses)

Marines Malevolent - GW | File

Marines Mordant - GW | File | M35 Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. (destroyed)

Marines Vigilant - GW | File (destroyed by the Crimson Fists Chapter by order of the High Lords of Terra and the Inquisition)

Masters of Protelus - GW | File

Mentors/Mentor Legion - GW | File | believed to be Raven Guard Scsr.

Metamarines - GW | File

Minotaurs - GW | File | 21st Fdg. (?)

Mooneaters - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Space Wolves Scsr.

Mortifactors - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Mouldering Claw - GW | File | Death Guard warband


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Nameless, The - GW | File

Nebula Rangers - @Brother Keir | No File Found | 10th Fdg. White Scars Scsr.

Necropolis Hawks - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Nemesis - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Nemesors - GW | File | 27th Fdg.

Nesewdjet-Nedjety - @Vaaish | No File Found | 3rd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Night Hawks - GW | File

Night Lords - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Night Reapers - GW | File | (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Night Scorpions - @gil galed | File | 26th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. [Crimson Fists]

Night Stalkers - GW | File (renegade warband)

Night Swords - FFG | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Night Watch - GW | File (Astartes Praeses)

Nightkillers - GW | File (renegade warband)

Nova Hawks - @Brother Tyler | File | (served as member of Basillius the Elder's puritas divisions)

Nova Legion - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr. (destroyed)

Nova Wings - GW | File

Novamarines - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.


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Oath-Broken - GW | File | Black Legion warband (members of the Black Legion who have failed in battle or suffered grievous wounds without the blessings of the Dark Gods to heal them)

Oblators - GW | File

Obsidian Glaives - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. (destroyed in the Red Waaagh! 998.M41)

Obsidian Jaguars - GW | File

Obsidian Hunters - the members of the B&C | File | 25th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [inceptors]

Odessa Legion - Andrew H. Petty | No File Found

Omega Marines - GW | File

Oracles of Change - GW | File (originally known as the Lectors of Ixis Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

(The) Order - Nicholas Riznyk | No File Found


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Pale Riders - Andreas Henriksson | No File Found

Pallid Hand - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Panthers - GW | File

Patriarchs of Ulixis - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Penitent BladesGW | File | Dark Angels Scsr.

Penitents - GW | File

Persecutors of Darkness - GW | File | Dark Angels Scsr.

Phoenix Knights - @TrashMan | No File Found | 26th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Poisoned Chalice - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Pox Mortis - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Praetorians - @Prefect Apollyon | File | 13th Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Praetors of Orpheus - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Praetors of Ultramar - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Predator Legion - GW | File (originally known as the Serpents of Light Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Prime AbsolversGW | File | 27th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Prism of Fate - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Prophets of Mercury - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Martyr Extremis)

Punishers - GW | File (renegade warband)

Purgators - GW | File

The Purge - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Purple Dragoons - Allen Smith | No File Found

Purple Stars - GW | File

Putrid Choir - GW | File | Death Guard warband

The Pyre - GW | File (renegade warband)


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Questing Brothers - @Grand Master Belial | File | 24th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.


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Rainbow Warriors - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr.

Rampagers - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. White Scars Scsr.

Raptors - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Raptors of Caliban - @Grand Master Belial | File | 5th Fdg. (rumored) Dark Angels Scsr.

Ravagers - GW | File (renegade warband of the World Eaters)

Raven Guard - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion/2nd Fdg. Chapter

Raven's Watch - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr.

The Reborn - GW | File (renegade warband)

Reclaimers - GW | File

Red Consuls - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr.

Red Corsairs - GW | File (survivors of the Astral Claws and other renegades, renegade warband)

Red Hunters - GW | File

Red Knights - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Red Legion - GW | File

Red Rage - GW | File (renegade warband)

Red Scimitars - GW | File

Red Scorpions - GW | File | pre-M35 Fdg.

Red Seraphs - GW | File

Red Talons - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr. (One of the Chapters that formed the Pentarchy of Blood)

Red Templars - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Red Wings - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Red Wolves - GW | File

Redeemed - GW | File

Redeemers - GW | File

Redemptors - GW | File

Reflected Ones - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Relictors - GW | File | 21st Fdg. Dark Angels/Ultramarines Scsr. (?) (formal name "Fire Claws", Astartes Praeses, Excommunicate Traitoris (?) )

Reparators - GW | File

Repentant Brotherhood - GW | File | Dark Angels Scsr.

Retractors - GW | File

The Revelation of Gore - GW | File (originally known as the Tempest Legion Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Revenants - Andrew Gray | No File Found

Revilers - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Rhetors - GW | File

Rift Cobras - GW | File | 27th Fdg.

Rift Stalkers - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Rotworm Brotherhood - GW | File | Death Guard warband


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Sable Brotherhood - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Sable Knights- GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Sable Swords - GW | File | 4th Fdg.

Saints of the Angels - @Grand Master Belial | File | 14th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr. [Angels of Vengeance]

Salamanders - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion/2nd Fdg. Chapter

The Sanctified - GW | File | Word Bearers renegades (?) (renegade warband)

Sanctors of Terra - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Blighted Claw, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Sanguine Host - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Scions of Dorn - @Aurelius Rex | No File Found

Scions of Sanguinius - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

The Scourged - GW | File (originally known as the Seekers of Truth, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Scythes of the Emperor - GW | File | 3rd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Sect of the Red Echo - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Sectai Prosperine - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Seekers of Truth - GW | File (currently known as the Scourged, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Sentient Angels - @Master Sindiferous | File | M41 Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Sentinels - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Corpus Brethren, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Serpents of Light - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Predator Legion, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Shadow Acolytes - @Allerka | No File Found | 26th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. (Originally known as the Doom Knights, Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Shadow Falcons - @KroSha | File | 5th Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr. [Raven Guard, Raptors, Revilers]

Shadow Haunters - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr.

Shadow Hawks - GW | File

Shadow Hawks* - @The Lord Marshal | File | 2nd Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Shadow Warriors - @freej | No File Found | 24th Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Shadow Wolves - GW | File (destroyed)

Shield Bearers - @Brother Cambrius | File | 16th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [Praetors of Orpheus]

Shining Blades - GW | File (currently known as the Flawless Host, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Sigilites - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Malefactors, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Silver Drakes - GW | File | 27th Fdg.

Silver Eagles - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Silver Guard - GW | File

Silver Guards - GW | File (renegade warband)

Silver Shrikes - Cameron Smith | No File Found

Silver Skulls - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Silver Skulls* - @Codex Grey | No File Found | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Silver Sons - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Silver Stars - GW | File ( lost (?))

Silver Templars - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. (Warhammer Conquest mascot Chapter)

Silverbacks - Reuben Nacita | No File Found

Skull Bearers - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr. (?) [Executioners (?)]

Skull Takers of Hans Kho'ren - GW | File | World Eaters warband

Sky Sentinels - GW | File | (destroyed during the Thirteenth Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler)

Solar Blades - @paulJam | File | 990.M40 Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. [black Templars]

Solar Hawks - GW | File | White Scars Scsr.

Sons of Antaeus - GW | File | 21st Fdg.

Sons of Cerberus - Mondel "Gar" Garcia | No File Found

Sons of =][=DELETED=][= - @Ace Debonair | File | 4th Fdg. XI Legion Scsr. (A comical attempt at an XI Legion successor)

Sons of Doom - @Brother Cambrius | No File Found | 26th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Sons of Dorn - Tyler Mengel/GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr.

Sons of Gideon - GW | File (destroyed by the Crimson Fists Chapter by order of the High Lords of Terra and the Inquisition)

Sons of Gorgax - GW | File (Lost)

Sons of Guilliman - GW | File

Sons of Hate - GW | File (renegade warband)

Sons of Horus - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (formerly the Luna[r] Wolves, re-named the Black Legion, Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Sons of Jaghatai - GW | File | White Scars Scsr.

Sons of Lightning - @Shinzaren | File | M.37 Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. [Crimson Fists] (defend Veiled Region)

Sons of Malice - GW | File (Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Sons of Medusa - GW | File | M.37 Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr. (ref. Moirae Schism/Nova Terra Interregnum M.35)

Sons of Midnight - GW | File (originally known as the Star Gryphons Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Sons of Orar - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr.

Sons of Prospero - Stephen Ross | No File Found

Sons of Pyron - @Ecritter | File | 17th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [Justicars]

Sons of Sanguinius - Isaac Tobin | No File Found | Blood Angels Scsr.

Sons of Tempest, The - @Micius | File | 23rd Fdg. [Marines Eternal]

Sons of the Cyclops - GW | File | Black Legion warband (devotees of Tzeentch within the Black Legion)

Sons of the Eye - GW | File | Sons of Horus warband (led by Drecarth the Sightless)

Sons of the Kraken - GW | File

Sons of the Phoenix - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Sons of the Raven - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr. (speculated) (destroyed in M37)

Sons of the Storm - Shawn Hendrix | No File Found

Sons of Thor - Tue Kaae | No File Found

Sons of Ulthunas - GW | File (renegade members became Angels of Ecstasy)

Sons of Unity - @Messor | File | 23rd Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr.

Sons of Vengeance - GW | File (renegade warband)

Sons of the Void - @Jagus Kumkani | File | 23rd Fdg. Salamanders Scsr. (?)

Sons Pious of Fe Calada - @Messor | File | 7th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Soul Drinkers - GW | File | 27th Fdg. (original Chapter Excommunicate Traitoris, new Chapter created in Ultima Founding)

Space Sharks - GW | File (formal Chapter name is "Carcharodons Astra", also called simply "Carcharodons")

Space Wolves - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion/2nd Fdg. Chapter

Spears of Olympus - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Bloodlords, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Spirit Dragons - Kelly Kim | No File Found

Star Dragons - GW | File

Star Foxes - Troy "Kitsune" Arakaki | No File Found

Star Gryphons - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Sons of Midnight, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Star Hunters - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (re-named the White Scars Legion)

Star Leopards - GW | File

Star Phantoms - GW | File | 23rd Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr. (?)

Star Scorpions - GW | File | 25th Fdg. (one of the Adeptus Vaelarii Chapters; destroyed; formal Chapter name is "Androctonus Astra")

Steel Brethren - GW | File (also known as the Steel Brotherhood, renegade warband of the Iron Warriors)

Steel Brotherhood - GW | File (also known as the Steel Brethren, renegade warband of the Iron Warriors)

Steel Cobras - GW | File (Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Steel Confessors - GW | File | Iron Hands Scsr.

Steel Dogs - @Octavulg | File | 6th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. (Astartes Praeses)

Steel Talons - R. Morales | No File Found

Steel Wings - @Aqui | File | 10th Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr.

Stone Gauntlets - GW | File

Stone Hearts - GW | File

Stone Hearts* - @Octavulg | File | 6th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Stoneburners - @Bryan Blaire | File | 6th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr. [Angels of Vengeance]

Storm Bearers - @Conn Eremon | File | 18th Fdg. Salamanders Scsr. [salamanders]

Storm Callers - GW | File

Storm Falcons - GW | File

Storm Ghosts - John Thompson | No File Found

Storm Giants - GW | File

Storm Guard - Golar Bluford | No File Found

Storm Hawks - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr. (?)

Storm Hawks* - @Excubitor | File | 6th Fdg. Raven Guard Scsr.

Storm Lords - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. White Scars Scsr.

Storm Reapers - GW | File | 27th Fdg. White Scars Scsr.

Storm Riders - @Kelborn | File | 2nd Fdg. White Scars Scsr.

Storm Wardens - FFG | File

Storm Warriors - GW | File

Storm Wings - GW | File | Raven Guard Scsr. (?)

The Stormborne Knights - @Perth | File | 23rd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Stormbringers - @Lysimachus | File | 17th Fdg. White Scars Scsr.

Stormwalkers - GW | File

Stygian Angels - @Ecritter | File | 9th Fdg. White Scars Scsr. [storm Lords]

Subjugators - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr. (Astartes Praeses)

Supplicators - GW | File

Swords of Haldroth - GW | File Blood Angels Scsr. (re-named the "Carmine Blades" upon learning their lineage)

Swords of Khargoth - GW | File (formerly the Swords of Praesium Chapter, Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Swords of Orion - @Brother Cambrius | File | 12th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [black Consuls]

Swords of Praesium - GW | File (renamed the "Swords of Khargoth," Excommunicatus Traitoris)



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(return to index)



The Tainted - GW | File | Death Guard warband (might be same as Tainted Sons)

Tainted Sons - GW | File | Death Guard warband

Talons of Anathrax - GW | File (originally known as the Argent Hammers Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Tarantulas - GW | File

Tauran - GW | File

Tempest Guard - GW | File

Tempest Legion - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Revelation of Gore, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Tempestors - GW | File

Templars of Blood - GW | File | Blood Angels Scsr.

Terror Tigers - GW | File

Thornbacks - @Messor | File | 25th Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr. [White Hawks] (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Thousand Sons - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (Excommunicatus Traitoris)

The Thousand Swords - @Barret | File | 14th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Thralls of Magnus - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Throne Knights - @Ioldanach | File | M34 Dark Angels Scsr. [Angels of Vengeance] (Traitoris Purgatus - Chapter destroyed M38 due to unspecified heresy)

Thunder Barons - GW | File (Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Tiger Claws - GW | File | [Astral Claws Successor] (lost)

Tigers Argent - GW | File

Tizcan Host - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Tome Keepers - GW | File | 4th Fdg. Ultramarines scsr. (White Dwarf mascot Chapter)

The Tormented - GW | File | Black Legion warband (Possessed)

Tormentors - GW | File

Tributors - GW | File

True Sons - GW | File | Sons of Horus warband

Twisted Blades - GW | File (originally known as the Graven Fists Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)



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Ultramarines - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion/2nd Fdg. Chapter

Umbral Knights - GW | File | 27th Fdg.

The Unhallowed - GW | File (originally known as the Invictors Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

The UnnamedGW | File | 27th Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr.

Unsung Heroes - Anja Wettergren | No File Found


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(return to index)



Valedictors - GW | File

Valiant Blades - GW | File | 27th Fdg.

Vectors of Pox - GW | File (originally known as the Doom Legion Chapter, among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], Excommunicate Traitoris)

Venerators - GW | File (Lost in the Tide of Blood)

Venerators of Korumani - @Brother Tyler | File | M.34 Fdg. Dark Angels Scsr. (Secret (proper) name: Angels of Veneration; also known as the Venerators*, Lost in the Tide of Blood)

Venerators of Osiron - GW | File

Venom Thorns - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr. (renegade)

Vengeance Chapter - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as the Flylords, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Victors - GW | File

Vindicators - GW | File | Ultramarines Scsr. (destroyed)

Violators - GW | File (renegade warband)

Violet Talons - Chris Showers | No File Found

Viper Legion - GW | File (Astartes Praeses)

Viridian Consuls - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade, M37], currently known as The Broken, Excommunicate Traitoris)

Void Stalkers - Nathan Garrison | No File Found

Void Tridents - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr.

Void Wraiths - @The Lord Marshal | File

Vorpal Swords - GW | File (among the Judged [ref: Abyssal Crusade])


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(return to index)



War Axes - @Brother Cambrius | File | 18th Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. [Executioners]

War Bearers - GW | File

War Hounds - GW | File | 1st Fdg. (re-named the "World Eaters," Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Warbringers - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr. (formal name is the "Emperor's Warbringers")

Warhawks - GW | File (lost in the Tide of Blood)

Warlords - @AWOL | No File Found | 14th Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [Novamarines]

Warmongers - GW | File

Warp Gheists - GW | File | Thousand Sons warband

Warp Ghosts - GW | File (Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Warrior Adepts - GW | File

Warriors Eternal - @Codex Grey | No File Found | 4th Fdg. Iron Hands Scsr.

Warriors of Aggannor - GW | File (renegade warband)

Warriors of Mayhem - GW | File (renegade warband)

Warriors Tempest - GW | File

Weeping Legion - GW | File | Death Guard warband

White Consuls - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. (Astartes Praeses)

White Crusaders - @White Crusader | No File Found | M.33 Fdg. Imperial Fists Scsr. [black Templars]

White Hand - @Ecritter | File | 19th Fdg. Unknown gene-seed (Word Bearers?)

White Minotaurs - GW | File

White Panthers - GW | File

White Scars - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion/2nd Fdg. Chapter

White Templars - GW | File | Imperial Fists Scsr. (lineage in question)

Widowmakers - GW | File

Wings of Death - @Ferrata | File | M.33 Fdg. Ultramarines Scsr. [Lions Excisio] (Excommunicate Traitoris)

Wolf Brothers - GW | File | 2nd Fdg. Space Wolves Scsr. (disbanded)

Word Bearers - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Wolfspear - GW | File | 27th Fdg. Space Wolves Scsr.

Wolves of Horus - GW | File | Sons of Horus warband

World Eaters - GW | File | 1st Fdg. Legion (formerly the War Hounds, Excommunicatus Traitoris)

Wraiths of Darkness - @Dark Apostle Thirst | File | Ultramarines Scsr. (variety of gene-seed used, Ultramarines in majority)


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