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Educated Dark Angel Speculation

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First pardon my IPhone typing/auto corrects.


Well long long ago I sold my DA as I felt tired of the lack luster lists and options DA had gotten. It was the only army I ever painted myself and I miss it. After jumping to the 10th legion and running them as a counts as whatever I want for the last 3 years I think Im ready to redo my DA. I have since been building the Army and running some list ideas through friends. Having done this my friends and I have had several discussions where we see obvious routes for improvement DA could have. Oh and congrats to those LPC completeers.



Sammeal: Needs furious charge, independent character, and switch from adamantine mantle to Eternal Warrior. Question is since is in analagous to a Lamartes will he be a fighter or boost bikers? For a $50 dollar model I don't expect him to be like Lamartes I see him at a power level like Mephiston or Vulcan. Having said that I'd like him to give Bikes he joins, now with his "independant character" furious charge as well. No more Bikes bouncing off. I see him doing this by being allowed to take the Ravenwing standard as such. Possible outflank...but seems too similar to WScars.


Belial seems not too bad where he is. Like to see him get S6 power weapon/sword of secrets. Can't think of any special rules. Just for the sake of something new, I'd like to see an actual model, and to sell it allow him and any squad he joins be allowed to sweeping advance after assault. Maybe his Retinue could have combiweapons or 2w and be complex, allowing Grey Knight Shenannigans.


Azreal: like to see a bunch of options for standards which create 12" skill bubbles or additional cover saves etc. Think of the old Haley turtle from Warmachine. Azreal hold up and digs in while he RW and DW go forward and hunt/catch the fallen or kill.


Ezikiel: Simple a bunch of sweet powers. Huge cover save power which stacks with a banner Techmarine fortification. A LD debuff, or negation of fearless, since there's sooo much fearless out there. Really allow for DA to be dug in.


Chaplains to elites to allow fearless bubbles like BA get feel no pain bubbles.


Points for transports to align with the SM book.


Sprinkle in the other rumors IE plasma pred, more plasma everywhere, jet bike squads...heck if everyone else gets Sanguinary Guard, Thunder Wolves, why not? Besides the kits aren't far off...look at all the monsterous CAV in Fantasy.


I'm awaiting the that's rediculous and I hope nots...but this wouldnt really alter the playstyle of the army but buff existing units appropriately. That said if you all see thing to improve bring it up! Like scouts, scout speeders, thunderfires...things others have but we dont need...


Maybe Namaan to come back in a upgrade like Telion, Arjac, Lemartes.

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Either here (i.e. the DA dex) or in the normal SM dex, I expect heavy bolters to get an upgrade. Because no one is taking them now.


For the rest? I'll wait and see. Until then I'll just keep on painting some 'normal' stuff and leave anything fancy well alone ;).

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Wish list time!


1)Personally i believe the Deathwing should be two wounds.Basically i believe it should become so for all terminators regardless. Ours should keep the weapons mixing option,get optional access to combi weapons,one more attack and optional access to a relic status power weapon.They are the elite of the elite after all.

2)An unlockable by char(ravenwing master) jetbike squad of five models acting as retinue.Storm bolters/power weapons and a special type of attack.

3)A character that gives army wide stubborn(perhaps Az?)

4)Rework the wargear of all our chars.Seriously other chars have better wargear for less points.

5)A character that makes devs scoring.

6)Since we got the plasma turret from FW, let us be the only ones to use it in normal games.

7)A flier that is not the stormraven.I hate flyers in 40k but since GW wants to milk us let us give us a decent model at least that looks sinister.


9)Techmarines with at least a couple more uses than the codex ones.

10)An powerarmored honour guard based on that uber cool design that appeared a while ago.


Sweet dreams i guess...

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Brother Immolato,


I like the idea of Grey Knight like complex death wing...and since the GK got it we can be reasonalby sure the next edition will carry on the complex nature of wound allocation we are regreably saddled with ATM.


I like the idea of a cool techmarine...like one on a bike with a conversion beamer or a tech marine with a conversion beamer, you know a model not represented in the nonFW range.


As for others we can assume there will be a plastic terminator CPT/Chaplain/LIB like the dual Chaos Sorcerer. For one DA were the book under which the metal chaplains and libs were released last edition. So why not. And it will probably fit with the Deathwing that may/maynot be in the next starter. Any other options not currently in the range...?


If they go along the plasma theme what about a standard that allows reroll misses? Unload Tacs, Razorb, Devs, and pop the standard...see whats left.


What DA specific stuff? Vetst? Plastic Stern Guard/Vanguard? with chapter options?


Any ideas what need to be replaced and reworked? (thunderfire Im looking at you)

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I can tell you what I DON'T want from a new Codex...

  • Sternguard/Vanguard Veterans. The DA 1st Company are all Terminators and Company Veterans aren't, nor should they be, 1st Company Veteran analogues/equivalents.
  • Any form of unmounted Ravenwing. The entire Ravenwing is mounted, no exceptions, its what makes them unique.
  • GK Paladin rip-off DW. B)
  • Unnecessary FA and HS specific versions of DW squads. They're a Company not a mini-Chapter.
  • A greater focus on plasma. The DA do not equal plasma, inspite of the misconception by some that they do.
  • A focus on shooting. The DA are not the shooty Marines, inspite of the widespread misconception that they are.


Edit - I almost forgot the one thing I want least with the new Codex - Ward anywhere near the Codex development.

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I can tell you what I DON'T want from a new Codex...
  • Sternguard/Vanguard Veterans. The DA 1st Company are all Terminators and Company Veterans aren't, nor should they be, 1st Company Veteran analogues/equivalents.
  • Any form of unmounted Ravenwing. The entire Ravenwing is mounted, no exceptions, its what makes them unique.
  • GK Paladin rip-off DW. :blush:
  • Unnecessary FA and HS specific versions of DW squads. They're a Company not a mini-Chapter.
  • A greater focus on plasma. The DA do not equal plasma, inspite of the misconception by some that they do.
  • A focus on shooting. The DA are not the shooty Marines, inspite of the widespread misconception that they are.


Edit - I almost forgot the one thing I want least with the new Codex - Ward anywhere near the Codex development.


Despite the dislike of many people about the shooty and plasma themes in the chapter,it is a fact that has been steadily reinforcing since the second edition.

Plasma represents an ancient and fading technology of the imperium and our chapter has a knack of keeping old tech around.As for the shooty aspect,well after all how many frothing berskers are there?Do we need to become one ourselves?Also take into account the fact that our assault squads in this edition were useless and the age old rule we had in 3rd, stubborn.How can a CC chapter benefit from such a rule?We are not a complete shooting chapter (i.e. to play like the imperial guard)but we like our distance.Plus IMHO,Marines need a clear shooty chapter and i believe that based on our fluff and past,we can fit the bill easy.


Also increasing the wounds of our terminators (in fact all chapters terminators should be 2 W) is not a GK rip off.Terminators are elite warriors,dying by a single stray shot at their cost is not that good.


I agree on Ward and the ravenwing too.


I dont agree on the vets.As all chapters ours must evolve.Since the development of the Hellfire and other type of rounds and their deployment by the UM,all codex chapters are using them.A chapter such as ours that is on the forefront of technology should and must capitalize on said tech.

I dont like to see them on the deathwing granted.But those options(assuming they exist in sixth) must pass on to our vets.A single elite choice that decks out either for CC or Range.Or if you want it more tactical let them mix and match weapons and gear like our termies,that would be something.


EDIT:Considering rip offs,we have been ripped off stuff since we got our first codex.Lets collect the interest at last!

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My replay and a question.


1. I think jet bikes would be neat. I'd like to build and field some. 2. Who cares about flyers. I have nothing with an AV value other than Land Speeders

3. Special Rules for Ravenwing Squads, mostly in regards to Speeder Squads to make them more durable.

4. Allow our Terminators to assault after deep strike.

5. Scouts as Troops with cloaks. People underestimate the power of scouts all the time..... muhahahahahaha

6. Extra Venerable Dreadnoughts, things that make ours meaner and more durable, maybe like a Chaplain


Please, no animals of any kind.


Now for the Question (s)


1. How likely do you think they will change the Deathwing. Do you think the mixed units will change. What about the bone colour. I`m changing my DW from Caliban to traditional DW colours.


2. Will the upgrade sprue still be available or is it likely a new one will be produced. Should I stock up on robes.


Sorry my grammer is poor. Something happened with my keyboard and I can`t type question marks.


Thanks everyone, here`s hoping for a great Codex!

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Who knows what GW has in mind for Dark Angels? The track record GW has with the Dark Angels means Dark Angels are gonna get screwed.


There are no if's, and's, or but's about it. We will either be the last codex of 5th edition, in which case 1/2 the book will be written for 5th, the other half for 6th, and it will blow chunks in both. Or we will be the first codex, where they will test whatever nerf (posts costs, lack of options, no "Special" special characters) or new concepts (combat squads, Stubborn, "tweaked" squads) GW desires, and that will be overshadowed by Codex:Space Marines a couple months latter, followed by the other Chapters.


As much as I revile Matt Ward and his sweeping retcon of fluff and questionable rules, he is the author the Dark Angels need. He'll breath fresh life into a stale Chapter that started out great (Angel's of Death anyone?) and has gone down hill ever since. It has been take, take, take away and give next to nothing back. Of course, we'll have to suffer through some questionable fluff like DA teaming up with Chaos to eliminate a renegade chapter, and we'll get Space Marines riding giant lions. In return, we'll get Chaplain's with bubbles of some inspirational power, Plasma weapons that don't overheat, and dare I say a Plasma Predator and Land Raider? Ya know what? I don't care. I want a Dark Angels Codex that I can play that is on par with Blood Angels and Space Wolves. It should not be preferable for a player to field a "Counts As" army for Dark Angels instead of using the Dark Angels codex! I want players to cry "Beardy/Cheesy!" when I put the 1st Company Death Wing on the table the way they cry when Grey Knight Paladins are fielded. I want Fallen Rules, with Cipher leading them, and he has the same stats as Mephiston/The Sanginor/Dragio. Too much? No :cuss way. I'm tired of playing Emerald Warriors or having my opponent smirk when I say I'm playing Dark Angels.


The only way GW could make this worse is by giving the Dark Angels the White Dwarf treatment. I hope I'm wrong, but GW has screwed over the Dark Angels' last three codex's. Prepare to continue playing your "Emerald Angels" from C:SM in 6th. <_<

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I can tell you what I DON'T want from a new Codex...
  • ....
  • Unnecessary FA and HS specific versions of DW squads. They're a Company not a mini-Chapter.
  • ....


Yes they are a company... not a mini-chapter...


And not a single company has Fast attack and heavy options in them...


oh wait...


almost EVERY (95%?) Company in every chapter (excluding reserve companies) have Fast attack and Heavy options within them...

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My wish list is pretty short.


1. Belial needs to be fixed I am not talking about super powerful or anything like that.

2. I love the Deathwing assault rule but would like to bring some teleport homers on my terminator squad.

3. Ravenwing I would like my jink save back and skilled riders back. I would also like hit and Run. Sorry having my bikes stuck in a CC they are going to lose sucks.


Now for my rants I have suffered though this edition and the wound allocation but where I play nobody smirks about my Dark Angels in any form and I have several players not want to play me because of my Deathwing. I have not and will not play a "count as" army out of Codex:SM. I find much more sweeter when I win using my codex.


That's all

Grand Master Springemann

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I have not and will not play a "count as" army out of Codex:SM. I find much more sweeter when I win using my codex.


Glad to see another die hard DA. I'm 100% the same way, I don't even own the space marine codex.



Another angle that works for the plasma, imo, is the idea that the dark angels will do anything necessary to hide their secret. If they have to risk their own lives to protect it, all the better to show their true loyalty to the Emperor. I've used heavy plasma in my Angels since early 3rd edition, and I personally don't care if they give us an option to ignore Get's Hot or not, I think they're the most underrated heavy weapons in the game and worth every point spent on them.


Opponent sends a deep strike terminator squad your way? Hit them with a plasma cannon and see who survives. Got storm shields? hit them with 3 and see who's left. That horde of 'nids got you down? How's about a str 7 template to either soften up the little ones, or put a good wound on a trygon/tervigon? So versatile!


The only thing that I want out of the new 'dex is to please, please, please, keep my scouts at BS 4! Shotty scouts are my darling =)

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Despite the dislike of many people about the shooty and plasma themes in the chapter,it is a fact that has been steadily reinforcing since the second edition.

That claimed focus was non-existant in 2E, only existed in 3E due to some peoples interpretation of Jervis' lame attempted fix of adding plasma cannons to DA Tactical squads (which everybody gets now anyway, does that make them shooty now too? ;)), and its non-existant in the 4E Codex. So where is this supposed reinforcing of these non-existant themes?


Plasma represents an ancient and fading technology of the imperium and our chapter has a knack of keeping old tech around.

Plasma is not the be all and end all of ancient tech, in fact its a very limited and pretty weak example of it if you ask me. Conversion Beamers and/or graviton guns on techmarines, Rapier Laser Destroyer arrays, Stormhawk landers, etc. All examples of ancient tech, and far more interesting than 'more plasma'.


As for the shooty aspect,well after all how many frothing berskers are there?Do we need to become one ourselves?

No we don't, but how about instead of unfluffily shooty, they become the epitome of what it is to be a Space Marine and be balanced allrounders, like they're supposed to be...


Also take into account the fact that our assault squads in this edition were useless and the age old rule we had in 3rd, stubborn.

We didn't have Stubborn in 3E we had Intractable, which was a rule so bad that even Jervis was forced to admit he screwed up and fix it with a revised Codex.


We are not a complete shooting chapter (i.e. to play like the imperial guard)but we like our distance.Plus IMHO,Marines need a clear shooty chapter and i believe that based on our fluff and past,we can fit the bill easy.

What fluff would there be that portrays the DA as anymore shooty than other Marine Chapters? :) I'm not aware of any.


I agree on Ward and the ravenwing too.

Good to hear.


I dont agree on the vets.As all chapters ours must evolve.Since the development of the Hellfire and other type of rounds and their deployment by the UM,all codex chapters are using them.A chapter such as ours that is on the forefront of technology should and must capitalize on said tech.

I dont like to see them on the deathwing granted.But those options(assuming they exist in sixth) must pass on to our vets.A single elite choice that decks out either for CC or Range.Or if you want it more tactical let them mix and match weapons and gear like our termies,that would be something.

Granting access to specialist ammo is different to turning Company Veterans into First Company Veteran analogues. Also, I personally think DW should gain access to Vengeance rounds for their storm bolters (Rng 18" Str 4 AP 3 Assault 2).


EDIT:Considering rip offs,we have been ripped off stuff since we got our first codex.Lets collect the interest at last!

"They did it first" is not the best argument for ripping off other armies. Not that theres a good reason to do that.




Yes they are a company... not a mini-chapter...


And not a single company has Fast attack and heavy options in them...

I'm sure you're taking into account the fact that they're a First Company, and that NO First Company in any Chapter has such a mix of squads... no wait, that would weaken your position so of course you're not.


Face it, your specialist FA and HS DW units are such bad ideas I doubt even Ward would consider them.


oh wait...


almost EVERY (95%?) Company in every chapter (excluding reserve companies) have Fast attack and Heavy options within them...

Not even close. Even erroneously excluding Reserve Companies, presumably because their inclusion weakens your argument, then its still only 80% of the Companies, if you're going to try claiming a percentage of EVERY Company though its only 40% that have such a mix.


So not almost EVERY Company (you can't exclude Reserve Companies and then legitimately try claiming that anyway) in every Chapter has such a mix, definitely not the 95% of them you fallaciously claim.

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The Deathwing have Landraiders, silly arguement.


FOC does not + TOE

:unsure: In reference to?

Just in reference to which units from different companies should be in which FOCs. To me fitting a unit into the TOE is a fluff call, fitting one into the FOC is a rules balance call. They are quite different imho.

Despite the differing opinions in the Dev threads, I realise some of us are never going to see eye to eye on many of those points.

Sorry about the obscurity, my brain knows what I'm thinking, getting it here while I'm supposed to be working can be a challenge sometimes ;)



I believe that the DW will have either an HQ or Elite version(details to be confirmed) that is better/different/more expensive than our current 'troops' choice.


I doubt we will get FA or HS termies and if we do they will be similar to the current format, we Might get a non inf. termie DW unit in one of those slots though(ala Stormgoose etc.).


I believe there is a good chance of jetbikes, but no guarantees.


I believe we will get better but more expensive charaters, no brainer there.


I believe we will get a new PA unit, prolly in HQ ala Honour Guard, for better or worse.


I believe we will get a Plas pred or similar(again the devils in the details). Although DA=/=Plas, more access to those toys is likely in order for GW to make us 'special'. Until the following C:SM shares them out to sell more of course :lol: .


I hope we keep Company Vets in the PA Companies too, personal choice because in my mind Vet is not a rank or position(although it can be) it is a measure of skill(stats), if the PA wearer has extra skill and has not been inducted into the DW or they are at full complement he can stay in a unit in the 3-9th Coys. To me it makes perfect sense, to others I'm sure it makes less sense.


I also believe but don't like, that we will get some new/old Banners that effect units around them. I don't like taking 10k old banners into battle. Seems very wrong, but in game terms a mans gotta win B).

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Yes they are a company... not a mini-chapter...


And not a single company has Fast attack and heavy options in them...

I'm sure you're taking into account the fact that they're a First Company, and that NO First Company in any Chapter has such a mix of squads... no wait, that would weaken your position so of course you're not.


Face it, your specialist FA and HS DW units are such bad ideas I doubt even Ward would consider them.


oh wait...


almost EVERY (95%?) Company in every chapter (excluding reserve companies) have Fast attack and Heavy options within them...

Not even close. Even erroneously excluding Reserve Companies, presumably because their inclusion weakens your argument, then its still only 80% of the Companies, if you're going to try claiming a percentage of EVERY Company though its only 40% that have such a mix.


So not almost EVERY Company (you can't exclude Reserve Companies and then legitimately try claiming that anyway) in every Chapter has such a mix, definitely not the 95% of them you fallaciously claim.


Yep, no Fast attack Vanguard Vets in any Codex:SM / Codex:BA chapters...


and while not technically a Heavy choice, Sternguard with 2/5 HEavy weapons and 5/5 special weapons are pretty close...


And there are ZERO TDA squads with 4/10 Heavy weapons anywhere in the imperium...


and 40% is a lot more than NONE...


Someday soon we will see.... (awaits crickets chirping)

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Snore... hash out those arguments on the Rules forum, where threads about this kind of thing have already been locked. No need to rehash all that crap and spew on each other here.


As far as wish-listing (from a previous thread with similar focus):

1) Give us access to the Mortis-style Dreadnought configurations that we should have, or drop them from other Codexes

2) Don't include a 'Hunt for the Fallen' type rules, put a few scenarios involving the concept into the codex which include some scenario altering rules and a bit of history along with them

3) A cool, larger Codex containing more images, history and other fluff or give us a condensed Codex with only the army rules/list information and combine this with an optional companion book (something full colored and priced per page like Forgeworld books instead of the Warhammer Fantasy Battles army books: FW books are anywhere from 5 to 10 cents a page cheaper)

4) increase the DW squad size to 5-10 if play testing shows it isn't game breaking

5) Azrael upgraded, preferably with an adjustment to his weapons to keep him from being prevented from assaulting if he shoots and some kind of rule added for him that indicates that the DA are actually the gene-progeny of one of the greatest Imperial strategists (if the GK get one, why not us?)

6) a Belial that is useful with unique weapons and rules (not generic selections) that make him interesting to take for himself, rather than simply because he grants Terminator squads as Elites + Troops

7) Heavenfall blades that are not simple master-crafted weapons, relic blades or frost blades

8) More special characters, especially from Successor Chapters and more Successor fluff

9) All new IC sculpts, preferably with articulation points similar to Azrael's gun arm, Terminator captain's wrist, and the new GK line

10) Terminators with "robes", preferably more than just tabards or loincloth style drapes

11) more ornate TDA w/Deathwing and ornate iconography (3rd Ed Codex pgs 21, 23; 4th Ed Codex pgs 5, 16, 28, 42, 43) - chest pieces, ceremonial daggers/blades, extra sets of DA legs, some Lightning claws that are better than the standard ones

12) some new DA sculpts featuring new robed leg poses w/non-affixed torsos, some robed torsos with older armor marks, and as many DA styled weapons and armor items as possible (similar to the new BA and GK kits)

13) a couple of DA specific chaplains based on the covers of the 3rd and 4th Edition codexes

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Christ I hope for Jetbikes. I've been fighting the urge to buy 3 Sammaels just to make a Jetbike squad. That is the one thing I really and truly want. I don't care about the rest except for good fluff, with the Exploits of Captain Gregorious all over! But yeah Jetbikes....( gazes dreamily) Yeah....
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My replay and a question.


1. I think jet bikes would be neat. I'd like to build and field some. 2. Who cares about flyers. I have nothing with an AV value other than Land Speeders

3. Special Rules for Ravenwing Squads, mostly in regards to Speeder Squads to make them more durable.

4. Allow our Terminators to assault after deep strike.

5. Scouts as Troops with cloaks. People underestimate the power of scouts all the time..... muhahahahahaha

6. Extra Venerable Dreadnoughts, things that make ours meaner and more durable, maybe like a Chaplain


Please, no animals of any kind.


Now for the Question (s)


1. How likely do you think they will change the Deathwing. Do you think the mixed units will change. What about the bone colour. I`m changing my DW from Caliban to traditional DW colours.


2. Will the upgrade sprue still be available or is it likely a new one will be produced. Should I stock up on robes.


Sorry my grammer is poor. Something happened with my keyboard and I can`t type question marks.


Thanks everyone, here`s hoping for a great Codex!


Well if DA dont get a flyer, ie the new storm hawk, we have to be able to have something that puts us on par "cool points wise" Id say jet bikes could do this. I just hope they get some kind of jink or complex save or would allocation shennanigans to allow them to work...They will have to be pointed like Thunderwolves and have similar mechanics...which brings up the issue of how do we get jet bikes which function significantly different from thunder wolves.? What would that mean?


Id like better scouts as well. Maybe scouts with special weapons...goes with our fluff of DA scouts being mentored differently "BS4".


I think the DA venterans box will be around. Its the only source for robes, which means it may get another incarnation or reboxing with hopefully more robes/poses.


Deathwing will have to stay the same as far as mixing the units, as far as color it will be white...rice or bone is up to you.


I also believe DA will get new DW Termies in the next edition box set. Im thinking along the lines of the Space Hulk kind of detail. If its DA vs Chaos the how do you represent that in 500-700 pts.


HQ interrogator Chaplain

DW termies

plastinc tac squad/scouts




"Fallen" HQ

some kind of cult troop? New Berzerkers?

new Chaos Dread


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Yep, no Fast attack Vanguard Vets in any Codex:SM / Codex:BA chapters...

Equating to close combat equipped Terminators which we already have as an option within the Elites choice, thus rendering a specialist FA choice completely unnecessary.


Also, I never claimed that Vanguard don't exist, what I said was that NO First Company has the Tactical - FA - HS mix which you were claiming as justification for FA/HS DW, which is true, NO First Company has that mix of squads. So where are the First Company Devastator Veterans to counter my point, hmmm? Don't strain yourself, we all know they don't exist, which proves my point, First Companies don't have the mix of squads necessary for your fallacious argument to hold true.


and while not technically a Heavy choice, Sternguard with 2/5 HEavy weapons and 5/5 special weapons are pretty close...

Wow, talk about reaching. Sternguard are not Devastator Veterans, to try and claim that they are reeks more than a little of desperation, and even then they're one of the two Veteran types and are an Elites choice anyway.


And there are ZERO TDA squads with 4/10 Heavy weapons anywhere in the imperium...

Was there an actual point to that? :unsure:


C:SM Terminators can't do that, C:BA Terminators can't do it, GK Paladins can't do it, GK Terminators can't do it, Wolf Guard (not even a proper dedicated Terminator unit) can't do it, not even Terminator units from the unofficial lists in the FW IA books can do it.


If anything it only serves to make your DW Devastators even less justifiable.


and 40% is a lot more than NONE...

And your point? :lol: I never claimed that there were no Companies with that mix of squads, you're the only one who tried claiming anything about how many Companies had that mix of squads, and you gave far too high a percentage and used faulty logic to do so.


Someday soon we will see.... (awaits crickets chirping)

We will, and even if Ward writes it I doubt we'll be seeing DW Devastators, that big a mistake is beyond even him.

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Said it before and I'll say it again but some stuff that's actually likely given rules/modeling trends.


DW as troops, allowed to sweeping advance, points tweek

RW bike squad as troops

RW, attackbike and speeder squadrons added/altered

RW CC bikers

Jetbikes as an elite choice, basically shooty version of thundercav

Honor guard in line with sang guard/wolfguard, most likely 2+ with str6 2h powerweapons, 2 attacks base, ws5

Greenwing, adjusted point costs and slightly altered wargear. New special rule in line with BA/SW power level

HQ's Azzy points/rules tweek, Belial power/point increase since DW are now troops, Chaplain character, Non sucky librarians, PA succesor captain

Dread rules matching C:SM with possible shooty focus special rule


Most of this stuff is just rules tweeks and a lot of it can be made using current boxes. Most likely we would see new models of jetbikes/DW/honorguard/HQ.

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Heres a new one...no more rehashing old characters Pts +/-...


What kind of all new character do we need/have room for? Besides Belial and Sammeal, seems like we have all kinds of characters which all do the same thing badly, CC and fearless bubble with a standard in a command squad.


I want an all new Interrogator chaplain character... someone like Valten in Fantasy who keeps getting up due to his lust to hunt the fallen. I want a Dante kind of flavor though as I like reducing someones stat line...almost like a curse.


Id like to keep Ezekiel as I just love the name. As far as Sammeal and Belial I could care less. I dont really feel any attachment to them and there rules could just as easily be moved to army wide rules and or change to force org.


...quick edit as I just finished my bike ride home from work. I want something out of he box. Not unprecedented tho. I want an actual vehicle special character. Not a dread like Bjorn. A character esque vehicle. Hear me out a vehicle like a land raider that can keep up with he Ravenwing, a la a Land Raider whose machine spirit was almost corrupted by the fallen, but broke free.


Or the option to take the master of the ravenwings land speeder without him driving maybe. As though his champion pilots it, allowing multiple profiles for his land speeder.


Lastly because its been a theme in GW production a vehicle which includes a HQ in the box, maybe a new hero/chaplain bike as the old bike chaplain model is the sucks. (yes I know bikes aren't vehicles...but were not getting a tank with a chaplain swinging his crosius out the door...although that would kind of sweet in an only in 40k kind of way.


IIRC a long time ago there was a brief story about a LR on Rynns which went Berzerk when the Orks tried to loot it. Not a copy but some kind of similar fluff would do.

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