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Idea of a DA succesor chapter

Captain Valren

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Influence is the bread and butter of Imperial Politics.


Say, Lord High Militant Robert wishes to be the next High Lord Commander of the Guard dude, he needs backers. The DA are aware of his bid for the top job, so, they send a message down their networks to help him into the position. Lord General Demetrius is another Imperial commander who has influence, but does not want the top job. The Candidates solicit his support, now, he has an aide (Colonel Rex) whom he uses for advice, especially in the political sphere. Now, Rex is actaually on the pay roll of Tiberius el'Maran who controls a network of agents, informers etc. and then passes this info up to another person. Now, Tiberius receives a message that Robert should be the next Commander/HLoT and that Demetrius needs to back him. So, he gives Rex his orders, as well as a pay check, and he, when asked, suggests Robert to back. This convinces Demetrius who becomes a big backer of Robert, who, becuase of Demetrius, wins the bid and gains the seat.


Meanwhile, Demetrius is then invited by the SGM of the chapter, as is Robert, being two big men, to dinner aboard the Rock. (why not? its just dinner after all). A few years later, the SGM requests a new chapter. Robert talks to his biggest supporter , Demetrius, about it who then talks to Rex. Rex suggests that maybe the DA are valid in their request, and Demetrius goes away thoughtful. Soon after Robert is backing the proposal, and he brings his allies to the table and they agree.

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Just a thought brought on by these musings, if we've been tithing geneseed to the HLoT etc for 10k years and they have only created a few (one?) extra Chapters there must be a HUGE supply of our GS stashed somewhere.

I'm assuming our own supply is sufficient to replace casualties/attrition etc.


It's about time Azzy went to Terra and said "Let there be MARINES!". Waste not want not after all.




That brought a thought to my mind (must have scarred the hell out of the spiders in there too).If the rumors of sixth are true,with chaos running wild do their things and the imperium losing system after system.a great good number of chapters might get wiped off.Seen as it is inevitable that we become the poster boys,they might use those stocks to make a new founding...And after that let Azy go in there and behead the Highlords so WE run the imperium,it will be better...


Sweet dreams Im,sweet dreams... :)

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Influence is the bread and butter of Imperial Politics.


Say, Lord High Militant Robert wishes to be the next High Lord Commander of the Guard dude, he needs backers. The DA are aware of his bid for the top job, so, they send a message down their networks to help him into the position. Lord General Demetrius is another Imperial commander who has influence, but does not want the top job. The Candidates solicit his support, now, he has an aide (Colonel Rex) whom he uses for advice, especially in the political sphere. Now, Rex is actaually on the pay roll of Tiberius el'Maran who controls a network of agents, informers etc. and then passes this info up to another person. Now, Tiberius receives a message that Robert should be the next Commander/HLoT and that Demetrius needs to back him. So, he gives Rex his orders, as well as a pay check, and he, when asked, suggests Robert to back. This convinces Demetrius who becomes a big backer of Robert, who, becuase of Demetrius, wins the bid and gains the seat.


Meanwhile, Demetrius is then invited by the SGM of the chapter, as is Robert, being two big men, to dinner aboard the Rock. (why not? its just dinner after all). A few years later, the SGM requests a new chapter. Robert talks to his biggest supporter , Demetrius, about it who then talks to Rex. Rex suggests that maybe the DA are valid in their request, and Demetrius goes away thoughtful. Soon after Robert is backing the proposal, and he brings his allies to the table and they agree.

That's a bit too Ultramarine-y to me, Roman influence and all. :P

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Right. Here's the sticker for your idea as I see it.


The Legions were broken up into chapters so that no individual could have control over such a mighty military force again and cause the problems Horus did.


Therefore, despite chapters having an awareness of where they came from (the spiritual liege crap), they are meant to be autonomous. For something like the inner circle to even exist should attract huge amounts of attention from the inquisition and the HLoT because, essentially, Azrael has a Legion at his beck and call. A "PR" chapter, if you will, isn't going to change that.

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Right. Here's the sticker for your idea as I see it.


The Legions were broken up into chapters so that no individual could have control over such a mighty military force again and cause the problems Horus did.


Therefore, despite chapters having an awareness of where they came from (the spiritual liege crap), they are meant to be autonomous. For something like the inner circle to even exist should attract huge amounts of attention from the inquisition and the HLoT because, essentially, Azrael has a Legion at his beck and call. A "PR" chapter, if you will, isn't going to change that.


Yes i agree,but who knows that the inner circle exists?Who him?Yeah i just tossed him outta the airlock...Erhm...I mean he had an accident :P

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