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What will you do if / when?

captain sox

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I don't understand the idea of 'upgrading' my models. Adding to my collection, yes, but doing away with old models just because a new version is available? That's weird to me. The rules change, my opponents change, but the models in my collection are a connection to twenty years of gaming. They do sometimes get repainted though.


There is collecting models for the sake of collecting, where you want to have every terminator model ever released, and there is collecting models for the sake of having an army you think looks cool. In the latter case, you will usually want a unified look to your army, similar aesthetics and a defined design baseline that extends to all parts of your collection. Both approaches are fine (and I'm not saying you couldn't think your collection looked cool, but I probably wouldn't), the latter is just more common among wargamers, I think. And a 1st or 2nd edition terminator model does not fit in with a current one anymore, due to a completely different look in the case of 1st edition, or much more dynamic poses and overall being larger in the case of 2nd edition models.

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I don't need anymore. Okay, maybe just one box set for Belial's DW Command Squad...


...and I will probably do need another one for my TDA Interrogator-Chaplain's Command Squad too...


...and I could use those for regular DW Squads when they are bolstering my Greenwing or Ravenwing...


...but I would need one more box to make stand-in models for the Standard Bearer and Apothecary...


...which would leave me with a few extra models use use for for weapon variations or even to kit-bash some ICs in TDA.


That's, like, $150.00! Damn you GW! :D

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Is anyone concerned by GW's putting DA and BT under vanilla marines on GW's site?

We've been there for quite a while. Also, some people stumbled upon the Template for the new Dark Angels section that will probably be created with the release of a new codex.


This.Also remember that the SW and BA where under the spacemarine template prior to their codex release and moved afterwards.

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The old phrase "Waste Not! Want Not!" in my book was rewritten to "Wast or Not, Always Want!" ever since I got involved in 40K!! :devil:


I have at present only the 26 terminators, unfinished from my LPC 2011... :D ..... but since each is uniquely posed and modelled (BA Space Hulk Terminators, Spacewolf Terminators, Standard terminators, FW models - Luft Huron, Commander Culn, Tyberos the Red Wake - all have been inducted) At present thinking of getting Moloc (without his cloak of course) and certainly any new DW terminators will join them as I think the style and size would be similar...


ll my metal termies from my first DW army are boxed and in hbernation.



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I will buy them. Currently sitting at 4 squads; I'm happy for that to change to 6. And would probably look for that to go to 10, as I'd quite like a Demi-Company for DW, RW and GW.
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Currently, I have an entire Deathwing in the latest plastic models, with a good amount of older metals and IC's...


The biggest question I have is what will the wargear availability be in the new edition?


Here is my current listing of the


Deathwing Troops - 54
Storm Bolter & Powerfist - 18

Storm Bolter & Chainfist - 6

Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - 15

Lightning Claws - 15

Heavy Weapons - 18

Heavy Flamer & Powerfist - 3

Heavy Flamer & Chainfist - 2

Assault Cannon & Powerfist - 6

Assault Cannon & Chainfist - 4

Cyclone & Storm Bolter & Powerfist - 1

Cyclone & Storm Bolter & Power Sword - 3

Cyclone & Storm Bolter & Chainfist - 2

Cyclone & Lightning Claws - 1

Cyclone & Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - 1

Sgts.with Banner Poles - 15

Power Sword & Storm Bolter - 7

Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - 3

Lightning Claws - 5

Characters - 7

Force Sword & Storm Shield - 2

Force Sword & Storm Bolter - 2

Crozius & Storm Bolter - 2

Power Sword and Storm Bolter - 1

Command Squad - Real sized - 5

Banner Bearer & Storm Bolter - 1

Assault Cannon & Storm Bolter - 1

Apothecary & Powerfist & Storm Bolter - 1

Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield - 1

Lightning Claws - 1

Belial - 3 different versions


A few of these are not "legal Deathwing", such as the Cyclones with power weapons, and Librarians with Storm Shields.


I fully expect that Deathwing will increase their wargear options.

Possibly, they may have Power Weapon and Storm Bolter as the standard wargear.


I see the potential of adding Combi-Weapons.

Additional Heavy weapons (Plasma Cannon).

Sword and Shield combination would be very nice.

Potentially even Relic Blades (two handed swords with wrist strap on Storm Bolters)

Even a Halberd type power weapon to increase the initiative.


It is these weapon possibilities I am waiting to see. Unfortunately, I did not magnetize all of my arms when I first built the Deathwing.

So, I may be doing a lot or Arm-twisting :D

I also am looking forward to seeing more Deathwing plastic shoulderpads.


Either way I am probably looking at adding a minimum of 2-3 boxes, and even up to 4-5 boxes if the DW-Bling is good, to my Deathwing, to allow even better flexability. And you can never have to manny Bits on hand ;)

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Honestly? I probably won't buy much.


I have 6 squads of Deathwing. If (should there be any codex change) THSS/Cyclone Deathwing do not change in points, I'll get another 3 squads so I can run full THSS in regular games and silly amounts of terminators in Apoc.


If they do RW jetbikes, It would take a fantastic set of rules for me to buy them. I have 6, minmaxed for special weapons squads already. I don't need any more.


I like the robed bodies. I'd buy more of them. If only to get 1 more tactical squad to take me to 4.

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