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Good job on the chapter symbol. I have a RW to do and dread coming to that!

I think it'd recommend thinning your paints a bit more, particularly for the detail bits like the red helmet stripes. Build it up in two or more careful but thin goes.

I use superfine black pens for scribbletext...I know they're available in red and wonder how they would be for such fine detail?


Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing more!


Thanks ^_^


The Chapter symbol was a lot easier to do that I thought. I'd read somewhere online, a way of doing Chapter symbols by breaking it down into easier "sections". I forget where I saw it now, but besides that practice is the thing I suppose.


You're right about thinning the paint. Whilst this is only a test mini, I still have a bad habit of applying paint onto a mini straight from the pot :D so it's a habit I need to break.


I do have a thin pen intended for the specific purpose of purity seal "scribble" :lol: Can't find it at the moment :blink: I've never seen them in other colours though. I'll have to take a look around and see if I cna find something suitable ^_^

Another test mini, and again, I know I haven't cleaned mould lines :unsure:


My DIY Dark Angels Chapter are Successors of the Angels of Absolution. Their colours are basically the Dark Angels, but in reverse (as in Terminators are Green, everyone else in "Bone" - not sure what to do with their Ravenwing...Black? Or simply leave as the rest? Any suggestions?)

I had a long conversation with the Blue shirt at the local GW today. As ever, he never comes on with the "hard sell" usual with some members of that store. He was in the middle of painting some Chaos mini's that all stores are required to do for this years Golden Daemon/Games Day. He was also painting his own Imperial Fists, and happily explained how he got the shade of Yellow he was using (Which was more of a Yellow-Brown, but they do look very cool ^_^ ). He also showed me to do a few things, such as paint "DeathWing" colours. Whilst I still have some way to go until I get to his standard (he usually paints the store mini's and has struck a balance between quality and quantity that is good), I have again made another shuffling step towards where I want to be paint-fu wise.

I just need to get into the habit of thinning my paints. I have done with the one above, but I still can't quite get the ratio right. Most people (including the GW staffer I spoke to today) say the paint should be the consistency of Milk. Maybe so, but when I get it that thin it is usually too runny and is no good :( However, regardless of that obstacle I face, I am making progress. The only other thing I need to work on is steadying my hands. Although I am steadier, my hands still shake a little, especially when painting detail, although I did score another first when I painted the eye lenses and didn't mess them up ^_^

The mini was painted with:

Thin base coat of Ceramite White (Skull White replacement?).

Two or three (I forget now :( ) fairly heavy drybrushes of Screaming Skull (Bleached bone replacement?)

Fairly heavy wash with Seraphim Sepia

Drybrush with Screaming Skull

Drybrush with Ceramite White

Aquila - Khornate Red (drybrushed with Khornate red/Ceramite White)

Shoulder Guards - Caliban Green (highlight with Warpstone glow, although the picture doesn't show it well :D )

Eyes painted with Enchanted blue

It didn't take that long to paint him at all, bearing in mind that the miniature isn't exactly complex to paint, so I'm glad that the scheme is viable and not going to be a nightmare to paint ^_^

I think I really need to find a reliable ratio of water to paint to be able to really progress, so any help in that regard is most welcome ^_^

Milk consistency paint is very runny, but thats kinda the point ;)


A more specific piece of advice is to aim for the consistency of semi-skimmed milk (which can usually be achieved with a mix ratio of 2 drops water/medium to one drop of paint). It's pretty much down to trial and error, but if you find that it's a bit too runny just add a little more paint so that you end up with a nice liquid flow yet still have some surface tension.


Then it's all a matter of layers. Dark colours will usually cover well with 2-3 coats and lighter colours tend more to 5+, yellow is a bit of a pig in this regard and can be difficult to layer smoothly :P


This video may help -


P.S. I like the bone colour, looks very smooth.

Milk consistency paint is very runny, but thats kinda the point :D


A more specific piece of advice is to aim for the consistency of semi-skimmed milk (which can usually be achieved with a mix ratio of 2 drops water/medium to one drop of paint). It's pretty much down to trial and error, but if you find that it's a bit too runny just add a little more paint so that you end up with a nice liquid flow yet still have some surface tension.


Then it's all a matter of layers. Dark colours will usually cover well with 2-3 coats and lighter colours tend more to 5+, yellow is a bit of a pig in this regard and can be difficult to layer smoothly :P


This video may help -


P.S. I like the bone colour, looks very smooth.


Thanks RazBlood, the link has explained things a lot. I'll be having another go at the week end, so hopefully will have some progress to report ;)

  • 1 month later...
Thanks RazBlood, the link has explained things a lot. I'll be having another go at the week end, so hopefully will have some progress to report ^_^


And of course, that weekend is looooooong past :) I've since managed to get another Marine done, but I don't have a decent picture of it to show (I was going to take a photo of it now, but the camera just decided to run out of power :P )


However, before it did, I managed to take a picture of this:




It's a very rough sketch of an eventual Rainbow Warrior Chapter Banner, as I decided to get myself a Command Squad. The drawing sucks somewhat, but hopefully puts the point across. The outline will either be white or Yellow (haven't decided which yet, or though I'm thinking white at the moment...) The boxes are going to feature "Glyphs" Mayan/Incan style. I have a few references online that I can draw inspiration from, but short of making the Chapter symbol take most of the banner there'll be a big area with nowt in it. I have considered doing a Mayan/Incan representation of either the Emperor or the Primarch. Official fluff states that Guilliman is their Primarch, but as some might know, before this came to light, I had made my version of them White Scar successors. With this in mind, I'd prefer to not have a Primarch on there at all, so that I can skirt around the whole thing entirely. That still leaves me with a rather large gap....


According to my own fluff for them, a Thunderhawk of the White Scars Chapter was the first thing the Natives saw of the Imperium in Millennia, punching its way through a massive Cloud causing it to rain (and a subsequent Rainbow - a sign or Portent of importance on that Planet), so that's one idea. I'm not sure how to compose such a scene, so that it'll fit the space, and be simple enough that an idiot (i.e. me) can paint it. Anyone out there with any tips on how to go about such a thing? Anyone have any other ideas to fill the space?


Also, I've taken the plunge and got a Storm Talon, and I'd like to do some funky stuff for the tail (in a similar vein to the Chapter banner if possible)


Any help is appreciated ^_^

  • 3 weeks later...

So, here is a picture of my latest purchases:


After a lot of thought, I've decided to paint them as my first proper Rainbow Warrior mini's. However, as it was quite some time since I painted the test mini (in a post above), I've forgotten the stages and paints etc that I used to get the result as show :P

I dare say I'll remember or rework it out soon enough ^_^

I also have most if not all the bitz I need to make a Power armour Librarian for them too. Next week, when I get paid, I'll be getting some Fairy power spray to remove the paint from a load of RTB01 Marines that I forgot that I had gathering dust in my parents' attic. Needless to say that they will be painted in the same scheme. I have 46 RTB01 Marines, plus a fair number of arms that have never been used:


They used to belong to a friend of mine who loved Blood Angels, and whilst the picture doesn't show it, there is a Marine on a Hoverboard using a Flamer :lol: My friend had a great love of Back to the Future and a bigger sense of humour ^_^


The Terminators and old style Devastator Marines will be up for some love, although some of them will be repainted as Steel Wings, with the Inquisitor model possibly painted as an Iron Hand (Bionic Leg ^_^ )

The fact that I have almost a Demi Company for free has made me very happy! I wasn't sure whether to mix them up with some modern Marines to get more squads, but thinking about it, if I'm going to go "Old School" then I should go all the way! I figured the RTB's for rank and file and the new models for Characters.

Whilst I have stripped paint from metal Marines years ago, I haven't stripped paint from plastic ones, so any advice or observations will be most welcome ^_^ I have read up on the subject quite extensively, but sometimes tutorials miss things out.

Thanks for looking!

Stripping plastic is pretty much the same as metal, just don't use acetone ;)


Fairy power spray does a good job on plastic, I've left a plastic model in it for over 24 hours with no issues.


Just be wary of using anything too hard or abrasive when removing the paint (a toothbrush and some toothpicks will do the job) as metal tools can cause minor surface damage, other than that you should be golden ;) I actually used a cheap battery powered electric toothbrush on my last lot and it worked marvelously well (just make sure to protect any surfaces from spatter :P )


I look forward to seeing those old Beakies get a new lease on life :P

Stripping plastic is pretty much the same as metal, just don't use acetone ;)


Fairy power spray does a good job on plastic, I've left a plastic model in it for over 24 hours with no issues.


Just be wary of using anything too hard or abrasive when removing the paint (a toothbrush and some toothpicks will do the job) as metal tools can cause minor surface damage, other than that you should be golden ;) I actually used a cheap battery powered electric toothbrush on my last lot and it worked marvelously well (just make sure to protect any surfaces from spatter :P )


I look forward to seeing those old Beakies get a new lease on life ;)


From what I can tell, the mini's aren't heavily covered in paint, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to remove. What you've posted is what I've read elsewhere, so thanks for confirming that ;) I've been following Gitsplitta's Mantis Warrior thread as I love what he's done, so when I found these I was overjoyed! ;)


Awesome, my first marine force was a blood angels lot, centred around the good ol' RTB01 box.... Ah the memories!! 30 marines for £10.... Lol


I remember getting my first boxset when I was 13 or so, and these were bought by my friend around the same time, so these mini's are older than some of the people I work with! :P

That's strange, I also bought a storm talon and was given old blood angel models by a friend (2nd edition)....


But surely you must recruit the storm talon under the steel wings! They are all about flying!


Can't wait to see what you'll do with the command squad.

That's strange, I also bought a storm talon and was given old blood angel models by a friend (2nd edition)....


But surely you must recruit the storm talon under the steel wings! They are all about flying!


Can't wait to see what you'll do with the command squad.


I intend to get a Storm Talon for the 'Wings ;) , but as they have a LS: Typhoon and a Venerable Dreadnought (who I should really get around to finishing soon - he doesn't need much more work to finish :lol: ), I figured the Storm Talon should go to them.


Fear not, for they will get a lot more attention soon enough ^_^


The Command squad is a bit of a sticking point, or at least the Banner is. I still haven't worked out what to paint besides the Chapter symbol :(

For the Banner image how about the original Rainbow Warriors, Zippy ,George & Bungle led by Chapter Master Jeffrey B)


But seriously, scrollwork, honour markings and army badges are your first stop for Banner filling items and maybe a Marine surfing a Rainbow ;)

For the Banner image how about the original Rainbow Warriors, Zippy ,George & Bungle led by Chapter Master Jeffrey :)


It's all over when Rod, Jane and Freddy appear! B)


But seriously, scrollwork, honour markings and army badges are your first stop for Banner filling items and maybe a Marine surfing a Rainbow ;)


Whilst I can just see such a thing, part of the "lore" I made for my version of them, is a bit where the Marines that discover the planet first appear to the natives by blasting through cloud cover in a Thunderhawk and causing it to rain and form a Rainbow (a sign of great portent on the planet). Trouble is I suck at free hand big style :( ;)

Another day, another post! I must be careful for I have heard this is habit forming :)

I've built the Command squad (in the main at least - most still have arms to be attach, but have been left off for ease of painting). They're pretty standard, almost exactly like the picture on the box, save one who is kneeling:


But who's that fellow at the front left?




Those who read or have read my Rainbow Warrior story, Bringing light into dark places, will recognise the name Eh'Tor ^_^ In my army he will hold the position of head Librarian (I haven't found a suitably "Incan/Mayan" name for that position yet). This of course will mean that I will be getting around to making a mini of Brun'El too ;)

He's lacking a back pack, and there is still sone flash/mold lines to sort out, but I'm happy with him. Here is a list of some of the parts I used:

Space Wolf head

Librarian force hood

Mark VII helmet

Mark VII legs and torso front

Banner pole icon

Devastator heavy weapon cabling (forced straight...ish)

The force weapon is made from the cabling and whilst it is still a little crooked, I feel it gives a certain...character. The pose is influenced by Gandalf's "You shall not PASS!" Tirade against the Balrog ^_^

Blast from the past! :



This Space Wolf is one of the few mini's that I have left from the last time I was in the hobby. Whilst I look upon him with great fondness, it's staggering to realise that he's about 15-20 or so years old! I was going to show a picture of the Leman Russ mini I have, but he's stood next to a Greater Daemon of Khorne and Jain Zahr, so not very board appropriate. When I get a chance, I take one of him alone.

I had intended to get some of this painted, but as day light hours here in the UK grows shorter, I ran out of time. I know that one can get Daylight bulbs but I haven't gotten around to getting some, plus after putting that lot together I'm feeling a little light headed from the Liquid Poly cement I used to glue them together, despite having every window open in the flat! :huh: Oh well. I'm glad I've made some progress at all today!

As ever, comments observations and criticisms welcome!

Having had a day off, I decided to paint a few mini's. Whilst there are a few things I would have done differently in hind sight, I'm still quite pleased with them ^_^

Group shot:


Marine Malevolent:


I have no delusions as to how this mini looks compared to those painted by true MM fans, I am very pleased with how he came out. The symbol is not quite as good as I would have liked, but practice makes perfect ^_^

He's also the first mini that I've painted that is predominantly yellow. I wish I could have been able to paint yellow in the past, otherwise, I could have been painting Lamenters, Imperial Fists or indeed Marines Malevolent ^_^

Crimson Fist:


I've always had a soft spot for them, and finally I have one of my own ^_^


I'm very pleased how well I managed to paint the symbol.

Rainbow Warrior Company Banner bearer:


With the exception of the Banner symbol being too small and too far to the right :) I'm very happy with this mini. It means that I've finally started my Rainbow Warriors Army (painting wise) and I'm very pleased how the loincloth came out too! ^_^

When I get around to making the Chapter Banner, I'll be making something far more elaborate. But until then, he's the rally point.

Comments, etc very welcome! ^_^

Today, despite being horribly cold and wet (for the UK anyway :D ), is a good day. I bought some Fairy Power Ppray and decided to try it on one of the RTB01 Marines I found not so long ago. Even though I had read that this stuff is the business, I thought it best to Sacrifice try it on one Marine to start off with. I needn't have worried as it really does work, and a lot faster than I thought too! After spraying the stuff on, I swilled it around for a few minutes and had a quick test with an old toothbrush was able to get about 50% of the old paint off there and then! After about an hour and a half, 99.9999999% has bee removed, with little or no effort whatsoever! It was also on offer where I got it from, nearly 50% off so that was a bonus :lol:

If any members do use this stuff - remember - ventilated rooms and try to use gloves or something as it does tend to take a fair chunk of your fingerprints (my fingers are so used to that kind of stuff I've been okay, but I thought I'd give a fair warning ;) )

In typical fashion, I forgot to take a "before" picture, but here's what he looks like now:



You might notice that there are still a few bits of paint on the model. This is where Superglue has been or where the model was left with flash lines and also where the bitz were attached to the sprue (my friend was not one for tidying up models, even less than I am :lol: )

I had pulled the mini to its component pieces as the pose was weird, and assembling it back together made me realise how strong the rose tinted glasses were/are. The plastic wouldn't allow liquid Poly to work and it was only because of two Finecast minis I bought recently, that I had any superglue (a lot of which ended up on my fingers as usual ;) , I've been picking the foul stuff off the tips for over an hour - there's still some on them :lol: ). It's also easy to forget how little detail they had.

However, I am quite looking forward to bulk paint stripping the rest of them and getting them all painted. Stripping will start next week as I'm going to be very busy this following week, but I'll post pics when I have them ^_^

Where's the Fairy Power Spray on offer? Is it a local shop or a franchise shop?


Of the three painted minis you put up I think that the only problem you may have is a slight impatience to get them finished.


A bit more time just to tidy up small errors would do your painting a world of good ;)


I like the leopard print loin cloth on the Banner Bearer, really nicely done :D


Keep it going.

Where's the Fairy Power Spray on offer? Is it a local shop or a franchise shop?


I went into the local Wilkinsons - £2 instead of £3.95 if I recall correctly. Not sure if this is a national offer or a local one, but it won't hurt to have a look ;)


slight impatience to get them finished.


:( Yes, it is a problem of mine, and a catch twenty-two. I know I'm not that good at painting and I start off in the right way, but frustration makes me rush in the end. I'll have to try to combat that.


A bit more time just to tidy up small errors would do your painting a world of good :P


Again, a fair point. In many ways I wish I had put far more time into painting the banner itself. However, I can always strip it and start again, or buy a new banner and replace it for the other one.


I like the leopard print loin cloth on the Banner Bearer, really nicely done ;)


Keep it going.


Thanks :) I did it using a variant of how I did my Dark Angel successor Marine. White undercoat, drybrush screaming skull, Seraphim sepia wash and then another drybrush of screaming skull and then drybrush White Scar over the top is what I use for the DA successor. The loin cloth was Grey base coat, one coat of screaming skull and then a Seraphim sepia wash in certain areas of the loin cloth. The Abaddon black for the dots.


Thanks for the comments, as it keeps me focused on painting. I haven't had much time at the moment, but I keep chipping away :tu:

  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes I wish I could just focus on one thing at a time, because I'd have a completed army by now :D

However, I think that in the long term, being able to switch between one army to another keeps me interested. I'm not a brilliant painter, I know this, but I think painting one colour scheme would have sent me (even more) round the twist than I already am....but I digress. Allow me to present the first Terminator from the Dark Vengeance box set:




For those who don't know, I'm building a small force of Dark Angel DIY successors. With the exception of playing Space Wolves (and the Rainbow Warriors, who are official, but my "take" on them isn't) in the long distant past, I've always had a DIY army. I find the whole process of creating one from scratch a brilliant way to unwind...one day I might actually get around to finishing the IA's/IT as well :lol:

Without going into their fluff too much, my DA successor's paint scheme, is similar to their "Parent" Chapter, the Angels of Absolution, in that the regular Marines have "Death Wing" colours, The Termi's as you can see are green, so effectively the DA scheme, but in reverse (if that makes sense :sweat: )

He's nearly finished, as I've seen a few things I could do with touching up, and to paint the base. I don't "base" mini's. I should do, I suppose, but whilst I love seeing it done on others' models, I'm not too fussed about seeing it on my own...

I've learnt a lot from this miniature (Thinner paint, take more time, be less impatient etc, etc), and I even tried a little bit of OSL, although the white along the bottom of the eye area was supposed to be a lot more subtle than that <_<, However, the eyes themselves are fairly good, even if the camera's flash made them seem brighter and more "OSL" like than they actually are! I took a lot longer with this miniature than nearly every other one I've done since I started painting again and I like to think that it shows. Still have a lot to improve on and even more to learn, but this miniature has made me actually feel like I've made progress ^_^

Comments, etc as always are welcome ^_^

  • 2 months later...

It's been an unusual day, besides in succeeding (yet again! laugh.png ) in procrastinating instead of finishing my LPC vow and getting my Space Wolf Winter's Advance vow, I found myself buying an Ironclad Dreadnought for my Steel Wings, despite my most fervent vow to myself not to get any more minis until I had made a big dent in what I already have dry.png

Anyway, rummaging through the stuff I had thought lost at my parents, I found these:


I'm not sure if they are still viable as they're about twenty years old, but I will be definitely keeping the Rainbow Warrior and Iron hand symbols happy.png

Assuming they work, I might keep the Blood drinker ones and give the others away. If I did then I'd make a post here and ask if anyone wants them. I'd expect nothing in return, just that they go to a good home laugh.png So anyone interested, keep an eye out for the post.

Anyway, despite my earlier assertions that my Storm Talon will be going to the Rainbow Warriors (they will get one...eventually laugh.png ), I've changed my mind again - it's going to be a Steel Wing one after all, but with a difference. It'll be in Iron Hands colours. I'll write into the fluff something along the lines of:

"The vessel was a gift from their Parent Chapter, the Iron Hands and it was pressed into service almost immediately, with no chance of it even getting a respray. It performed admirably, but every subsequent attempt to paint it in the Steel Wings colours it refused to work, random malfunctions blighting its performance. In the end it was decided to leave the stubborn ship as it is, a testament both to its tenacity and a reminder of the Chapters' origins."

I just need a name...after a certain Frater made an impassioned plea in a previous post I might call it Perca Fluctus msn-wink.gif

Another post :lol:

This one will actually have something worth posting. I present Ironclad Dreadnought Bayadom:


I used to dislike this model. It looked too clunky and plodding even for a dreadnought, but having (nearly) assembled him, I feel different now.

A little background on him and the others I have or will eventually have. According to the fluff I'm writing for my Steel Wings Chapter, there are three Dreadnoughts, collective known as the Triumvirate so named after three wise Kings of legend. They are:

Bayadom was an Assault Sergeant who in one incident had attacked and destroyed a Chaos Land Raider with nothing more than a Chainsword and a Krak grenade. For many years, he was at the forefront of any frontal attack, unusually eschewing the use of a Storm Talon or Landspeeder, preferring a jump pack, literally using his own body as a weapon. Naturally, this resulted in the loss of much of his natural body, replaced with augmetics. For some time deemed a "throw back" to the ideals of their Parent Chapter because of his seeming obsession with being "weak", it was never realised that his exuberance and lust for battle was nothing more than a well hidden insecurity; in his first battle he had allowed an ork mob to get close enough to slaughter his entire squad. Since then, his maxim was to attack first, put the enemy on the defensive, never let them get the chance to fight back. Eventually, his personal credo was his undoing. An attack on a seemingly unwitting Eldar force was anything but. Torn down mid jump, he had managed to ensure his return to the ground resulted in the death of an Eldar Farseer. His internment within a Dreadnought drastically changed his viewpoint, and is now the byword for caution, meticulous planning and execution. At least until he enters a battlefield, where even centuries of experience fades away by the thrill of conflict, arriving by Drop Pod or Storm Raven.

Original Chapter Master Nishrai, a former Iron Hand Veteran Sergeant who, with his exploratory squad had (re)discovered the planet Petracco. A loyal Marine devoted to the Chapter, but nevertheless was more...liberal in his views than many within the Iron Hands. He had come to the conclusion that extensively modifying themselves was as bad as, if not worse than, allowing the flesh to fail. He was also vocal with his views that they were sundering the genetic legacy of their Primarch and that the Chapter was deliberately twisting his teachings. His ideals were viewed with some amount of scorn and exasperation by those who led the Chapter, but none could deny he was ultimately one who would give his all. The Clan Council decided, when an opportunity to found a new Chapter on this world presented itself to "promote" him as the new Chapter Master of the Steel Wings. Nishrai's view on the Iron Hands' devotion (or obsession) to purging the flesh and weakness from the Chapter at any cost was too extreme, and that a balance should be brought was something that the Clan Commanders wanted purging from their ranks.

The views of Nishrai are kept to this day, with Nishrai himself lecturing to new recruits of these ideals.

"Rifleman" Dreadnought Zahilim, a former Devastator Sergeant is another Marine of legend. A Marksman of note, he was able allegedly able to hit a target with any weapon at it's maximum range just by his own sight alone. Zahilim himself plays down such assertions, which only makes these tales of his prowess all the more true to the younger members of the Chapter. In any case, his ability to remain cool headed under fire has saved the Chapter from tragedy on many occassions, resulting in him being given the honorific the Rock of Ages. His own internment was due to single combat with a Chaos Lord of a warband known as the Bahltimyr Reavers. Zahilim patiently awaits the day that he will encounter this enemy again, knowing on that day, only one will walk away from the battlefield.

I have a Venerable Dreadnought representing Nishrai already and he's nearly done, but I'm not happy with the paint job. I may strip and repaint the model, but as I still have nearly 60 models to strip and repaint for my Rainbow Warriors, I might just bite the bullet and just get another. The Forge World Contemptor Dreadnought has really caught my eye ^_^ and in my opinion is a far better option for the Founder of my Chapter wub.png I have yet to get a model for Zahilim, but when I do, it'll be a Venerable Dreadnought frame with the autocannons from the Aegis Defence Line. That way I can give him even more weapon options, but be able to field the ADL when he's using other weapons ^_^ Thinking about it, I may just use the model I have for Nishrai already, strip him and use that for Zahilim, and get either another one and do a better job for Nishrai or really go to town and get the FW Contemptor.

Bayadom hasn't been attached at the waist yet as I intend to spray him for the undercoat, but I want to get a game with what mini's I have at my local GW, so I'll leave that until after then. He also hasn't had the underslung weapons on his arms attached yet. I can't decide on Flamer, Bolter or Melta. I'm tempted for Melta and Flamer as I don't have many in the army.

Decisions, decisions! :lol:

  • 1 month later...

It's been a while since I've had anything to report asides from my Rainbow Warriors.  I still have a Dark Apostle to paint for my LPC but for some reason, I'm not "feeling" it :( Hopefully I'll get enough motivation to finish.  I do however, have the following picture to show.  Not much, but as my work schedule is all over the place at the moment, I have to take what little time I can get to paint.  If I recall, I have a week off coming up soon, so I'll be getting some serious brush time in ^_^ 


Anyway, the picture:




Bayadom and the Storm Talon are nearly basecoated.  The Storm Talon as previous stated formerly belonged to the Iron Hands and was pressed into service so quickly that it was not repainted or reconsecrated.  When the time comes to rectify that, it stubbornly refused to work until it was restored back to it's original colours.  The Chapter has since respected its machine spirit and when it appears on the battle field, it is a symbol of pride, a tangible link to their parent Chapter.


I figured that I might get around to making a small army of Iron Hands myself, although I'm not sure whether to do an established Clan or to create my own.  It won't be for a while yet, but I'm looking forward to it ^_^

  • 3 weeks later...

I have already posted this picture in my Sister sub forum topic, but for completeness (and to show her to a bigger audience), I'm posting it here too. I won't repost the "background" on her, but those interested in it can see it here. She's not finished, and the picture doesn't do her justice, as the colour is a lot more vibrant than is shown, but I'm very pleased with her so far.

Annabelle Chrysanthemum (Celestine):



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