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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Oh my!


Brothers Cristopher and Turpin, those are sweet looking paint jobs. The weathering and script are especially nice looking.



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Some great stuff there guys!


@ Turpin: This is very high skill level you possess there! I really-really like your deep red that contrasts well with the rest of the coloration. I'm sorry you missed the deadline, but we get to see your fantastic work anyway! <_<


@ Brother Christopher: Congratulations for completing - those Rhinos look sweet! Unfortunately due to a technicality from my end I won't be updating the tables until Monday...

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Vow Complete! Here's Chaplain Amadeus...


Great one. Etched Brass for the Crozium?

I just wanted to glue the last base, then I dropped the Vet.Sgt. he rolled under the davenport and the powerweapon broke and I needed 10 minutes to locate both of them, so I will post pictures tomorrow.

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I was thinking of doing a crozius with the templar cross but Ginger avenger's idea is so much better then mine I might just use it ; ) and thats a very sexy looking chaplain, an amazing paint work..
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Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. The crozius is actually just two of the plastic cross icons from the BT upgrade box, with the detail side filed down flat and slots cut halfway down so i could slot them together, then I pinned to the crozius shaft...
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OK guys, tables updated for Brother Christopher's and The Ginger Avenger's completions. Please check it out and let me know if there is anything amiss!


@ The Ginger avenger: Thanks for sharing your views on the powders. I think I'll have a go with my new Chaos army I'm planning... :mellow:

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Beutiful... just beutiful! Congrats Brother Ulkesh for delivering such a high quality model and for completing your second vow. No matter how you want to progress from here, keep in mind the relatively small time you might have. Be conservative... :)


Table updated!

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Brothers, I am proud to announce the completion of my latest vow. Marshal Floreez in now ready to lead my Crusade. As you can see, he has all the wargear that I listed on my vow. He has his krak (under his left arm)and frag granades (on waist) and I hung his teleport homer around his neck with thread. I felt that to permanently attach it too him would clutter him up and keep me from using it on other models. I tried out something different with the armor color. Instead of using chaos black, I only used it for the base coat. I then used codex grey and then gave it a few black ink washes.




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Gunrunr...I am speechless. He looks incredible. I know I cringed when you said you were going to convert that oldey, but goodey model, but you certainly did him justice.


He is just awesome!


I'm really looking forward to this week's report out.



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Thanks everyone for the kind words. He is by far my favorite model in my collection so far.


@Honda.....lol, yes you did cring when I said I was going to convert him. His claws are pinned and the old parts can still be put back on if needed. The trickiest part of the conversion was the power cables going from his back pack to the claws. I had to cut the original ones off because they would not stretch and I replaced them with small gauge wire with the insulation removed.

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@Gunrunr: I meant to ask before, where did the banner come from? It's a very interesting look (i.e. chainmail).



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This was a more subdued week with completions at the 8.8k mark. The characteristics of this week were the further increase of the average completion rate to 36% from 32% last week that corresponds to 76k points(!) and the still hefty (although diminishing) amount of 6.7k worth of new vows. The total points pledged so far stand at almost 214k. A point of particular interest is that this is the fist week since the beginning of the ETL that the Space Wolves did not report a completion!

So week 10 is now behind us and just three more weeks to go! Plan your next steps carefully, because an unfinished vow could have multiplying effect as it will nullify all previous work too. If you are uncertain of your time, or your next vow depends on the speed of the postal agencies I say play it safe and be conservative! In the end is imminent!

Now I would like to repeat some technicalities about the closing that I mentioned last week because they are important:

On August 15th at 22:00 GMT the ETL ends. That means that by the B&C clock any completions that are submitted after that time will not count towards the total points of your faction. Please make everybody’s life easier and avoid submitting in the nick of time – a discarded completion for just a minute could create unnecessary aggravation and leave people with a sour taste from what should be an enjoyable event. I plan to enforce the firm deadline so yes, 22:01 submissions will be discarded.

The final results will be announced on Sunday, August 19th at the latest so I will have time to process all the results, double check everything and present them in an esthetically pleasing manner. This is a big event guys so I will need some time to make sure things are in order. Just a small request: The logistics of ETL are very demanding, so if you guys cross check your status in the tables occasionally and find something that doesn’t match please bring it to my attention so I’ll act on it.

So here’s how things look at the end of week 10:

Black Templars 102 41,811 410 18,255 44%
Blood Angels 64 31,778 497 9,011 28%
Dark Angels 86 43,057 501 10,815 25%
Codex Space Marines 56 33,792 603 9,210 27%
Space Wolves 48 32,637 680 11,160 34%
Chaos 56 24,476 437 13,106 54%
Ordos Inquisition 22 6,196 282 4,548 73%
Total 434 213,747 493 76,105 36%
Index Astartes 29 16,405 566 6,775 41%
Liber Astartes 15 9,818 655 1,550 16%
Ultramarines 12 7,569 631 885 12%


The Dark Angels have still the lowest completion rate at 25% but are gaining significant momentum. They will still need some large vow completions to propel their position forward but things are promising. If the momentum builds up further we are looking at a magnificent turn around that will send shock waves across all forums! With 2.5k completed this week and some indications of even better performance next week I think we’re in the right path! So with 10.8k pts (less than 400pts behind the Wolves) but still in the 4th position, do we have what it takes to turn this around?

The Wolves did not report a completion for the fist time since the beginning of the ETL! Wow. What could that mean? Out of steam? Fatigue? Or just coincidence and next week we’ll see two weeks’ worth of completions? Truth being said with an average burden of more than 900pts per participant they have put themselves in a very challenging position. Still they manage to maintain 3rd position with no completions! But now the distance to the second position has increased by 2k. In all fairness, the Wolves should aim at completion rates well into the 40s to shake up things – difficult but achievable!

Blood Angels have managed to make some completions to keep them in the game, surpassing the 9k mark. However the relatively small points/vow ratio means that their completion rate should be much higher than average and at the moment is almost 10 percentage points lower. In principle they should be going the Chaos way, i.e. having among the highest completion rates to make up for their low points. As things stand now, they’ll require above 55% completion rate to beat the Templars. Difficult? Yes! Impossible? No! Just look at Chaos!

Black Templars seem unstoppable! At a record 18k worth of completions and a 44% completion rate they have put enough distance between them and the rest of the forums to feel relatively safe. Despite their leading position, despite their considerable difference with the rest, they still reported the largest amount of completions this week at 2.6k! Frankly, they DO look like the favorites to win the ETL as they still have a large pool of incomplete vows to draw from. So let’s see as the sands of time draw all of us to the inevitable end, will they manage to maintain their position and become the heroes of E TENEBRAE LUX? Let’s see…

Codex Forums are definitely responding to the challenge adding more the 0.5k points this week. Although they have 9.2k pts completed so far (more than the BAs) the certainly need to do more. There are some very serious vows out there with tons of points and I believe (hope) that after 10 weeks some of them will be nearing completion. You guys really need to start putting some serious pts forward. To put it simply, you need the samet amount of points that you’ve completed so far just to reach the BTs current levels. Or something in the order of 55% completion rate. Good luck!

Chaos is second overall with more than 13k completed pts and a monstrous 54% completion rate. They do not have a high number of participants. They do not have a high number of total points pledged. What they do have is the tenacity and the drive to complete their vows consistently. Of course they have the Dark Pantheon to aid them but still! An excellent performance guys (and gals) keep it up!

Ordos Inquisition did not report any completions this week. They’ve done it before but with a completion rate of 73% this seems normal to me. It’ll be great to see you guys driving for a cool 100% but no rush – none has shown the kind of commitment you have!

Until the next weekly update, farewell and good luck to all!
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@Gunrunr: I meant to ask before, where did the banner come from? It's a very interesting look (i.e. chainmail).





Brother Honda,

The banner is in fact from an old OOP veteran or chaplain blister pack. 12 years ago before I started painting and playing 40k I just bought everything spacemarine that looked cool. Now I have a nice collection of OOP models and bits to choose from. As for the banner itself, I had planned to paint a black cross in the middle but after doing so found that it was too hard to see. I then went back and colored it in chainmail and gave it a devlin mud inkwash. I may go back and try someing different in the future though.


Crusade on,

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Brothers, we have built up a rather significant lead here. Our closest rivals are more than 5k behind us and their total points pledged are just over half of ours. We cannot, however, let that go to our heads. With 3 weeks to go there is still the possibility that the yapping dogs of Russ or the filthy heretic traitors could come out on top. At this point it would seem like our biggest threats now are diametrically opposed - complacency and zeal. We cannot allow ourselves to believe that we already have this in the bag. That is not the Black Templar way. Our way is to keep fighting with much fury and to never give up. The famed zeal of our Chapter may yet, however prove our undoing. If we pledge more than we are capable of delivering then all our endeavours fall to naught. We are on the right path thus far, and you have all reminded why there is pride in being a Black Templar. If we keep our heads about us then three weeks' time will show everyone that we are truly the Emperor's chosen. NO PITY! NO REMORSE! NO FEAR...!
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Third vow.


“I Gunrunr answer the challenge of the Unforgiven for the third time and vow to complete a new Emperor's Champion from Codex: Black Templars of total value 90pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and my Tango Urilla Crusade although failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”.



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The Ginger Avenger speaks truth. The difference between honored selves and the heretical dogs of Horus' spawn is but a mere five 1000 point vows. Easily accomplishable by anyone who has been working their vow towards an end date completion.


We must remain vigilant. We must continue to draw swords against all who would stand before the sons of Dorn in defiance!


Remember, measured strokes of the sword. Leave the wild swings and uncontrolled hacking to the exhausted dogs of Russ and their heretical kindred.


We step boldly, confidently, with great assurance. This crusade is ours!


Onwards Brothers! TEMPLARS UNITE!

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