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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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I have my latest vow of one Marshal w/ POLC, artificer armour, holy hand grenade, and t-honours finished, hoorah for vacation weeks!


I tried for a glue with the eyes, I stil havn't got it down well, it seems i not only have trouble with gradiating the red, but also in the eye section itself.

I am now continuing on with my vows with a Marshal with master crafted power weapon, plasma pistol, and artificer armour for a total of 145 points.

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Thanks for the comments Brothers. So many awesome works in just this thread alone casts a long shadow that's hard to fill.


@ Mystech1: I'm very happy the ETL was reason for you to return to painitng. :) What's the story with your Marshal? How come you opted for a white-ish color instead of the traditional black?


ETL is not just a return to painting for me, but one of the things that pulled me back into the hobby as well. I'm just glad I managed to get back under the deadline so I can be a part of things. B) As for my Ghost-Marshal, eventually he will be Master of my Codex Chapter (Once I have more than a few scouts in it) so he is their colors (which are still partially undecided upon). For the moment my fluff has him undergoing joint leadership training with my namesake Marshal while my Crusade and Chapter build from scratch.


++Fires Plasma Pistol at Brother Darklight++




Well maybe if you'd stop shooting at me!! Plasma hurts! :P


Pssshh... you have a Rosarius, and it's not like plasma causes instant death or anything. hehehe :P


@Mystech1: I like the visuals on those HQs!! That Champion is great! Well done. Captain Semper is just curious about the white Marshal because he's planing to kidnap more Templar... He probably doesn't have many in white armour in his 'collection'.


I'm watching you, Dark Angel! ;)


Thanks! Building the models themselves is probably my favorite part of the hobby. I'd almost rather build than play, or paint. ^_^


yes... yes... keep watching him... keep his attention on you.... maybe he won't notice all the Dark Angel parts used in the creation of my models... or the Ravenwing box I have my eye on... yes... yes... focus on the bright, shiny, innocent looking Ghost-Marshal... you won't miss that Veteran Squad... these are not the Templars you are looking for... move along... move along... :)

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Fourth Vow Complete:

a Marshall with terminator armour, power weapon, storm shield and iron halo with a terminator command squad of four with two cyclone missile launchers,crusader seals and a storm shield




Fifth Vow:


“I redmapa answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete One Venerable dreadnaught with Twinlinked Lascannon and Heavy Flamer from Codex: Black Templars of value 155pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

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@redmapa: That is a very clever use of the Typhoon missile launchers. I never would have thought of that.


Mind if I borrow the idea sometime?


Bravo on completing your vow. We are so close!



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Sure go ahead I personally will use many ideas that I've seen in here because theyre just great, but they are not typhoon missile launchers, theyre sentinel missile launchers, actually copies because I only have one the rest I copied it using instant mold and something called parsecs..not the best result but if painted can work...
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Thank you for the comments on both my vindicator and Marshal brothers.


Mystech, I love the poses of your command squad. I get the feeling that they have a very "hands on" on style of leadership :P


@honda, Im glad the dozer blades weathering has been so well recieved. This was actaully my first ever attempt at applying damage to a templar.


Please forgive me as im kind of in an awkward transition stage where half of my paints are the old range and half are the new range. Im sorry if the names get a little confusing.


-First I dry brushed the the model with codex grey scuffing it up a bit.

-The entire surface was then given a wash of nuln oil/badab black to blend it back in a bit

-leadbelcher/boltgun metal was then lightly scraped on with a fairly ragged dry brush to give some thin scratch marks.

-Next I applied some blotches using scorched brown focusing mainly on exposed edges where I could (difficult with a big flat surface like a dozer blade). I found that irregular shaped blotches worked the best.

-Next apply a dab of leadbelcher in the centre of some of the blotches (apply to damage that you want to look fresher, leave some as just brown to look like older battle damage).

-Now highlight the underside of each scrape. Dont highlight all the way around, focus on the underside of the damage. I used mechanicus standard grey. Things will look very vivid and scary right now, but stick with it.

-Next wash the entire surface with devlan mud to dull the panel down again

-once that is dry, wash only the scraped areas with badab black to dull down the inner metal areas further


Sorry if my description is a bit confusing. I remain somewhat sleep deprived. If you have any questions, Ill do my best to be more concise when I'm a bit more well rested :D

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And now for my latest vow, I know I am slamming through these, but I swear vacation just gives me so much time to paint, it is awesome, so my newest vow was Marshal with master crafted power weapon, plasma pistol, and artificer armour for a total of 145 points.


I am going to hold off for now on a 9th vow, I am out of reasonable vows for the time being, but if I can manage another single model HQ I will see what I can do.

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@MV The only transports I have for my Crusade right now are Drop Pods, so yes... "Hands on" sums it up. :D


Second Vow Complete!


Terminator Marshal before: No that's not a scope on the Power Fist. It's TWO scopes of Master Crafty-ness on the Power Fist!! :P



Terminator Command Squad before:



Terminator Marshal after:



Terminator Command Squad after:



These guys are fairly bland, but the older Terminator models are pretty stiff, And the Marshal is a promo from an old WD (AoBR release I think, he's been collecting dust for ages) so he's not entirely poseable either. :D


Third Vow:

“I Mystech1 answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Master of Sanctity w/ Artificer Armor, Terminator Honors, Jump Pack, Bionics, Holy Orb of Antioch, Master Crafted Crozius and Master Crafted Power Fist from Codex: Black Templars of total value 235pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


Hoping this guy turns out as good as my other HQ's. :)

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OK guys, tables updated to this point.


A word of warning though: If you vow for things like artificer armour, holy orbs and grenades, master crafted stuff etc I want to see them on the minis. Plain black armour is not artificer armour in my eyes.




EDIT: Also guys, given the amount of vows and completions I would like to ask you to check the front page tables and make sure you're happy with them. If not let me know where the discrepancy is and I'll set the record straight. I would like to avoid last minute drama as much as possible!

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Second vow declaration!!!


"I Shades93 answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Master of Sanctity w/ Artificer Armor, Terminator Honors, Master Crafted Crozius and Master Crafted Plasma pistol: And a Marshall with artificer armour, master crafted power fist, storm shield and terminator honours from Codex: Black Templars of total value 355pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end"


May the emperor bless my brushes!



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Fourth vow time.

I, Brother Ulkesh, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Crusader Squad of five initiates (with Frag & krak grenades, Flamer and Plasma Cannon) from Codex: Black Templars of total value 121pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end



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I have completed my fourth vow for E Tenebrae Lux and am providing proof of my deed below:





More images of the Spartan can be found in my Crusade Thread here


Without further ado: "I, Marshal Reinhard, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Techmarine with servo-harness, storm-bolter and Terminator honours from Codex: Black Templars of total value 125 pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end."


Before picture:



I trust my somewhat unorthodox rendition of a tech marine won't pose a problem, same as with my Emperors Champion before, whilst simoultaneously not leaving a shadow of a doubt that he has Terminator honours for WYSIWYG.


Your Honour is Your Life, Let None Dispute it!


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OK guys, everything updated to this point.


@ Brother Ulkesh: I just realised that I had classified you both as "Brother Ulkesh" in some tables (i.e. you'd find your name close to the top along with the "Bs") and "Ulkesh" in some other (i.e. you'd find your name close to the bottom with the "Us"). I have addressed that so now you are "Brother Ulkesh" and you'll find your name towards the top of the tabels... Unfortunately (because I'm an idiot) I forgot to fix your name in the first table - so in the first table you are "Ulkesh" but in the position of where "Brother Ulkesh" should be (i.e. close to the top). I can't be bothered to change it now - it will be corrected the next time I update the first post for whatever reason... Sorry about the mix up.


@ Reinhard: Damn I wish I could see the Spartan! (am at work and some pictures are blocked). Will do once I'm at home... Damn. :(

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<to quote my oldest son> "That Spartan is ripped!"


Bravo Reinhard! That is an awesome piece of awesomeness! I will still tackle a Caestus first, but you have certainly turned my eye towards the Spartan.


Well done Brothers!

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Brothers, these completions...


I'm going to have to argue for several of you to be Emperor's Champion, as your painting quality is nothing short of a vision from the Emperor!


An update on my situation: Some (most?) of you know Real Life has intervened with my ETL vow and is currently prohibiting me from finishing my latest vow to completion until the 9th at least.


However, 3/5 Terminators I vowed are already basecoated and being worked on currently. They should be done tomorrow morning. I will not fail in my vow to you.

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I WANT A SPARTAN!!! More to the point I want to convert Marneus to a Belial! Excellent work Reinhard - just top notch... BTW is this a Tartaros I'm detecting under the Tech stuff? It just proves my point that they look more than an advanced power armour rather than true TDA... Good luck Reinhard - suffice to say I look fwd to see this guy complete...


@ Brother Ulkesh: problem fixed!


@ Brother Captain Sicarious: Looks great - don't worry about the eyes, use your expirience for next time!


Tables updated to this point.

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@Brother Captain Sicarius: And here I was thinking he was saying something liike, "Like Whoa! I really dig Reinhard's Spartan!"
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