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The Ginger Avenger speaks truth. The difference between honored selves and the heretical dogs of Horus' spawn is but a mere five 1000 point vows. Easily accomplishable by anyone who has been working their vow towards an end date completion.


We must remain vigilant. We must continue to draw swords against all who would stand before the sons of Dorn in defiance!


Remember, measured strokes of the sword. Leave the wild swings and uncontrolled hacking to the exhausted dogs of Russ and their heretical kindred.


We step boldly, confidently, with great assurance. This crusade is our!


Onwards Brothers! TEMPLARS UNITE!


Our competition will fall due to the strokes of my brush rather than the strokes of my sword :)

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I declare vow completion!!!


Finally, i have internet connection and can upload my photos.

I apologise for the apalling quality of the photos, I only have a phone camera :)


My ETL album


Sorry I don't know how to ulpoad photos properly, i'm new to this :P




*edited to include vow completion declaration

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@ Shades93: I assume you declare completion? If so please edit the above post to clearly state so. I have updated your status to COMPLETE but I need confirmation.


@ Gunrunr: Your new vow is in! Good luck!

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First vow, if it's not too late:

I, Krikey, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Caestus Assault Ram from Codex: Black Templars (Forge World unit) of total value 285 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.

The Caestus will bear a full loadout of missile battery, teleport homer, and frag assault launchers.


(I should have made a vow before now, but I've put in my notice at work -- tomorrow is actually my last day. Working a chaotic schedule, I didn't want to make a vow until I knew I would have time to complete a unit. I have until school starts on 14AUG to get this done, so if it's allowed, I may make another vow after this one is complete.)


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Brothers! I return, yet again, from the clutches of Real Life


I've been a little behind with my painting, my dad just had a liver transplant friday night and so I've been a little... distracted, let's say. All is well now, I can finally get back to painting!! I shall not fail you, my Brothers!

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@ Krikey: sorry mate - too late for a first vow... The deadline was June 15th (ETL runs since May 15th) so now only those that submitted a vow by June 15 could vow again. You can however use the deadlines of the ETL as motivation to complete this very promising Caestus. It will be an out-of-competition entry (i.e. you will not add the points to the BTs total) but you can share the experience.


@ Brother Darklight: I wish for a speedy recovery for your father - sounds like he underwent a very delicate operation. Good to hear that everything turned out well. Real life takes precedence to the hobby but having said that I really wish you complete in time - too much work will be written-off otherwise. Good luck mate! ;)

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@Krikey: I would LOVE (like seriously LOVE) to see you finish the Caestus. I still go back to your thread for inspiration and to be amazed at your painting style. Seriously. There are others who missed the initial deadline for committing vows, yet they are working on their commitments just the same. You are our brother. You are a part of this team.


We REALLY need a Caestus in our Crusade. ;)


@Brother Darklight: I would like to echo Captain Sempers sentiments. Family comes first. I am happy that your father was able to get a liver transplant as that can be a significant obstacle, but now is the "wait and see how things work" phase and it is just as important.


If you do have down time, it can be beneficial to direct your thoughts towards something tangible that you can control. We know that you will make the best decisions for your situation. Know that we support you regardless.


Onwards Brothers, we are not done. No one gets left behind. We will cross the finish line together!



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@ Krikey: sorry mate - too late for a first vow... The deadline was June 15th (ETL runs since May 15th) so now only those that submitted a vow by June 15 could vow again. You can however use the deadlines of the ETL as motivation to complete this very promising Caestus. It will be an out-of-competition entry (i.e. you will not add the points to the BTs total) but you can share the experience.


That's no problem at all. Thanks!


@Krikey: I would LOVE (like seriously LOVE) to see you finish the Caestus. I still go back to your thread for inspiration and to be amazed at your painting style. Seriously. There are others who missed the initial deadline for committing vows, yet they are working on their commitments just the same. You are our brother. You are a part of this team.


Thanks, Honda! Don't worry -- I'll finish it. Non-scoring units are still important to the battle. ;)



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Beutiful... just beutiful! Congrats Brother Ulkesh for delivering such a high quality model and for completing your second vow. No matter how you want to progress from here, keep in mind the relatively small time you might have. Be conservative... :cuss

Many thanks for the kind words, Captain. I get what you mean about being conservative, so here's vow three...

I, Brother Ulkesh, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Land Speeder Typhoon from Codex: Black Templar of total value 70 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templar Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.



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Sweet looking dread there psykic_scribe. The banner turned out very nice. What did you use for the background color?


BTW, some of the Brothers may pay you a visit regarding your userid. B)



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Brothers, I am regrettably not going to finish my 6th(?) vow until the last minute. Real Life, rat bastard it is, has banned me from purchasing needed materials until August 9th. I will be able to complete 2/5 of my vow before then.
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That is grave news civsmitty. It'd be nothing short of a tragedy if your final vow invalidated all your previous awesome work. Sucks when real life decides to kick you in the frag grenades doesn't it?


come the 9th, take the phone off the hook, leave a few bowls of food out for the cat, stockpile energy drinks, lock the door and then crusade your fingers to the bone brother.


With Zeal and fury you'll conquer any challenge

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Brothers, I am regrettably not going to finish my 6th(?) vow until the last minute. Real Life, rat bastard it is, has banned me from purchasing needed materials until August 9th. I will be able to complete 2/5 of my vow before then.


Is there anything we can do to help? What are you lacking for your vow?

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@ Brother Ulkesh: Your new vow is in. Good luck!


@ Psychic_scribe: Wow - this is a Venerable Dread if there ever was one! :D Well done mate!


@ Civsmitty: sorry to hear about this development. But I'm sure you will overcome! A lot is at stake here! :cuss No, not really... But I sure hope you'll be able to finish!


@ Confessor Turpin: Thank you for providing us with pictures of your great work! Truly amazing stuff there... Keep 'em coming! :D




Tables updated to this point.

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vow copleted




the light from outside is screwing a bit with the pic, but then again, i only have my phones camera, so it would never be optimal anyway :D


as life has taken my time unexpected for a long time now, i expect it to do so again, and i therefore do not intend to make a new vow for now :) (as i already expect to have lots of things i need to do)


P.S. there is a little easter egg as you might have noticed :)

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Seconding Brother Richard's comments. I really like the red PF as a contrast. I will have to work that into one of my crusader squads. Excellent idea.



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