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Eighth Vow Complete









Pictures and paint job aren't the greatest, but It's been many hours assembling and painting. After basecoating this plus my next vow, I'm also completely out of black paint, ETL has cost me 2 spray cans and 3 pots, so this and the next will need a few black touchups another day. :lol: I've got a few hours before work, but want to finish by achieving my goal so...


Ninth and Final Vow:


“I Mystech1 answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete the MkI version of my namesake Marshal w/ Iron Halo, Artificer Armor, Teleport Homer, Terminator Honors, Bolt Pistol and Master Crafted Plasma Pistol accompanied by a 6 man Command Squad w/ 2x Lascannons and Srgt w/ Terminator Honors and Bionics; all models with Crusader Seals from Codex: Black Templars of total value 374pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


Thankfully all models are now assembled and basecoated so should only take me the few hours before work to complete. No sleep for the righteous my friends! :D

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Well that didn't take as long as I thought, granted it helped the Marshal was about half painted already, and I pretty much just zoned in trying to stay awake. Had originally planned on including him in vows last week, but decided to add a few customizations to him and make him my final Vow. Can't find my original before pic, so used the one I took after his upgrades. :lol:


Ninth and Final Vow Complete!



It's the squad on the left, didn't think I would have time to finish the extra Crusade Squad I had originally planned for so left them out.


Marshal mid upgrade.








Running late for work, but I'll add a group photo and list of all my Vows later tonight.

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Mystech, I know the feeling - work has severely interfered with my painting schedule. But fear not, brothers, I'm nearly done. Five shoulder pads need the finishing touches, then I just need to do the bases and I'm done. I finish work at 5:30 so that should give me plenty of time. I say "should" because I'm planning something a little special with the bases, but don't know if I'll have time for that. At the very least, though, they'll have standard bases like the rest of my guys...
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My vow finally complete:









Smirnov, I just did my own Emperor's Champion and the only thing I didn't like about it was the way my Black Swords handle came out. Yours is perfect. Yours is what I was shooting for but I came up short. Maybe I'll go back and try to touch it up using yours as a guide. Those fine highlights on the leather straps on the handle make all the difference in the world. Great job.

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Well, only 1 vow for me, it's now midnight, and I really want to go to bed, but I'm done! My first ever try at painting miniatures :lol: I know they're not very good compared to all the great work in this thread, but I have to post these photos or I let down my battle brothers, and we can't have that :)






Now I'm going to bed! :) But I'm finally bloody finished, yay!

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Trask, great work brother. Your off to a great start. Try some brown ink on the talbards and let it pool up in the deep areas and watch that cloth come to life. Then just highlight the high areas with white and see what a difference that makes.
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thats a kick ass chaplain : )


4:20 hours left? enough time to finish my vow and another one!


Thank you captain semper for such a great challenge, you and all the templars in this thread have encouraged me to paint all my models which is something that I should've done a long time ago, thank you all for your efforts and amazing models.

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Vow Completed!


One to go:

“I DarkScipio answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Sword brother command squad from Codex: Black Templars of total value 257 on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to us and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


4 Kommandotrupp Terminatoren

- 2 x Cyclone-Raketenwerfer

+ Upgrade zum Sergeant

- 1 x Energiewaffe

- 1 x Energiehammer

- Auspex

- Meisterhafte Waffe

- - - > 257 Punkte

no time for translation, comes later.

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Ninth Vow Complete:


Marshall with a Holy orb of antioch, artificer armour,bolt pistol,iron halo and master crafted plasma pistol from Codex: Black Templars of total value 166points





My final vow, I wont be doing a tenth one even though I could because I want to spend more time in painting my land raiders then just a couple of hours..Thank you captain semper, again, for challenging us.


btw the holy orb is in his belt, the golden ball on his side..

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Vow completed!

I cant say how satisfied I am with myself. Not because they look great, but I think they look decent for that speed job. However they were already primed and had white pads for a couple of weeks since I posted the before pictures. However I didnt find the time to swap the other bases, costs too much time.



and now the question of all. Can I paint a Landspeeder (primed) in less then 30 min.?

“I DarkScipio answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Landspeeder Typhoon from Codex: Black Templars of total value 70 on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to us and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”



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Sheesh, someone is gunning for the "vow completed closest to the closing time" award! ;)


Good luck brother! You're productivity (and should I say temerity?) are impressive!


Captain Semper: Do you plan on "awards" like "most vows/time" (ex.: 5 vows in 22 hours, compared to 10 over the duration of the ETL) or "most points/time"? (ex.: 2k in 3 weeks, compared to 4k in 2 months). It would be a bit tedious to calculate and require vowing and completion date/times but it would be very interesting to see!

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and now the question of all. Can I paint a Landspeeder (primed) in less then 30 min.?


“I DarkScipio answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Landspeeder Typhoon from Codex: Black Templars of total value 70 on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to us and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


By the Throne... and people think I'm crazy!

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Sheesh, someone is gunning for the "vow completed closest to the closing time" award! :woot:


Good luck brother! You're productivity (and should I say temerity?) are impressive!


Captain Semper: Do you plan on "awards" like "most vows/time" (ex.: 5 vows in 22 hours, compared to 10 over the duration of the ETL) or "most points/time"? (ex.: 2k in 3 weeks, compared to 4k in 2 months). It would be a bit tedious to calculate and require vowing and completion date/times but it would be very interesting to see!


Not happening. ;)


Hey Dark Scipio, how's my German? ;)

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