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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Vow complete.




O Brother, Where Art Thou?


We need all hands on deck! Our Chapter is sinking! :cry:


I'm weighing my chances with one more vow. I'll let you know later.

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Congratulations for completing your 8th vow Taranis! Only you and a Black Templar have managed such a feat.


But now brother, I beleive you must stand down. You know you can't win this on your own - now it's up to the Angels of Blood to come to your support - not for you to jeopardize your work so far. Heed my word Blood Angel and rest!

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I actually thought I had until the end of te month to complete this but looking at the first page its only the 15th? :ermm:


I have been unable to paint anything thanks to the hiatus coming from my new job :down: got (mostly) under control now though and got all my painting and hobby supplies ready to go as well as the models ready. So tomorrow il FINALY be able to start this! yay! -_-

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I've been super lax on my Vow, despite pledging 1k pts. Have 3 days off work this week to recharge the batteries, and provided my other half doesn't keep me busy i'll have something to show by the weekend.


So far one Baal and the Reclusiarch are done (got distracted and finished my original HQ choice of liberarian too, off-vow), ASM are part complete, but again i'm getting distracted and have part completed 10 DC.

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Am on track to complete my first and second stage vows tomorrow. Sang guard, sanguinor, stormraven, ras and drop pod almost finished...


erm... I have you down for a sanguinor and sang guard (still no solid declaration of points or load-outs) but I know nothing of the rest... Remember you have to finish your first vow before making another one, and you should not start on a vow before you make it official. Have I missed something?

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Im on track to complete my vow, maybe one pic or two when get home from work, also congratulations for completing your 8th vow Taranis!

Thanks a lot. It's great to hear of progress. I'm a bit worried about our final position in this competition. If we make it into the the top half I'm a happy Angel. :P

Last of all has me considering burying myself in sand and only emerge when I'm dead sure I'm mightier than Mephiston. B)

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Progress on the Sang Guard!


Only the 10 man assult squad and 5 man melta honor guard left! (also the 2 remaining sang guards)

They look awesome. Especially the banner.

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So Week 12 has drawn to an end. With almost 110k worth of completed points and an increased completion rate of 48.1% vs. 42.5 last week the ETL is now set for its final week! Week 11 was a fairly busy one with more some 15.8k pts completed in total and a sizeable 8.6k pts of new vows added still! This raises the total amount of points pledged in the ETL to an astounding 228k pts! Now this is the last week. THE LAST WEEK. Wrap it up guys – do not do anything to jeopardize your existing work and those that have still outstanding vows (especially those that are in their second or subsequent vow) focus of completing to preserve all your previous effort!


-This is the last weekly update. I will however keep updating the tables until the event’s official conclusion. On August 15th @ 22:00 GMT is the official end of the ETL. Please, PLEASE do not let things run to the last minute if possible. Missing the deadline for a minute will be a big let down and could leave a bitter taste to the participant in question – which will be a pity. Make no mistake I will enforce a strict deadline on the event. Completions reported at 22:01 GMT WILL NOT COUNT. In case of doubt the clock that matters is the B&C clock set to GMT time. (Remember GMT time does not change from winter to summer time so even London has an hour difference to GMT during the summer months).

-Check out the tables to ensure your vows/completions are recorded correctly. I’m willing to examine any objections but that has to be done no later than August 16th. So any objections that have not been voiced by then (the next day of the ETL’s completion) WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT! Needless to say, the earliest one raises an objection the sooner the final report will get out. Which brings us nicely to…

-THE FINAL REPORT!!! This is going to be full of data about the event as a whole, each forum’s performance and of course detailed lists of those that completed or failed to complete their vows. The “Victory Banners” will also be presented and the participants will be able to don the appropriate banner that will also represent the number of their completions.

-For those that failed to fulfill a vow, even if it was the last in a series of successful completions, you should wear the Badge of Shame until year-end (or more if you feel the penitence period should be extended). So behold the Badge of Shame:


So now for the usual update for Week 12 in more detail:

Black Templars 127 48,573 382 28,215 58%
Blood Angels 65 31,973 492 11,451 36%
Dark Angels 97 45,152 465 17,680 39%
Codex Space Marines 58 34,082 588 11,195 33%
Space Wolves 56 36,592 653 20,416 56%
Chaos 60 25,794 430 15,955 62%
Ordos Inquisition 23 6,226 271 4,938 79%
Total 486 228,392 470 109,850 48%
Index Astartes 31 16,695 539 8,355 50%
Liber Astartes 15 9,818 655 1,695 17%
Ultramarines 12 7,569 631 1,145 15%


The Dark Angels managed to complete a 1.3k pts but the sad truth is that’s nowhere near enough... They are now in third position with a clear distance not only from the Templars but also the Wolves that are now clearly second. The only thing that can change that, is if the big guns appear. The DAs have a lack (comparably speaking) of the super-vow completions (i.e. vows above 1k pts). Unless these guys show up I can’t see the situation reversing... Let’s face it 38% completion rate in a 50%+ world is just not enough!

The Wolves had their best week todate – even better than Week 11! With 5k pts worth of completions they are now north of 20k in total and firmly second with a clear distance of 2.7k from the Dark Angels. However they are still some 7.8k behind the Templars. This means that not only they need to complete their sizeable new vows (at 2.7k they still added less than the Templars this week) but most importantly get those that have yet to complete their first vows mobilized! Unless they give everything they have (first and subsequent vows) they will not be able to challenge the Templars for top position. All in all Week 12 can be called the Week of the Wolf! Congratulations guys – I have the feeling that more is yet to come!

Blood Angels seem to get some mobilization late in the game. Still they may manage to end better than the Codex forums – especially as interest in the last days seems to be resurfacing. They have completed 1.6pts this week which, although not spectacular, is better than the DAs for example. Again the main objective here should be to get first vows completed rather than risk the pts of those that already have completions in their records. This is it guys – the last week. Make every point count!

Black Templars have not relaxed a single bit – and rightly so it seems, Wolves with the that close behind you. The Templars had the most completions this week exceeding 5.2k pts. With their completion rate approaching 60% and adding the most new vows even in the 11th hour they have a momentum unmatched by any other forum. As the final week starts it seems they are the favorites to win this – and rightly so. They continued delivering sizeable completions throughout the ETL now, it seems, it’s time to collect! Or is it?

Codex Forums seem to be completely out of steam. Despite some declarations of progress no solid results have been coming their way. Although the painting quality is generally of very high standard it seems their completion rate is currently the worse. So is the last position what you guys are shooting for? Because that’s where you’ll be come the 15th UNLESS you start delivering some results. All three sub-forums of your faction had a very silent week, with the UMs saving some of the honor with an, admittedly beautiful, but small vow points-wise. This is the time to rise again and give your rivals a nasty surprise – a last hurrah!

Chaos is fighting the long war here and with more success than Abbadon may I add! They are 4th but with a completion rate of above 60% they can be really proud of themselves! More importantly they are only 1.7k pts behind the DAs! Hmmm… How’s that for a challenge? Regardless the Chaos faction is in a really good shape with some committed individuals still very much in the game – let’s see how this palys out! Remember, if you paint the points, you will win – as simple as that!

Ordos Inquisition have a completion rate of 79%. CAN YOU MAKE IT 80%? This would be an awesome way to show to all who’s the most committed forum!!!

So until the FINAL REPORT, farewell and good luck to all!
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And this completes my second vow. Considering the stuff I have going on this week, there will not be a third vow.

Tycho's 175 points brings my total to 630 points completed.



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Vow 1 (and maybe 2 if Captain Semper forgives a proceedural balls-up of mine) completed.

total pts: 475 for vow part 1, adidtional 415 if I am allowed to include the other bits (that I did list back in June)

explanatory for my errors in the WIP thread which will decend into the depths soon:

my WIP

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OK, first table updated for JamesI and Leonaidas completions (fixed it for ya! :P )


Congratulations guys - you appear to be clearly ahead of the Codex foums for now, but can you threaten Chaos? They are some 3.5k pts ahead (but also have some hwfty vows pending completion - so you'd better hurry)!

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Just finished my vow. Final pics are here. I believe my vow is wrong as on the table it doesn't have my LasPlas Turret. I know it's only 35 points, but we need all the help we can get! When is the absolute last minute I can complete a vow? Thinking of doing another vow to get my Stormraven finished.
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Ok, I'm updating the table assuming your total to be 480 (including las-plas).


Are you claiming points just for the upgrade or are you claiming points for three Baals with only two chassis? What I'm saying is that you cannot claim points for alternate load-outs - you have to choose a configuration and vow for it. So:


2 Baals one with TL Ass Cannons, one Flame storm Cannon = fine

2 rhino chassis with three turrets claiming points for three Baals ≠ fine


Please clarify (as it happens I'm on holidays and do not have access to my codex).


The deadline to report completions is August 15th @ 22:00 GMT (according to B&C clock). Please be very confident before you commit at this stage. I also suggest you have a brief look and the "very important stuff" section of my last weekly update in post 312 in this thread. Time is running out - better play safe! :P

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Great stuff there guys. :lol:

@ The Harrower. The second vow would be most welcome, but only if it gets completed! I have faith in you.


Everything counts !




“I Taranis answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete jump Reclusiarch and Astorath, redeemer of the lost from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 375 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to our lord Sanguinius, the Blood Angels and all our Brothers participating in this contest. Failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


When Astorath is complete I only lack terminator Reclusiarch/librarian to have painted all our Hq's. :D


I sure hope Soups is still on track. Can't wait to se his horde of 30 assault marines. And ofc the rest of his second vow!


My new vow:



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OK Taranis - I hope you know what you're doing... :lol:


Table updated with your 9th (!) vow.


I really want to see soups' red tide but I also want to see Axira completing - too many points tied up there!

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Yeah, agreed. All is well that ends well.


On vacation again? It sure must be great being a member of the inner circle and a Captain and all....


Just kidding sir.. really.... sorry Sir!


Put down the axe, please.....! :lol:



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My assault marine boxes haven't even been shipped yet! I ordered them two weeks ago and they should be here, godammit! :) Even if they arrive on next Monday, I doubt I could finish them in two days! I HATE being late!

Sorry guys...it's not my fault, the shop I ordered it from messed up my order and now I'm sitting here with bare hands, not being able to fulfill my vow from the current POV. It sucks big :cuss .


Never have I failed a painting vow - and now as it seems the first time is on the horizon, I can't do anything to avoid this fate. I deeply apologise to those who have already finished their entries and brought honour to our Chapter, for I have brought shame upon myself. :(





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Great stuff there guys. :)

@ The Harrower. The second vow would be most welcome, but only if it gets completed! I have faith in you.


Everything counts !




“I Taranis answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete jump Reclusiarch and Astorath, redeemer of the lost from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 375 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to our lord Sanguinius, the Blood Angels and all our Brothers participating in this contest. Failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


When Astorath is complete I only lack terminator Reclusiarch/librarian to have painted all our Hq's. :cuss


I sure hope Soups is still on track. Can't wait to se his horde of 30 assault marines. And ofc the rest of his second vow!


My new vow:




I salute you, sir! Not many hours untill Both My sang guard and 10 man ASS squad is complete

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@Snorri: I'm sad to hear that.. It seems to me that the delivery is late by any standards... It may warrant a complaint to the shop you're buying from. All I have to say is that I share your frustration! Good news is, the Badge of Shame is only until year end! :cuss


@ Axira: good to see you're on track for completing your hefty oath! Good luck!


@ Taranis: it is actually a Power Maul called Lux ex Tenebris and I would have brought it down on you if I haven't forgotten it home before I left for holidays. Again! :)

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I salute you, sir! Not many hours untill Both My sang guard and 10 man ASS squad is complete

Thank you, kind sir. And I return the honour. It's a massive vow you are working on. Good to hear of your progress.


@ Snorri. That's bad news. I too have models waiting. I didn't dare vow them. I'm guessing wildly, but did you also order a terminator librarian? :)

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