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I Darklighter answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Vanguard veteran squad from Codex: Blood Angels for a total value of 225 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to [insert Chapter/Legion/Warband] and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.



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@ Abraxes: Looks good - a tidy painting station too... You don't wanna know what my wife did to my painitng corner when she got sick of seeing a mountain of spues sitting on a mountain of paint pots with some brushes in between and the odd half finished minis... Dark Gothic story... ;)


@ Brother Nathan: Thx for that - your vow is now updated.


@ Darklighter: Welcome to the ETL! Some cool minis there (old DC - no?) - look fwd to see some paint on them - good luck! ;) The table is updated with your vow!

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I Glendor answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a five man sternguard squad with a combi-melta and sergeant with a power fist, rhino, dreadnought with a multimelta, and a Librarian from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 410 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end
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Long-time Lurker, first-time poster. Figured this was the right time to show some BA love so here goes:


I Panda of Sandwich answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one 5-man Devastator Squad with 4 Missile Launchers, two 10-man Assault Squads both with 2 meltaguns and a powerfist, and two Sanguinary Priests both with powerweapons, one with a jump-pack from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 755 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


If time permits, I may have another vow but I noticed the submission period ends on the 15th; so to clarify, does this mean that if I finish this batch on June the 16th will it be the only vow I can pledge and cannot be modified? (I've got some Assault Termies coming in the mail...)

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That's great guys - keep new vows coming in! Blood Angels are now third overall both in terms of points pledged and number of participants! You have entered the above 20k club along with the DAs and the Codex forums but still having some ground to cover in order to be a serious threat to the other two!


Welcome to the ETL Glendor and PandaSandwich! Oh and Panda? Welcome to B&C too! Good luck guys. :pinch:




@ PandSandwich: sorry - just saw the question there. Here's how it works:


The submission period for the first vow ends on June 15th. Now that you've made your vow you are in. This means you can place a second vow ONCE you finish your previous one (and then a third and fourth and so on) at any time until the end of the ETL on August 15th. Effectively the June 15th deadline is for new comers. No new entrants will be allowed after the 15th. But those that have entered already are free to vow and vow again until mid August when the ETL expires (provided they finished their previous vows). Be careful though: If you do not finish a vow then ALL the previous ones are nullified. They count for nothing. So be extra sure before you vow again - the stakes rise steeply! :)


If you have any more questions feel free to ask here or PM me.

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Long-time Lurker, first-time poster. Figured this was the right time to show some BA love so here goes:

Welcome Brother. This is the best part: New Brothers joining in. -_-

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Long-time Lurker, first-time poster. Figured this was the right time to show some BA love so here goes:

Welcome to the B+C and thanks for joining us in the challenge!

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I Matt6.1 answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete the sanguinor, razorback, furioso dread Codex: blood angels of total value 490 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to BA and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”
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Welcome to the ETL and the B&C Matt6.1! Your vow is in - Good luck!


Now the BAs are making progress and are just one (new) vow away from a total of 40! Still behind the Codex and of course DAs but very much in the game! So continue to add new vows until Friday (the deadline for new participants) and you'll be one of the major contestants for victory! But you need more still...

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I Matt6.1 answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete the sanguinor, razorback, furioso dread Codex: blood angels of total value 490 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to BA and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

Well done, Brother. Welcome to the Chapter forum and the ETL. Any questions, just ask. :)

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Hey Semper, would you mind modifying my vow? The conversion bug hit me last night while I was working on the DC =D


I, Witty, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Sanguinary Priest with jump pack, one 10-man JP Assault Squad with PF/2x flamer, one 5-man JP Assault Squad with a meltagun, 5 Death Company with 2x power weapons, a thunder hammer, and jump packs, one Razorback with TLHF for my tactical squad, and one Baal Predator with TLAC/HB sponsons from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 840pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to Guilliman's Favoured and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.

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So now with the 4th Week of the E TENEBRAE LUX behind us we are approaching the crucial point of June 15th. From then onwards no NEW entrants will be allowed. The teams in each forum will be set. No reinforcements will be forthcoming and the brave warriors that took the oath will be on their own until the end on August 15th. So to those of you that are hanging on the balance, make a step forward, reveal yourselves, make the vow and support your brothers that have already committed in this Challenge! Only a few days left… Come Friday the doors will be closed – never to open up again!!!

Another thing to take into account is that no modifications or changes of any kind on existing vows will be allowed after June 15th, no withdrawals and no changing of sides. Those that are in are in for the duration of the Challenge and are liable for their vows. Failure to complete will warrant the Badge of Shame! New vows will allowed provided previous vows are declared complete.

So come Friday the situation would have crystallized, people will know who is on their team and strategies might start to form. There are the fast painters and those that have substantial stash that could add new vows at will. Those that have vast vows that will probably keep them busy to the end of Challenge in mid-August and those that can step in with quick ones to give the edge to their faction!

Also a reminder:


While the progress of each forum will be monitored individually their total completed points will be added together and this would be the amount of points other forums will have to compete against! Should they win all three forums will have the honor to carry the badge of the Champion!

So here are the 4th Week standings:

Black Templars 31 39 17,580 451
Blood Angels 39 41 21,187 517
Dark Angels 57 61 31,992 524
Codex Space Marines 43 44 26,594 618
Space Wolves 29 31 20,595 664
Chaos 30 33 12,447 377
Ordos Inquisition 12 15 4,611 307
Total 241 264 135,036 560
Index Astartes 21 22 11,752 534
Liber Astartes 11 11 7,463 678
Ultramarines 11 11 7,379 671

Please note that following the deadline of June 15th the above table will also start to show completed points per faction for easier track record. Until then the amount of completed points will be mentioned in each forum’s individual comment below:


The Dark Angels really set new standards this week adding 13(!) new vows and almost 8k points. This puts them firmly in the lead of the Challenge with some clear distance from the second. Completions are still sparse with only 755 points completed so far. However they certainly have the edge right now because the main issue until June 15th is to get new vows in. And the DAs excel in that!

The Wolves also tried to add new vows with some success (+6 on the week) and also increased their completions to 1,380pts. But in the big picture they are in dire straights. With only 29 vows the weight upon those that have committed is too heavy. Their very large vows and monstrous points/vow ratio manage to keep in the game (4th in terms of points pledged) but small vow-count will show its ugly face in the later part of the Challenge. Will they manage to increase participation before the doors close? Or will the few carry the honor of the many on their shoulders? You have enough time to get people in – but you need to move fast. If you manage to get just 10 more people in combined with your legendary high point vows victory will be within your grasp!

Blood Angels are currently among the favorites. Plain and simple. Only third in vows and points and fairly close to the second place they are very well positioned to jump forward as the Challenge gradually matures… But be careful – if you do not maintain a flow of new participants it’ll be very easy to run out of steam come July and then it’ll be almost impossible to reverse the situation. You really need to add as many new entrants as possible before Friday’s deadline so you’ll get more options later on! The BAs managed to complete 1,920 pts so far.

Black Templars have managed to reach 31 participants in total (+5 on the week) but are now in a challenging position. Unless they bring in reinforcements in the form of new vows (at least 10 more), they’ll have to significantly raise their points/vow ratio to above Wolf levels – and that is saying something. Then again accepting challenges is what the BTs do for a living so maybe that’s for the best. :lol: But seriously the more new vows you bring in your chances increase exponentially! Focus on new recruits while there is still time and leave completions for later! On the positive side, the BTs currently sport the highest amount of completions at 2,260pts

Codex Forums continue their proud trajectory to the top! They have the second highest amount of participants, the second highest amount of new additions and the second highest amount of pledged points. They appear to be are doing alright on all fronts, but will it be enough? There is only one Champion and the second best is as good as last! Also the BAs are closing in aggressively so there is certainly no comfort in their position. The last few days may prove enough to topple them from second place unless they secure it by maintaining momentum in terms of new additions. Keep the engines running guys! The only completions so far is 220pts, but at this stage this is of fairly low importance. This week Index Astartes retained the largest contribution to the combined effort with 44% of total points pledged with the other two forums equally contributing 28% each.

Chaos stepped-up its effort in line with the SWs and the BTs retaining similar levels of vows. In terms of points however they are significantly behind, a phenomenon that is attributed to the expectation of the rumored new Chaos Codex. However, if this proves to be false, you guys will be missing out on the opportunity to support the Dark Gods in this challenge for no reason… If on the other hand it proves correct and you have not committed by Friday you will again miss the opportunity to participate – only this time you’ll probably have new fancy minis and huge appetite to start new projects. So play safe, join the ETL with small vows if this is how you feel and you get the option to raise the stakes later! If you’re not in by Friday, you are not in at all! Chaos had some completions already as well to a total of 1,601 pts.

Ordos Inquisition added another participant this week and another renewed vow. Their total completions are a 693pts and they stand defiant in the face of the First Legion! They follow their lonely path to the Emperor’s light and woe to those that will stand in their way! Keep walking guys – you’re making all of us proud! :(

The Mechanicum remains silent.

So the 4th week is over… The total participation has been breathtaking so far and more is yet to happen! Overall there are 241 participants having pledged almost 135k points so far! This is fantastic and very promising for the later parts of the Challenge where competition is expected to climb steeply!!! :P

As we approach the deadline I would appreciate if all participants check that their vows are correctly entered and make sure they make any final adjustments. Recall that after the 15th NO CHANGES IN THE VOWS WILL BE ALLOWED. One can always make new vows ONCE the previous ones are declared complete but no change in the vows will be allowed once it is submitted.


Good luck to all!
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I would like to add on to my vow. Here's the original with modification for my additions:


I, Bradley Powers, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought; 1 Captain with Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield and Jump Pack; 1 Captain with Dual Lightning Claws and Jump Pack; 1 Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack and Power Weapon; and 1 Lord Mephiston, and 7 Death Company (with Power Weapons and a Thunder Hammer) models from Codex Blood Angels and Imperial Armour Apocalypse Second Edition of total value 1,160 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


Boom goes the dynamite! I'll update my WIP thread with all the awesomeness. I just had an excellent evening assembling my Mephy, Captains, and Priest. My DC are some models I put together for a tournament that I want to paint up. As for the dreadnought, well, he's coming along quite well.

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You are really raising the stakes there Bradley! The BAs are among the favorites for sure and your super-vow is securing their position further. Just make sure you complete! :o


Vow updated! Good luck!

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Perhaps I should be more conservative but, oh screw that.


“I Poukis answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 2 Las-predators w. Dozer Blades and 1 Vindicator w. Siege Shield from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 525 on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”



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Quick question, I've got a dread convertion finished (had to before the start of this month as it was convertion painting challenge in the local GW shop) and a nice special vanguard squad too, but I have no "before" pictures cause I almost never take those. Can I still enter the challenge with those?
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Quick question, I've got a dread convertion finished (had to before the start of this month as it was convertion painting challenge in the local GW shop) and a nice special vanguard squad too, but I have no "before" pictures cause I almost never take those. Can I still enter the challenge with those?


Are the units unpainted? If so take a picture now and off you go! :)

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Sadly not, they are all finished (well the dread is completely and he's at the moment sitting in the display cabinet off the local GW as I won this months painting contest with it), the vanguards are close to finished, only need to do the bases. I never figured I could paint them and enter this event at the same time, shame on me I guess
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Anything new you can vow? The Angels of Blood could use the support... Small vow is fine. Even if you plan to buy something in say a couple of weeks, you can still vow for it now, before

Friday's deadline. Then you have all the time in the world to complete until August 15th.

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Here are the new models in my pledge, minus the Death Company and the Lightning Claw Captain.






Thunder Hammer/ Storm Shield Captain:




Sanguinary Priest:





These guys were all build last night in a frenzy of converting.


Also, here's the latest on my pledged Contemptor Dreadnought:





They're coming along. I think I'm well on my way to getting these dudes painted for August!


Keep pledging brothers, you can do it!

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Anything new you can vow? The Angels of Blood could use the support... Small vow is fine. Even if you plan to buy something in say a couple of weeks, you can still vow for it now, before

Friday's deadline. Then you have all the time in the world to complete until August 15th.


well, I do have a vindicator on the table now, only the base coat has been done so I guess I can put that in, and I allready intended to enlargen my Vanguard squad to a 10m mob so I can gangrape my oppenents HQ better (heroic int ftw) so here goes:



“I Barduck answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 Vindicator with storm bolter and dozer blade and a 5m vanguard squad with jump packs, a hand flamer and a thunder hammer from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 365 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


The vanguard squad won't be the GW vanguard mini's though but still but other GW models I feel are cooler looking and frm what I see from the squad that's finished atm, more menacing looking

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Looks good Barduck - don't forget to take the "before" pics before you start in earnest. Good luck


Now with Barduck's vow you somewhat increase your distance from the BTs to 4 vows (yes only 4) and you are 3 vows behind the Codex forums. Deadline for new entrants is this Friday, so don't think about it for too long! Take a step forward and place your vow now, the Blood Angels can win this!

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