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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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I, Abraxes, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 Vanguard Veteran Squad equipped with 5 power weapons, 5 storm shields and 5 jump packs (340 points) and 1 Reclusiarch with crozius arcanum, bolt pistol and a jump pack (155 points) from Codex: Blood Angels for a total value of 495 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bare the sign of damnation until the year end.


Captain Semper, please take note of these updated before and after shots of my reclusiarch and vanguard veterans and mark me down as vow complete. Thanks in advance brother.


It's rather fitting I think to have some kick ass reinforcements in red just in time for Canada Day.






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SPectacular stuff there Abraxes - really top notch! Stuff like that should remind people what we mean when we say the BAs are THE painting forum!!!


Your completion is updated!



So anybody else or is Abraxes just an echo of past glories? :P

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I'll be happy to update your status (though it'll have to be tomorrow) but can you give me an estimate of when you'll upload pics? Will you be able to do this in the weekend for example?
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Well, you gotta give me something... Is there any friend's computer you can use?


I'll tell you what I'll do: I'll update your first vow status to "COMPLETE" but you will not be able to vow again until you provide the pics.

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The 7th week was not as productive as the 6th. There are two main reasons for this: Firstly the 40k 6th Edition hit the shelves which meant that people focused on the new mechanics and topics like allies, power weapons, etc dominated the interest across all forums. Secondly, (and that affected Europeans mostly) we had the semi-finals and the final of the UEFA Euro-2012 – well done Spain! ;)

So, despite all that, what did happen during this week in the ETL? Well, for one thing we had 8.5k worth of completions. That is to be compared to 15k last week. Total completed points reached the 42k level and the overall completion rate climbed to 22% from 18% last week. Even more interestingly another 8.3k pts were added as follow-up vows! So virtually all completions were replenished by new vows and the dynamic appears to be ascending still!

However we are still in the difficult period (even without the distractions such as the 6th ed. or football) where first month’s enthusiasm waned and people still feel there is a lot of time to complete their vows and thus can afford to be complacent. But can they? I believe that the forum that keeps going during this period will benefit immensely and put some safe distance between them and the competition.

So here’s how things look at the end of week 7:

Black Templars 80 33,909 424 8,808 26%
Blood Angels 52 27,227 524 4,870 18%
Dark Angels 75 39,337 524 5,175 13%
Codex Space Marines 51 32,942 646 3,850 12%
Space Wolves 44 30,234 687 7,948 26%
Chaos 48 19,782 412 7,720 39%
Ordos Inquisition 19 5,591 294 3,408 61%
Total 369 189,022 512 41,779 22%
Index Astartes 26 15,900 612 3,715 23%
Liber Astartes 14 9,663 690 135 1%
Ultramarines 11 7,379 671 0 0%


The Dark Angels had a disappointing week. With only 265 points completed (vs. at least 1.1k by every other forum) they now are fourth but with considerable distance from the third... DAs do not seem to have their heart into it and the only thing that keeps them afloat is their numerical superiority, which also gradually erodes as we move further in the ETL. Their completion rate is a meager 13% vs. an average of the ETL of 22%. I don’t know what it’ll take for the DAs to get dynamically back into the game but if they carry on like that they don’t stand a chance! C’mon guys, you’ve made your commitments, now honor them -lest the Wolves and the Templars have a funny story to tell during the cold winter nights…

The Wolves keep their position as a close second with almost 8k points and an above-average completion rate of 26%. They retain their high points/vow ratio and they appear to be able to keep the pace so far by completing almost 1.6k pts on the week. This for the wolves is a race against fatigue. If they manage to carry on vowing and completing at the current rates there is nothing to deny them victory in the end. However we are still almost in the middle of this so I hope you guys have the energy to see this through! The 1.6k worth of new vows this week is a very encouraging sign.

Blood Angels recovered somewhat since last week, managing 1.3k pts worth of completions. Despite that, previous weeks’ weakness created a significant distance vs. the leading forums that requires a better-than-average performance to catch up. But their completion rate of 18% remains below average and (perhaps more importantly) the renewed vows of only 250 pts do not seem hopeful. So guys, a lot of work has to be done still for you to become a serious contender for the first place. It’s about time for your legacy to kick-in!

Black Templars are comfortable leaders of the ETL. They have a completion rate higher than the average (but not crazily so), they have completed 1.3k pts this week and have re-vowed 1.7k! This is as solid as it gets! Especially if you combine it with the fact that they have the highest number of vows by now which translates to a very manageable average vow of 424 pts. With 8.8k pts completed so far they are a good 1k points ahead of the Wolves – a large but not as yet safe distance! Still the dynamics are in their favor and unless the competition greatly accelerates on a consistent basis the BTs currently seem like the favorites to win this.

Codex Forums are going through an internal re-organization phase right now (compliments to The Yak for organizing things a bit). But the harsh reality is that there are no completions to speak of. Apart form Arizonajirt’s completions that currently stand for 90% of the entire three forums’ total little else has happened! Amazing as this is, Arizona cannot win this single-handedly… So let’s see some more completions guys – making it to the finish line with just one completed vow won’t cut it – you’ll need to vow again! You have the resources; put them in good use!

Chaos is a very interesting case. With low number of participants and relatively low average vow they still manage a very respectable third place only 200pts behind the Wolves. They added a spectacular 3k pts during the week and re-vowed 2.8k. The dynamics seem to be right and the whole performance very promising if it wasn’t for one thing: Completion Rate! In order to achieve this great performance, the Chaos faction, used-up a much greater part of their resources. With a completion rate of 39% it means that future renewals must come at even higher point values and raise the average vow to exceed the average of the ETL. Otherwise they’ll run out of vows faster than the rest… So keep that in mind when you are making new vows, you are the only forum that actually must bring your completion rate down in order to become more competitive. But as things stand now: WELL DONE!!!

Ordos Inquisition did nothing this week. This is only to be expected given their extremely high completion rate of 61%! In fact the Ordos are a more pronounced version of the Chaos forum situation. Few participants + (very) small average vow + high completion rates = out of alternatives earlier than the rest. But let’s face it; the Ordos are a special case! They should measure their success by their completion rate, and their dedication is what will carry them through. I’m willing to bet that by the end of the ETL the Ordos would have maintained the highest completion rate among all other forums! My challenge still stands: can you make 100% completion rate for your first vows?

Until the next weekly update, farewell and good luck to all!
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Vow complete. :P


And my third vow:


“I Taranis answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete Mephiston from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 250 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to our lord Sanguinius, the Blood Angels and all our Brothers participating in this contest. Failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


My documentation will be in my wip tread. Located in my signature.


A little later than expected. As requested: one Mephiston coming up! :lol:

Brothers, be strong, be efficient, be careful.

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Congratuations Taranis! Very good-looking squads there - the old style Lemartes remains an atrocious mini - but it does bring back memories! Nice dogs too! :D


Thanks to Taranis, a true hero of the Blood Angels, the BAs completion rate jumped to 20%(!) ;)


The BAs are now at par with the DAs in terms of completions at almost 5.5k points. The timing of Taranis' completion is very important as it gives the BAs some serious points and undoubtedly will raise morale. So guys you got quite a few vows between 500-1,000 pts and, well, there's already 7 weeks past, so I'd expect some completions and most importantly some re-vowing! At any rate you NEED to put some completions behind you - now (thanks to Taranis completion) it is evident that you can cover the distance - don't let it slip through your fingers...

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My 14 days summer vacation is starting today so I'm hoping to some more vows. I got started on Mephiston last night. Very good progress already. If I'm not mistaken I might be finished today. ;)


We can do this! :D

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Third vow complete. :D




Fourth vow could be Corbulo. As you can see he's standing in the background waving his arms for attention. In my WIP there is a close-up picture. Can he be vowed?


Thanks in advance.

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Yes you can vow Cobrulo. See relevant rule:


3. LEGAL ENTRIES: Each vow should be a legal unit from the chosen Codex. It can be upgraded with any legal upgrades but WYSIWYG is required. An exception is made for dedicated transports that can be entered individually as if they were standalone entries in any Codex. Furthermore Special Characters that are used as squad upgrades can also be entered individually and are worth the “upgrade” points. If in doubt of whether your vow is legal or not, feel free to raise the question (publicly or through PMs) and you will receive the ruling of the Inner Circle before you commit.


Congratulations on your completion! You are preserving the BA legacy single-handedly! ^_^

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I Sargent Josh answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 5 man assualt squad with power fist, combat shield and melta gun from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 140pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Angels of Repent and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end

For the Sanguine

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I Sargent Josh answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 5 man assualt squad with power fist, combat shield and melta gun from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 140pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Angels of Repent and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end

For the Sanguine


Sorry Sergenat - deadline for new participants was June 15th (ETL runs since May 15th). You are more than welcome to use the ETL deadline for personal motivation and show your updates in this thread (hopefully to motivate your brothers that are already in to get to work) but I'm afraid your vow can not be added to the total...


Sorry ^_^

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Too bad with the deadline, Brother. Please help us through anyway by prodding and praising us. ;)

Practice and stay sharp. Come 1 of January the Librarium Painting Challenge will be started.

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I did some work on my vow last night, and I hope to have it finished soon. After that, I'll look to see what I have left to vow, perhaps a Tycho or Seth depending (or possibly both).


Can we vow the new fortifications from the rulebook? I am definitely going to do a Aegis defense line with some BA enhancements, can I vow that after I finish my Land Raider and Land Speeder?

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@ Imperial Deceit: well done. They look great. It must have been rather difficult choosing colours to work with the alabaster/white. I think your banner is very appropriate in colour to the squad. I have yet to muster the courage for freehand art.


@ jamesI that is good news. I hope you found the Landspeeder weapons. Tycho and/or Seth sounds great for a second vow. They are high points models and with 6 ed looking very viable. ;)


“I Taranis answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete Brother Corbulo, High Priest of the Blood Angels from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 105 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to our lord Sanguinius, the Blood Angels and all our Brothers participating in this contest. Failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

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i have to admit i havent started my vow yet ;) finaly got a job again after half a year of unemployment and the rest of my energy was spend on some terrain projects... will try to see if i cant snip in some gaming hours next week ;)
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@ Imperial Deceit: Congratulations on completing your Alabaster vow! Status updated, points corrected! Refill? ;)


@ JamesI: Good to hear you're close to completion and ready to re-vow! Unfortunately fortifications and allies are not allowed - let's keep it simple since we are already well into the competition.


@ Taranis: Your Cobrulo is in! Good luck!


@ Demoulious: Good news is: you got a job! :tu: I really hope you complete though - it's not as if the BAs are safe or anything... far from it! :)

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@ JamesI: Good to hear you're close to completion and ready to re-vow! Unfortunately fortifications and allies are not allowed - let's keep it simple since we are already well into the competition.

Ok, so my pictures will likely have a fortification in the background then for no purpose...


Seth and Tycho (or Seth and a captain unsure yet) will likely be my revow, which I hope to be ready to make official by next weekend.

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Since I missed the start of this, I'll try some motivation.

All models shown are painted in the time frame of ETL, so... yes I'm a "litle" bitter.











Realy a DC dredd, but with interchangeable front!





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You may be a "little" bitter but a "great" painter! You are most welcome to share your work. :)

Please pick up your Crosius and help motivate us through this time of testing.

To hear a warriors blood stirring with the desire to aid his Brothers is a most welcome experience. :)

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