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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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This was a more subdued week with completions at the 8.8k mark. The characteristics of this week were the further increase of the average completion rate to 36% from 32% last week that corresponds to 76k points(!) and the still hefty (although diminishing) amount of 6.7k worth of new vows. The total points pledged so far stand at almost 214k. A point of particular interest is that this is the fist week since the beginning of the ETL that the Space Wolves did not report a completion!

So week 10 is now behind us and just three more weeks to go! Plan your next steps carefully, because an unfinished vow could have multiplying effect as it will nullify all previous work too. If you are uncertain of your time, or your next vow depends on the speed of the postal agencies I say play it safe and be conservative! In the end is imminent!

Now I would like to repeat some technicalities about the closing that I mentioned last week because they are important:

On August 15th at 22:00 GMT the ETL ends. That means that by the B&C clock any completions that are submitted after that time will not count towards the total points of your faction. Please make everybody’s life easier and avoid submitting in the nick of time – a discarded completion for just a minute could create unnecessary aggravation and leave people with a sour taste from what should be an enjoyable event. I plan to enforce the firm deadline so yes, 22:01 submissions will be discarded.

The final results will be announced on Sunday, August 19th at the latest so I will have time to process all the results, double check everything and present them in an esthetically pleasing manner. This is a big event guys so I will need some time to make sure things are in order. Just a small request: The logistics of ETL are very demanding, so if you guys cross check your status in the tables occasionally and find something that doesn’t match please bring it to my attention so I’ll act on it.

So here’s how things look at the end of week 10:

Black Templars 102 41,811 410 18,255 44%
Blood Angels 64 31,778 497 9,011 28%
Dark Angels 86 43,057 501 10,815 25%
Codex Space Marines 56 33,792 603 9,210 27%
Space Wolves 48 32,637 680 11,160 34%
Chaos 56 24,476 437 13,106 54%
Ordos Inquisition 22 6,196 282 4,548 73%
Total 434 213,747 493 76,105 36%
Index Astartes 29 16,405 566 6,775 41%
Liber Astartes 15 9,818 655 1,550 16%
Ultramarines 12 7,569 631 885 12%


The Dark Angels have still the lowest completion rate at 25% but are gaining significant momentum. They will still need some large vow completions to propel their position forward but things are promising. If the momentum builds up further we are looking at a magnificent turn around that will send shock waves across all forums! With 2.5k completed this week and some indications of even better performance next week I think we’re in the right path! So with 10.8k pts (less than 400pts behind the Wolves) but still in the 4th position, do we have what it takes to turn this around?

The Wolves did not report a completion for the fist time since the beginning of the ETL! Wow. What could that mean? Out of steam? Fatigue? Or just coincidence and next week we’ll see two weeks’ worth of completions? Truth being said with an average burden of more than 900pts per participant they have put themselves in a very challenging position. Still they manage to maintain 3rd position with no completions! But now the distance to the second position has increased by 2k. In all fairness, the Wolves should aim at completion rates well into the 40s to shake up things – difficult but achievable!

Blood Angels have managed to make some completions to keep them in the game, surpassing the 9k mark. However the relatively small points/vow ratio means that their completion rate should be much higher than average and at the moment is almost 10 percentage points lower. In principle they should be going the Chaos way, i.e. having among the highest completion rates to make up for their low points. As things stand now, they’ll require above 55% completion rate to beat the Templars. Difficult? Yes! Impossible? No! Just look at Chaos!

Black Templars seem unstoppable! At a record 18k worth of completions and a 44% completion rate they have put enough distance between them and the rest of the forums to feel relatively safe. Despite their leading position, despite their considerable difference with the rest, they still reported the largest amount of completions this week at 2.6k! Frankly, they DO look like the favorites to win the ETL as they still have a large pool of incomplete vows to draw from. So let’s see as the sands of time draw all of us to the inevitable end, will they manage to maintain their position and become the heroes of E TENEBRAE LUX? Let’s see…

Codex Forums are definitely responding to the challenge adding more the 0.5k points this week. Although they have 9.2k pts completed so far (more than the BAs) the certainly need to do more. There are some very serious vows out there with tons of points and I believe (hope) that after 10 weeks some of them will be nearing completion. You guys really need to start putting some serious pts forward. To put it simply, you need the samet amount of points that you’ve completed so far just to reach the BTs current levels. Or something in the order of 55% completion rate. Good luck!

Chaos is second overall with more than 13k completed pts and a monstrous 54% completion rate. They do not have a high number of participants. They do not have a high number of total points pledged. What they do have is the tenacity and the drive to complete their vows consistently. Of course they have the Dark Pantheon to aid them but still! An excellent performance guys (and gals) keep it up!

Ordos Inquisition did not report any completions this week. They’ve done it before but with a completion rate of 73% this seems normal to me. It’ll be great to see you guys driving for a cool 100% but no rush – none has shown the kind of commitment you have!

Until the next weekly update, farewell and good luck to all!


Week 11 is over. This has been the most productive week so far (and by far) with total completions at almost 18k pts! Total completion rate increased to 42.5% vs. 35.6% last week and total completions reached 94k pts! Predictably the new vows stood at 6k which means that risk appetite is diminishing as the ETL approaches its conclusion. The total pledged points reached the 220k level!

I would like to draw everybody’s attention to WLKs 4k pts completion – the largest single vow in the ETL! And on top of that he re-vowed for another 1k+ pts! Way to go WLK – well done!

Only two weeks remaining until the conclusion. There will be another update on August 7th but I will not make an update on August 14th as it will be only one day before the end of the event. I will strive to give you guys the final results as soon as possible after the 15th but, just to play it safe, I would like to set a self-imposed deadline on Sunday August 19th. It will probably be sooner.

Now a few points I’d like to make:

- On August 15th @ 22:00 GMT is the official end of the ETL. Please, PLEASE do not let things run to the last minute if possible. Missing the deadline for a minute will be a big let down and could leave a bitter taste to the participant in question – which will be a pity. Make no mistake I will enforce a strict deadline on the event. Completions reported at 22:01 GMT WILL NOT COUNT. In case of doubt the clock that matters is the B&C clock set to GMT time.
- The concluding report that will follow the completion of the ETL will have a lot of data and statistics for the event in total and per forum. It will also have detailed lists of all the participants, the completed vows and points completed per participant! I also am willing to give out other information that might be requested on a case by case basis. One of the major aims of the ETL was transparency, and I intend to serve this aim to the end!
- In case you fail to fulfill a vow, even if it is your last in a series of successful completions, you should wear the Badge of Shame until year-end (or more if you feel the penitence period should be extended). So behold the Badge of Shame:


So if you feel you can do without this banner in your signature, get cracking! If on the other hand you are sure you won’t make it, be my guest and put it on right away…

- Now I can also reveal some details regarding the banners for the victors. These are the banners to be worn by those that completed successfully ALL their vows. Why am I using plural for the “banners”? Because the banners will have an indication that will correspond to the number of completed vows for each participant! This would be subtle but clearly visible feature! I believe it will make for a great account of the ETL and people will wear it with pride!
- Also the winning faction will be getting an “add-on” banner commemorating their victory that will be designed to be placed next to the victory banner with no space between them so it will look as one. So the participants of the winning forum will retain their “victory” banner along with the vow-count feature (like everybody else) but will also get another banner to commemorate their dominance in the ETL!
- Lastly, you may have noticed the new banner in my signature. This is my personal banner in relation to the ETL – It has nothing to do with the Winning or the Champion banners – so don’t get any ideas! :)

So here’s how things look at the end of Week 11 in more detail:

Black Templars 113 45,254 400 22,984 51%
Blood Angels 65 31,953 492 9,861 31%
Dark Angels 91 43,877 482 16,365 37%
Codex Space Marines 58 34,082 588 10,935 32%
Space Wolves 50 33,917 678 15,459 46%
Chaos 57 24,504 430 13,941 57%
Ordos Inquisition 22 6,196 282 4,548 73%
Total 456 219,783 482 94,093 43%
Index Astartes 31 16,695 539 8,355 50%
Liber Astartes 15 9,818 655 1,695 17%
Ultramarines 12 7,569 631 885 12%


The Dark Angels are getting their actr together and have managed to complete the most points compared to any other forum this week. This momentum that started building up since the previous week certainly delivers results as completion rate jumped to 37% from 25% the previous week. However, as the opposition was not idle either, the average completion rate of the ETL also increased leaving the DAs again to below average levels. That also can be interpreted that the DAs could more easily repeat this week’s performance compared to other forums that are gradually reaching their limits. The key to the DAs plan for victory now is for the big tickets to weigh in. There are a few mega-vows that are running for 11 weeks now – undoubtedly some of them are nearing completion. The momentum has been regained – all that’s left now is carry one and complete the vows!

The Wolves managed to get back in the game dynamically with a large number of completed points including the largest single vow in the ETL: WLK’s 4k Mega Vow. But he was not alone. After a sluggish Wek 10, the wolves are back in business having the second largest amount of completions this week. But now the situation is dire! Given the weight of the average vow the burden now falls on those 2nd and subsequent vows, the completions of which serve two purposes: 1) validating the previous precious completions (losing them would mean defeat) and 2) adding the new point-rich vows (that are necessary for victory). So the subsequent vows are especially important to the Wolves both as a shield to previous completions but also in their own right as they carry the weight necessary to win!

Blood Angels had a very timid week, adding a meagre 850 pts to their total. Things look grim for them as time is running out as they need not only to flood the ETL with completions but also to proceed to second and subsequent vows to raise their total points pledged and bring their required completion rate closer to a more normal 50% rather than the demanding 70%+ that is currently required. So remember: it’s not over until it’s over – keep delivering on your vows and everything is possible! For Sanguinius! For the Emperor!

Black Templars continue to deliver on their oaths in true BT style! Despite having a comfortable lead they added 4.7k pts maintaining their difference to the DAs at a sizeable 6.6k pts! And, being BTs, they pledged another 3.4k pts so most of the completions have been re-filled. Here I need to mention there are already two BTs in their 8th vow already (and there are bound to be others too) but be careful guys, the stakes are now very high! Just as a side note, 57% of all new vows (point-wise) in Week 11 were made by the BTs. Fanatics? Damn right!

Codex Forums are in three distinct speeds. First we have Index Astartes that are delivering 50% completion rates (above the ETL average) and contribute 76% of the total points of the Codex bloc. Alone they are threatening the BAs (!) and I believe they still have some aces up their sleeve! Then we have the Liber Astartes that they contribute 16% of the total points of the faction. With completion rate of 17% way below the average of the ETL they have the potential to really make the difference for the Codex bloc! In fact I believe this is the Codex best chance to leap forward and challenge the first positions! Then we have the Ultramarines. The lowest contribution to the Codex total of only 8% and total completions of less than 1k. Hmmm… here there must be some progress as we reach the deadline because although the Ums are not many, they have some hefty vows there… And with completion rate of only 12% there is only one way to go! Honor & Courage – you have the power to turn the tables and give the opposition a run for their money!

Chaos after some fantastic performance in Week 10 has slipped from second position to fourth as 1) their smaller numbers begin to show and 2) other forums have mobilized their resources gaining momentum. BUT Chaos still has a few rounds of heavy artillery in its arsenal and their position, although 4th, is not that distant from the rest of the forums in terms of points. Chaos is determined enough to see this through – they have proven it already with a completion rate approaching 60% - by far the highest (excluding the Ordos)!!!

Ordos Inquisition had a second week in a row with no completions to report. Frankly with a completion rate in the 70s it looks as they have won the Dedication to the Emperor award … I woul urge the three participants that have 2nd and third vows unfinished to make the effort to complete them in time – just by tying the loose ends your completion rate will jump to the 80s!!!

Until the next and last weekly update, farewell and good luck to all!

'ere we go again! Vow #3!


I Myxx answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 3 Inquisitorial Servitors with heavy bolters from Codex: Grey Knights, of total value 30 pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Emperor's Inquisition and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end...

@ Hanska: Congratulations for completing this amazing immolator! It really should worth more! :confused:


@ Myxx: Are you sure your vow is a legal entry? I do not have the Codex with me (am on holidays) so I just want to make sure... Can you have a three servitor unit? Doesn't the unit description require another character? Let me know either way...


So Week 12 has drawn to an end. With almost 110k worth of completed points and an increased completion rate of 48.1% vs. 42.5 last week the ETL is now set for its final week! Week 11 was a fairly busy one with more some 15.8k pts completed in total and a sizeable 8.6k pts of new vows added still! This raises the total amount of points pledged in the ETL to an astounding 228k pts! Now this is the last week. THE LAST WEEK. Wrap it up guys – do not do anything to jeopardize your existing work and those that have still outstanding vows (especially those that are in their second or subsequent vow) focus of completing to preserve all your previous effort!


-This is the last weekly update. I will however keep updating the tables until the event’s official conclusion. On August 15th @ 22:00 GMT is the official end of the ETL. Please, PLEASE do not let things run to the last minute if possible. Missing the deadline for a minute will be a big let down and could leave a bitter taste to the participant in question – which will be a pity. Make no mistake I will enforce a strict deadline on the event. Completions reported at 22:01 GMT WILL NOT COUNT. In case of doubt the clock that matters is the B&C clock set to GMT time. (Remember GMT time does not change from winter to summer time so even London has an hour difference to GMT during the summer months).

-Check out the tables to ensure your vows/completions are recorded correctly. I’m willing to examine any objections but that has to be done no later than August 16th. So any objections that have not been voiced by then (the next day of the ETL’s completion) WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT! Needless to say, the earliest one raises an objection the sooner the final report will get out. Which brings us nicely to…

-THE FINAL REPORT!!! This is going to be full of data about the event as a whole, each forum’s performance and of course detailed lists of those that completed or failed to complete their vows. The “Victory Banners” will also be presented and the participants will be able to don the appropriate banner that will also represent the number of their completions.

-For those that failed to fulfill a vow, even if it was the last in a series of successful completions, you should wear the Badge of Shame until year-end (or more if you feel the penitence period should be extended). So behold the Badge of Shame:


So now for the usual update for Week 12 in more detail:

Black Templars 127 48,573 382 28,215 58%
Blood Angels 65 31,973 492 11,451 36%
Dark Angels 97 45,152 465 17,680 39%
Codex Space Marines 58 34,082 588 11,195 33%
Space Wolves 56 36,592 653 20,416 56%
Chaos 60 25,794 430 15,955 62%
Ordos Inquisition 23 6,226 271 4,938 79%
Total 486 228,392 470 109,850 48%
Index Astartes 31 16,695 539 8,355 50%
Liber Astartes 15 9,818 655 1,695 17%
Ultramarines 12 7,569 631 1,145 15%


The Dark Angels managed to complete a 1.3k pts but the sad truth is that’s nowhere near enough... They are now in third position with a clear distance not only from the Templars but also the Wolves that are now clearly second. The only thing that can change that, is if the big guns appear. The DAs have a lack (comparably speaking) of the super-vow completions (i.e. vows above 1k pts). Unless these guys show up I can’t see the situation reversing... Let’s face it 38% completion rate in a 50%+ world is just not enough!

The Wolves had their best week todate – even better than Week 11! With 5k pts worth of completions they are now north of 20k in total and firmly second with a clear distance of 2.7k from the Dark Angels. However they are still some 7.8k behind the Templars. This means that not only they need to complete their sizeable new vows (at 2.7k they still added less than the Templars this week) but most importantly get those that have yet to complete their first vows mobilized! Unless they give everything they have (first and subsequent vows) they will not be able to challenge the Templars for top position. All in all Week 12 can be called the Week of the Wolf! Congratulations guys – I have the feeling that more is yet to come!

Blood Angels seem to get some mobilization late in the game. Still they may manage to end better than the Codex forums – especially as interest in the last days seems to be resurfacing. They have completed 1.6pts this week which, although not spectacular, is better than the DAs for example. Again the main objective here should be to get first vows completed rather than risk the pts of those that already have completions in their records. This is it guys – the last week. Make every point count!

Black Templars have not relaxed a single bit – and rightly so it seems, Wolves with the that close behind you. The Templars had the most completions this week exceeding 5.2k pts. With their completion rate approaching 60% and adding the most new vows even in the 11th hour they have a momentum unmatched by any other forum. As the final week starts it seems they are the favorites to win this – and rightly so. They continued delivering sizeable completions throughout the ETL now, it seems, it’s time to collect! Or is it?

Codex Forums seem to be completely out of steam. Despite some declarations of progress no solid results have been coming their way. Although the painting quality is generally of very high standard it seems their completion rate is currently the worse. So is the last position what you guys are shooting for? Because that’s where you’ll be come the 15th UNLESS you start delivering some results. All three sub-forums of your faction had a very silent week, with the UMs saving some of the honor with an, admittedly beautiful, but small vow points-wise. This is the time to rise again and give your rivals a nasty surprise – a last hurrah!

Chaos is fighting the long war here and with more success than Abbadon may I add! They are 4th but with a completion rate of above 60% they can be really proud of themselves! More importantly they are only 1.7k pts behind the DAs! Hmmm… How’s that for a challenge? Regardless the Chaos faction is in a really good shape with some committed individuals still very much in the game – let’s see how this palys out! Remember, if you paint the points, you will win – as simple as that!

Ordos Inquisition have a completion rate of 79%. CAN YOU MAKE IT 80%? This would be an awesome way to show to all who’s the most committed forum!!!

So until the FINAL REPORT, farewell and good luck to all!
Well you made the >80% completion rate. Now you need to get Toasterfree to complete his second vow to contain any leakage of points... And of course the more you complete the better! Your completion rate will serve as a warning to all, showing that what you lack in numbers you make up in determination! ;)

Fortune (and the Emperor) favors the bold, so here goes vow #4...


I Myxx answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Ordo Malleus Inquisitor with power armor, Demonblade and hellrifle from Codex: Grey Knights, a total value of 63 pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Most Holy Inquisition and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end...


WIP photos up here.

Fantastic zeal there Myxx - I'm sure you'll make it on time! Good luck.


Now any chance of luring Toaster back? If he and Myxx make it we are looking for a completion rate in the mid 80s! Go Ordos! :P

I decided I wasn't quite done. One last weekend of fun :)


I Adamv6 answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Ordo Malleus Inquisitor with Tactical Dreadnought Armour, a Daemon Hammer and Psycannon from Codex: Grey Knights, a total value of 80 pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Most Holy Inquisition and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end...


WIP here

Well your Golden Inquisitor carrying Big Bertha is certainly scary - and so are you if you can do this in 4 hrs...


The table is updated, congratulations Adam.


So the Ordos completion rate is back to 80% but the Templars and Chaos are already above 70%. So the competition in the completion rate front seems to be warming up dangerously for you guys. Toaster's second completion has now new meaning! ;)

I Stormshadow answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete two Dread Knights with Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon, Greatsword and Teleporter from Codex: Grey Knights of total value 600pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to Titans finest and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end


Actually I am planning on finishing these guys by tomorrow, August 14 :).


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