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The Albigensian Crusade


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Does the 3x Vindicator + 2x LRC army is working fine?

I plan to make a list based on that, with 5x Initiate, 5x Neophytes and 1x Chaplain on each LRC, and the remaining point in an Inquisitor with 3x Acolytes and one Valkyrie. (Inquisitor as Warlord, to be able to RUSH into CC with my Chaplains without fearing to give free victory points to opponents by mistake)

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Does the 3x Vindicator + 2x LRC army is working fine?


plan to make a list based on that, with 5x Initiate, 5x Neophytes and 1x

Chaplain on each LRC, and the remaining point in an Inquisitor with 3x

Acolytes and one Valkyrie. (Inquisitor as Warlord, to be able to RUSH

into CC with my Chaplains without fearing to give free victory points to

opponents by mistake)


And the definitive answer is..."it depends". :)


First off, how many points are we talking about?



Can Vindicators blow holes in front of anything in front of them? Yes.

Are LRCs tough and able to take a lot of damage? Yes.

Are 5 initiates + 5 neophytes going to be enough to take an objective from someone? Only if small Tau and IG squads.


I think if someone really wants to hold something, you are going to be hard pressed to take it. What if there are three objectives? What would your plan be then? What do you do if/when they counter-attack with superior numbers?


Can you contest a lot of objectives? Yes. But how many can you take control over?


I would like to have more boots on the ground. I'd like some of them to be pretty tough as well (e.g. Assault termies).

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Does the 3x Vindicator + 2x LRC army is working fine?


plan to make a list based on that, with 5x Initiate, 5x Neophytes and 1x

Chaplain on each LRC, and the remaining point in an Inquisitor with 3x

Acolytes and one Valkyrie. (Inquisitor as Warlord, to be able to RUSH

into CC with my Chaplains without fearing to give free victory points to

opponents by mistake)


And the definitive answer is..."it depends". :smile.:


First off, how many points are we talking about?



Can Vindicators blow holes in front of anything in front of them? Yes.

Are LRCs tough and able to take a lot of damage? Yes.

Are 5 initiates + 5 neophytes going to be enough to take an objective from someone? Only if small Tau and IG squads.


I think if someone really wants to hold something, you are going to be hard pressed to take it. What if there are three objectives? What would your plan be then? What do you do if/when they counter-attack with superior numbers?


Can you contest a lot of objectives? Yes. But how many can you take control over?


I would like to have more boots on the ground. I'd like some of them to be pretty tough as well (e.g. Assault termies).




1'500pts list, to take down GK Terminators / Paladin.


And about objectives, let's aim total enemy forces wiping.


But that's right only 2 troop squads is not enought =/

I can easily replace the Valkyrie and the Acolytes with some Scouts :tongue.:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, the construction phase is complete and I'll primer them in the next day or so. I was going to make these anyway to support my existing Archer squads in the Vanguard Siege list, but in order to count them for real points in ETL, I'll have to add some squads to them. That's possible, in fact I will have started on some of the infantry in the next 24 hours, but I don't know if they will make the cut for ETL. There are bigger fish to fry.

We'll see.

I will definitely paint them up during ETL, it'll just be a question of whether or not I'll get to the infantry that would accompany them in time.




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You sure are taking a zealous approach to this.


I wasn't sure there was another kind. ;)


Basically, I have enough for 3 x 10 man squads or 6 x 5 man squads. I figure that should cover me even in an Apoc game as there's other infantry present. I'm hoping it looks cool by the time it's done.

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It is only appropriate to start with crashing guitars...

Ok, this will be more of a PowerPoint batrep as I think the official version will be posted up by NIX in our Tale of Texas thread. Three of us made it last Sunday to play one of my all time favorite scenarios, the old WD "Carnage" scenario, which pits four 1000 point forces against each other to become "King of the Hill". It's always a hoot to play because no game is ever the same and it's always full of whacky stuff.

I brought:

1 x Master of Sanctity (Chapter Master), TDA, Shield Eternal (see I can learn), Thunderhammer

5 x Assault Termies, 3 TH/SS, 2 LCs

1 x Crusade squad, 10 Initiates (bolters) + 10 Neophytes (bolters) for a hunka hunka burning bolter love

1 x Crusader squad, 1 x SB w/PW, 9 x Initiates BP/CS

1 x Ironclad, DCCW, Chainfist, 2 x Hflamer

Our plan: Run to the objective and kill anything that gets in our way.

Jefe brought (from memory):

Draigo and 2 x Paladins w/Halberds

1 x Dreadknight

1 x Coteaz, 3-4 monkeys with glowey fingers, Chimera w/Multilaser+HBolter

Hmm...seems like he ought to have more on the table, but I think that was it.

NIX brought (from memory):

1 x base chappie

1 x 10 man tactical squad, grav gun, multimelta, rhino

1 x 10 man tactical squad, flamer, rhino

1 x Whirlwind

1 x Landraider Achilles (YIKES!)

1 x Predator Deimos (?, the one with the Magma gun on it, 2 X YIKES!)

Source Material:


Well, well, well, lookee here


Set Ups




When someone shoots at you, reply with an orbital bombardment. It's the only civilized response. It's also tough on rhinos.


The Coteaz witch watches the Draigo witch secure the objective early in the game


The November Warriors begin their push up the flank


Umm...he doesn't look very happy does he? He wasn't. Achilles TKO'd shortly thereafter


ZEALous dudes, ZEALously running across open ground overcome by their ZEAL, whilst screaming ZEALously about their ZEAL




ZEAL: (side effects) May cause you to think that you are either invisible or melta proof. These assumptions are false.


Famous ZEALous quotes: "Never tell me the odds!"


Note: Bells save witches too. Game ends before Templars can completely remove Draigo (down to one wound)


End result: Hilarious game and a tie between Templars and the Grey Knights.

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Well done brother! Preventing the witches from winning is a victory in itself :)


I love that banner in the crusader squad. The effect is perfect. Oozes knightly flavor and also makes claiming an objective that much more visual. You're sticking a flag onto it! I have back banners (and a crusade banner in my honor guards), but squad banners really tempting. Maybe in my next bit order..!


I also spied what looks like the Laurentia Crusade badge on your contemptor along with many others. That guy has been places! Great idea for units that should be veterans of countless battles.

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Nice batrep I like it!


I especially loved this line



ZEAL: (side effects) May cause you to  think that you are either invisible or melta proof. These assumptions are false.


:lol: Keep up the good crusading!

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 I lost it last night when the lightsaber showed up.


Agreed and me too. He certainly won the Internet yesterday.


The Men in Skirts are freaking right now, so I felt obligated to poke them some. :devil:

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Today's updates following the mood enhancement segment...

And so it begins...first salt applied to the primer coat to facilitate chipping


And now the base coat



Absolutely. This sacred artifact is reputedly from the Defense of Terra and is rumored to be Sigismund's transportation to defend the wall. Do not worry, it will bear Sigismund's heraldry and will glorify his sons as it brings the Emperor's justice to the cowardly, the vile, and the unforgiven.


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How do you rub off the salt?  Oh man I'm super curious.  Glad you are posting step by steps.  I really want to do my sicaran to the best of my conceivable abilities, so want to try tons of new techniques!

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Ok, let's get this show on the road...first off I'm bringing in a little air cover to keep things under control while we're here...








Ok, first vow complete. Sigismund's Redoubt has been successfully re-activated after approximately 10,000 years of being in stasis. Master of Sanctity shall unleash this weapon system in the very near future.

I used these artist chalks to make my own weathering powders. I got them at Hobby Lobby and they worked pretty well. I used both dry application followed by a light dusting of hairspray as well as a dry application followed by a dabbing of isopropyl alcohol.


Sigismund's Redoubt






Now to get back to a few things. As was evidenced in earlier pics, I used a salt technique for a lot of the base chipping (the smaller stuff).

Greggles asked "how do you get the salt off?"

Most of the time you will use a combination of an old toothbrush and your fingers. The basics behind this is spraying the model with a coat that you want to feature in your chipping. In my case that was red auto primer. Once that's dry, then using hairspray, spray part of the model and dribble salt crystals over the surface. These will remain on while you spray the base colors. When ready, i.e. you're done with the base coat, rub the salt off and you have instant chipping. Very easy to do and a neat effect to have fun with.

You can mess it up. I did. I wasn't sure of how the coverage of VMC Yellow Ochre would go, so I started with several really thin coats. In theory, there's nothing wrong with that except that the increase in water content had a tendency to dissolve the hairspray and salt in some areas. So I didn't get exactly what I was looking for this time, but I did get something I could work with. I followed up the salt chipping with the sponge technique and "Bob's your uncle", mission accomplished.

I can see in the photos that I need to put a little dark wash on the rust powders as they are just a tad bright. Not as bright as in the photo, but still needing a little attention.

Another thing I'm not sold on yet is the grey area on the sponsons. My original vision had a grey stripe about 2.5 cms wide lining up with the back edge of the pillbox turret running across the top as well as all the way down the sides. That was supposed to counter balance the grey in the sponsons. While I was painting it, I decided that I wanted more yellow and I wasn't sold on the stripe so I left it out. So, let me know what you think about that. It's done now (i.e. finished), but I am interested in your thoughts.

Also, I put the sponsons in the front in an attempt to not have the vehicle look so butt heavy when they are on the back. I knew I was going to include banners in the middle, so it was a toss up as to front or back. Still not sure I made the right choice there either, but oh well. Live and learn.

I imagine that it will look a lot better after it has delivered a full measure of devastation upon my enemies. :)

Now on to my second vow...


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Ooooh! It's beautiful! :wub.:


Are there any IF icons on that handsome thing? 



And, offcourse, great work, Brother Honda! Looking forward to your second vow. Though it'll have to be really bad:censored: one to top this! :yes: :tongue.:

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Too bad you don't have something tucked away like a Stormwing formation or a Fire Raptor; I'm dying to see the latter in some templar colors.


Sigismund's Redoubt looks fabulous Honda, looking forward to vow 2!

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Are there any IF icons on that handsome thing?


The red banner in pics #3 & #4 have a black Imperial Fist icon on them, though the banner is folded a bit and has some battle damage. I'll try to get some better shots.


Also, looking at it now, I really should have put the sponsons in the middle and put the banners in the front. I think that would have gotten me what I was looking for. Sigh...

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I have an idea for you honda.  Add two more sponsons on the back.  :)  When in doubt, more guns.


Looks great, I agree on the slight misbalance.  Maybe edging the grey sponsoons more towards a warmer toner would help.  (or add two more)

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