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The Albigensian Crusade


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Maybe in further trials of the siege vanguard list you can try the other

things the list is infamous for: like dreadnought talons or the siege

mantlet squads.


Absolutely. I was extremely tempted to take a dreadnought talon, but struggled to see how I was going to get them where they needed to be in time. In defense, they would be just awesome to have as they'd be troops and just nasty. But if you need to push across the table to get in your opponent's deployment zone, that can be problematical. I will try them out though, simply because the idea is so awesome.


One of the things that is so tough about this list is figuring exactly how you fit in all the cool stuff you want, have a reasonably effective force, and get things done. I wanted to try a LR Helios, but could never decide whether to run with the WW or the Hyperios launcher. Given that there are so many awesome heavy choices, you think that four heavy slots is going to be fine, but then you look at troops and you tear up your list and start over. Which I like doing, but it definitely was pretty energizing trying to get down to the agreed upon points levels. I would love this list even more in Apoc games as I could get some heavier armored infantry in there and play around a bit more. Also, I think  the mantlets could be an interesting choice, though one of the things that you have to keep in mind is that the tactical and assault squads (i.e. troop variants) are all ten man squads, so no las/plas minimizing. I'm Ok with that design feature, I just think that you need to plan ahead for that.


I think the other thing to keep in mind is that this was just my first game with the list. I wanted to see how my base choice of units would perform, so this is sort of a benchmark. In general, I'm happy with how things performed, dice and user errors not withstanding, but in the next few iterations I will start pushing on the edges of the envelope to see what it can do. Plus I've gotten a ton of modeling ideas that I need to work on.


So, long story short, we're just getting started. :)




P.S. Regarding the BT family photo, I'll see what I can do. This is not a complaint, but it is not an insignificant effort to get my army to a location. So as soon as I can, I will. I'm just not sure when that will be outside of saying, "In the next couple of weeks".

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First a little mood music to get everyone on the same page...

Ok, so what do we have here? Well as we've seen I've gotten interested in the Badab Siege list and I was looking at some "themey" things to do for that list while I was evaluating the results of the last game. Now I won't say that this upcoming unit is going to solve all the issues I experienced, but it should be interesting and it fits in with the theme.

So, these are going to be my Centurions. I got the idea from the fact that tactical squads can take mantlets and married that up with some ideas that I saw on Brother Heinrich's Night Lords thread (excellent work btw, for a traitor). It's been awhile since I've pulled out the plasticard and just fiddled around till something kind of worked.

As I was putting bits and bobs together, I was trying to come up with a concept that could be identified with the mantlets as used by medieval armies, yet still had something that tied them to 40K. I was originally going to put wheels on them, but that seemed too medieval and clunky, so I settled on an anti-grav unit (upper center) and some grav plates at the base (curled frame thingies), but relied on human effort for mobility. So I settled on an extension sticking out that I envisioned neophytes pushing so that they could get to where they needed to be. The green cylinders on the lower base would be used for anchoring the mantlet once it was in location and basically tent staked in. Then, when you wanted to move it, you pull up the stakes, fire up the anti-grav unit and then push it to the new location.

Also, I got to try my hand at making bolts using 1mm glass beads (ebay) and although a little fiddly, I did get the hang of it and I like how it turned out. We'll see how they paint up.



One of the mantlets has a screen on the side and a vision device on the front which is supposed to represent the split fire capability that the sergeant can take. Also, Templars being pragmatic, I added a few odds and ends, mag locked to the back for unexpected circumstances.



And this is a shot of how they'd be peopled up. Originally I thought I'd put three figures on there, one being a neophyte with his back against the mantlet, waiting for orders, but I think that will be too crowded. So I'll just have to run with two guys.


This will be a "counts as" exercise obviously, so some initiates will have lascannons a couple will have missile launchers, and then I'll probably put two converted grav guns in there. The idea being that most of the time, I'll be fielding them with lascannons and missiles for the range, however, I want to keep the option of taking grav cannons in the event that seems like a good idea.

Also, these are not for Fists, I just needed a couple of guys to pose with and I had them. They will be Templar centurions. I'm thinking the back will be greyish/metallic with a little detailing, whilst the front will be white with some heraldic devices like my assault terminators.


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are those 60mm bases? Or the centurion bases?

I'm so stealing this idea!


They are 60mm bases, which the more legalistic among us may balk at. However, I really felt like I needed  the extra space afforded by the 60 and since I don't do tournaments, our local group will forgive. As a balance of sorts, I made the mantlets themselves 50mm wide, so I suppose that should I find myself in some sort of legal situation, I'll just make sure that the edges of the shields are no more than 2 inches apart.


The other thing is that since they are intended to be Devastator Centurions, they will most likely not get too involved in most of the close combat hairballs, so it shouldn't be an issue. Certainly not with our local group.


As far as stealing  the idea, I say "go for it". I'd be interested to see what you come up with.



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Haha, that's what happens if you're lazy and you don't read, just look at pictures. I first opened your thread before leaving home, and just took a glance. I saw something strange and was pondering: what's that? Is that an Aegis defence line? And that's that. I had to leave for bus.


Now I opened the thread again, this time reading only the title: "Centurions", so I'm thinking: it'd be cool to see some BT Ceturions... but wait, where are they? Is that? Naah, it can't be... Holy Emperor, those things are Centurions? So I've read what you've written and now I'm pretty sure.


So, the idea is sick. I congratulate you on this and wish most of luck. I can't wait to see them painted.


Also, for bolts/rivets, I recommend using PVA glue and a small syringe. It's far less time consuming than the other methods I tried, and the results are quite satisfying.

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I like the idea of two guys (2 wounds). I'd suggest making them look ever so slightly bulkier, or extremely lavished. (to represent T5 and 2+). Think artificer armor, with maybe some sort of platform tripod reinforcement for the weapons they are holding.


Regardless...AWESOME idea.

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2 guys, 2 weapons, a siege mantlet for T5/2+ (if a bike can give T5, why not a siege mantlet?) and I think it looks awesome.


My only issue is when it comes to count as, as it is not very intuitive. That model does not scream relentless indestructible machine firing on the move to me, more stationary firing position that I need to assault/outflank. Neither of which actually achieve anything as it is a centurion. It would work great if centurions had facings like vehicles (giving it 2+/3+/3+ instead of, say, 11/11/10) and, in fact, would consider offering that to my opponent if I were using those models.


One thing we can all agree on: They look great and centurions do not. Great work brother!

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Ok, here's a quick update to show that the construction is done and now I'm just waiting on favorable painting conditions to do the basecoats. Also to make life a little easier, all the bits are separate and will be painted individually, then brought together for the final construction.

I thought about putting them on the bases and just spraying, but there are too many weird angles and spray shadows to make that practical, even with an airbrush.





Yeah, so this stand will only have one guy. So sue me. :P


And from the front.


What will be interesting is finally getting these guys into a game. I think there's a role for the Devastator version (LC/ML) as a firebase, but I'm not sure if the cost is synergistic yet. I plan on supplementing these guys with some 5 man las squads (Vanguard Siege list) with mantlets to see if between them they can provide an interesting fire base. If nothing else, I think they are going to look kind of cool and that's a win for me as well.


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It's certainly original, I'll give you that! :thumbsup: 

I find the front a bit too flat, maybe putting the side ends at a slight angle? More like the hand-held shield, they're also curved to deflect blows. I dunno, for me it kinda looks like they're hiding behind a piece of sheet metal they just found, instead of a bad:censored:  shield. :wacko.:  Just an idea offcourse. Yours to take or leave at your leisure. :wink:


And offcourse the front is a big block of empty right now, but the Heraldic designs you've got planned should fix that right up! Let's stick to: I'm looking forward to seeing these guys finished!

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I find the front a bit too flat, maybe putting the side ends at a slight

angle? More like the hand-held shield, they're also curved to deflect



This is a concern of mine as well, which is why I'm still looking at them. The original thought was that the heraldry would compensate for the flatness, but I'm not totally convinced of that yet, so they will  sit a bit while I ponder that.


Thank you for the feedback, that's how we get better. :)



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Awesome idea! Never thought of using siege shields and Initiates to make Centurions!

But I have to say... it seems similar to the idea of the IG Heavy Weapons team....


(Raises Hand)

Shouldn't the Grav gun be a Grav Cannon? or atleast the model (with the Grav gun) have a similarly distinguishable weapon?

just saying...


Also, the idea for Centurions is that it is basically a piece of equipment that Space Marines use. So if the Black Templars balk at the 'Space Marine inside a Space Marine' ideology

then the Mantlet seems like a better replacement.

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Did you consider adding a plasticard templar cross there? I once wanted to make a plasticard Aegis line and I made such an ornament to add some detail to it. A templar cross or a heraldy shield is always a nice touch ;-)


Actually, I was intending to paint at least one on the front. I figured the Sergeant would get the big Templar cross and then I'd add various smaller ones and other devices to the shields of the other brothers.


Short answer: Yes, but with paint. Cutting Maltese crosses out of sheet plastic is not on my "Top Ten Fun Things To Do" list. :)

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Haha, I get what you mean. But on the other hand, it's really, really easy. You just need to "box" the cross in a square, and cut lines along the edges of the cross and then the plasticard triangle breaks off nicely. I don't want to be persistent or anything, but I'm, just saying. Maybe because of my preference for 3D, sticking out bits.

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Why don't you post a picture of how you do it so I can compare to my current method. Perhaps I'm doing things in a less efficient way.


I am familiar with the ability of etching sheet plastic, then snapping, so you don't have to cover that. I'm just interested in the shape of the cross you end up with.



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First you need to draw your cross, or glue a printout of it using PVA glue to a sheet of plasticard. Later, I just cut along the edges, like in the picture: first the square around the shape of the cross to make cuttin'and'snappin' possible, and then along the edges of the cross. It's a quick and effective method, I suppose. At least it was for me. And it wasn't as tiresome as I'd expect. So, if you're planning to make one or three of those, it shouldn't take much time.




I hope that you get what I mean :)

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I just wanted to post up the pics from my friends GK Storm Raven. It's a very interesting blend of SR kit, Chapterhouse extension and a Valkyrie tail. Very unique and cool looking.

Unfortunately for moi', this is the first of two such vehicles to be added to the Witches. The impact to our Witch Wars series has yet to be determined.





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<cue mood music>


Right-o. This is a squad for the Vanguard Siege list. Basically, it's an assault squad without jump packs, but some nice bumps. This squad will be a straight get to grips kind of squad, very likely delivered by a Caestus.

This squad will feature a Sergeant with BP/PF/CSh, 2 x Initiates with BP/PW/CSh, and 7 x Initiates with BP/CS/CSh. Even without the equipment bumps, in my last game I was fairly impressed with their ability to take punishment. If I had given them two PWs and the PF, they would have been even nastier. I suspect that I'm going to build another squad like this, though instead of CC weapons, I'll give it 2 x Flamers.

Anyway, this is part of my inventory build up for ETL3. All that remains for these guys is to put the gs fabric covers on their shields like I did with my terminators.





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Wow, I guess that you cannot make a squad look more knightly and more heroic than that. Its a shame that they won't see any paint till ETL, though. One thing, I think that the GK Terminator helmets look a bit odd. But, all things considered, odd in a positive sense. It's probably because of the impression that the eye lenses are situated a bit higher than in normal PA helmets. That said, the Templar with two bolt pistols is probably my favourite.

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One thing, I think that the GK Terminator helmets look a bit odd.


They do look a tad odd. As I was sorting through my bits, I kept going back and forth on them and after I lowered the neck a bit, they seemed to be "Ok", though they are a tad large. Also, I was thinking that they were GK knight helmets and not termie helmets, because I know the termie version is larger.


I think once I get the black on their helmets they will not stand out as much, but I guess we'll see.



That said, the Templar with two bolt pistols is probably my favourite.


Why thank you. I do like him and the two swords guy a lot. I think the others will pop a little more once I get something interesting on their shields.



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Don't know if you fella's saw it. But if you don't like the GK helmet look, forgeworld just released a ironhands legion head upgrade kit.



I think they might look pretty good as alternate heads. Assume they will be copied and posted on ebay for less then 10 USD any day now. The heads on the marines do look like terminator GK heads (vs the normal marine ones).

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Don't know if you fella's saw it. But if you don't like the GK helmet

look, forgeworld just released a ironhands legion head upgrade kit.



Ooooh, I like a lot of those. I don't tend to look at *hack, spit* Chaos upgrades much so thanx for the tip. I could definitely see getting some of those.

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