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The Albigensian Crusade


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It's not a CC attack. It's a Ram which is a form of Tank Shock. I would say if it gets a invul against shooting then it would not against a Ram as it is not a shooting attack. 

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Be glad that battle wagon didn't have a deff rolla! Deff rolla's give them D6 Str 10 hits in addition to the ramming hit!


It did. D6 roll of a "1" for extra hits. Armor penetration rolls 1 and a 1. Elysian Dune Buggy plugs MC Hammer into the vox player and blasts "You Can't Touch This!" as it races to the opponent's deployment zone.


I think we were playing it right and I freely acknowledge that it was bizarre dice that saved me, because we both were expecting the battle wagon to get a new "Elyzeen 'ood ornamint".

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I hope your son was not too disappointed :/ Krumpin' some hummies is a big part of morale for da Orkz. It seems like he gave up on ramming, which is unfortunate. Hopefully your experiments with the Cestus will motivate him to give it another go! (just gotta make sure he knows ramming is only ok when done by Orkz on the tabletop before he gets a car :P)

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"What do you mean you don't have a Deff-Rolla option on this car? That's ridiculous! How am I supposed to ram through traffic jams now? I'm NOT? Well, this day keeps getting better and better!"


If only there was something to ram in my group. Hmmm... Maybe that Soul Grinder next time.....:devil:

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I wanted a caestus ever since seeing how freaking sweet yours looks - now I know they can ram stuff?! I just have visions of a pilot cackling as he screams "For the Empraaaaah! CHAAAAAARGE!"
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I wanted a caestus ever since seeing how freaking sweet yours looks - now I know they can ram stuff?! I just have visions of a pilot cackling as he screams "For the Empraaaaah! CHAAAAAARGE!"

The caestus is a bit like a discussion about cars, the enemy is thinking "toyota", "mercedes", "BMW"-- templars are thinking "Ram".  Although I'm sure they'll be changing their thought process to "Dodge" once we put out turbocharger(s) on the field :wink:

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UPDATE: I'm making good progress and all the Centurion components are finished. Now all I need to do is finish the bases for all the mantlets and this vow will be complete.

Anyway here are the troopers that comprise the Centurions, though I neglected to take one of the neophyte. Oh, well, next time.








Hopefully Brothers Andhil, Golf, Mattias, and HLVW will see something somewhat familiar.

And now I'm off to...

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They are looking awesome! Especially that missile-launcher fellow, he just has something special about him... ;)

Honestly, I stand by what I said months ago when you first posted your mock-ups of these - they are gonna look BOSS! One day, I might 'borrow' this idea ;)

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Love that, Brother Honda! You honor me more than I deserve. :thumbsup:


Those Initiates look great, as usual! Oh, man, those'll be such cool models when you put everything together.:woot:


Keep going, Honda! Almost there! :wink.:

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Those are brilliant! You do us all too much honour.


I'm going to have a lascannon initiate in my crusade squads, so I can even imagine he is off on some kind of exchange or secondment with your crusade :)

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Hookay, vow Number 2 is now complete.

The ADL line mit der equippen!




The Centurions








And now off to the AoD thread to share the good news. :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ze music! For ze mood...


I present to you Brothers, the "Deacons", my Vanguard Vet Sword Brethren






"Dang it Jim, I'm a painter not a photographer"...yeah, not super clear*, but hopefully somewhat recognizable. Brothers who honor this squad are: Ace (yours killed me), Panzer, Nightwing (yours killed me too), Dono, Valkyrie, Eberious, SCOTT_FRANCIS, and Icculus.









* I'll have to plan on getting some better pics when time allows.


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To be able to honor the greatest force in the galaxy is my privilege, brothers.

Initially, I was going to add my usual orange lens glow to the helmets, but the longer I looked at them, the more menacing they seemed to get with dark eyes. So I'm going to run with it as is for awhile and see if I like them that way long term. I do like the idea of them being unique like this and being portrayed with what heretics would consider are "terror" markings.

However, the truth is much more simple. They are marks of ZEAL.

For vow #4, I will return to more normal coloration, though their pauldrons will be colored in a similar fashion as this squad, i.e. Sword Brethren. The shields I am still thinking about.

For reference...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a quick update on my Vow #4. Still a few hours of painting left, not to mention detailing, but with an 8th grade and high school graduation completed, I should get more time. I am targeting completion for this coming week's report.


Also, Jefe and I had a "Sayonara to Sixth" Apoc game, which was a lot of fun, but the witches had a pretty decisive victory over the good guys. It started with Jefe doing the build up and ensuring that I bring my Stormsword. Now, even though I've painted it, I wasn't sure that I was going to play it a lot as I'm more of a maximize the goodies in our codex and in my mind, two land raiders are better than one baneblade chassis.

Still I built a plan around the SSword and had pictures in my head that looked like this


So I took (from memory):

1 x Stormsword

2 x Terminus Ultra

1 x LR Redeemer

1 x LR Crusader

1 x LR Phobos

1 x 3 man Centurion squad (lascannons + missile launchers)

2 x Vindicators

2 x Whirlwinds

1 x Hunter (the missile AA guy)

1 x Aegis Defense Line (w/Quad gun)

1 x Culexus assassin

1 x Master of Sanctity

1 x 5 man Assault termies (4 TH/1 LC)

2 x 5 man Las/plas crusader squads

1 x 10 man crusader (bolters)

1 x Rhino

2 x Typhoon Land Speeders (added in edit)

We rolled for that "Crossroads" set up which sort of put me in a pinch as I had to break up my forces a tad because I knew that covering objectives early was going to be important. Still, within the framework of my plan, I was Ok. I did need to go first on this and I was not able to seize initiative.





And that turned out to be bad...

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Not getting to go first not only denied me the opportunity to take out some units, but the witches evil plan included an alpha strike on Sigismund's Redoubt. Their goal was to take out the Stormsword quickly because they didn't want to have to deal with that big gun and would give them the advantage in super heavies.

So this happened...


In American football, we call that "flooding" the zone. In 40K, we call that :eek: and :censored: . There was also a Dreadknight inside the courtyard where my vindis were. Not a good deal.

The Dreadknight failed his charge. The witch dreadnoughts charged and delivered six HPs of damage, but did not blow up the SSword. I felt like I had a chance. So I backed up the SSword.


So what this shows is that after backing up, the leftmost dread got destroyed, one of the Storm Ravens got destroyed and after the LRC and vindis were through with the Dreadknight, he was destroyed.

Which was great, but not quite enough.

The remaining dread charged into the SSword, but was forced into contact with my termies, who were attempting to screen. All the dreads attacks were directed at the SSword and he knocked down the remaining HPs, got a Cataclysmic and in the ensuing explosion and drift, skipped over my termies and landed on my two vindis which were blown out of the water. Sigh...

Then on the right side of the battlefield, his Baneblade and Callidus duo, were really pounding my ADL and Centurions.


Calli, the Callidus, did a fair bit of damage to the las/plas squad, but did not kill everyone and was left out in the open. The Terminus looked over at her and said, "Look I get it, you're hawt. But you're also really annoying, so enjoy the light show as long as you can."

It turned out to not be that long.

The Baneblade fired on the Phobos and popped it, thus releasing the Kraken, er Culexus. That was annoying as she was farther away than I wanted her to be from a viable target.


In the middle, I was having a hard time because I was reduced to trying to take an objective away from a LR and four Paladins with ten guys carrying bolters. I eventually got the Kraken over there, but never did break that nut.

On the far right, however we had us sum witchez.

First there was the monkey BBQ. I love the smell of promethium and roasted monkey meat.


Then Master of Sanctity Hesse along with his crusader squad, exited their Redeemer and caught the inquisitorial witches trying to hide. They were not successful.

On the other side, my LRC popped Draigo's ride and between the whirlwinds and the remaining Terminus firing long range, Draigo and only one buddy were still standing. Also, the lascannon initiate in my other las/plas squad gets special mention for one shotting the witch Baneblade and causing 5 HP of damage. That was pretty sweet.



Well, lookee here boys, witchez!





At this point, Jefe had built up a 16-8 advantage in points and I didn't have enough left to contest that lead over the next couple of turns, so we called it a victory for the silver witches. Jefe got to blow up my SSword and I got to kill a lot of witches, so all in all, a whole lot of fun.

Now we are off to figuring out 7th. :thumbsup:

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Any recollection of around how many points the game was, or did you simply just not care?



I had to go look at my spreadsheet. :)


This was a 4000 point game. We both knew that the super heavies would account for 500+, so basically a 3500 point (I almost said "pint") game. We were pretty flexible on the turns, but given that we were both pretty mechanized, our turns went by pretty fast. I want to say we got 5 or 6 turns in and it became pretty obvious by the 4th that I was not going to be able to slow down his accumulation each turn enough to catch up.


Basically at the end, my chances of getting points revolved around killing his Baneblade, which I had a pretty good chance of achieving, contesting two objectives and probably a 50/50 chance of killing Draigo. So that was a swing of only 4 points, plus the two objectives I held and by the end the score was something like 16-8 or 16-10. I could get close, but it was going to take 2-3 turns at best.


Still, we had a lot of fun, though the alpha strike was character building. ;)

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Vow #4 has been completed brothers!




I went back and touched up a few things after these pics like the helmet crosses, but could not get my camera to cooperate. :furious: So, I'll have to get them in a shot at a store or something when the lighting is different.

Brothers Zyth and mytimeprez were honored in this squad.



Also just noticed that I need to add a cross to the upper half of Brother Zyth's badge. :furious::furious:

Now to figure out if I have time to squeeze in one more vow and what can I get in there. Real Life is getting interesting.

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