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Sons of Horus - Once more into the breach


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Thanks mate.


I basically used all the weathering techniques in the FW masterclass modeling book.


Once I have the base colours and freehand down, I added the chipping with pure astornomicon grey. once that was dry i went back over with chardon granite.


I then sprayed the model with gloss varnish.


Washed it with black oil paint thinned with white spirits, wiping the excess off in a downward direction, waited a couple of hours for it to dry, then did the same with an umber.


The orangey brown streaks were FW pigments, rust, and light rust, done in the same way just more selectively, its a very organic process, you just keep adding more til it looks right. What looks right in a 40k context is completely different to a contempory modelling project.


Finally I waited 24 hours for it to dry, before sealing it with dullcote.


Hope that helps.

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Thanks mate.


I basically used all the weathering techniques in the FW masterclass modeling book.


Once I have the base colours and freehand down, I added the chipping with pure astornomicon grey. once that was dry i went back over with chardon granite.


I then sprayed the model with gloss varnish.


Washed it with black oil paint thinned with white spirits, wiping the excess off in a downward direction, waited a couple of hours for it to dry, then did the same with an umber.


The orangey brown streaks were FW pigments, rust, and light rust, done in the same way just more selectively, its a very organic process, you just keep adding more til it looks right. What looks right in a 40k context is completely different to a contempory modelling project.


Finally I waited 24 hours for it to dry, before sealing it with dullcote.


Hope that helps.


That helps a lot ! Thank you. I have to try this oil paint stuff.

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Thanks alot gents, glad you all like him so much.


That dreadnought is truly a work of art. When can we expect painted ablative wounds?


Hopefully a week away, I have uni assignments and exams, then I'm FREE!!


That helps a lot ! Thank you. I have to try this oil paint stuff.


Glad it helps, there are alot of great tuts out there, and if you haven't got them already I recommend the FW masterclass series.

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Thanks mate, it's really good of you to notice. I am really happy with my IG, but these sons are pushing my painting a whole lot more then they ever did.


Next off the assembly line. Second contemptor WIP. No power fist? No worries :cuss



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Cheers Gents ;)


The pics of UK games day have gotten my creative juices bubbling. As usual FW have blown the mainstream GW releases out of the water, and the PH/HH marines are amazing. using this motivation, I managed for finish the first 5 infantry figures for the Sons.




As you can see I am continuing with the battle warn beaten to hell look of the marines,and persevering with the sea green scheme because I think the official FW scheme looks like :cuss.


FW have also changed the eye of horus they are using, these guys sport the updated one, and the original contemptor will be the odd one out with the old style. I am considering whether or not to pick up some of the decal, or continue with the freehanding of the symbols.


Each of the marines also has a chaos star of some type free handed onto their armour somewhere, though most of them got so battle damaged its hard to make them out.


It was my first attempt at using the airbrush to do this style of power weapon, and I must say I really like the effect. I would have preferred a purple, but I didn't have the right colours, and impatience won out.


Next is assembling the rest of the squad, and deciding what out of all the awesome FW goodies I want next!


I will begin accepting donations to the "Buy Aaron resin crack" fund immediately ;)

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