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Sons of Horus - Once more into the breach


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Hey mate smile.png Nice to see you here too. How could I not have a thread here, its space marine Nirvana after all laugh.png

The chest strap is made from plasticard, .25mm from memory theres a WIP shot in post #99 > http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/254518-sons-of-horus-once-more-into-the-breach/page-4?do=findComment&comment=3291389

The details were made from plasticard too. I just glued a smaller strip on top, once it had dried I drilled the holes and then glued the belt closure in the appropriate place made from .2mm plastic rod.

Hope that helps.

Yes it does, immensely! Been trying to figure out how to make convincing weapon straps for crusaders so I can model both bp/ccw and bolters on models for future "crusader squads".

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  • 1 month later...
Hi guys, been a little while since the last update, but I have been busy.


I've managed to finish 3 more sons, and 2 WE (bar their backpacks which is why they count as WIP).


Firstly we have my home made Praetor (I have another set of the FW praetors I will be painting for myself, hopefully as well as the ones I did on commission), he was going to be used as a counts as Azreal, but will now probably be used as a sternguard SGT.




The base features a salamanders helmet, or a really dirty SoH helmet, its a pretty standard feature on my bases, and I tend to forget I'm doing PH/HH and just paint them whatever colour I have to hand.




I'm not actually that happy with the sword on this guy, but being a gaming army, and still not having played a game with it I think I can let the fact the back side is better than the front side slide. I also painted the plasma in a more subdued orange because its not actually pointed at anyone, so it makes sense for the weapon to be powered down.


Next we have some apothecaries, which given their uselessness as a buff bubble ala sang priests will probably just get used as regular Tac marines.








I haven't managed to get my hands on any of the new technical paints yet, so the blood here is done the old fashioned way using Tamiya clear red, and a second coat with a touch of black. But I'm pretty happy with the effect, even at a million times magnification.


Next we have the reason for the title of the blog post . . . WIP World Eaters. I personally see the change in coloration from white to red as a result of their blood letting. The human body has between 4-6 liters of blood, and an Astartes would have considerably more, so they would make a hell of a mess when hacked up with chain weapons. 










I intend on writing a piece of fluff eventually that describes how some of the berzerkers as a symbol of there heresy decide not to wash off the blood of the slain from Istvaan, and as time went on, armour broke and was replaced, but painted red to maintain the connection to the betrayal and dropsite massacres. 


Thoughts on the paint job, the fluff and the amount of blood?


Thanks for looking.

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Let me make it clear that I'd much rather face the guys in green than the white & blue boys. :P


The Apothecaries looked gruesome, then I scrolled down to the see the World Eaters. Brutal, battered, and great motion - everything a son of the XII should be!


Your army was definitely an inspiration behind me diving into the Heresy with the Fists, man. Looking forward to more from you.

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Gday Mate,


Looking awesome as always. Im trying hard to replicate your battle damage on Metal, but it is hard. Keep up the awesome work.

Ive moved over to BnC for my iron warriors project log. Would appreciate you having a gander at it.




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Thankyou gentlemen (and ladies?), I appreciate your comments :)


Darth Potato: in that case mate, Thankyou for giving the inspiration back, the "Memorium" thread is what finally got me to finish these guys.


Scribe: do it! Do it now!


Sarge: done and done mate :)

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Some fluff I wrote this afternoon whilst watching the cricket:


In a legion of brutality and violence SGT Brakor had been known as a bit of a philosopher. Not to the extent of one of those blinded by knowledge like the weakling sorcerers of the 1000 sons, but a berzerker with a brain.


All that changed with the nails. The primarchs rage and pain drove the contemplation from his mind like the sun burning off a light fog. The times inbetween battles were becoming a struggle for Brakor, knowing something was missing, and craving the release from the pain that blood letting brought.


So it came to be that he joined the primarch in his rebellion without conscious thought, carried along in the tide of blood released by the betrayal and massacres that followed.


It was therefore a surprise to Brakor to step out of the boarding ramp of his assault companies storm eagle, not into a hail of bolts, or a maelstrom of las and hard rounds, but into the bright lights of the embarkation hanger of "sempervivum mort" battle barge of the 116th chaper of the 3rd legion.


He stood motionless, starring at a battered mk 4 helm, much of the legion white replaced with dents, scratches and ceramite grey patches, all covered in a patina of congealed blood. He could recall every scrape, blow, bullet and blade that had left a mark, dent and splash of warm vitale that had caressed the memnotic receptors of his armour. He was captivated by the bloodshed, relishing every sensation, lost in the eidetic flood of violence.


Light scratching intruded on Brakor's reminiscing. Finally a hissing noise and sensation of warmth on his left greave snapped him back to reality. A maintenance servitor was beginning the automated process of cleansing and restoring the finish of his armour.


Rage overcame recall, striking downwards with the closest weapon to hand, his helm connected with the crown of the servitor a head, explosively compressing the unsuspecting automatons skull and spine into a red paste and vent blood, brain matter and bone splinters in a wide arc.


"I will keep these skulls, this new visage of blood I have earnt through betrayal of erstwhile brothers, to remember the slaughter, recall the battle, and mark myself as a child of blood and murder". As he muttered the final word, the lodge medallion on his chest flashed cold, and the clarity of the past minutes bled from the edges of his vision, replaced with the pain and rage of the nails.


Stalking from the hanger, the fresh stench of blood began to overpower the stale metallic tang of the recycled air as the lodge brothers of his company destroyied the circling maintenance servitors.


Blood would be their new uniform, and skulls their currency. The berserkers were coming and the universe would never be the same again.



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  • 2 months later...
21 months I have been painting these Sons of :cuss , and I can finally say it. I have a playable force! 


Only 1000 points, and not very optimised, or even fluffy, but its a start. . .


I guess I'll start with the new additions, firstly, HQ's.




This is Moritat Axander, and will pretty much ruin anyones day if he gets a turn of chainfire shooting at them. I haven't seen that many of these guys around the forums and blogs, which is surprising considering the damage potential they have with 2 plasma pistols.


I used the current 40k plasma pistols because I think the 30k ones look like a hair driers . . . 




Unusually for me, he is clad entirely in Mk IV armour, although I did make a couple of modifications to it. There has been an extra armoured plate sculpted onto the left greave, and a plasticard strip and rivets added to the crown of his helmet to differentiate it from rank and file, and give him a pseudo crest/mohawk.


Next in the HQ slot is a Praetor in terminator armour, because a Moritat can't lead your force.




I took the normal Terminator Praetor and converted him to have lightning claws, just a simple matter of cutting all the relevant parts at the elbows and pinning them together. I also heated (carefully) the fingers on the left hand to give him a pointing/commanding pose. Looking at the pics, I need to add some definition eye sockets to the skull on the night lords shoulder pad.




I've never been a fan of unhelmeted marines, something about going into battle without a lid when explosive projectiles are flying around just seems dumb to me. So I squeezed a Mk II helmet in with a bit of trimming. Unfortunately some super glue got into the eye slit and destroyed the detail, but it still works as a gaming piece.


And what is a pimp, without an entourage?




Basically just stock Cataphractii terminators from Forgeworld, its hard to improve on perfection. The only thing I added was a heraldic shield from the Grey knight terminators to the Sgt.




And that's it for the new stuff. The observant among you would have noticed that the basing has changed though. The new style matches the tyranids, and will match the Ad mech, and the table I am going to make (eventually) for my collection. This meant that the rest of the 1k needed to be rebased.




The Sgt also had a head repose so he wasn't looking at his shoes.




Unfortunately I have to lose the stomping pose on the dread due to time constraints, but I kept the marine and the base so I can redo it at a later stage with another contemptor.


And thats 1000 points (plus a rhino), my photo set up isn't big enough to get all the models into one shot, but I'll take lots of pics at the 30k tournament being run by John from The Painting Bunker called The Emperors Legions, which is set to be epic, including a group shot.


Thanks for stopping in and reading my ramblings, what do you think of the new additions and new basing style?

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Always a pleasure to view these, they're great material for inspiration. Digging the new HQ additions.


I prefer the old basing. The dark weathering on the minis suggests a siege or urban setting and the old bases complemented the sea green armor nicely. I remember reading excellent advice on here once that basically said the better you blur the line between base and miniature, the more you've immersed the character in a believable environment. Now, the bases look like they've been tacked under these unrelated and beautifully painted models. Just my stance. :)

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Thanks gents :)


Jasp: might be a bit of a commute to get a game in mate lol


Darth: I can see where you are coming from with that comment, but for me they blended a bit too much. There were so many greys in the scheme that the models didn't just blend in with the base, they seemed to become the base. The new basing style is warmer and brighter and I think of it as framing the model. It stands out against the colours and so makes the model the focus.

Maybe I went a bit too light, or it could be the photos, there is some dried mud pigments on all the bases and they don't look so bright IRL.

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I've loved these since you first started posting them, really nice to see the recent progress, they look fantastic!


as far as the bases are concerned, I somewhat agree with Darth... that being said, I don't think it'd take much to blend these in again a bit, you might just want to look at adding some sandy pigments to the legs on the marines.

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Great looking Sons of Horus, man. Really like the Praetor especially.


I can see what Darth is saying, but i wouldn't say its a huge impact. They still look great on those bases. And the desert style is very cool, and really well done.

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