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Strike Force Legacy - A Genesis Chapter Project Log

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I've been considering that exact same air compressor to replace the one I recently destroyed.  Please let me know your impressions of it including noise levels and how fast it gets hot, etc.  I can't wait to see how well it works and some paint one your latest marines.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What the hell, this is one of the best project blogs on this site. Glad to have found it!




Exactly, I can not believe that I missed this. Thanks Einsenhorn for posting a link in the "What's your favorite Codex Chapter Alliance?" thread !                        

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Thanks for the replies, gents.

Aquilanus & Mikhail: I haven't done much airbrushing so far (just playing around and basecoating two models), but I have to say that all my purchases have worked out nicely. The compressor is fairly quiet, doesn't pulse or overheat, and has been a little workhorse. It gives a nice output of airflow and the regulator is easy to use. For $60 I would recommend one, at this point. We'll see how long it stays functional.

Ludovic & Eisenhorn: I'm starting to catch on to the theme of this log - Paaaaaaint.

I gotta say Eisenhorn, I'm honored that you've taken such a strong liking to my Genesis boys, though a drop of paint hasn't hit a model yet. Your words mean very much. Hopefully you stick around for the ride ahead. smile.png

Batu & The Yak: Thank you guys. Do follow along, as the updates will be more colorful now.


This is just a small update to bring everyone up to speed. I think I've finally found my red basecoat color.

I've been reading reviews on the new(ish) Badger Minitaire paint line. I really liked the red colors that I found, so much so, that I bought most of them. I think I'm missing one or two. Picked up a few other basic colors in my order to see how those work as well.


Here is a sloppy test model, so please ignore the rough surfaces and mold lines. This is up to the basecoated stage. It's Minitaire Scorching Red over Vallejo Grey Surface Primer. It's a little lighter in reality than the pics are letting on. I think it's a nice color to work from, as a previous test I did with Vallejo Model Air Red was far too violet.

Some areas like the helmet and shoulder pads seem a little splotchy but that's more my fault than the airbrush. The legs are much smoother and easier on the eyes. I may try a zenithal airbrush technique to pick up higher regions of the armor, I'm not sure yet. I want to go in with my brushes and wash the model, then begin highlighting. The gold will be done using Vallejo Liquid Gold as a starting point.


It's not much, but with like everything else I do here, it's progress. My summer course I'm currently taking is almost over. When I've finished I'll have a bit more free time to work on the Genesis. I have some interesting developments that I think you all will like. I should also have some more renovated models to post next time. They're mostly built now, but they're not at a stage that I wanna show yet.

Thanks for checking in. smile.png

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Thanks for the heads up Darth smile.png I'll continue to watch with interest. The red base looks good smile.png
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Wouldn't you want to try out some zenithal highlitghting, but with a darker basecoat (ie. start out with a nice, dark red, and then build it up over a few layers to an almost orange finish on the uppermost areas)? I have never airbrushed, so maybe what I'm suggesting isn't what you can yet achieve (not a bad thing, mind you). Either way, I look forward to seeing more progress :)
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As BBL said the trick with just airbrushing is to start dark (I use a black undercoat) and lots of thin coats working up the zenithal highlighting. If the paint isn't designed specifically for airbrushing you can use acrylic thinners (True Color and Tamiya do them). I was always told dilute to the consistency of milk. Full fat milk I guess, and certainly not curdled ;)


Looking good though, inspiring thread.

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Giddyup. smile.png

deathspecter: I have to stress that I haven't used the Minitaire paints or even the airbrush much, however I definitely recommend them. The red I used maintained a really nice pigment and flowed well - it's been pre-thinned. Depending on how you feel, you may want to spend less (or more) on an airbrush setup, but the Badger line has been really forgiving and seems like a good fit for a beginner.

Ludo: Thanks dude. Yeah I understand what you're saying, but my first thought was to just get a solid basecoat color to work with. The current color pretty much nailed the base I was looking for. Zenithal highlighting was an after thought, but I still want to highlight the armor. I have lighter colors that may work.

One thing I want to make clear with this (and one of my shoddy excuses as to the lack of color here), is that I want to avoid orange AT ALL COSTS. I hate when painters lighten red power armor and their choices cause it to sway toward an orange spectrum. I hate it! Never been a fan of orange Blood Angels, etc. So, I'm gonna do everything I can to keep it as red as possible. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

Marius: Hey man, thanks for the comment!

As I half-arsed mentioned above, not completely behind the zenithal highlight idea, but I will definitely keep this in mind in the future. I have to admit, not a fan of how stark the contrast is on some airbrushed models. I'd definitely want to blend the colors as best as I could. Though I fear it might be a ways off considering my skill level.

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Some nice work in here!


I wish you luck in not having orange hues in your red armor, since you have limited options in that area - mainly lean towards orange or lean towards pink. If you do go with a zenithal scheme with your airbrush, you might try using oil paints to help smooth the blend between two colors, since it's a hell of a lot easier to do with oils than acrylics.

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  • 1 month later...


A figure trudged through the mud. A red angel, encased in war-plate with heavy, blackened fists. His armor hummed as he dragged his feet and slouched his shoulders. Everything and nothing hammered through his mind at once. He would be immediately stripped of his armor and chastised if his brothers saw him in such a humiliating state. Flagellum, as the Genesis called it. He knew all too well what the kiss of the whip felt like. Sometimes, it comforted him. It reminded him of his childhood before he was chosen. He could only remember flashes of his former life now.

He was walking into the jaws of a fallen city. Large, black structures jutted up from the ground, half-sunk in a sea of soaked clay. Small fires occupied the space between buildings and window frames, offering an alternative illumination to the dim, pale sun above in the cloudy smoke-colored sky. He continued walking along the side of the deeply-rutted road.

His hand snapped to his hip and clenched the pommel of his toothless chainsword, as the first signs of movement revealed themselves ahead. Simultaneously, auto-senses began data feeding across the one working eye lens of his helmet. The right side was a static and pixelated view of the outside world. Amusing, he thought, for he preferred it. A frustrated blink sent all the grey code away.

In the tangled mess of iron and muddy debris, flashes of scarlet and gold armor could be seen. Approaching him, were two similarly armored figures. They held their boltguns in a parade stance as they marched directly at him. He paused, sighing while he removed his damaged helmet. They abruptly came to a stop at the same moment.

"The Legatus commands your presence," one barked.

He stood there motionless, his bloodied mouth clamped shut and eyes un-phased by their arrival. The one that had spoken flicked its armored head to the right, looking at the other warrior, then back to his direction.

He hung his own head and stared at the scarred form of his armored boots in contemplation. They were charcoal black, as his fists were. His voice sounded unexpectedly soft. "Very well, your eminence," he spat with finality.

The opposing warrior’s feet dug into the muddy slush as he bolted forward and shoved him, two armored fists punching into his battered chestplate.

He reeled, clutching his bruised sternum as it already lanced with pain from earlier. As he kneeled in the mud, the other warrior stepped in and grabbed his elbow yanking him forward.

"Crastinus will not be kept waiting, your antics are not to be tolerated."

They dragged him up and pushed him forward. He began walking and stumbled as he turned the corner, kicking over a crate. Whole squads took up watch positions in the surrounding ruins, and Rhino APCs were parked in the area that once served as a courtyard for this administratum district.

In the middle of this was a drop pod buried a meter deep into the ground. The stylized lambda of the Chapter could faintly be seen through the re-entry burns and atmospheric defacement on its hull. Four of the shielded doors were closed, but one lay down, offering a ramp into the interior of the pod. As they drew closer, the two warriors broke off from behind him, taking up their places on each side of doorway. His slack form drifted up the ramp.

Inside, sat Captain Crastinus of the Genesis. The haughty warrior was a hero of a hundred victories, so they said. He had commanded the Second Company for the last century and in the process carved out a swathe of history with his name proudly emblazoned upon it. Rumors told that Crastinus was hand picked by the Chapter Master himself, whom circumvented tradition, being that the Chapter Senate typically elects new Company Captains.

As he entered the ad hoc command pod, Crastinus looked up from the data slates on the desk in front of him. He brushed his fingers through his golden hair, taking in the sight before him.

The warrior’s ancient Mk. IV suit was stained with his own blood, matching the proud scarlet of the Chapter. The polished gold and red of Crastinus’ armor reflected back in opposition.

"Explain to me, how it is that I have a hundred Astartes underneath my command, and yet you, are the only one who refuses to obey my orders, Caracalla?"

Caracalla looked around the dark pod and then back to the Captain. His vision was beginning to blur. His armor had identified his vital signs were declining slowly. He had a punctured lung, three broken ribs, a torn anterior cruciate ligament, and many open wounds on his backside that were failing to clot properly. He had lost half his blood supply in a matter of hours. Even his post-human body was beginning to fail.

"There are those in the Chapter that are lobbying for your execution, and I fail to continue my pleading when it falls on deaf ears," Crastinus finished as his temperament boiled.

Caracalla inclined his chin bluffing, in a defiant stare, though the weakness flooding through his body was ready to overtake him any moment. The insults had grown old long ago, and the blue-bloods such as Crastinus would never look at him in equal gaze.

Caracalla swallowed, the dryness in his throat making it hard to speak, "What do you expect of me? You wield me as a scalpel, toying with me. You surgically employ me only when you see fit."

"I expect you to follow Chapter Law. I expect you to conduct yourself as a true son of Guilliman would. Yet you fail to do both," the Captain curtly responded.

There were campaigns where the entire company would go to war, yet Caracalla was held in isolation on the ship in favor of another taking his place.

"You are a liability. I was informed that you recklessly abandoned your squad," the Captain now rose from the harness he was seated in, raising his voice, "that you chased the enemy, excessively gutting their ranks in your blinded bloodlust. Where upon you tackled their commander and proceeded to bury his head in a pool of burning promethium. He was to be kept alive and turned over to the Ordos, as documented in our briefings."

A visage of disgust overtook Crastinus as he stepped toward Caracalla now. "You show the enemy your lack of control, and worse, you show your brothers no trust. The Senate will hear of this, I assure you," he ended, nodding in indication.


Just a crummy little short to maybe offer some more insight into the force. This was something I had thought up this morning. I'm not sure where I wanted to go with it, it's why it just abruptly ends after that last line. I wanted to post it though.

My last post containing an update with Captain Crastinus was lost with the board's small crash, so here are some pics, as well as Caracalla - the main character of that short. I've added a Mk. III codpiece to him.







Also, I think I'm going to change the Captain's name. Three of the main characters already have similar sounding names that start with a C, so it might be worthwhile. It's starting to bug me. laugh.png

What's in store with the release of the new CSM almost upon us? I'm glad you asked! I've already begun brainstorming what I'm going to be doing. Right now my pre-order will probably consist of the Codex, Vanguard, Sternguard, and a box of Tacticals. Beyond that, I've been dying to convert up some Terminators with a dedicated Land Raider, so I'll be itching to start gathering bits for those guys soon.

I'd like to continue the short stories and implement more background, so please be brutally honest, I want to make this the best I can. smile.png

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The Captain is superb but I think I already told you this before the site went down. Anyway I will say it again. The pose just oozes Genesis.


The story is great, very intriguing. You hint at a split within the chapter, something to do with being recruited from the "blue bloods" and the common man. This immediately perks my interest. I like the Genesis boys anyway but this added flavour appeals to me.


Carracalla's welcome to serve with the Raptors anytime mate send him over

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Tyrax - Thanks dude, really cool to hear you say that. Means a lot. smile.png

deathspecter - Cheers man!

Yak - And to that I say, thanks... again! Hah.

The Genesis are a very traditional Chapter, in my mind. They're highly influenced by the past and very much set in their ways. They're somewhat extremists - strict, efficient, uniformed, pure, noble, yadda yadda. These are just a few of the qualities that I want to stress throughout the army and its background. Caracalla is basically the antithesis of this. Not because he's a rebel, but because he feels he's been betrayed by the Chapter. I still need to delve into his motives and origin, but that will come in due time. Not every Chapter has to have an intra-conflict but tension can be good. There would certainly be political division and differing philosophies, especially in a Chapter like the Genesis. And now that you mention it, Caracalla does have some very Raptor-like qualities about him. Maybe he infiltrated the Genesis' ranks. He's an imposter!

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I'm glad to see that you're making some progress with these guys.

The Captain looks better than ever, and the red on the test model looks nice. 



I would very much like your permission to make a model based on Caracalla, at least in model form, not personality. 

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