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Scar's 40k and Pre heresy Painting log

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Showing off any Imperial Guard on B&C has been absolutely fine for a short while now (and even longer if they were Inquisitorial Henchmen, as irwit has kindly pointed out). B&C is an 'Armies of Humanity' board, rather than exclusively PA related which allows any Imperial or Chaos faction you so wish to choose - we still won't take filthy xenos, though. ;)


Feel free to show any mere mortals you may be working on, Whitescar

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Ok since so many of you think its okay ill just have a shot at it! :smile.:

Commission is painted on low tabletop quality so nothing fancy!
Its an army for the same client as where i did the ultramarine company for.

Here are the tanks:
And here all the infantry:

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